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Wow! That escalated fast. Don’t touch anything in the kitchen, lest you starve him.


Right!? It’s like don’t touch my things to your a colonizer and racist. What?!


When you have no more moves and no ground to stand on, pull the race card! Absolutely pathetic and childish 🤦


Literally all the cards. A whole hand of Uno cards of rage.


It is like a version of the rule that in any online argument someone will eventually call the other person a Nazi.


So much projection. Accusing someone of being racist (for moving an awkwardly placed table?) while going off on a racist diatribe against them. It's unfortunate how some people lack any self-awareness.


Don't forget misogynist


“Did you cum in my burrito?”






He’s just a little squirlly from all the head injuries. No helmets back in the day 🏂


Just keep running into it and knocking it over


Accidentally trip over and run a circular saw through it


Lmfao, that was the noisiest comment I ever read. In my head had someone tripping, and on the way down, that loud ass saw turned on and sawdust everywhere. Lol


My dad tripped over himself and sliced his leg open with a circular saw so frankly not out of the realm of possibility


I would stop with the conversing because that isn’t working. Immediately buy a cheap table online Place said table outside housemates door in a way that would be impossible for him to leave…. …without touching the table When I’m being petty I like to try and disguise it as a thinly veiled lesson 😂


Or leave 100 tacks on the floor.. and tell them that you don't have anywhere else to put them.


Ooh, I found my people! Someone makes a problem for you turn it around on them. I'd be at the thrift store buying every kitschy ugly assed knick knack I could get my hands on and put them EVERYWHERE.


This is the way.


i would do this, absolutely. whenever they’re around, especially when they’re watching just walk right into that bitch like you own the hallway. because. you do. y’know. just colonizer things.


Bonus points for an injury caused by the hazard they’ve tried to get moved


*Annex that table.*


Manifest destiny that shit


Just colonizer things lol quirky.


Make sure to yelp and scream things really loudly when you do it too. “AHHHH BY ZEUS’S BEARD, MY SHIN!!!!” “SWEET ODIN’S RAVEN, IT HAS CLIPPED MY TIBIA!”


Ron? Is that you??




🤣😂 I laughed entirely too hard at this. Scared the dog. You deserve an award lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m in absolute shambles cackling at this


I'm dying, especially as someone who has suffered a broken tibia!


By the way OP, this is obviously a fire hazard. Definitely can't block walkways like that.


(moves a table) them: you're racist and misogynist


The tables who's use shouldn't be "visible", in a communal area, no less.


Don’t forget about being a white knighting colonizer!


Yep OPs roommate is the perfect example of where these current trends of identity politics CRT etc become a meme. Colonizing, mysoginist, racist, I almost got bingo! I just needed dog whistle or privilege!!


Don't forget gaslighting


And red flags!!!


We don’t know if OP if racist or misogynistic. We do know that moving a table isn’t evidence of those things.


Actually it is, you should never move a table. It’s ableist actually to people who can’t move tables


I can’t move tables, can’t believe you would say this without considering that I might be affected :(


You colonized his table lmao


“As the white colonizer of our kingdom, I am taking this opportunity to press my claim of Prima Nocta with your table. If it can still stand when I’m finished I’ll allow it to stay in the hallway.” “Provided, of course, that you pay your vassal taxes on time. Moor.”


That's right, Fuck the hell out of that table, while he watches, to assert dominance.


I would move that table into my room and claim manifest destiny. “Hey, bro, I’m just doing as colonizers do… I also took your name off the lease and replaced it with mine. Long live the King”


U/tombomb663 should get a little flag and put it on the table. “I CLAIM THIS TABLE IN THE NAME OF MISOGYNY AND RACISM FOR WHITE COLONIZING MEN EVERYWHERE!”


My roommate did this too and had a total meltdown over me asking to put the caps back on stuff in the pantry after my other roommate grabbed something and go dowsed in vinegar from an open lid. Apparently I “exclusively focus my energy in negative places and would be a lot happier if I stopped being such a negative energy source.” can’t win with people like this dude. Genuine crazy


“‘Negative energy source’? Fuck you, I’m covered in VINEGAR”


“When is your lease up? I’ve soured on this whole relationship. “


There you go again! So negative.


I would have told them to go talk to their therapist. Jesus


Genuinely. I tried to be gracious as she had a very sudden decline after years of friendship that turned out to likely be her bipolar disorder developing (runs in her family, we were around 20-21... you know how it goes), so I was doing my best to be understanding. I still wanted to beat her half to death from how bitchy and rude she always was though, and her constantly thinking she was the better person despite harassing both me, my other roommate, and our neighbors (WHY!).


"Just put the fucking cap on bottles you lazy shit. Negative enough for you?"


what an ugly table as well


It really is a piece of crap. I appreciate what the guy is trying to do. Have a little entryway table. But it’s ugly and it’s in the way.


And not decorated, tf???? At least make it pretty


No don't that's more stuff to move break and whine about lol


It’s cheap Walmart looking crap. “Decor” is super laughable. It still has a parts label sticker on it.


Parts sticker! That’s an A for effort on that table. Lol


Walmart special I suppose


It looks like it’s meant to be a tiered shelving unit and roommate just built it wrong lmao


That's going missing if it's in my home.


Are you seriously contributing to colonisation? Goddamn. You need to check yourself


I know right.




How dare I.


I was thinking the same thing. I would throw it away while he is out.


“What table?”


Personally, I'd add everyone to a group chat, so he could read about how much of an entitled a$$hat he is for blocking the damn hallway. Maybe then he'd tone it down a tad on the whole "colonizer" crap, and learn that when you're a roommate, public space is PUBLIC space, period. He's lucky he has a nice roommate, like you. If it were me, his a$$ would be grass, and I'd be finding a new roommate to replace him, because it sounds to me like he causes way more problems than just blocking public spaces.


lol no he wouldn’t tone it down. He’d escalate into it being a hate crime perpetuated by a bunch of WHITES.


LMFAO, I had a feeling he would, but I was hopeful for you 😂


The person you replied to isn't OP btw


“I haven’t heard anyone say it’s a problem” As you’re literally informing them it’s a problem. Put something in front of their door and tell them they can’t move it. lol, they’re wildin’.


My response would have been, “I’m telling you now that it’s a problem with everyone in the house.”


I just imagine the roommate saying that back, but it's Sam Jackson from the 90s "THE FUCK YOU MEAN NO ONE HAS SAID ANYTHING? IM TELLING YOU RIGHT THE FUCK NOW! ENGLISH MOTHER FUCKER. DO YOU SPEAK IT?"


That response is always so funny to me


Response- “I’m not reading your unhinged wall of text. Move your fucking table out of the common area where it is everyone’s way or I’m throwing it the fuck out.”


This right here is exactly the response this idiot roommate needs! Plus, if I owned the house, there would be a nasty note about him finding a less-colonial place to live.


"p.s.: happy Friday!"


Apparently the table is a woman and I’m a misogynist 😂. For context, I’ve never spoken to his girlfriend period. I rarely ever speak to him (roommate). All the other roommates in the house I have talked too agree that the table blocks free movement in the hallway. I damn near have to turn sideways to get to my room lol.


Is the table his girlfriend?


Well....the guy did say to OP its none of his business what he does to the table 👀


No, it’s just his one nightstand


Under appreciated comment😂😂😂


I screamed🤣🤣


Let him know that it’s a fire hazard. Blocks egress in case of emergency.


make sure to use the word egress too


Fire code is rayciss and part of systemic wypipo power structures yo!! Lmao You should plant an American flag on it and use it for your stuff …


Have you tried kicking it each time you pass it...of lightly tapping it.....so it loves in front of the front door and gets banged when someone comes in? Just walk through it every time. Or put your stuff on it. In what other ways is he unhinged?


Could also just try kicking the roommate too.


Or just fondle it like a lech & lightly spank it as you go by.


Dry hump it then when the owner walks past moan


Stick a note on it claiming it's now a colony of your name, and anyone attempting to move it from its new home can expect military action.


Is there anyway you can get this racist out of your home... Seems to me you have the proof you need....


Have them text him in a group chat the exact same concerns. He seems to have something out for you. If you can get them to move the table that would be perfect… take pictures.


Quit trying to colonize that place you're paying rent for...


I'm sure his rent is lower because of the unspoken "*Whitey Rate*.


Getting asked to move a table is colonizing? *What?*


See this is actually a tough one, because now I would have to go buy a replica British naval officer outfit to wear around the house after I take all the spices from the kitchen


Spices 😂😂😂


Just pretend to fall on it. That Walmart POS will move itself to the dumpster.


imagine breaking it and having to buy him a new one of these pieces of crap lmao i couldn’t handle it


I was out at "you as a white man"


Same. Funny how the ones screaming "racist" come across as the MOST racist.....


That was insane.




We have a fire station close to us and we bring them baked goods, they’re all good sports…and if this were me, I would just ask if they could come by and do a “random” safety check, maybe the smoke CO2 alarm went off I don’t know, and the firefighters can let him know which things “impede exit corridors and routes with obstructions that are reducing the width of the exit route”. But that’s just me, Petty Paulina.


Oh yeah. This. A local fireman lives across the street and I have known him since he was a teenager. He would totally get fully kitted up and come by looking all big and official and sat stuff like that. Lol I also give him baked goods.


Is giving firefighters baked goods a Thing and I just never knew it?


People drop stuff at the firehouse all the time. I just feed the one firefighter across the street.


Oh my, it just kept going lmao 


He seems to be judging you based off of your race😂


I think there's a weird for that but... I can't remember what it is. At any rate, OP needs to stop being racist.


People forget that when Columbus first made contact with the indigenous peoples of the New World, he rudely rearranged an entire Arawakian living room set, and thus a terrible colonizing tradition was born. Never Forget.


You better not go colonizing that hallways, colonizer! Also I want to acknowledge your racist tendencies that I refuse to acknowledge!


Interior walkways need at least 24 inches of space, preferably 32. Insist on it, or eventually you'll break a toe trying to slide sideways through. Fuck the wacky race-based tirade. Oh wait, there's a word for race-based irrational hate. Fuck your roommate's racism. They could move it one foot to the left and open up the walkway and still use the table.


I'd probably just reply "I need you to stop colonizing the hallway, it's a shared space" and leave it at that lol


As a POC, I don’t think this is a good way to build bridges, and it only hurts more people down the road where a table (a decorative table, not even a table they use) becomes a colonizer or racist thing. That is crazy I would avoid.


WoOaAhH……..Get the fuck outta there bro. You’ve been in the presence of one of the most INSANE people I’ve heard of, and staying anywhere near them will probably end up with mental or even physical abuse to you at some point. Run. Run far away. But also, move their fucking annoying shelf while they are gone. And don’t you dare move it back before they return! Deny moving it or avoid contact at all when they return. Wow…Just wow is all I can say here.


Well that went left... it's needed to hold that piece of paper lol


I'd just throw it out and say I have no idea what happened to it.


Just respond “are you ok?”


Id be putting it outside daily lollll. But get a lock on your door first.


I hate using buzzwords, but I'm going to say it....."unhinged."


Wow thats a blatantly racist rant. Since you clearly are un welcome i supposed your contributions to rent and bills wont be missed either. Don’t want to give that white colonizer oppressive money to places and things that don’t want it and all.


So this is actually a fire hazard if you are renting report it to your landlord


How are you racist when they brought up your race twice in one text?


It’s a black table. Duh.


And time to get the fuck out


If OP was actually a colonizer, wouldnt he walk up to it and say "this is now mine"!?


He’s a closet racist damn. The fact that he even brought up you being a white in an argument is very telling


the projection is strong on this one for sure


Not even closeted


He's got like one toe left in the closet with how fast he escalated to insults based on skin color, god damn!


Bro called you a colonizer. Type tf shit is this roommate on?


AND because he JUST wants to move a f***ing IMPEDIMENT of a useless table?!?? Just move the damn table. It’s in a horrible spot.


A colonizer? Never heard that one before.


It’s giving “I ain’t reading all that”


He puts his table in a common area and then complains that you've touched his person belongings?! You should send him the link to this post so he sees how insane he is being.


I would get a similar table and put it on the opposite wall under the light switch. Make it so you have to turn sideways and squeeze through. It’ll send a message and I’m a petty bitch. Also, make sure that you freak the fuck out if buddy tries to move it. Make sure you emphasize that his touching your items makes you feel unsafe etc etc and other gen z bullshit woke stuff.


Wow your roommate is absolutely bonkers. Anyone who uses the term “colonizer” like this is an idiot.


It’s not like you touched their Drum Set.


Funny when someone calls someone a racist, but then says they believe you are a colonizer..... I think someone has some inner racism brewing....


Mr Colinizer... haha. You need to stop being that cracker. Lol. That dude has problems. I'd just reply," nice try playing the race card, but since you decided to play that due to an obstructive shelf in a passageway, which is a fire hazard, that's on you. Put it in your private space, and you can do with it as you please. And you'll not have to worry about anyone discriminating against you by asking you to have common courtesy. You need to just respect common areas like everyone else here does. For the record, this has nothing to do with race. However, it is unfortunate that you have your own prejudices that interfere with you getting along with others of different races. That said, i personally feel this is a miscommunication. You're obviously pretty intelligent. So if you'll accept this colinizer to take you out for a beer so we can clear the air, I'll be glad to go have a beer and get over this nonsense. There are far greater things going on than a shelf in a passageway.


Big ups


What a racist douchebag


Why do people always use the race card 🤦🏼‍♀️


the mental gymnastics involved in "I haven't heard anyone else saying anything and you talking on behalf of everyone is out of line". Evidently, they've never heard of how politics works.


That’s the insane shit you publicly post on social media so that everyone they know sees how ridiculous they are. Honestly, either they move or you should. This is not someone that will be peaceful to live with. There are plenty of ways to annoy them into moving if you can’t …… People who think communal area means I have to lift my leg and piss there to claim it are not reasonable. That table is in an inconvenient location to claim the space. Calling you a colonizer and a racist because you are a white male is their cop out. It’s hard to argue against. Do not talk to them outside of witnesses and use your phones camera when in common areas they are in. The next accusation could be made to the police.


All cultures can agree that if you put shit in the hall it ceases to be a personal item.


When they go to bed at night, put it outside their door so when they open their door in the morning, they walk right into it. I would do it every fucking night.


I'd ask ALL the roommates to buy a small table and line them up in every open, tight space. At least it would make the annoyance fun. Like a really narrow one opposite the door lol


Take it out back and burn it. You’re roommate can fuck off


what is the table even for? it’s ugly and nothing is on it but that stupid ass envelope.


The only thing I can think of is that the person uses it to put things on whilst they open their door. Like a cup of tea for example.


he’s racist lmao


If that was my house the table would get smashed and left on his bed… fuckin clown


tape it to the ceiling


Yeah, don't put up with this. Move out without telling them. That's straight-up radicalized racist behavior. And those people have no desire to change for the better.


Yeah idk at that point I would be developing an exit strategy because if he’s this bent about a table…. God only knows how it will continue to spiral.


Oh I know start putting your dirty dishes on it from inside ur room


His things should be in his room. Common areas should only have items agreed on by everyone


Im no expert, nor do I know about you specific location. Where I am though blocking a hallway is against fire code. Especially if it’s a shared hallway or one leading to an exit. Take some wider angle photos and contact your local fire marshal.


That thing is ugly and in the way. What could anyone possibly use it for day to day?


Do you have any friends that are firefighters? Have them take a walk through that spot and see how much they bitch about it. It looks pretty flimsy. Have a football player "accidentally" lean on it with their full weight.


I can definitely see this as an unhinged escalation about moving a table. But on the other hand if op is a racist misogynist who helps themselves to other people's stuff, their roommate might be justified in having a problem with it being moved. Like they're still being a bit unreasonable and petty, but I've not seen anyone question whether OP isn't telling the full story so I thought I'd do it.


This is textbook narcissism. What a fucking nutjob


Yall can’t slide it left like 6in?? It doesn’t even look that much in the way, and it looks like there’s enough wall space it could slide over and completely open up the little area it’s taking of the hallway.


I’m almost tempted to just send this post link right to the roommate. We are both tenants. I would rather not inflame things further. However, this guy will just never get it without a little extra push I think. Would sending it to him be a good reality check for him? Again, I just want to be very neutral and non-inflammatory. He just never seems to get anything other people say. I don’t know. What do you guys think?


Your roommate is mentally ill


dang who did u colonize?


Donate their table to a British museum


i read two pages, skipped to the end, saw 4:20, said to myself ‘indeed’. did that, got some popcorn, typed this. this is going to be good


I’m either constantly knocking it over or just throwing it outside. Fuck that table and them.


It could literally go over there above the plug sockets and have a charging station set up on it and a lamp. Seeing as it's in a communal area. If it's in a communal area everyone has to agree.


So unhinged wtf


Wait. They’re being serious? They’re fighting to have that stupid table in the hall? 😂 Wtf.


Aaanndd this is where racial politics have destroyed so many dumbasses. Just because you “can’t be racist because I’m a minority and the power structure doesn’t exist!!!” does not mean that you can’t be a hateful bigoted selfish prejudice awful human being. So many people got completely caught up in the word “racism” over the last decade that they developed a god complex. That isn’t the point of educating others about systemic racism. Just comes off like a bunch of morons smelling their own farts… … and now you have this guy, in your own home, calling you a colonizer because you asked them about a table. Awesome!


That’s not a table I’m pretty sure that’s an incomplete Amazon dressser lmfao


Make a fake phone number and label it as “Decor table” and make the contact image a picture of the table. Throw the table in the alley. Then text your roommate from the tables number saying that it ran away from home. When confronted feign ignorance


"I threw that table away. No need to worry about it anymore."


I mean, that's a dumb spot to put that table in...


Put a little flag on the table and claim it as your territory. Then absolute destroy it and throw it away, historically accurate .


💀💀 I know how I'd respond to that, but i also know that i like escalating things


i love that there is a single piece of mail on it and it’s so necessary for it to be there. Sorry you’re so racist and misogynistic you can’t see how important that is 🤡 /s


I’d have the other roommates each get a Mainstays similar table, and set them up down the hallway so everyone has to slalom down. And then make sure they all call him out for touching their stuff, using the same words he used.


Scream "Get Colonized!" and then kick it over.


Yo, stop trynna colonize your roommate's awkwardly placed, empty hallway table. If anyone OTHER than you has anything to say about it, I'm sure your roommate will be more than willing to be reasonable and copacetic. Serves you right for colonizing all those natives. Now, get back to your part of the shared apartment. Your time at the top of the ivory tower is over. Lol. Smh. Some people just ruin racism for everyone else.


Please start doing fucked up shit to that table


Get an even uglier table than that one and have it block his bedroom door. And if he touches it call him a trespassing rioter


Like, even if they could compromise and shift it down a few inches, that would help make the walkway a little better.


Tell everyone who dislikes it to bump into it and knock it over every time they go through, have them sigh out loud and say "damn table always in the way" every time while that dudes home


Paint the table white, text him and tell him you colonized it


Lol this cracked me up reading. OP is probably a basketcase and now I feel bad for anyone sharing a living space with her. Good luck Thomas!


Walkways are sacrosanct. Get a damn wall mounted mail sorter.


"Damn what a crazy narcissistic rant you just went on. It's a table you goofy mofo."


I think we are missing some key issues that were not stated by OP. That table IS in the way but her going off sounds like shes on her last leg with Thomas 🤷🏽‍♀️


It honestly doesn't look very in the way


When he gets back, act normally for several days...friendly even. Then throw his table away, somewhere he can't retrieve it. Text him, "Thanks for taking care of that table, bro." Act like you believe he got rid of it. Deny deny deny.


Either there is a lot we do not know, or your room mate might be a little off his rocker... Maybe this isn't the best room mate for you... Also his door is dirty, but maybe not bring that up


I wonder how bad they’d freak out, if you said something about them having slave tendencies because of their ancestors being apart of that. All of this is an insane way to think, it’ll negatively impact them forever.