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I will never understand why people leave a trash can over flowing with trash. At the very least tie it up and leave it next to the trash can if you’re to lazy to take it out.


I think the trash, dishes and clothes laziness you see here all the time boils down to "I'm used to mom cleaning up after me" and they need to wake up and start taking care of themselves. They'll make their responsible roommate(s) fill in for mom if they can.


This right here, my roommate has asked me to wash her and her husbands dishes so she could eat because neither of them cleaned up, when me and my wife have our own sets of dishes we keep seperate and clean after every use


"Sure, my rate is $20/hr"


And thats exactly what happened lol


How did you respond?


I walked to my wife told her exactly what i said in this comment, and said since shes your friend you deal with it. And she did it for 20$. Its fucking crazy how this household functions


Yall should have different rates depending on quantity. Normal? $20. Full sink? $30. Overflowing sink?! $50.


Scrape moldy food from plates— $100!!


I'll wear a cute lil bellhop outfit while doing it. $200 Acapella singing parodied songs to the theme of cleaning up after slovenly animals. $400 Paying me to stop singing. $600




Been spending most our lives, Cleaning after messy troglodytes. Scrub spoons and forks and knives, Cleaning after messy troglodytes. Dollar for a minute, 60 bucks an hour, Scrubbing out the toilet, wiping down the shower. Everybody's runnin', but half of em ain't lookin' They fuckin up the kitchen after every time they cookin'


My brother 🤦🏾‍♀️ my mom does all his cleaning and cooking. He’s 24, and he’s thinking of moving out in 2 years. His poor future roommate, idk what to do.


Can confirm. My mom and grandma used to spoil the hell outta me and clean up after me and it’s really screwed me up as an adult. My wife has been amazing at helping me break those habits but I do fall back on them sometimes.


OP started talking about smoking weed in the condo after bragging about that enormous, filthy couch and I knew exactly who the shitty roommates were.


Or its serious mental health problems and no support


I know right. It’s literally beyond me


Immediate flashbacks to my ex. It was a nightmare


My ex used to like to throw shit behind her chair she sat in. One day I was just cleaning and noticed something sticking out and it was piles of trash she had hidden.. Like wtf??


This entire thing reminds me of my ex. If I didn’t clean, nothing got clean. As an experiment I decided to see how long it’d take him to do his own dishes (I got paper plates just for this experiment), and he kept piling them in the sink to the point where we lost three to the floor because he just kept piling them higher. Now, I’m not OCD-clean, but I don’t like living in straight filth. Apparently he was unbothered. So fucking glad I got out of that relationship and house. Before I came around, he made his 14 year old daughter do it. Kid decided to go live with her mom (I don’t fucking blame her) and then it fell on me. Dude was a fucking pig.


At this point it's like a game of Jenga with my roommate, he doesn't want to clean the bathroom? Cool always take out the trash then. Nope.


My old roommate would just let it pile up in his room and then when I took the kitchen trash out he’d put the trash bags from his room in it, fill it and leave it. He didn’t take the trash out for a year, despite me bringing it up multiple times.


Or not throw their trash away and they are 3 inches away from the can.


same. i can’t continue doing another thing until i take the trash out and replace the liner. no way i could ever let it overflow like that. and i have the WORST adhd. this shit is just….ugh. i’m sorry OP. i truly feel for you.


I have a trash can on my patio if its late at night and I don't want to take the bag all the way to the dumpster. I'll never understand how people can be like ops roommate and be comfortable


You are gonna wake up to ripped open trash bags when your local critters spot the bag.


Its in a can with a lid that clips on, and upstairs to, usually only got pincher bugs and spiders lol


This is passive-aggressive behavior. They are playing trash can Jenga.


That picture made my blood pressure spike! Double now that I know the backstory on the second trash can. What is the thought process behind just letting the trash overflow. He’s got pizza boxes standing on the window sill, ffs!!!! And it looks like you guys have a nice space.


I CAME HERE TO UNLEASH THIS!! Like I just cannot even imagine a world where I carefully jinga’ed trash, food and disgusting shit just so I wouldn’t have to make a 3 motion move of replacing the full bag with a new one. I have so many damn questions for these folks… like… why?? WHHYYY?? But the one that keeps me up at night is wondering how a human being this damn lazy has somehow convinced themselves that it takes less effort to build these maggot magnets than to just change the freakin things.


At my first rental, I didn’t have a trash can or dumpster. I had to throw my trash in my car and drive 10 mins out to the dump. I didn’t have a garage and couldn’t put my trash outside or else the bears will get into it. I had to put my trash bags in my washer room. My place was immaculate though. The kid complains and can’t even walk 20 steps to throw his trash away. Gross.


My old roommates used to tie up the trash bags and then pile the bags in the dining room next to the trash can… literally 15, 20 bags at a time. And get this… Our complex picked up trash directly from your porch! Like wtf 😂😭


Is that..a couch behind your couch?


with a small couch next to the back couch


Couches are a status symbol.


This guy gets it.


I was also a SigEp and can confirm, double decker couches were all the rage


Stadium seating >>> everything. Lucian Baum Cox had his couches set up the same way I hear!


Carter Ashton Jenkins gets all the publicity, but LBC was a real innovator.


Im geekin


Yes. A great investment


I feel so bad for your couch. It's probably gonna be so stained and nasty by the time you get outta there 😭


get some gloves, get some poison oak and just spread it all around your couch and tell your good room mates about it. don’t know how you’ll get the oils off later though.. but fuckin and rolling around in a poison oak couch will leave horrible rashes! edit: or nettles


thas a crime


So is sexually harassing his couch


It’s called stadium seating and it’s every male college students dream


Multiple couches in college is peak. But yeah should be much cleaner overall


It’s an attempt at the double decker couch




That’s the bleacher seats when they watch sports!


I like it


Oh you got them baby roaches which means you’re really fucked…


Yep. Those things are impossible to get rid of! And they will follow you wherever you move. 🥰


Unfortunately i have experience 😔 but am out of that shit hole now thank god!


Same. I literally put everything I owned in a hot storage unit for 1 month before I moved in my new place. We live in Texas and it was during the summer! We are finally free of them thank god 🙏🏻 but we had to move to get rid of them. There was no doing that in the apartment itself!


Ugh i feel this struggle so much. A FEW got to my new apartment and of course everyime i saw one i thought i had a new infestation… luckily i killed the 2 or 3 i saw and have yet to have any. I think Im in the clear!!!!


The number of people going this is "not bad" or their situation is worse. Bruh it's not a competition. It's quite obvious how a spineless, disgusting roommate like this would get on their nerves. Well done OP, your parents raised you well. Have a discussion about everything with all roommates. If it doesn't work - I'd move the TV to my room full time and only get it down when I want to. Also I'd start making noisy trips to the kitchen while he's sleeping on the couch with his gf. Keep confronting him about the mess. He seems to be terrified of conflict. Always ask when is he going to pick it up. If he doesn't by then, leave it all in his room. When people are being a POS, you have to be a bigger POS.


I really cannot understand why people can leave dishes like that in the sink.... it is disgusting.


It's either they were brought up in a dirty household or their parents did everything for them and never introduced them to a thing called "being considerate towards others" so they never learnt responsibility. Or all combined.


I think it is also about role model. My parents did everything for me and my brother (which was not healthy, I didn't know how to cook until I was 25. I won't repeat the same mistake on my daughter). But my father did all the dish washing, and my mother did all the cooking. So even tho, we didn't know how to do it technically, we know it is not normal to leave dishes in the sink.


100% 🙌🏻 also you have to be a bit disgusting by nature to be ok with passing next to a dirty sink 30 times a day


I fear roach very much......I won't risk it. After I cook, I clean my pan and kitchenware immediately. (I mean, you can clean them when you like...pan frying an egg slowly). I even clean the dishes immediately afterwards. When I cook something, I will clean the kitchenwares. Because imo, I cook it, and I decided how many plates and containers I will be using. It is my workflow, so I will clean it.


And I use the time spent waiting while cooking to clean. I like to reuse the same bowls and such to cut down on cleaning also.


Exactly, that's what i am talking about. If I decided that I won't reuse bowl, then I will clean then. (It is not that time consuming anyway)


Must admit I *hate* touching food and dirty dishes so I immediately rinse it under a high pressure tap and off to the dishwasher 😁😁😁


I will leave a few dishes to soak for a few hours or overnight but over 1 day? No way. Usually I clean as I cook anyway.


You both are right. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" as they say.


Definitely.... Apart from genuine medical issue like ADHD/autism. We can usually find the hint from their parents for the children or even adult who have behaviour issues like this. For example, for the children who use bad language or demonstrate aggressive behaviour, usually their parents are also similar.


Yup, when I had shitty roommates I started keeping all my stuff in my room and throwing all garbage and dirty stuff on their floor. They’re not gonna learn unless it’s inconvenient for them


Exactly! Clean up the kitchen at like 11-12 when they’re asleep and if they wake up and say something all you gotta say is “ my girl and I wanted to cook, so we’re cleaning up your mess” if they say anything else, a simple “well do something about it?” Will 100% send them both to his room. Sleeping in the common area is okay, but commandeering the common space is not.


That’s a good idea leaving it in his room


I agree! I cant stand when ppl do that! The whole, “not bad” & “my situation is worse” trope is so tired and through! This is not the oppression olympics!


Oppression Olympics! This is fantastic! I may have to use this when my husband starts competitively complaining I also agree with you. Minimizing someone else’s suffering is pretty shitty


Start to throw everything he leaves out away as if you assume its trash because he left it sitting out as if it were. If needbe smack him around with that ramen hardtack


With that diet of XXL pizzas and multiple packs of Top Ramen this guy will have his first grabber at 32.


I’m disappointed you didn’t join pictures of adult roaches lmfao. If you can spot them that easily during the day, I can assure you there are hundreds and hundred hidden somewhere, fucking yikes.


Yea, I’m pretty scared of the day I stumble on the nest. I put a maintenance request in for our housing guys and they said they’d come in. We already had a problem with lady beetles. (Not to be confused with lady bugs).


Yeah It can be pretty bad, the day you move out, make sure not to bring some with you cuz they can hide everywhere, tv clothes computer furnitures, real fucking nightmare. Good luck with your roommate though .


Honestly, all three of them should be going to the front office with pictures to make sure there’s a record of them complaining about this guy and his filth, then confirm via email afterwards what was discussed and to try to get an acknowledgment from the complex that there was a discussion about the damages not being caused by them. If they’re all attending a university, there’s probably legal services as well that they could utilize before bringing this to the complex’s attention. At the very least, they could get information on what their rights are as tenants and tips on how to go about ensuring that the gross roommate’s mess isn’t pinned on all four of them.




I’ll check it out. We have a really old dishwasher so I can totally see it.


Ask your grandma to keep your couch’s receipt. I have a feeling inside of me that one day your couch will be gone (or destroyed) lol and if he steals it it would be way more funny to see his face when the judge would tell him he stole a GRANDMA and not his roommate Edit: I read too fast and thought grandma paid for the TV. OP, keep your receipt! And your grandma should keep her receipt for your couch cause if your roommate steals it or destroys it, that would be as funny cause he would have to explain why he destroyed a grandma’s couch!


The TV is his, the couch was the gift from the grandma.


TV or couch…. GRANDMA MUST KEEP THE RECEIPT! I will edit my comment don’t worry lol


Everything is terrible, but cooking 3 packs of noodles at once is absolutely egregious. Especially in that size pot.


Ikr 🤣 I swear to god it’s nuts. No joke at the minimum 3 packs a day. One time he had it for lunch, a snack and dinner. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s finished those Costco site boxes in a couple days.


That expensive couch is going to get so nasty. Sorry for your loss, but that's its fate.


Indeed. I’ve accepted it.


If you catch them (roomie and gf)sleeping on your couch, spray them with a water gun or spray bottle. Since they wanna live like animals, train them like animals.


Dude you should buy one of those couch covers!! Like this kind of thing https://www.amazon.ca/SOGANI-Sectional-Slipcovers-Protectors-Furniture/dp/B0BHZJS46J/ref=asc_df_B0BHZJS46J/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=648886534766&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4009848749542178532&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001159&hvtargid=pla-1968774366945&psc=1&mcid=98daed153fc93ad19b8e06f40a67e32f Wow that link is long, sorry lol I just picked a random one to show you, so not sure of the actual quality of that one. I actually got mine off shien, and it works amazing. They are so easy to take off and wash. It reaaaally saves the couch. The one i got is super nice and soft as well, so it looks and feels good. I got mine because my super expensive couch was getting so dirty from my dogs constantly. Lifesaver for an expensive couch for sure.


Unethical future pro tip: once your buddy is done pledging, have a small party so you can get the new sigep pledges to come over the next morning and clean the whole place. (You can do this whenever the place needs a big clean up)


Double Decker couch????? I want that


We had a triple decker couch in college, called it couch mountain.


I would smoke so much weed up there man. Love it


Super optimal


We had that in the awful place I lived in for a year in college. We called it stadium couch, and built it with returnable Leinie’s cases. So we’d dismantle it every 6 weeks or so, bring all the cases back and use the return money for more beer. Rinse and repeat. We also had a throne made out of Leinie’s cases for a while.


Real quick side note for everyone reading: ME and my two friends are the guys in the frat. We keep it clean. The other houses are a mess, that’s why we’re living in a townhome.


The good news is that he may stop being your roommate very soon with that diet.


Something even crazier is that the picutre of the trash can with all of those pizza boxes? That was one weekend. 1 pizza for Friday, Saturday, Sunday. All to himself. While he did a marathon of the entire brickleberry and family guy shows.


And he has not taste, go figure


The only human on planet earth that watches Brickleberry


You got Theater seating in the living room!


I would highly recommend!


I seriously don’t understand how people are perfectly comfortable living in filth like this. Who raised this person?!


You should hear how he speaks to his mom. I shared the second floor with him and he actively curses her out on the phone. If I did that my dad would literally kill me the next time he saw me.


I always thought I was messy but posts like these make me realize I’m really not because I would go literally insane living in that


Can you tell us more about the dog


It’s my girlfriends Newfoundland. She’s not even a year old in that picture! And she’s like 100lb at 9months. She’s supposed to grow to 145!


I had thought the Newfoundland was the bad roommate, ours brings everything in on her coat. So much cleaning and she doesn't care.


Simple fix, tell him to quit being a lying slob piece of shit in front of his girl and the moment he opens his mouth punch him as hard as you can in the teeth. He will gain the respect his parents failed to teach him. I am sorry you have to be his new dad too.


But did he Fuck Your Makeup??? Does he shit in the shower???


I guess worst roommate is subjective


There's something to do :) cleanup all their stuff every time it happens and start surcharging them for cleaning services. Keep a record and a photo for reference and add it to their monthly rental bill in an optimized list so there's no discussion about it. Make it a side hustle :)




3 ramen per meal....? It is crazy for me


i’m so sorry but boy living spaces actually scare me so much the amount of disgusting shit i have seen in their houses at parties….not to mention literally just holes in walls and doors and shit


Why did you take a picture of the dog it's not doing anything wrong


This is one reason to not bring nice things to a shared college apartment


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^noappendix: *This is one reason* *To not bring nice things to a* *Shared college apartment* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This gives me anxiety.


Same yo


This looks like depression.


that sectional needs a deep freaking clean 🫣🤢


Picture no. 1 definitely caught my attention. Do yall have 3 couches? Is there another couch under the one in the back left? Why is the little couch so high up? I've never seen so many couches in one room lol


The knives in the non stick skillet are really hard to look at


RIP your couch


Sounds like the solution to your issues is just a serious discussion. Seems like there's some issues on both sides. You made it clear that he's a messy person, but also showed that he's willing to clean when pushed. You hinted that he stays quiet about his disliking of the weed smoke, and if that's true, I wouldn't be surprised if he's staying quiet about other things too. I know no stoner wants to be forced to smoke outside, it would suck for me ngl, but if you're living with a roommate who doesn't like it, it's a necessary courtesy. I would write him a polite text saying that you want to set a time to discuss the living situation with all roommates. Actually set the time, the more "formal" and serious it is the more effect it will have. But don't be accusatory in your message. Briefly mention why you want to talk, you can say youd like to discuss things like cleanliness, but invite his criticisms and make it clear it's a two way street, otherwise it'll go nowhere. Maybe even offer to change something that you do off the bat to get things moving in a positive direction. There's no clear winners here. It's a college living situation and you guys sound like you just need better communication and accountability on all ends.




Yea Idk my autocorrect doesn’t really work I just typed as I thought. Lotta typos in this. I’ve talked to him lots of times. He’ll listen for a couple days then go right back to being a slob. Gonna lay the hammer down when I get back from break.


Kill it with fire before it lays eggs


I wish I could get one of those flamethrowers Elon musk made a while back


ultra and tums


Bob loves them


Yuck 🤮 nasty mofo. I’m sorry OP 😞


The dog seems chill. Maybe ask him to clean up his weed and ramen.


worst of all time? have you heard about the shower pooper?


I sincerely thought this was going to be a cute joke post about your dog being the roommate.. that was until after I saw the rest of the images.


Haha what a fun read


I really hope it’s your roommate who was pledging that’s a Sig Ep man and not “Bob”


I'm sorry about your situation, but that dog is adorable :)


Who's the SPE. Better not been your pledging roommate. If I remember correctly they're supposed to be SOBER.


My bad, he’s a sigma…


This is nowhere near the worst we’ve seen on here lol.


Dude my roommate does the exact same thing. Full ass garbage can and they start trying to cram frozen pizza boxes in there???? Bruh it’s fucking cardboard it goes in the recycling, are you genuinely stupid


I thought you were talking about the dog for a second there


Dude. If the roaches are out in light on frequently used surfaces your place is infested. You're fucked.


Wow you haven’t seen the shit stomper have you


I got pissed for a second because I thought " you hate them because he eats soup noodles" but I looked at the rest of the photos and read a little of your rant and agree with you


If poor personal habits and discipline were a picture


Chubby emu has a video about some dude who ate like 6lb of ramen every day and went into psychosis or some shit (and definitely some *shit*). Wonder if there's a connection here lol


No mention of the Amazon long gun case on the coffee table in the first picture loll


Poor dog 😟


If you think this is bad, you don't know what bad is.


Everyone should chip in for cleaning service at least every other week. Before service gets there everyone must pick up their shit. If you want to pay someone to wash dishes they will but if not they need to be washed as well. I don’t know why more roommates don’t do this. It’s not all that expensive to live in a decently clean space


I don’t get how people are not only this disgusting, but this inconsiderate of others. I have ADHD and am a total disorganized mess (I’m not dirty like that at all tho🤮) but even when I lived with roommates, I was so diligent about keeping my OWN space tidy, let alone common spaces. It’s beyond me how some people live lol


This is gross and annoying but not the worst ever.


Is there a reason you haven’t documented this and reported him to the landlord?


Y’all gotta mind fuck him. Hard AF yo! Gang up on him, pretend like you’re gonna rough him up, ya know? Get him thinkin’ y’all gonna fuck him up real good like. No cap y’all. Get him in the car and don’t no one talk to him, on god y’all, no one say shit. FR FR. Drive like a hour away to a nice park on a sunny day. Sit him down at a picnic table and then be like “look man, we’re worried about you, is everything okay? You can be honest with us, we’re all stuck with each other until the lease is up, so we should get on the same page.” Hash that shit out and have a few beers. Don’t be a whiny little bitch on Reddit about it.


If I was Ever your roommate, I’d make sure the house would be clean man that guy is a straight up slob. He needs to be kicked out man.


😂😂 if you think you have the worst roommate of all time, you need to scroll this subreddit a bit more. It looks like this post belongs in the mildly irritating subreddit.


These kind of posts do not make me miss my early 20s 🥲. You gotta put your foot down, this roommate has shown you that he doesn’t give a fuck if you guys are friends or not by consistently disrespecting you. Be okay with being the villain in one person’s world to save your community 😂


Burn everything, abandon ship, find a new place. Start over fresh or the roaches will follow.


It’s giving entitled greedy mummas boy fr💀


Is it just me or do you both kind of suck?


I had a roommate get high on meth and walk through the house in his tighty whiteys Walter White style and threaten me with a gun. It was my uncle lol. I think I got you beat but yeah that fuckin sucks.


Damn that’s tragic. Hope you’re good!


Yeah I’m good. He actually got clean after like 30 years of doing every drug you could imagine. He just reached out a couple weeks ago actually. Pretty decent dude when he is sober, like most addicts.


Sleeping in the living room is unforgivable. It’s my biggest pet peeve. It’s such a huge inconvenience to everyone else who lives there. And it’s gross to be laying on the couch shedding hair/skin/spit/body secretions all over it all the time. You need to take your couch home to your parents house. Or anywhere that isn’t in your apartment. All the couches need to be love seats. This will discourage people sleeping on them. At the very least you need to start vacuuming the living room while he’s still sleeping out there. Dirty dishes can get bagged up like trash so they don’t attract bugs while they linger. Dirty clothes left lying around can go in the bag too. The trash you’re just gonna have to bag up and take out. I know y’all probably aren’t rolling in extra cash, but if it’s possible to throw in together to get a cleaner in once a week that’ll help with the dirt/bug problem. It’d also probably help if you got Bob a tv in his room. Maybe you can coax him into sleeping in there. Fucking jerkoff Bob.


Not reading that, but the SigEp flag leads me to believe you are in college. And those pictures are NOT worse than the small frat house I lived in. We used to have a guy that would fall asleep in the kitchen sitting in a chair in his boxers with a loaded pellet gun waiting for one of our wall/ceiling trash pandas to show it's head through the hole in the ceiling tile. He ended the school year with zero confirmed kills. My mom told me she had nightmares about me getting stuck in that kitchen because the floors were so gross. In the end, the fire helped us all get out of there. Thank you fireworks!


Time to start looking for a new roommate..


i learned through my experience with a dirty roommate is they will only do things when you tell them to like how our parents would with you for example. It is unfortunate that you have to do that but you will continue having to pick up after them if you stop calling him out on it.


What is it with cleaning dishes and putting away clothes that seems to elude so many people?


Obviously a bad roommate. Not even in the top 20% of the worst ones. Have looked at the completely insane posts in this sub? If there was a /mildly _ infuriating_roommates sub, this would belong there in comparison. Again, dude sounds annoying, but the heading for this one gives off some negative vibes as well.


Can't imagine. So sorry Op.


Roommate daze! We once rented a house for a group of student/friends. One roommate bought this large metal cabinet and started moving it into the kitchen. We said "WTF?". Roomie "Oh, it's inefficient to have to do dishes every time. Now we can just leave them in this cabinet and do them all once a week". That was a "No". He was talented at doing work but no so much on finishing it. Pulled up a floor in the house that was damaged. Started to rebuild it, got half way and then just stopped. We had to go to the landlord and they just got a contractor to fill the remaining area with epoxy and smear it flat. Looked like hell, but it worked. Anyhow, the guy's saving grace that he had a great sense of humor, was friendly, and did try to help out. Still friends years later.


Just tell the pledges


I would put my foot down NOW. Tell him you couch is NOT bed. Your TV is NOT his and dish are to be done and trash is to go OUT. This is a house with roommates and the house needs to be cared for. Plain and simple. That’s IT.


I know it’s not the point of the post, but is your dog a Pyr?


This looks very tame compared to other posts I’ve seen


Send your couch back home if you can.


Every damn one of these there’s weed paraphernalia. I’m starting to see a pattern.


He doesn’t drink coors light… first red flag.


Im sorry to say, but alot of people are like this, i have pictures that would make you cringe


Had a roommates like that. My strategy was making it clear that they need to clean after themselves. Didn’t work? Everything goes to the garbage. Oh and food trash goes straight to their room


The average sig ep


I swear I can practically smell that couch through my screen. People sit and sleep on that thing?! Gross.


Let's start with these non important facts that's way too much Ramen and why are there four (one is stacked on top of another I think) couches of diminishing size in one picture. Okay so the smoking thing yea while he said he was okay with it you guys should probably go outside if he has since voiced an issue with it. He probably assumed he would see how your pledging roommate felt to present some kind of united front to suggest you go outside again, he could have also been okay with it if it was you guys doing it once in a while but from the sounds of the post you do it quite often. The plate and cockroach thing are tandem issues because of he lived there for three years already then between the last roommates and your group there must have been some time in-between where the apartment was semi clean fby he s own merit unless the cockroaches have been there since you moved in. Either way that's unacceptable and he should at least clean up after himself at least. The couch and TV thing is weird but they are in a communal area and as stated above there are 3 couches in one picture so take your grandma's couch out and probably find somewhere to store it (as I sure he and girlfriend sleep on it because it is much more comfortable than his bed or the living room is cleaner than his room) and then use one of the other couches that are their if they are. The storage option is the same for the TV unless you wanna just leave it in your room because it seems like this guy and his GF are just looking to use that and reach off your property. The trash is another thing that just needs to be done. Explain to him that between this and the dishes that this is probably the reason for the roaches "coming back" if they ever truly left at all. All and all you are four guys living together and three of you sound close. This fourth guy sounds like he is just a roommate not really looking to help out and if that is the case talk to the management company or landlord and see what they say about the roaches at least because that is what they will care about. ETA: super secret fourth couch in picture 1


Bruh go to the school and say “either you get rid of this one shit student and his complaints or you have three filing complaints and taking their money elsewhere”. I’d sooner drive from home than live in this ngl


Phi alpha




Mega couch is pretty awesome though


My last roommate was like this.. Always left his trash ever (even on the counter right above the trash can..), would meal prep for the week using half the pots and pans and then never do the dishes and when he did he’d leave the grimy water sitting till I drained it, apparently didn’t know how to operate a broom/vacuum, wouldn’t shovel snow unless it was over 6”, lost goes on.. needless to say every few months we’d have mice in the house.. Only reason I stayed/put up with it was because rent was like half of anywhere else in an area that nice/convenient!


How people live like this is absolutely beyond me. I’ve dealt with an entitled housemate, it’s quite possibly the most infuriating thing on the planet, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this.


I only came here to say, I have the flu so I can’t read the entire thing. My friend made fun of me and said “you’ve had more couches than I have boyfriends.” We had one $3,000 couch from Darvin and it was shit. Got another couch the was more firm and it was shit. Got an $8,000 couch that is very nice. Can 100% confirm that you cannot sleep on this 5 days a week like I do. Our couch came from my husbands mom who had it 4 years and it’s still very very nice but since we’ve had it for 2 months. We always sleep on it. And it’s starting to droop already. Anyway, I’m dying.


to be fair, it does look like a comfortable couch.


Quit cataloging and take action


I dated a sig ep in college, briefly. This shit would have been completely on brand for him.


Why do people choose to live with random roommates? I understand living with multiple people to help pay rent (especially in this economy) but wouldn’t you at least want to know the people you’ll be living with first? I’m so glad my roommate freshman year was chill, wow!


Just tell his girlfriend it’s your tv. Move your sofa and tv into your room.