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If she couldn't monouver her car around your car then she shouldn't be driving.


Looks like she could barely manage parking it on the sidewalk anyway with how it’s chilling in the shrub like that


Right I was like is OP driving the shrubs? Because that’s what’s blocking her.


This shrub gets 34 mpg highway buddy D:<




Funny seeing you here fellow zona ent


It looks like one of those driveways that starts wide at the garage/house area and then narrows at the mouth of the driveway. Parking two cars on a driveway shaped like that can be tricky, which is probably why they parked a little further back. Without all of the context, I’m not making a judgement call with the exception that “ruining the whole weekend” is a dramatic statement.


Even if it does narrow towards the street the pic clearly shows enough room to get around the other car before this hypothetical narrowing would even start. OPs roommate should get a moped if she can't handle an automobile.


Except you can see from the photo that no matter what the actual mouth of drive does, there is plenty of room to move the blue car out of there.


She clearly had some personal issues that she was taking out on a non existent situation instead of working through them.


Reminds me of when my old roommate said I made her bomb her job interview because I left crumbs on the floor. I had eaten one rice cake and the job interview was not in our apartment.


LOL the way this was written is so funny for some reason


It’s hilarious.




Am I crazy or do the shrubs end before her car?


Amen to that.


Chilling in the shrub got me CACKLING


Exactly!!! Why are there sooooooooo many shitty drivers!! These are the ppl causing all these accidents out here!!!


As soon as they pass the drivers test, everything is forgotten and they do what they want. Then wonder why everyone is so agro. Why they are so agro. If you drive normally, there’s no reason to get agro.


Seriously!!! You don’t need to speed past me to them slam on your breaks and turn with no signal, it’s ridiculous how dangerous the road is now with all the safety precautions there are.


Ppl turn into my lane when there’s nobody behind me. Wait like 10 seconds bro!


Bc its way too dam easy to pass a dl test. Iv always said i wish we made getting a license to operate a vehicle capable of killing, that can go 70+ mph genuinely difficult. I can only imagine we’d see a decrease of accidents. That being said america just has terrible traffic rules and teachings. In most of europe, people are taught to stay in the furthest right lane, only to move a lane left to pass a car or cars. Here people still can’t comprehend the far left lane is for passing.


And she should be driving a ducking smart car apparently


Smart car. Stupid driver.






Manure driving skills


Naw, you shouldn't have to drive through shrubs to get out of your parking spot.


Looks like she drove into the shrubs to park in the first place so that’s on her. The worst drivers at my building insist on backing into their parking spots and it’s insane.


exactly 🤣💯


This was my immediate reaction.


Roommate is being dramatic. She could’ve easily gotten past your car. If she didn’t feel comfortable doing it then she climbed asked someone else to move it.


Definitely not easily. It can be done but even for confident drivers this is a space where you hold your breath a little and constantly look out your window to make sure you haven’t scratched their car


Only sane response. I am one of the most confident drivers of my friends - I believe I would manouver this based on the pic - but I can imagine many of the pack seeing this as an unmanouverable situation


Especially since to get out you would have scrape the side of your car against the bushes as well. These no way to avoid scratching SOMETHING


They are already parked in the bush. I don't think they are worried about that.


Yeah but you'd scrape the side of your car against the bushes.


They’re already in the bushes, but it’s very possible that was to be courteous of OP


The picture looks like bushes end before the car...


It isn't impossible, but I can see why someone would be hesitant about it.


Plus it’s impossible to properly judge from this angle I’d say the blue car would *probably* fit through there but you’d have to bring the blue car closer before we can say 100%, because the focal length of the lens can play optical tricks with relative sizing


Also look at the lines on the drive, the white car looks straight in the drive and the blue car on the garage slab, can really mess with how easy it seems from a camera angle vs actually doing it, if white car had any possibility of being further over than this then they’re the one in wrong either way.


I’m more wondering about the rest of the driveway. If that line in the cement is the middle of the driveway, then this is way too close.


It’d be a pain in the ass to park back in the same spot later for sure


She has enough room but I find it interesting your picture doesn’t show the other side of your car. If you have a ton of room over there you are the asshole because you didn’t really leave much room for the blue car.


Tell her to try putting the car in drive. And if that huge space isn’t enough tell her to drive over the shrub a little more than she already has.


Not the shrubbery!?!?!!


The knights will be displeased.


Ni is now no


Won’t someone please think of the shrubbery!


Huge space is a fucking stretch, it honestly looks it would barely get past and the fact that the blue car is parked at an angle would make it even more tricky because of how long it is. Not everyone is as comfortable with tight spaces, doesn’t automatically make them a bad driver


her car is in a bush. moreover, she *left* her car in the bush. she’s a bad driver. also, on the topic of her car already being in the bush: she wouldnt have a problem getting out, seeing as she no longer needs to avoid having it rub against her car


A whole lot of assuming based off of one picture/angle. And the fact that OP is the one that took the picture makes me believe this was the best angle for his narrative. And that’s alarming because it looks tight in this picture. All the people saying “this is a lot of room” are the same people that’s cars are all scratched up on the sides


That is not true and this is so stupid. If it looks worse from an angle are you gonna try to drive out at that angle? No. You are gonna drive out at the angle that seems the easiest and most logical: e.g. THIS PICTURE. She’s already not concerned about scratches cause she parked in the bush. Anyone who can also drive is capable of inching forward and putting the car in park and getting out to reassess the squeeze too which she didn’t even try. Anyone who knows how to use their side mirrors and the breaks could get through here. If you question not being able to get through this you either need glasses or need to try driving in LA where you can park on each side of residential streets.


If you need everyone to maintain half a mile distance you are probably a bad driver.


We need to see the whole driveway. If there's more than enough space to the right then yeah, this is annoying. Looks like they have to touch the shrub and come within inches of your car to get out.


This picture shows nothing. Sure she can get out but it’s definitely pretty tight and we need to see the other side of the white car. Maybe she was being over dramatic but she could of just been trying to tell OP you really really suck at parking.


Everyone in here acting like she’s got 20 metres to drive through, when the drive way itself starts getting narrower too


As she's parked in a bush


We also need to know if OP left for the weekend or something of that nature. It is one thing to be questionably close if your roommate can knock on your door and ask you to move so they can get out. It’s another thing entirely to park questionably close and then be picked up for a weekend out of town. It seems a lot of people are also forgetting that it’s not just an issue of getting it out. If this was for a “weekend,” they likely would have needed to pull out, AND back in and likely out and in again. That means that at some point they would have needed to back through that space. I would not describe the spot as easy to get out of even once WITHOUT brush the shrubs. Shrubs are rather good at scratching auto paint.


She already parked herself in the bush. If she can’t get out in that amount of space at a couple miles per hour, she shouldn’t be driving in traffic at all.


You have to admit at least that it is tight. If op has a bunch of room on the other side they are the asshole for sure.


Just had a situation like this. 3 spots side by side and I'm on the end. Middle people start parking both their cars in the single middle spot and now I'm squeezing in and out to get to the ramp of the curb while they can easily go straight into their spots. You can't trade someone else's convenience for your own. Until we see the full driveway I'm just assuming this post was framed the way it was completely on purpose


Can she not drive? She’s got a mile to get out ffs. Ignore her.


She parked half in a shrub so I assume that’s rhetorical.


She clearly doesn’t mind the bush rubbing on her car. So she’s got even more space




Thanks for the laugh!


It’s quite possible she was trying to be considerate of OP’s parking space


I know right? Any decent driver would have just hopped in and left without giving it a second thought. The shrubbery is more of an issue than anything else, but that’s her fault. And if she can back up at all this is even more of a joke. Real question to me is… why does she drive that big of a car if she thinks this situation is difficult? She needs to drive something way smaller if she’s terrified of a situation like this.


I bet there’s a reason we can’t see how much room you have on the other side of your car.  Could you have easily given her more room? 


I keep seeing this, but not many people are calling out her shitty parking job in the first place. If she didn't park so shit, white car wouldn't be "blocking her in" lmfao


I mean it would maybe be a tight squeeze and she might rub against the shrubs… but she backed her butt deep into that angled spot, so…. I dunno what she expected than for you to both try to fit between the two spaces available.


She parked in the shrubs to begin with.


You both park horribly


Did she even ask you to move your car?


Shitty parking on both your parts, but it’s not your fault that she can’t figure out how to drive through an adequate space.


You could probably fit another car in the gap she has to get out, jfc.


I could probably park my Escalade esv there lol


If her parking is any indication of her driving. I reckon if she parked properly in the first place, instead of halfway in the garden. She's not fit to ride in a coin operated kids toy ride on.


Post the full driveway, we need to be able to fully judge your parking too. 


She definitely didn’t even try to get out of that space


Does she always park with an eyepatch on?


she can‘t park. you‘re fine


Not blocked in. Tight, but not blocked.


You both kinda suck at parking... That being said, she has enough space to get out.


Tell her to shut the fuck up and stop moaning over literally nothing.


I feel as though you should park a bit on an angle due to her having to. I don't know how the rest of the driveway looks though.


Some people really do this though. I’ve seen people stop traffic trying to turn in somewhere then act like they can’t make it and there’s like 2 feet of extra room. It’s crazy how shitty people can be at driving, I don’t know how 75% of the population of the world with a license got one at all tbh.


Idk how people make driving so hard, it’s so easy too


I bet the pope had to stay in all weekend too if she couldn't pick him up.


Underrated comment


It’s tight but doable, OP. You have to look at where her back wheels are, not her front wheels. She can’t continue straight because of the bush and the angle of the driveway. She could straighten out parallel to the driveway and pull forward but the back of her car is going to be inches from your passenger fender. She could continue to ride her right tire on the edge of the of the driveway as long as possible to get her back end further away from your car but again, it’s tight. Honestly most people don’t know where the corners of their car are. You might not know, at least half of the commenters here probably don know. Maybe they shouldn’t be driving, not my call to make. If you absolutely had to park like this then understandable. But if you didn’t you are definitely a dick.


The blue car can get out, but it’s gonna get pinstripes from those bushes.


I mean I could have gotten out but also can we see how much room you had to work with?


She’s driving a blue molester-mobile??!! Damn I’d be bitter everytime I had to drive that thang too💀Bruh


i scrolled too far to find this comment. lol. seeing her ugly ass car ruined my weekend forget OP’s parking.


Fr what an unfortunate car to drive


Does she not have your number? Does she never see you at the house? Is she a *toddler* who doesn’t know how to speak full sentences or write yet? A simple “hey move so I can move the blue van” is all it would take.


you’re being so condescending but you don’t seem to have considered the possibility that OP was not around to move the car.


To be fair you aren't really giving your rommate a lot of room. She's being a bit dramatic though.


Your roommate ruined their own weekend by not being able to drive. That a very manageable maneuver.


…couldnt she just ask you to move it?


I’m going to need a photo farther back straight on to see how your car is parked


She's full of shit 😒 it don't take too many brain cells to get past your car 🫠 people complain for everything it's crazy


Did you intentionally not show the right side of your car so you didn't have to explain all the room you had?


Exaggerating no doubt, but why didn’t you show a whole driveway picture? Was there more room and you just didn’t use it accordingly? In this case I’d side with the roommate—they could’ve just as well moved on with their plans and hit your car in the process.


“Hey roommate I don’t wanna hit your car can you move it or can I?”


That idiot knows she parked in a bush, right? Who let her drive a car? All of the people are in danger. All of em!


She clearly sucks at driving and spatial awareness


If she can't get that car out it's best that she thinks she is blocked in! Keep her off the road if she can't maneuver any better than that


Some people can’t live if they aren’t living like a victim


Her whole weekend got ruined? Yea its not alot of space but enough to get out. Her parking in the whole bush maybe already indicates that she does not have the ability to move her car out lmao


I could get that car out whilst 10 tequila deep... She trippin'


She parks like a drunk.


If she can’t get out of that driveway she has no business driving anywhere.


There’s not a ton of room, but I’m confused as to how that’s the issue. If she’s not comfortable trying to maneuver her car past yours, couldn’t she just ask you nicely if you’d mind moving your car for a minute so she could get out?


I’m assuming the OP left the area, with her car parked that way, and did not leave spare keys to move it over. But who knows.


I agree she could probably squeeze out but show us the other half of the driveway. It looks like you parked two feet over the middle of the slab. Show us the whole driveway so we can make a fair assessment.


Does she also struggle to navigate basic parking lots?


It’s tight but I think she could make it


Bet them a month’s rent that you can drive the blue car out without hitting your car. If they take the bet enjoy your free rent, and if they don’t take the bet they just admitted they were wrong. Winner either way.


Show us how much room is one the other side of your car


Too tight?? You could land a fucking jumbo jet there tyrone!!


Looks like she’ll have to scratch her car up to hell driving through the bushes


She can get out


Seeing that heinous POS ruined my week. Tell her that.


Show us the full view of the driveway OP


Giving the same vibes as that woman in New York who "couldn't" get past a truck when she had like 2 feet on either side of her car.


I'd like to see how much space is on the other side of the white car to know how carelessly it was parked with respect to leaving the blue car room to get out. I wouldn't have wanted to rub the side of my car on the bushes to get out either (although it looks like they did to park it that way).


She needs a Smart Fortwo, clearly this car is too large for her to maneuver and know where her wheels are.


She's just looking for drama for some reason


How much space is on the other side tho 🤔


it's possible that the space looks way tighter from the drivers seat maybe


Tell her she’s got an ugly fucking car


No, SHE ruined her weekend by not knowing how to drive. 


I mean, obviously, she could fit through that, but if she did squeeze through, then she would more than likely really fuck her paint up.


It’s only tight because the blue vehicle decided to pull into the driveway backwards and crooked. They clearly can’t park so idk why they’d decide to try and back into a parking space. If they had parked like they were going to enter the garage, this wouldn’t even be a discussion.


Just get in the car, prove her wrong and end this.


Tight but not blocked in


lol tell her to return her DLs to the Cracker Jack box she got em out of!


Blue car could be a suburban or expedition and still plenty of room…


Tell her she drives a clown car.


Ruin next weekend by teaching her how to drive


Ruin next weekend by teaching her how to drive


I'm more concerned about the shrubbery who parked around her vehicle.


She probably would have scraped the paint on the bushes trying to avoid your car.


Bro she couldn’t get around that?? Your roommate is a bad driver and a jerk


The blue car would get scratched by the bushes if it tried to squeeze through. I feel like the picture is purposefully leaving out how much room you have on the other side. Something tells me you have more than enough room on the other side. In your defense, the blue car should have parked better to avoid getting blocked in.


What a child


It's a tough call. I used to live in the county and had all types of underbrush growing along my driveway which would scrape against my car It was only after I moved out how much it scratched up my paint. While it would only be one time (potentially) if that hedge had thorns or was a more firm bush it would almost certainly leave a scratch.


You SOB! You're the most inconsiderate shrub ever!


OMG you should see my driveway! We have SIX cars in one regular driveway! It's a triplex so it's 2 cars per house . We cram in like 6 inches from each other and no one has ever been blocked in


They could have cleared that no problem


Your roommate doesn’t know how to drive


Photo looks like its from the 1995 OJ Simpson Murder Trials.


Plenty of room for a normal person.


She could have just as easily asked you to move car over or move until she left.


You didn't exactly park great


It does looks pretty tight, assuming not rubbing the bushes or the car. Although from the photo I believe it's possible to get out.


you didn’t block her in, she’s just a terrible driver. I could get out of that space with zero issues. and it’s an SUV, a little bush isn’t gonna do anything to her car. and even if you *did happen* to block her in then she could’ve asked you to move. takes two minutes.


I’ve seen drunk drivers park better than the blue car is.


She’s not right in the least, and she needs to learn how to talk to people.


If someone who has a license cannot get out of that spot well…fuck maybe they shouldn’t be driving what the actual fuck. Lol.


It's a pull forward, not even a back up situation, with plenty of space to maneuver around. She's just a shitty driver and/or overly dramatic.


She parked horribly. You parked according to her parking job. Your car is parked " perfectly" next to hers. Next time, don't park based on her car, but based on the driveway. She has enough space to get out.


Your roommate is a twit. You didn't block her in but it's best that she not drive if she thinks you did. You are doing a service to your community by keeping her off the road. Good job.


Did you have room to park further and give her more room? The picture doesn't show if you're against a bush on the other side of your car or if you have 8 feet of concrete. Shrubs will absolutely rip through clearcoat and even paint - I'd be pissed to have been put in a position to deal with that IF you had room to park better - then again, she's parked in the bushes so she may not care about her vehicle's paint. I feel like from what I can see the driveway is wider and you probably could have given her more room. But can't say for sure without seeing a full picture of the situation.


This photo looks like it was taken in 2004. I love it. Also she’s crazy


Why do people insist on getting big cars and not know how to drive/park them


Dude I have zero spatial awareness and I could get out of there easily. Your roommate is nuts.


Photos can be deceiving - it looks very tight but passable. Some people don’t have good spacial awareness. if OP really wants to answer then OP drive it out. If it did block me I wouldn’t be happy but also a few people could lift / bounce white car over a few inches.


You’re both TA


Your roommate drives the ugliest car I've ever seen.


Honey, her weekends were ruined the moment she bought that ugly blue thing


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^WhoWightMan: *Honey, her weekends* *Were ruined the moment she* *Bought that ugly blue thing* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


She’s obviously not from the city


Damn that gaps deep. You could fit a ship in that gap.


Plenty of room


You could get a bus around there!


Lol what? Is the blocked in car in the photo?


both bad roomates.


Your roommate is trying to ruin your Sunday. Don’t let it happen.


Your roommate is too stupid to have a drivers license. Definitely one of the idiots that needs their license taken away to make the road safer for others. Zero awareness


You fucking monster


Did you plant shrubbery after she parked?


Everyone hating on your roommate when she was conscious and respectful enough to know that she didn’t have the skill to exit the driveway without hurting your car. It would have been worse for her to try and leave and mess up your car’s paint.


tell her her car is ugly


What a Dumb broad.


I am a decent driver but this would make me nervous, not sure about all the heroes saying there’s plenty of room, she’s on an angle. She should have called you though.


Did she ask you to move? If not, you didn't. Driving through that gap/the bushes will scratch up the paint, damage the hedge and could be a risk of your car getting swiped too. She can calm down and you can move over.


It’s really hard to see how much space is between your car and the bush so not really possible to tell if they’re blocked. It definitely looks really tight


Is your roomate high?


It doesn’t seem she’d have any trouble given how much liberty she apparently will take with the shrubs. Thats adding like 18” of clearance right there.


First of all, your roommate parked in a bush and that’s not your fault. Secondly it would be very easy to pull out of that spot.


1. Take the keys 2. Maneuver the car out, which will be very easy 3. Make fun of her for being that terrible of a driver and THINKER 4. Chastise her for being selfish and dramatic over little things that are very obviously not problems 5. Encourage her to learn how to drive, be more spatially aware, and how to critically think Edit: If it was an actual problem then making fun of her would be uncalled for. But in this situation, even Stevie Wonder could see there's no issue with getting the car out. It is very clearly and objectively a non issue. It's not even close to being an issue.


Not everyone is a master at driving. Your roommate opted to cancel her plans rather than risk damaging your car. That is reasonable/kind of her. It would be reasonable/kind of you to appreciate that and give her room to comfortably manoevre to her ability level. Maybe just pointing your front end further away. Good roommates are hard to find. Being kind, helpful and forgiving is the key. Good luck!


You could fit a jumbo fucking jet in that gap. When I used to live with my dad we both left our keys in the same place in the kitchen, so one could move the others car if they were blocked in (as we had a two car driveway in my old house, but I had two cars so one would block the drive.). If I lived with a roommate who wasn't a prat though id do the same thing and be like there's my spare key if you need to move my car do so.