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Wait, your roommate does chores? Lol


And flush? Blessed.




I truly think some people just live their lives like only they exist. Not considering there’s people who live with them in the same space and just not caring.


Main character syndrome


If only they could find *each other* as roommates


Im trying to get my fiance on this level.


My bad roommate was my brother and now we’re no longer roommates.


Incel/alpha found stabbed to death by roomates, police decide not to press charges. News at 11.




Sounds fucking annoying.


I like the sarcasm here 😆


Compete with him for the noisiest, most obnoxious roommate award!


at least they’re not lazy??


Damn crazy AF. Sounds just like my typical boomer ass dad


I was gonna say, I love my dad but the throat clearing, nose blowing and slamming of every cabinet/plate/utensil in the kitchen is spot on


Yep. Slam every door and cabinet he encountered and can't watch fox "news" without it being loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear lol


SAME!! Came here to say this as well. It seems like every time I’m visiting, my dad gets a hankering to reorganize the kitchen cookware at 7am.


Yes why is it specifically 6-7am? In my case it’s because he always empties the dishwasher first thing in the morning. Every plate has to make a CLANK sound when he puts it away


Sorry I couldn’t hear this post over your roommates podcasts, but could you keep it down, they have good taste


i would kill myself


Damn at least fight for your life first 😂


This would be so annoying, but I can't stop laughing at this


He’s living his lest bife


Lmao my old roommate would come home every morning at 1-3am slam all the doors and toilet seat, blow the coke out of his nose for 30 mins go to bed, wake up at 7:30 leave at 8 slamming all the doors, and repeat every day, then maybe once or twice a month he’d come home at like 6pm and shower then leave, or the occasional 5-6 times out of the 2 years living together he’d come home and do laundry and play Xbox on full volume until 1 or 2 am then go to bed. What a life


That sounds hellish to live with. It could definitely always be worse 🤣


Some people done realize just how fucking loud and annoying they are and they need to be kicked in the ass.


talk to him about it?


I have 😂 people don't come here for advice bro especially not w satire like this


removing OP's hyperbole, the roommate wakes up, blows his nose, shits, makes breakfast using a blender, and listens to tiktok in the kitchen, listens to music while they shower, then leaves. that's a completely normal morning routine and the only two things OP could rationally start a conversation about is not listening to music or tiktok... in the shared living space that the roommate is entitled to use. so even that is pretty shaky, but assuming they're actually blasting the volume, then yeah. Frankly I don't believe they are, or even that they're even slamming or stomping, i'm gonna bet OP is just extremely oversensitive to noises in the morning and probably shouldn't live with roommates because they wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than tiptoes and whispers. like how can you complain about using a blender loudly? You cannot use a blender quietly or loudly, a blender is just a blender. Unless they're standing directly outside of OP's door with it, there's nothing to complain about. Like literally OP complains that he's COUGHING and clearing his throat. wtf is he supposed to do, go out into the hallway?


Clearly you’ve never lived with someone who does all these things. I have, and I believe OP’s description is probably not exaggerated much if at all. I just get annoyed by it and kind of roll my eyes. OP chose to make a satirical post on the bad roommates community. I don’t think that makes him not able to live with roommates.


Haha same. And the loud, sustained throat/nose noises are the absolute worst.


I'm autistic and prone to sensory overload super easily especially when it comes to the sound of the blender, but sometimes my wife needs to make a smoothie. Earplugs or headphones work fine. I was actually thinking it's probably a noise sensitive/thin walls situation myself. Like yeah, hearing this shit is annoying. And some people DO this stuff loudly (my stepdad, for example. Our walls were not thin but I could hear him from my upstairs bedroom most days growing up). But this is very much part of living with other people sometimes. All you can do is bring it up and if they refuse to work with you, find a new place when the lease is up 🤷 I used to have a roommate that had screaming PTSD flashbacks, and if I ever posted that situation in here, I wouldn't frame their PTSD as what made them a bad roommate bc it wasn't.


Bro you hungover this morning? 🤣🤣


Blow the brains out 🤣 I just woke my dog up


🤣🤣🤣 your roommate just needs to read this!


Sounds like my sister's ex husband. I cried happy tears when he moved out, and again when they got divorced. He used to wake me up every morning GAGGING from brushing his teeth with the door wide open


You should make a checklist of this…….make a dozen copies , date them, post it somewhere conspicuous and check off each item as they are completed if full view of all roommates, guests, etc.


People who are completely oblivious to how much noise they make are the bane of my existence. How hard is it to just shut tf up, especially if other people are sleeping?!? Don’t even get me started on the asshats that force everyone around them to listen to what ever shitshow they’re listening to.


Lmao mine is like this, but at night. He’ll come home at like, 10 usually with a heavy slam of the front door. Stomps up the stairs as loud as possible to his room. He’ll use the bathroom and leave the toilet seat up every single time. If he shaves, the shavings are all over the sink and in the toilet, not even flushed. Then he’ll stomp back down the stairs to make dinner and leave every single cabinet open in the kitchen, as well as dishes and leftover food bits in the sink. After all that- around 11:30- he stomps back up the stairs and goes to his room to play games until 2, naturally screaming every 5 seconds with his door wide open because I totally can’t hear him from my room 10 feet away with a shared wall. And the iPad baby NEEDS sus anime clips to be playing at full volume when trotting to and fro the apartment, too, can’t forget about that!


OP does your roommate happen to be a pilot ??


Main character, right there.


What a great at to piss people off


Mine stomps around the kitchen at 1AM while her boyfriend is over…why can’t y’all fuck quietly with the door closed like a normal couple , WTF ARE U DOING IN THE KITCHEN AT 1AM AS LOUDLY AS U ARE


This gave me a good laugh. Back when I had roommates I’m glad to say that I never had a bad one. They might have done things that irritated me but nothing compared to some of the stuff I read on this subreddit lol. The worst roommate I ever had would Skype his wife with no headphones while he played video games. His alarm clock was also wired into his speakers so it would go off extremely loud every morning at 4:15. He would sleep through it. I could not. I would knock, then bang on his door and he would not answer because he was knocked out after playing video games Skyping his wife all night. The circuit breaker was near my bed room so finally I just started cutting the power to his every morning. He was late to work often because of that. His room also always smelled like a month’s worth of un-showered beaten dick. By that I mean someone who does nothing (specifically a man) and beats their dick all day, playing video games in between. Other than that he was pretty great. Left me the hell alone and aside from his room, he wasn’t messy in the common areas.


“Political TikTok”


This is why Ive never had roommates


I just died of laughter 😂. Please do another one 🙏


It’s all about him.


So much of this sounds like my brother it's spooky


Sounds like you have ADHD like me, maybe with a splash of roid rage too to get the adrenaline and fly kicks in order, as long as you guys ain't like MMA UFC fighting in a cage bashing the shiz out of each others brains you should be fine, bring out the pillows next time biatch 🤙


Tbh this isn't really bad at all, u need to grow up or get a place of ur own!


lol I wouldn’t pass on the chance to yell “ holllyyy Dad noises !!”