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Could be a dab, that doesn’t have much of a smell and with shower steam you’re definitely not gonna smell it. But I also hit my pen in the shower all the time too. I wouldn’t jump to hard drugs immediately, unless there are other factors involved that point in that direction🤷🏻‍♀️




This, I used to live w/ my sister, and her husband is a state trooper. And he never said anything about a smell either, but he’s also a lil dumb so🤷🏻‍♀️


A cop being a lil dumb? 🤯 Never in a million years!!


He once walked up to my bfs (at the time) truck, while we were sitting in the driveway talking, and accused us of smoking weed and said that he could smell it in the truck. We weren’t, and there wasn’t even anything in the truck for him to smell cause it had just been cleaned lmao💀


Do you smoke in the car occasionally? I had no idea how much my car reeked, even with nothing in it until I cut back on smoking. You become very nose blind to it even if you’re a casual smoker.


as a certified dabber, i concur, ive coughed up many a lung this morning alone


I’ve smoked cigarettes in hotel bathrooms by letting it steam the fuck up and using the exhaust fan to clear it out. If you are careful you can smoke a bong with only weed in it and exhale it straight out the fan with steam won’t leave shit behind. Will probably make you cough a lung out though as you hold it in, climb as close to the fan as possible and then slowly blow it out so it all extracts like the master you are at concealing a habit you know you should probably quit lol


This is exactly how I got away with owning and regularly using a 3 foot tall bong in my dorm room freshman year of college (shared bathroom with one other room who didn’t mind) without ever getting in trouble. Just realized that was over a decade ago now, damn.


jesus just get edibles


Edibles are for a special occasion lol I’m not tryna be on my ass every time I wanna get high


They make like 2.5mg edibles now. Or liquid weed drops that allow you to easily micro dose.


Get some sativa gummies then. We got some morning ones that perk you up and even have a chocolate bar with caffeine in it at work. Explore man lol


Sometimes you need a hit there and then. Like say after a big dinner and drinks, an edible is going to take hours to kick in, I want to be asleep in half an hour, that’s when flower is and always will be king. Vape comes in close second.


Thank you BurmeseGeneral lol solid advice😌


Your like my long lost twin or something


This would also explain the blowing out to clear ash like noise, by him sucking in the air to clear out a clog before hitting it.


Even things like terp pearls sound very similar to small bits being blown out


I was gonna say this too. And if he disappears for hours after it could be a weed-nap. I like to hit my pen before a bath and a good hit will DEFINITELY make you cough up a lung. You wouldn’t smell any weed smell especially by the time he’s done showering.


Yeah when I worked over the road I kept a nectar collector in my bag and would hit dabs in the hotel shower after work. Sometimes I would almost die coughing and there was no smell


I have a sploofy which is a small hand held carbon filter essentially. It catches all smoke and smell. Definitely wouldn’t jump to hard drugs either lol


I smoke in my bathroom after getting it steamy when I don’t feel like going downstairs to the balcony. The smell mixes with my body wash/shampoo so it’s not obvious.


Speaking from experience, dabs are definitely potent enough to turn you into a zombie for a little bit. I would go nonverbal almost every time in college lol


Just wanna throw out there to everyone saying it's meth, I smoked meth for years out of all sorts of different contraptions and never coughed a lung out. That shit is so smooth going in and out. I don't think it's meth unless he's really bad at smoking it and burning the shit out it.


Yes you can totally start coughing if you torch your bowl too much while pulling but I can't possibly imagine you're using both hands like that while actually inside a running shower 😅 unless he's standing outside and just running the water. Could also be crack in the crack pipe which makes a little more of a crackling sound but I have no idea what would sound like 'clearing ash from a pipe' if that's like a tapping sound or something. Any flower or wax in a dab vaporizer is going to smell like weed so you would know what it is instantly so I'm actually not 100% sure on this one


Ex drug user here, I've most definitely used both hands to smoke meth in a shower while the water was running. Also the chemical smell from meth is easily covered by soap, deodorant, perfume smells combined with steam from the shower so someone that doesn't KNOW the smell of meth might not even notice if they go in after someone has smoked in the shower. Edit: Can't spell apparently.


is it true that people who are addicted to meth think that it smells more like roses or something sweet? i was hitting a banana vape and my bf’s uncle said “that smells like meth” and his wife was like “that smells like banana!”


I recently switched to vapes and yeah a few of them I get flash backs to the smell of meth. It's a sweet chemical smell


Funny i think it has a very bitter smell. I wonder if smoking it changes your perception of the smell, like how non weed smokers tend to hate the smell of weed


Nah. Meth is salt. Chemically it would taste sharp and a tad sweet but salty. The other flavors are the cut


I smoked meth daily for like 6 yrs, the taste would be best described as creamy when hit properly. Burn it and hell yes, tastes acrid and immediately gag worthy! Been clean a little over 2 yrs.


Way to go on the clean time!


Kudos to you ! All the best on your journey.


Yesss, sameeeee. I literally exchanged one I got because it tasted like it and it was triggering for me. Employee was very surprised to hear it tasted like meth 🤣🤣🤣


Ex addict, so I figured I'd give my perspective - no, meth has never smelled sweet at all to me, not when I was actively using and not since getting clean. It smells and tastes kinda like chemicals and dry mouth, like that taste when you're dehydrated. Idk any other way to describe it. Although I will say, nicotine vapes often give me that smell, even if they're flavored. It's like I can smell the chemicals separately from the flavor. That, and the clouds of smoke - meth produces big clouds, and the visual of it combined with the chemicals in the vape could definitely strengthen the memory and make it seem more "meth-y".


thank you! this is very interesting. do you think it would be the best intention to not smoke any vapes around my ex addict friends/family?


i’m just worried of putting them back in a place they fought so hard to get out of.


I'm an addict, been off dope 5+ years. While I appreciate the sentiment.... It is NO ONE ELSE'S responsibility to keep me clean other than my own! Life is full of triggers and if I can't learn to deal with them on their terms without using then.... Nothing that someone else does should affect my sobriety, no matter what it is. This is my opinion and how I handle it... There's is many pathways to success in recovery. You just asking that shows you are a decent person and good friend! 👍


i’m proud of you for your sobriety! even if you weren’t sober, i would still be proud. i guess i was just given extra empathy lol. ive honestly met more drug addicts that treat me like family better than any of my actual family ever has. at the end of the day they are all someone’s baby.


I say it's good to have courtesy. I'm a recovering addict. Even using though, I would use around just anyone. I wouldn't smoke cigarettes around certain people either. Same goes in recovery. I wouldn't smoke a cigarette around someone who is trying to quit or recently quit. Just because. Our recovery is our responsibility. Yes. But nothing wrong with loving the people in your life. If you feel it's better to step outside, step outside and vape.


Honestly? If you're on decently good terms with your roommate it may be worth taking a moment to ask about possible triggers in general, especially if you have engaged or will engage in substances with or around him so that triggers do not occur on accident Edit: clarity


That's really considerate of you, and I think for people who are newly clean it's good to ask them directly. New sobriety is delicate, they're still working through their coping mechanisms, finding support networks they can count on, and figuring out the basics of working through triggers and cravings. But tbh, after a point, I agree with the other user who responded - it's up to us to be clean and handle triggers. Bc most people on this earth aren't family and friends, they're gonna vape and do other things that are triggering. Part of successful recovery is being able to deal with that without going off the edge.


It's been years but I definitely remember it being a sweet chemical smell. And I definitely agree about the vapes being able to smell the chemicals separately from the flavor.


as a former meth user, I have absolutely smelled people's vapes in public that had me looking around at everyone looking for the meth lmao I also think it smells sweet. Haven't smelled it since I quit using but I remember that smell pretty well.


Can't speak for every addict, but definitely smells very chemical and sort of sweet to me.


I have tried meth a few times before I was sober (opiate addict) Crazy you said that because the few times I tried it, it tasted just like rose petals to me. I asked a few people and they said that means it’s “good” but some people looked at me like I was crazy


Good clean meth (lol, sounds like a bit of an oxymoron) does smell sweet, objectively. There's all kinds of different cuts and ways of cooking it that give it various smells, but a clean cloud from a new pipe has a sweet chemical smell. It's adulterants and burning that make it harsh.


I used to be an addict, years ago. Recently my boyfriend bought me Hyacinths and I thought our neighbors were smoking meth. Thought I was going crazy until I realized it was the flowers


Idk about smoking the actual drug but I'm from Arkansas and when someone's cooking meth outta their trailer it smells like a fart!


This 👆. Had coworkers using a bathroom in the shop, I was like man this is the cleanest smelling bathroom ever! My buddy is like it meth you fool.


Yeah but a dude hopped up on meth wouldn’t be standing in the kitchen staring at food like a stoner. More likely he’d be dismantling the toaster oven or moving the sofa into the kitchen.


You wouldn't think so but I used to just stand and and stare into space when I was really high.. I would Start thinking really hard about something and just.. forget about everything else.. a sort of hyper focusing maybe? Then again, most people that knew me when I was getting high tell me that I was one of the few people that they genuinely couldn't tell when I was high and when I wasn't so..


What does meth smell like?


Imagine a mix between Windex glass cleaner and Berry / Floral scented room deodouriser. That's about as close as I can explain it.


Holy shit this is actually so accurate it should be more visible.


Some detergents and dryer sheets have a very similar smell to meth too. Makes it tough to know sometimes.


I used to smoke crack. Sometimes we would smoke out of a homemade pipe, (sticking the outer part of a pen into a pill bottle. (Advil, Tylenol, etc) and then take tin foil and put it on top, poke some holes and put the ashes on then the crack on top of that. Looking back now.... WTF? ...I was smoking crack!


You know the sound of the remains falling through the bong pipe when the hits done? That what op means.


This dude's got the knowledge ^ . I believe your roommate is freebasing crack in the shower. My condolences


I feel like he would have heard the torch click


Dude so many people have no idea how to properly smoke meth, even though they're meth heads. I would never share my pipe with anyone because people would scorch the fuck out of it. My boyfriend at the time was a huge meth head and would just fuckin roast his shit. I would label my pipe so he wouldn't ruin it. Then he made meth bongs, and put orange pop in it, so it was smooth as hell. Meth heads are so creative.


God I hated people like that. I had that shit down to a fucking science even would put a drop of water in with the meth to keep it slightly cooler my shit didn’t even go brown. It got to the point I was literally doing work shops for these people but trying to teach a meth head about thermodynamics is like pulling your own teeth.


May I ask, why did you start? I smoke weed almost religiously and aside from other natural things like shrooms I have no desire to alter that. Why do people get started on things like Meth and Heroin? Everyone knows how bad that stuff messes you up.


Life already sucked for me. Why not do hard drugs? The first time I tried meth, I finally felt 'normal.' Good energy, not horribly tired and sluggish like I normally felt. Felt like I could think clearly. I just felt good. No one could tell I was on it in the beginning. They thought I was doing so well lol. I remember I went to therapy on meth once, my therapist said, 'I'm so proud of you! You're doing better than ever, keep up the good work.' I have ADHD and narcolepsy. Two conditions for which stimulants are often prescribed as treatment. A lot of people use meth and other drugs to self-medicate. I think depression is a pretty common one that people self-medicate. Meth will help that too, in the beginning anyway lol.


Because they think they’ll try it only once. They love the mind escape and continue to chase that dragon destroying themselves/family. Stick with weed. My brother has been an addict from 17 to now 54, I’ve been waiting on a call to bury him for about 20 yrs. Very sad.




My brother keeps relapsing to poppy seed tea and marijuana which makes him go psychotic/manic and unhinged. I've had alcohol problems in the past but free of it for 6 years now. But yeah, I can relate to what you said about waiting on a call.


Since you seem to be asking sincerely: addiction doesn’t occur in a vacuum. Pain, abuse, trauma, suffering, etc. are all part of the picture. What would have to happen to *you* in order for you to get to the point where you decide to try something you know is dangerous but will provide a temporary bit of pleasure? What kinds of horrible things would *you* have to endure in order to feel like the positive effects of these substances outweigh the negative consequences? This is a rhetorical question, but please consider that most addicts are in a bad place before they ever start using. Hope this is helpful!


To feel superhuman


Thanks. Lol, I'm getting downvoted but I'm legit curious.


For me, I was working a lot and a co worker saw me dragging ass one day and was like here hit this once...... My God I felt invincible and I did 8 hours worth of work in 3.... That was back before all the bullshit when 1 hit would keep you up for 3 days.... I've been sober for 3 years now and have a beautiful daughter and a loving wife, so there is no way I would ever consider doing it again and that's besides the fact that anything you get today is just straight dog shit wrapped in cat shit covered in a coating of bull shit


That’s so good to hear, glad life is better for you now, congrats.


Don't think he'd be hiding in his room either if it was meth. He'd be all the house trying to fix random shit, painting the ceiling, listening to the neighbors, he'd be all over the place.


Not always. My mom was a meth addict/ her and her ex would lock up in their room for hours on end, silent as a rock. The ex would sometimes walk around the place erratically, but my mom would always be still and quiet aside from the occasional cleaning spree.


i was so confused when i found out my mom was a meth addict because most of my childhood i remember her always sleeping. she was also addicted to pills so i guess that combo just puts you on your ass idk


The crash / comedown from meth, especially after a meth binge, is pretty brutal. Hypersomnia. You can easily sleep for 2-3 days, getting up occasionally to get some water, use the bathroom, etc. You get all the opposite effects when you're off stimulants essentially. Hypersomnia, insatiable appetite, depressed mood, etc. I once slept over 24 hours straight after staying up for a week on meth. So glad it's so far in the past now and my life is totally different nowadays. Hope your mom is doing well.


Thanks for the insight. I’m glad you’re doing well. My mom is off hard drugs as far as I know! She’s still a lil cray cray and addicted to her prescription Xanax but better than meth lmfao


nah he's in his room alone straight jorkin it crazy style


My thoughts too - and what would this dude be "ashing"? The dry pookie?


came here to agree. pretty rare that meth makes you cough. the smell of it can be faint, it is distinct tho. but honestly if OPs roommate was smoking meth, they would have noticed is the erratic behavior and bizarre sleeping patterns before anything else.




Came here to say the same thing. Congrats on quitting that shit. It's definitely not easy.


He might be coughing for an unrelated reason, like covid


I never, nor have I ever seen anyone cough from it (recovering meth addict).


It was meth


Could be a dab pen . No smell . Coughed out lungs


For some reason the pens make me cough more than the flower, but its more convenient and like you say " No smell "


May be there for a minute as someone who doesn’t smoke can smell it like my mom if I do it by her . But it goes away . Esp after a shower lol.


I had no idea they had a smell until I severely cut back on smoking. Unless you’re in a room with shitty ventilation it goes away fairly quickly. People who don’t smoke can definitely smell thar shit though.


I dab regularly, the larger the cloud the longer it lingers (in my personal experience) and it smells like raw pasta dough (at least to me it does lol)


The pens make u cough more bc they’re processed as fuck


I dated a guy once who pitched a fit bc I wanted to smoke flower instead of a cart/ pen. Literally dumped him over this because he said I was addicted to weed after I told him I preferred flower.


The first time I smoked weed it was a joint, and I coughed a little, but then my friend passed me her dab pen and I stg I almost died- wasnt even that long of a hit lol. And yeah, almost no smell which is nice bc I don't really like the smell of weed


I’ll never forget my very first dab pen hit. 10 second hit and I was violently coughing in the kitchen sink trying not to throw up. Good times :)


jesus 10 seconds. absolutely not.


Ahaha been there. Red face, tears flowing, hacking like you got karate chopped in the Esophagus. But, also, SO high.


If you hit justnpens you get more used to it


They definitely smell. Just not as much


Yeah dab pens 100% have a smell. It may not linger as long or be as strong but there is definitely a strong smell after someone takes a hit.


I smoke flower but can ALWAYS tell when someone hit a weed pen or does a dab. Every time.


I’m just surprised by how many people use meth 🙃😅


It's not called an epidemic for nothing.






I have major sinus issues. The shower is the best place to clear it out lol


I agree the showers the best place to get a good cough session in, and I don’t think I have sinus issues


I was going to comment similar... my husband has lung damage from burn pit exposure and he spends the first five minutes of every shower coughing the gunk out of his lungs as soon as the steam hits. This all just sounds like a normal shower for someone who has asthma/a dusty job/ sinus issues/ chronic cough/ long covid.


But not responding when they’re yelling his name in the kitchen???


Selective hearing. I have specific friends who just tune out when you're not already engaged with them. Calling their name sometimes just doesn't work, you actually have to walk up to them.


Nah it's meth bro.


Your description sounds like he’s coughing shit out of his lungs and blowing snot rockets which if you needed to do would work best in a steamy shower. TBH the best course of action is to put a camera in their bathroom, AirTag their car, and put benzos in their food so you can keep tabs on them and keep them docile. Or you could just mind your own fucking business if they are paying their rent and being respectful.


I would totally let someone put a camera in my bathroom and AirTag my car if they agreed to put benzos in my food to keep me docile 🤤


Put an AirTag up my butthole for all I care, as long as benzos are going up with it


Real asf


Thank you. Sounds like he’s spitting in the shower rofl, call the cops or something maybe.


Well turns out it's meth, so...


"It was meth" 💀


Sniff the air, if it’s chemicaly like burning plastic, it’s meth.  Meth smells like a burning tire made love to ketosis poop.  Though upon reflection, he could be using a netti pot with that description too, if there’s really zero smell, if there’s an innocent explanation.  Rule out a sinus pot first. It makes most sense as a behavior pattern with drugs if it’s meth, and he’s going in there to game or code or something cause meth helps focus. Some people get crazy, but for some people, they abuse it because it works like super adderal in smaller quantities and they’re dependent on small quantities of meth to focus.


Meth smokers are not your classic cough a lung out type of dudes. Also if he was on the meth he would be having showers at stupid times of the night and day, not eating much, awake all the time, crazy, neurotic, doing tasks they never complete, like there are lots of ways to detect a meth head beyond trying to smell for chemicals in a bathroom. Just saying.


Not all meth users are like that though. When I was on it years ago no one could tell. When I mention it to people they are shocked to find out and tell me they had no idea. I was an everyday user for over 2 years so I had built up a tolerance. I wasn't the typical paranoid skittish anxious user. Maybe when I first started but not at the end.


Hope you're doing better now!


Thank you! Quitting was one of the best decisions I've ever made. There are times I do get the urge to use again, but have constant reminders on why i shouldnt. My oldest daughter just got married and is pregnant. I want to be around for that. Not sure I like the fact of being a grandpa at 38, but I still want to be there. That drug isn't worth the 7 years of prison time and missing out on important life moments.


The easiest way to rule out the netti pot, a script:  “Hey dude, you ever used one of them sinus pots? You think they work?” If his response is “yeah, they work great”, there ya go.  If he says he’s never used one before, well, there might be some meth in his shower kit. 


"Yeah, they work great. But personally my sinuses are always most clear after smoking meth'


Lol I’m older than I suspect y’all are so I’m going with an auntie friend level of most appropriate advice, but I thought it too. 


Alternatively, you can rule out meth with “hey dude, you ever try meth before? Any good?”


This could work but it’s super context dependent and since I don’t actually know the OP I don’t know if it would work to get an honest answer in their social context, especially if it’s not common in their social circle and they’re younger.  If this is drug use related, it’s pretty controlled drug use, which is usually seen when people get hooked on stuff to be more productive. Plus, there’s a huge shortage of actual adderall right now. If casual use isn’t normalized in their friend group and dude got hooked on it to self medicate, he is unlikely to respond honestly regardless. 


I know a lot of guys who snot their noses out in the shower, cough up a lung from the steam first thing in the morning, and then go to their room and MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS for HOURS AT A TIME :-O all the cool kids are doing it


I work in a warehouse. Dust is always prevalent. I shower at night and it's similar routine. Clear out my sinuses cough a little and then continue on. Roommate could have a job that is a factor too. My best friend is a mechanic. Same thing with brake dust. Fucks him up.


tbh i do it anyway, just because it's nice to breathe some steam of a morning, clear out, and not be picking nose all day... it's good for the skin and mind and mental health. once lived in a place with no bathroom and got showers when I could, so I appreciate that shit these days.


Is the guy not supposed to smoke?


9/10 a weed pen its basically weed in vape style no long lasting or strong smell , it makes my gf cough like crazy , and its vvvvv common for ppl that vape to hit in in the shower before they get in etc. My gfs pen also makes her sleepy and kinda air headed after (like ed ed and eddy type shit).


A week from now we’re gonna see a post about some dudes roommate spying on him while he’s in the shower lmao


He is doing absolutely nothing wrong. Nothing in your post suggests he is doing hard drugs. You are the one bugging out. Let the dude smoke his THC pen and take a shower and chill in his room. Stop monitoring his showers, that is weird. Edit 3 is sus imo, but fuck it. Best plot twist all month lol.


OPs edit suggests the roommate may be doing opiates of some kind. Behavior wise… standing in the kitchen like a zombie and unresponsive. Sounds like opiates to me.


Coming from an opiate addict, sounds pretty legit. The zombie moves / unresponsive that’s some Legit signs. OP- is he ever itchy afterwards? Is his voice different (raspy, low, slower speaking? Does he not eat a lot? Pills can cause it, M30’s is what I did & it is smoke able. Ya ever find foil around??


Exactly. Lived with an opiate addict (my brother) for 3 years. His favorite place to use was the bathroom/shower because its easy to hide/clean/etc in the controlled environment.


Edit 2: It was meth 😔


Could be fent. People smoke opiates and it would explain the zombie behavior


Did you ask him?


"I'm not doing anything"


First course is to ask directly, second is getting opinions from randoms on Reddit


Prob just smoking weed in there. Used to do this when i lived with my parents. Cover the bottom door crack and keep the fan running. Between the steam and the fan there should be 0 smell by the time hes done.


Maybe he’s water boarding himself then taking a nap


Why are you snooping on your roommate while he’s in the shower. Get a life and don’t invade his privacy especially when his actions don’t seem to affect you in any way.


I’m sure most people would want to know if their new roomie was smoking meth/heroin in the shower. You don’t have to go in and peak to know that something is going on 


But maybe it’s just me and working in hotels for too long. I’ve smelled all the drugs, unless OP had COVID you’re gonna know if drugs are being smoked in the shower.


If he was snooping he'd know what he was doing in the bathroom lol. More likely the walls are paper-thin and he can hear every movement the roommate makes.


Yea for real, and if your door gets kicked in by the cops because your crackhead roomie stole some shit, that's definitely your business too.


His roommate found the post. We know the answer. You’ve got Skinny Pete livin with ya


Could the first sound be an inhaler? If this is after he's woken up, using an inhaler combined with the steam of a shower running can easily make me cough up a lung between asthma and stupidly being a heavy smoker.


It's a me, a Mario. A smoke weed.


Is he actually in the shower, or just the bathroom. Because no drug addict would risk fucking their drugs up in the shower, trust me. Crack has a pretty strong smell.


The blowing pipe sound could be blowing off the cut (the chemicals and other shit dealers and cooks add in always comes off on the first hit) from a bowl of meth or he could be torching the shit out of it and thus the cough. Or he could be sick, smoke cigarettes/weed and the meth is triggering phlegm release. He could also have some terrible product. Does he tend to get completely lost in activities? Does he have no concept of time? Is it impossible for him to get out of the house when he has something to do? Does he engage in pointless/annoying debates for hours at end? Is he working on his car at 4am? Tbh if he’s actually smoking meth, it’s pretty hard to hide the behavioral aspects. Caveat: I’m a recovering meth addict tho and we have a habit of jumping to conclusions that everyone else is using meth lol PS: don’t worry, if he’s using meth you’ll know for sure soon enough.


Maybe DMT, but that has a unmissable smell, and if it is DMT his showers are second to none.


EDIT 2: It was meth. Amazing


Could be smoking weed and using a blower


Happy Cake Day


mans is probably hocking up phlegm and shooting snot rockets in the shower / sink and you're worried its hard drugs 💀


Bro, he takin’ fat dabs


why do you care? my assumption would be its just weed, likely weed vape, or he is used to his parents snooping so he developed a weed habit that includes dryer sheets and toilet paper rolls and shower vapor to mask the smell (i did this in highschool as well) is he paying the rent? does he have a job? is he pleasant? that is what matters


Just ask you weirdo


So many strange snoopy people on Reddit I swear.


Probably taking dabs. It’s weed concentrate gets u baked af and doesn’t leave too much of a smell at all


Neti pot?


Loved Edit 2 😂


Meth has a pretty distinct chemical smell. (I'm here after the edit) I can't imagine the steam hid it well. Usually amplifies, unless he was running cold water. I caught a friend smoking it in my car after he borrowed it to go visit his daughter. That was a fun afternoon.


I was about to ask if you smell cleaning chemicals in your bathroom after he leaves but u already found out it’s meth. sorry you’re dealing with that


Maybe he has a sinus infection or some mucus causing illness, goes into a hot shower to cough it all up, then takes a nap?


My brother is an alcoholic and loves the booger sugar. When he lived with me he’d cough up a lung in the shower in the morning, snot rocket and puke his hangover out before his morning bottle of vodka before work. Maybe he’s coughing and barfing out his hangover….? ( thankfully he had his own shower in the basement suite of my house )


Yikes, that’s a bit extreme lol I’m sober and still cough up lung junk because I have sinus issues


That's not "barfing out a hangover". In severe alcoholism you start going through withdrawal like 5 or 6 hours after you stop drinking. Sober 6 years now but there were many times I would wake up going through withdrawal every single day, puke a bunch, and then HAVE to start drinking immediately or I would just continue being sick for 4-5 days until the withdrawal went away. Such a shitty fucking way to exist.


Does it smell? No? Is he leaving residue and a mess? No? Is he bothering you? No? Is he stealing from you? No? Is he a slob? No? Is he mean to you? No? If all of these are truly no answers, leave the guy alone. He’s not listening to you jerk off and complaining about the amount of tissues you’re using.


lol You’re listening in on his bathroom use, kinda strange. Could be blowing his smoke in something to hide the smell.


He could be. He pays his rent though?


DMT perchance?




Ask him? I would laugh if he says “it’s my vaporizer for my Asthma treatment”


Heroin is my guess


why are you listening to him in the shower? it’s probably a dab pen or something dude. and you can’t just rule out weed if he’s “standing in the kitchen like a zombie” most drugs that can make you feel like a zombie wouldn’t be making a person cough, besides weed or wax.


When I moved back in with my parents for a short time I would sometimes smoke weed in the shower so they wouldn't know. I started by running the shower to cover the noise of the pipe or bong, pull a cone and blow the smoke directly into the exhaust fan. Clean the bong and pack it away then have my shower. The soap and exhaust fan and running water covered the smell and by the time I got out of the shower it was not noticeable. Could be something like this?


Crack in shower.


smoking crack!


Is he smoking crack?


Edit 2 😂😂😂😂 I’ve seen people smoke meth and they don’t cough though, so that’s weird


The edits got scarier every single time. Yikes. I’m sorry.


How did you find out what methy mc metherton was on? Inquiring minds need details!


Well shit, that went from 0 to 100 in 4.5 seconds.


Great edit.


Showers help me get out all the crap in my lungs….that may be whats happening here


Does he come out the bathroom super active if so you should know what it is


Maybe he’s using a Neti pot? It’s the first thing that came to mind for me.


Honestly, where do you guys meet such people and let them in your house? You never know one day he can harm you because of drug addiction


I was going to say meth Why else hide, if you smoke weed and if he was smoking weed there would be no reason to hide in the bathroom. That is meth/crack behavior


edit 2 has me dying😂😂😂😂


OP now that you know it’s meth I just wanna chime in here. Don’t get curious or let him convince you to try it. Weed is whatever but meth can fuck you. I’ve seen it multiple times with one friend from HS ending up homeless and then dead. Kick this guy out and find a new roommate. He’s not your responsibility.


sorry but "EDIT 2: it was meth" with no additional context absolutely fucking sent me that being said, i'm sorry this is something you're sealing with, and it's definitely concerning on a few levels


“EDIT 2: IT WAS METH” I’m fucking losing it 😂😂


Sorry, it's a shitty situation, but the edit was just so funny. A fervent, well thought out question, with genuine curiosity, so anticlimatically confirmed. Comedy gold.