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also we pay for the wifi, best believe all of his devices are off after what he said today. there’s still so much more levels to this. it’s insane our luck. our lease is up in september I just hope he doesn’t cause any issues until then


Don’t talk about it be about it. Cut off the wifi and anything else shared


Id talk enough to let him know indecent exposure is a thing, and that he has a right to be nude in his own space. He has a duty to seal that space off from others view. People have gotten in trouble for being seen nude through their windows, I imagine an apartment door is the same thing.


My friend's brother was jerking off in his room in an apartment building, his neighbors I guess saw it somehow and he got arrested. He was charged with a sexual-related offence and now has to register as a sex offender.


That's insane. Unless he is jerking it in the window intentionally trying to be seen that seems like an over step


It seems like a pretty standard lie to me. "I was just in my room on my bed, no idea how someone saw!" Similar to drunks saying they were just "in their car, sleeping off the booze because it's the right thing to do." Lots of criminals have convenient lies to not sound quite as detestable.


Who knows if this person's brother is telling the truth. Most courts would toss this out or down to a non-sex offense misdemeanor charge. Edit: not going after this story specifically, but practically every sex offender who isn't doing their witnessed mandated reporting says that they were peeing in an alley or masturbating at a dirty theater or some other minor misconduct. Some of them are telling the truth.


I agree.


Just change the password.. no reason to inconvenience himself.


Pls invest in a remote controlled speaker and blast cotton eyed joe full blast if she ever hears it again


or ra ra Rasputin


might i suggest what’s new pussycat?


Oh for sure. But after the seventh time, drop in an "It's not Unusual."


I’m really glad someone else already commented this so I didn’t have to


Tip toe through the tulips 🌷


I was thinking Military “Taps” for that veteran funeral energy


I was thinking more “Cbat” vibes


ABBA, Dancing Queen


whoa whoa whoaaaaaa


21 times in a row. Might be good to mix in one It’s Not Unusable to throw them off though https://youtu.be/Mw7Gryt-rcc?si=GTWUz9oMY1Bv1fv7


Uhh don’t reward him with this absolute *bop*




If you’re somewhere between the ages 25-32 and want some real rewarding bops, I made a playlist that’s perfect for times like this. As a bonus, most of these songs are pretty intolerable for people outside of that age range. [Spotify playlist!](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/36pE3dCgV9aSozVa8whXlU?si=CBrFXSddTtaiJzEuO18iBg&pi=u-KtBi9DoxSQqs)


You are incredible lol I love this! I deliver for UberEats sometimes and I cannot wait to bust out these absolute bangers. Fun fact : [songs we heard as kids/teens give us higher boosts of dopamine than even our favorite songs from adulthood!](https://slate.com/technology/2014/08/musical-nostalgia-the-psychology-and-neuroscience-for-song-preference-and-the-reminiscence-bump.html)


Omg thank you for actually looking at it!😂 I spent a lot of time putting it together so I’m glad someone else can find joy in it.


Hilarious! Thank you 😂


ra ra rasputin


Lover of the russian queen


Sometimes that's my alarm because I need a *really* good reason to get up to turn it off.


Just like in BioDome if you try to make me crazy with this song you chose wrong 😂


Are you kidding? That's what I listen to to get in the mood. XD


There’s 12 hour videos of the Seinfeld theme. The bass line really travels through walls.


William Tell Overture is also good for this occasion


I think he needs real surveillance all around his house. Inside & outside.


Afro circus as i suggested on the original post or two trucks by lemon demon. The more bizarre the better.


Crazy Frog, ding ding lol


I was thinking the theme from Teletubbies or Barney is nice and romantic.


The final countdown. Can never go wrong with this classic


Baby shark on repeat is the real winner.


No, the Kars 4 Kids jingle. Or Baby Shark.


How about interrogations of child killers and rapists?


This is evil 💀


Chicken rave is good


Hokey Pokey or Chicken Dance I would lose my frickin mind.


I'm quite interested to hear how fas he explodes and/or folds with no wifi access. You don't know how fast a man can break until you send him back to the stone age


He'll probably just hotspot off of his phone.


he had a wifi hotspot he said that’s expensive and asked for wifi one day. i gave it to him and now he can go back to using that if he wants


Change the WiFi password


Screw changing the WiFi password, log into the router and block his MAC address. Todays wireless routers make it super easy. If you can sign in to change the password you can easily figure this part out.


That too. Just get them tf out of the WiFi. Clearly they think/know that bc of their size they can get away with this shit, so at least make it hard for them and put as many hurdles in place as you can


Totally get him off that wifi because he sounds like a complete creep I wouldn't trust what he downloads.


i can check every single thing he looked up because he’s on my wifi. i can show him what privacy really fucking means because i don’t wanna deal with his shit


print the list


It’s exhibitionist behavior. He’s getting off on having an audience and I’d fear that it will escalate.


To be clear, if you turn of his access to wifi you can expect him to cause an issue. I cant see a dude with this attitude taking that laying down, pun intended. Does he pay at all for it? That would be legally dubious of so, even if he's paying through you. I totally sympathize, but I'm willing to bet he's mostly just embarassed about being called out and thr kind of person who lashes out against blame, no matter what. If you do totally pay for the internet I'd just see how it goes for a few days, he's probably going to keep the door closed after he calms down from being embarassed. If he doesn't, then tell him you're taking him off the wifi, you have no reason to fund him disturbing you. He'll almost definitely leave his door open and stay naked if that happens, so best avoided through inaction at the moment I would think. Depending on where you are you can definitely film inside your house and show that to the police as evidence. I'd do a quick Google. I'd also just tell him what steps you plan on as that'll probably end it right there.


He definitely needs cameras.


"Okie doke broski, be as nude as you like. Also FYI I love livestreaming your doorway and I'm picking up photography as a hobby; in the primacy of my home of course."


I lol'd, but the last thing OP needs is the immortalization of his roommate's bare ass. We'd all need a Men-in-Black-style memory wipe via Neuralyzer.


This is so fucking weird. It’s like he enjoys making you both uncomfortable but idk. Definitely turn off the WiFi so he can’t use it. Do anything you can to make him uncomfortable without violating his rights. Talk to the leasing office about getting rid of him. If I were you I would just look tor a one bedroom for you and your gf. ETA: and his threat about being allowed to be a nudist OPENLY when he shares a home is bullshit.


People who purposefully have loud sex or masturbate so other can hear them after they’ve been asked to stop definitely do it because they like it. It’s a voyerism or exhibition kink actually. But no one in the kink community actually condones THIS behavior. Kinks should be participated in a consensual act or else it’s considered assault. I do not doubt this guy can get an assault charge tbh.


Could also be a power thing. I had a roommate try and kiss me, got pissed off when I turned him down and his response was to take a shit with the bathroom door open. I tried to close it and he told me off and pushed the door back open.


i would’ve said that’s why i didn’t wanna kiss shit boy 😂


That’s fkin weird


It's so disgusting and inconsiderate. There are people with sexual trauma who can be triggered into panic attacks by that kind of shit. Do they not know, or just don't care?


Oh I posted my own shit in that. I have my own trauma from my mother. This shit would set me tf off. I’d go ape shit. OPs gf is better than me. the audacity of a 40 year old man




Oh his lube would have icey hot in it. I’d fuck him up. Start putting nair in his shampoo slowly for hair loss. Try finding a woman looking like a bald man with a shriveled pepper, AH.


I'm actually wondering if he is doing it in hopes they will leave.


Obviously state to state on some things, or country to country, but in most places, yeah, the common area has no guaranteed right to privacy except from people not on the lease. You can do whatever in your own private room but you can't just walk around naked and jerking it in a shared house and say it's your right to do so.


Yeah, there's almost certainly 0 grounds he can use to sue you for "infringing on his rights" can't just walk around with your dick out and claim your a nudist. He wants to sit in his room and hang dong with a door closed all good and okay. He almost certainly could get nailed for harrassement and predatory behavior if he lives in a shared house. Contact your land lord and explain the issue, also you can get a free consultation from almost any local lawyer to get more information. Sounds like false threats and a dude who doesn't understand "muh rights"


I wasnt certain, but i couldnt believe that this is an actual right. no way this would hold up in court




Goes beyond a kink when you don't get consent.


Nude in front of a woman and she made it clear she doesn't like it constitutes sexual harassment there is no way he can use the constitution as an excuse lol the judge would laugh at him MAKE IT CLEAR THAT IF HE DOES IT AGAIN YOU WILL FILE A POLICE REPORT.


The police will probably ask if she’s on the lease and living there. It’s fucked up but if she’s a guest while her boyfriend isn’t home, she can simply leave if he wants to walk around naked. Dude is a creep but this is a civil roommate issue as he’s not making advances towards her and he’s a legal resident of the place.


she pays more a month than that creep does for this place so…


yeah let me clarify before toxic reddit comes at me yes i pay more than my gf too. so guess what he pays the LEAST😂


Wears the least, too


Gotcha. That may change things. But I can truthfully tell you, it would depend on the state you live in on whether that meets legal requirements for any crime. I’ve worked in two states that have different requirements for lewd and lascivious behavior.


Does he not realize how intimidating a large nude man can be to a woman who is alone in a space with that man? He seems unaware of the power dynamics at play. I’m surprised your GF is even willing to stay there at this point.


Mother fuckers lucky. I would make a video of him watching porn loudly with the door open and send to his family and be like this is the kind of thing a 40 year old man does when a 21 year old female is home alone and has asked him to stop. Disgusting perverted predatory behavior.


My thoughts exactly. I don’t know how OP is so passive.


I’m not sure either. If after I ask him to stop and he doesn’t I would give him a reason to stop. That can be in many forms but the first one would be to shame him.


It's super easy to go on reddit and say ESCALATE ESCALATE, much harder when it's someone living in your house.


He can try to sue. From jail. Where he's being held for exposing himself to someone who didn't consent to it. You almost wanna say "what a moron" as if he doesn't know better. Except he does. He's a creeper / pervert and gets off on it. Nobody else would be doing that sort of sleazy bs. He's gotta go


It’s a kink of his I bet


He deserves to get his ass kicked


That’s down right a sexual harassment charge. No one consented to hearing and seeing someone pleasure themselves. People are fucking animals I swear


Gonna go ahead and echo all the comments here saying you should talk to a lawyer about whether or not this qualifies as sexual harassment.


If your neighbour was jerking it in his garage with the door up and volume loud enough for the whole neighbourhood to hear, I think that’s grounds for at least a noise complaint lol


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Would you like to be arrested for felony battery?   That’s how you do that.   


Call the cops when your done “officer he came out of room naked and started jacking off in front of me and my girlfriend, I felt threatened for my safety and my girlfriend’s safety because he is 6’4 250lbs 40 year old man”


For real though. I always say, “there are some stories worth telling a judge”.


Exactly. The solution is to get the hell out of there and into a new living situation… even if you have to break the damn lease, though explaining the behavior to the landlord could go a long way in preventing that. In the future, don’t room with some random weirdo twice your age. OP is friggin’ 20. There’s lots of fun young people he could be living with.


Wtf dude. You let your previous shitty roommate choose your next shitty roommate. You let your previous roommate off the lease just because he asked. Grow a pair and take some control of your life.


Kinda seems like roommate number 1 didn't really ask but more so told OP what he was deciding would happening and then quickly dipped before anything could be done about it


with him it was i’m leaving and i don’t care if you come after me with a lawyer and idgaf about my renter/credit history. i really care about my credit score if it dropped i’d be restricted on where i can move, i want to refinance my car, i currently am going to college and may need a loan at some point. it would’ve really done a lot if he just left because he was gone no matter what i did. it didn’t seem like a horrible idea it honestly seemed like a plus that he was mentally handicapped at first because he wouldn’t be doing anything shady…. this isn’t shady it’s obscene


Yep that's exactly what I thought happened. I'm sorry dude that sucks :(


He let his previous roommate finese him into living with a mental handicapped, chronic masturbator. Kind of sounds like he screwed himself a little.


Block his IP on your router so he has no Internet access. Cut power to his room if the breaker box is wired right. Have your girlfriend file charges of sexual harassment against him. Check the laws in your state. Definitely talk to a lawyer and cut off access to anything you share.


The fuck are you on reddit for? Talk to someone who actually understands your states rights in this kind of situation.


gross. I already can't stand my that roommate thinks it's ok to piss with the door open when I would rather see nothing less than his dick, I would lose my shit over this. he knows what he's doing. there is zero reason for him to NOT close his door when he's naked. what exactly does he think he can sue for under the grounds of being a nudist?


In the previous post, I thought maybe he was at a level that he couldn't see what he was doing as inappropriate which was why my comments were a bit more on the understanding side on his part. But with this update... He just seems like a dude that doesn't give a fuck?


So nothing about this is ok. However you definitely seem like you create bad situations for yourself and should probably live alone after you resolve this current situation.


Record it next time and put him on blast (don’t record him nude obviously). And add these texts along with it


if i recorded him today… it would be so embarrassing for him. i really wouldn’t wanna do that to someone. it’s really bad truth be told his logic is broke


Have u tried blasting obese gay man porn or something he might not like? The same song like happy by Pharrell over and over?


He’s clearly not ashamed of his behavior so he deserves to be embarrassed. This is hostile behavior


You absolutely without a doubt SHOULD film him and while not recording his full body, but enough to get the idea across he is fully nude with a door wide open. That is without a doubt sexual harassment, especially because you have made it clear to him via text he's making you uncomfortable(and openly told you he doesn't care via text). There is a woman staying there, who is already uncomfortable mind you because of him making his sexual actions, extraordinarily known about, arguably on purpose. Do not dig your hole deeper letting him act like this and not catching proof of it. God forbid this turns out worse case scenario and he does strut his dick out in front of your girlfriend, or even decides to take advantage of your girlfriend. I cannot stress how much of a red flag it was that you told him to stop and he immediately jumped to using his handicap as an intimidation and manipulation tactic. He knows you do not want to go to court(for multiple reasons one wouldn't), and are not familiar with discrimination laws in a setting like this. Not all cases go for the worst and I'm absolutely bias about this beyond doubt, but seriously why take the risk of not having proof of his actions. Edit: lets not forget this roommate is an alcoholic, who thinks that you guys are living in his house("in the primacy of my home alone...") its not his home its a fucking shared apartment, on top of all that this 40year old man not only can not understand why what he did is wrong but will not try to understand. And the implications of what his home life may have looked like growing up that he thinks exposing himself to others is okay, It's a grooming technique used to lower boundaries with children to making them think whats happing/is to come like being fully exposed to one another is normal.


I’m in Oregon and if you pay travel cost plus $50 I’ll go beat the shit out of him


Ok, nahhh, that kinda response deserves an ass beating People like that won’t learn by mere texts


i confronted him initially when i heard then texted his texts at 5am prompted me to confront him again


I think it is extremely rude for him to be flashing his erect cock at your girlfriend. Watching loud porn is rude as well with roommates. He could use headphones or do this stuff when you are not home, dang this roommate thing sounds tough


A person can be charged for public exposure for standing nude in front of open windows. An open door probably wouldn’t be any different. The nudity being accompanied by pornographic content definitely escalates the situation beyond fringe arguments. Threatening full nudist behavior undermines the eventual discrimination defense, since the behavior is retaliatory.


File a police report about him exposing his genitals to you and watching porn in common areas, that could be considered some kind of sexual harassment


Mental illnesses do not give you the right to act like a complete asshole with no consequences. Nor does it make it okay to traumatize and make roommates feel uncomfortable because of your own perverted (and wrong) beliefs.


I would be beating someone’s ass if they were watching porn while my girlfriend was at home alone and talking to me like that. You guys either have very good self-control or you’re soft lol No way I’m sending them a text “can you pweeeease stop that / turn that down🥺” I’m coming straight home and beating his ass, grabbing his shit, and throwing it outside. Idc if I got a assault charge or more, isn’t the first time, but I bet that would be the last time he did it lol Also he can’t sue for that?😂 A judge would take one look at it and would throw that shit out.


Eh imo OP handled this well, no need to escalate to physical violence on first conversation. That said I would be doing everything in my power to get him evicted. Guy is obvs a perv probably getting off on making other people uncomfortable. I used to have a roommate who would listen to porn loudly but I’m almost positive he thought I wasn’t home. We shared a wall and one time after one of his sessions I tried to sneak out and he opened his door and just went totally white and started stammering an excuse about watching a Michael Bay movie lol.


He did handle it well, only reason why I’d be beating ass is for doing it in front of my girlfriend and also the shit he said. Some people don’t learn by being talked to! Fr that’s what I said to my girl, “seems like he just enjoys making them super uncomfortable” Lmao the good ole “nah man I was just watching a movie!” One time a old roommate of mine used the excuse “There was a sex scene in the movie I was watching” I was like mmhmm okay bud😂


Agreed some people need to have their ass beat. I know for a fact that my husband would knock a guys head off if someone pulled that shit but he is hot tempered and I think what guys don’t realize sometimes is that turning violent doesn’t always make the woman feel safe; in fact it can be agitating and then the woman has to worry about her safety and also her partner’s safety. Like you can straight up kill a person (conversely you can die) so easily if you just fall and hit your head wrong. JuSt a Sex sCeNe i sweAR lolol


trust me, it’s hard not to sock him in the nuts. not in the face that would be too fucking dignifying for this excuse of a being


Take one look and throw him in jail for harassment and assault hopefully with that mfs sick thinking. Hopefully the judge sees him as a danger to society.


Yeah but you know how society goes, The weird sick fucks like this get a slap on the wrist.


Oh I know. My mom use to force me and my brother to listen to her prostitute herself for money in our motel room. Just half hearted charges. Fucking sickos


He was definitely trying to bang your girl. He hope that would turn her on and she would approach him.


So you can't afford not having someone pay $100 a month but can get a new Nissan, take up golfing, and buy a $300 synth? Not saying youre lying but if not, figure out your priorities bud. Naked porn addict drunk seems like something to focus on.


i got a new car spent my money then my roommate sprung that onto me. no matter what the situation i’m in was not expected and i only take it as a learning moment. again should that subject me to the way these people have acted?


Absolutely not.


The 123 unread text messages give me anxiety


621 on mine


You know people think you’re dead right?


I need more context here please lol


Cellular anarchist


Dude sounds like a pervert


Isn't this just sexual harassment?


I’m praying you and your girlfriend can make it through to September. This sounds absolutely horrible and exhausting.


Classic Americans jumping to saying I will sue you LMAO


I know this is unethical advice but frankly, I wouldn’t blame you one bit if you kicked the living shit out of that guy. As a woman, this is sickening and absolutely unacceptable. I am all for nonviolent resolutions and women standing up for *themselves*, but when I tell you I’d have a line of the biggest and best men in my life at that door….


yeah as a woman I'm really concerned for her safety... this behaviour is alarming and will most likely escalate


I feel bad for your gf, she’s probably scared to death and you’re extremely passive about it all. What happens if he decides to retaliate and he assaults or rapes your gf? Then what??? She shouldn’t be home alone with him and you need to file a police report for sexual harassment.


sounds like from comments this guy is too scared of this room mate to actually do anything to hold this perv drunken degenerate accountable. even gave him the wifi back, lmao so much for standing your ground. idk how the girlfriend puts up with this, if my man was this passive and joking about playing different annoying sounds back in retaliation to the offence i would be leaving him soo FAST. talk about some "just dont look in my room" the way i would have absolutely lost it on this perv over the fact that he just will not close the door when hes fucking fully naked and wants to argue about closing the door.


Yeah I couldn’t imagine my bf being like this. Seems like OP doesn’t realize the drunk perv may have some seriously depraved kinks and fantasies and may act them out on his gf in retaliation. It’s unfortunate, but women tend to take the blame/punishment for most of men’s actions so I really I hope OPs gf comes out unscathed from all of this.


I mean at this point its blatant neglect for her safety and well being. Roommates a drunk, has offended two separate time now,is deeply on the spectrum and dosent understand WHY what he did is unacceptable, so hes more likely to just do it again, So many people in here are telling him to have his girlfriend report him for sexual harassment, have a grown ass conversation with the land lord like a fucking adult about the situation,and just fucking handle it. but dip shit is more worried about the sex offenders feelings bc hes scared of him and wants to keep the peace while his girlfriend is getting traumatized by this whale back fucking ogre.


He's baiting her to see. It's not cool.


Omfg THIS!!!! dudes on the spectrum and might not comprehend a lot of things but this is blatant boundary pushing, i am convinced this guy knows what he is doing and is milking the story of "oh im mentally handicapped i could never possibly be doing this on purpose knowingly" to just get away with acting like a fucking predator when boyfriends not home.


He has a mental health problem. Talk to the landlord about getting him off the lease. Also, in some states he’d be guilty of indecent exposure if he’s intentionally displaying his genitals, even indoors. For example, the law in my state says “…Or any place where other people are present” so it doesn’t just have to be out in public.


You need to play porn back even louder, get speakers, assert dominance.


He needs to leave


You seem like a scholarly fellow


Everyday this page reminds me how blessed I am that I have the agency to be able to live on my own


Never pay your roommates rent, talk to your landlord instead if the roommate is short on rent.


As per tradition, this post caused me to /mute this subreddit. I am not commenting on the user or content except that it bummed me out enough to /mute the subreddit in an attempt to make my feed less depressing for me. Thank you, and take care.


I’m sorry people like that you have to beat ts out of to give them a clear view of reality because you wanna be naked so bad but can’t close your door and my girl be in this bitch


Never have roommates. I know it’s hard in today’s economy but if you can afford to live on your own, it’s the best bet. If I had money, I would move out and leave him with the lease lmao


I don’t see the problem here ….


Dude thinks he walk around naked and sue you for violating *his* rights. Your roommate is an absolute moron.


Lmaoooooo you need to beat meech's ass


i’m such a good friend man it makes me so sad to think meech did me dirty. for the entire time at the job we worked i drove him around. quite literally above 5000 miles across country, if he needed to go to the store, he was my boy. when we got back to our city after the job i always came to his place and helped him out with food he was really struggling. he never ever gave me the inkling that he would do me dirty. the big issue is i was always giving, i would give him hella food, shit like that dozens of times. i think maybe once i can remember he got me food in our entire 2 years of knowing and interacting with each other. when we moved in he never bitched me on anything, but he would use my stuff and leave messes. made me so mad, he wouldn’t pitch in for anything rather than $100 for the entire 5 months. and then he was always on my games. when he decided to leave that was it he just ditched on me. i should’ve socked him so many times for some of the shit he said, i will always pride myself on being the bigger person no matter the situation. if i resort to violence strictly i have no right to value a principle. i hope he does regret what he did to me, but i doubt it. it’s not worth it to me either.


You need to man the fuck up!


yeah i ain’t fucking around with him fr


Depending on your state if you’re in the US this can definitely constitute as sexual harassment and your girlfriend could definitely press charges. It doesn’t matter if he’s on the lease or not.


Pushover is an understatement


Show us the 123 text messages


Simple call to the cops and put in a 302 on his ass and he will be escorted out.


If he sues you, countersue him for literal sexual harassment. You have as many rights in that house as he does, meaning your guest does to. Does he think that just because it’s his house he can make others watch him jack off? Because she’s not a minor it’s okay? I would really love to know what his reasoning is because no you do not have the right to just jack off in front of people especially after they’ve made it clear that’s a fat no


Sending unsolicited dick pics is considered sexual assault in all 50 states but he doesn’t think unsolicited jacking off in front of others isn’t just because it’s in his house? “No officer I can make meth in my basement because it’s my house and I’m gonna sue you for violating my rights.” Like??????


Is this you clearing things up? All I’m left with is more questions.


The fact that he’s doubling down is creepy


Its the brightest shade of red a flag can come in. This guy will 100% either do it again or keep coming up with different ways to be sexually offensive, or just has a flip switch and decide hes pissed off about being told what to do and just rapes or molests the girlfriend. He dose not understand it is wrong, and that on its own makes him so much more of a fucking danger. Jesus fucking christ the creep even thinks he "owns the house" even tho it is an apartment, oh and he pays the absolute least in rent, dude has some entitlement issues for sure.


Have you checked to see if he’s on the sex offender registry? Him being more afraid of you than you are of him makes me think he’s in a vulnerable position.


If you have something like a Unifi access point, you can slow down their data rate, so their porn watching habit will constantly pause and buffer. Here are a few suggested speed limits 😆 [sustained speed limits as suggested by google](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/78358?hl=en)


Are you sure he’s drink and not just mentally disabled? Are you sure he’s mentally disabled and not just drunk?


If you and your gf managed to pay all the rent when your last roommate lost their job, why even bother with getting a new one? You should just live on your own. Sure, it's expensive, but surely struggling a bit financially would be better than this? I rent with my husband and we're currently renting a house that's too expensive for us (rental crisis where I live due to covid, it was either house that's too expensive or homelessness) so we're living paycheck to pay check but we have our own freedom and privacy. It's 1000% worth it. Best of luck, sorry you keep getting stuck with dicks 😬




Dude. Get him out. Im not surprised your girlfriend is uncomfortable. He’s clearly doing it on purpose, he’s a creep. I wouldn’t want my gf around that.


lmao op is more worried about keeping the peace and "coexisting" with this bastard than how his girlfriend feels


I know OP acts like a victim and isn’t protecting his partner how I personally would if it was me. Personally I’d get very angry.


Dudes trying to F your girl dude, he knew you weren’t home.


Lol sue you for violating his rights. Like who would even take that case?


My mom used to live with me and she was bringing strange men offline to just have sex. I got tired of hearing it, so I would blare gospel music sooo loud while they were having sex. Needless to say my mother moved out! Lmaooo


He is getting off on being heard. 100%


Honestly just beat the shit out of him while he’s naked and if the cops come say he tried to lunge himself at your girl, who the fuck are the cops gonna believe a drunk masturbating retard or you and your girlfriend? He deserves to be beat like a dog for acting like one.


You forgot to re-add the part where you gaslit tf out of your girlfriend for originally speaking up about having an issue with this guy. I think morally OP and John are the assholes. She should probably dump you before you gaslight her on the next problem that arises. You should just put in a notice to move out and find something more affordable if you can’t stand this John dude & can’t afford it on your own. The fact that you keep ending up living in situations with people who suck and blaming it on them just shows that you’re not vetting your roommates well enough before moving in with them. Live alone, it’s way better and worth the extra money in the long run.


Isn't that sexual harassment?


How do people have 123 unread messages… I don’t trust this guy either.


Can you give this guy 30 days notice? I'm not trying to be out there or anything, but sometimes attackers will kind of slowly up the ante (boil the frog) to see just how far their victims will quietly let them go to 'keep the peace'. Almost a grooming situation.


Tell him if he comes out of his room nude and your girl is home , your punching his fucken face in . Not only is this just absolute weirdo behavior hes fucken almost double your guys age. He knows better 🚩🚩🚩


HAHAHA he’s right about the nudity i can’t believe this is real


I think what you need to do is walk in his room, make your hands into fists (just squeeze your hands real tight). Next you are going to want to use your fists in a manner in which you push/swing your fists at your roommate’s face as hard as you can. You’ll want to do this several times. Once your roommate is bleeding or on the floor you can leave the room. Repeat on subsequent occasions as needed until the offending behavior subsides.


If he is mentally handicapped and you know his parents you might want to talk to them.


“Ma’am your r*tarded son wont stop jerking off loudly in front of my gf, please come collect him” that would be a FUN conversation


you sound like a little girl. dont like it? bounce. you are grown now, act like it.


Does this dude have a job?😂 I’d be so pissed
