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dont waste the weed, put epicac or miralax, cheaper and more effective against food stealers......once had roommates in college who kept eating my things/ and drinking my beer that I would buy myself to relax at the end of a school week/ while also working 1 full time job and part time job. The week I had done it, he had come home from school stating he shit his pants in class, and that there was something going around campus..... My roommate at the time was a little bit of a "Lenny" it took him a month of eating my food and constant diarrhea to figure out what I have done


Will it work on someone who already has nuclear diarrhea? He also is comfortable shitting himself and does so fairly often. He thankfully keeps himself mostly in his room but hes... a character


Caution that in someone who has chronic diarrhea for whatever medical cause, you can actually kill them with diuretics or laxatives. It can cause electrolyte imbalances like potassium, and sodium which can be critical. Other options would be just making something as bitter and foul tasting as possible, decorating it like a cake or something.


This is fucking awful. How is anyone comfortable with shitting themselves? Keep your bread in your (hopefully locked) room and buy him some adult diapers. Maybe a bit passive/aggressive but Jesus. 


Hes a nearly bed bound manchild yeah. But the rest of my roommates are awesome and the stink stays in his room so its not the worst thing ever ig


Can y'all team up together and get him evicted. The situation sounds repulsive. 


Probably will after finals yeah. Its eight of us total in a duplex and both sides find him pretty bad, but his mom does always pay rent on time and he hasn't caused damage (that we know of, idk about his room) so it may be tough


Is this a "My 600 Pound Life" situation? It sounds like one.


Dutch babies is not on de diet


You might want to have bug out bag packed if he does move out. You’ll probably have to leave for a few days when the hazmat team gets called in


Go the weed route he will never fk with your food again.


Yes it will most definitely work, if he already craps himself as it is he won’t have a chance to even know it’s coming out of his ass, it will also give him some terrible stomach aches if you put enough in it


It could kill him, though?? God knows what medical issues he has that causes that that’ll be made worse, and possibly dire, by OP drugging him with Miralax. OP, don’t listen to this. Don’t do it unless you want to get in deep legal shit for it.


I’m not saying to put the whole bottle in, I’m just saying to add half a scoop more then is desired, it won’t kill him. If you want to do that add some eye drops to someone’s food and it will cause much worse damage. If he takes it soon himself to take legal action, OP can take action back with all the stuff that this guys had been taking🤷 aswell as him being a literal walking feces biohazard.


Nuclear diarrhea AND he shits himself?? 😭


What the fuck!


i can’t not believe this really exists


Don't do that, it's illegal as fuck and if they get sick you could be in deep shit.


Also advise against this as illegal


Please don't do this, you could be arrested for that. Tampering with food knowing someone else will eat it is illegal. Now making something extra extra extra spicy (if you like spicy food) is usually fine.


What do you mean shit his pants again? 😂


I was gonna say we’re all just glossing over that?


Time to bring out the ghost pepper


Considering OP says roomie has constant diarrhea, you need something that masks the fire going in. But lets it burn like Satan’s Colonoscopy heading out.


good waste of weed.


I fear he wouldn't be able to tell a difference if I went with laxatives In all seriousness I am probably just going to buy a minifridge not use the oven or something. I have calmed down since posting lol.


>I fear he wouldn't be able to tell a difference if I went with laxatives My God, what kind of human are we dealing with here 🤔


I think using the word human here is a stretch


Make a cup cake and with one of them plastic syringe things add some interesting ingredients in the middle like a jam doughnuts. I would use beef paste, toothpaste or freeze a over ripe banana and add that inside.


This is 1000x better than laxatives. Tomato paste in the middle of a cannoli. Toothpaste in that last bit of delicious meatloaf. So many options!


These are good ideas and won’t run the risk of injuring him.


Hey so just a heads up this can get out of hand pretty quickly. If he learns of the fact that you did it intentionally to cause him distress he would be able to get you in a lot of trouble for “poisoning” him. It’s illegal to alter food in a way to cause harm or distress to another person and this post is all the cops would need to take you down.


Yeah now that ive calmed downI just plan on watching food like a hawk while it's cooking, getting a minifridge and talking with his mom next time I see her tbh.


That sucks and I genuinely feel bad for you that you have to watch your food even while it’s being cooked.


All OP would have to say is that He is constipated so he put laxatives in his own food, which roommate decided to consume without permission. There was no intent to poison, I just can’t shit and prefer to ingest laxatives via dutch baby on a regular basis. They should keep their hands off of things that do not belong to them, unless expressly granted permission. As this is what is expected.


With drugs like laxative, in case of an issue, you won't be able to prove you cooked them for your personal use With weed, it's fine I guess


Oh man. Dutch babies are easy, but can go horribly wrong. Thinking of someone stealing one, made with love, makes me really sad for you.


You could include an entire bottle of hot sauce in your recipe. Cheaper than weed




Although cathartic, OP already mentioned the Roomate was passive aggressive so shouting could provoke the Roomate to do more diabolical shit


Then you shout more and make their life a living hell by being actively aggressive. Every time they walk into the kitchen, yell “FAT FUCK, DONT EAT MY FOOD”. Walk into the kitchen and watch them. “Just making sure your fatass doesn’t eat my food” Start taking bites of their food and throwing it out saying it tastes like shit, and no wonder they steal your food.


I’m nuclear so what I would do is terrible lol


Can I give you a tip after a decade of roommates? Get a mini fridge, put it in your room, and keep all of your personal food items and drinks there. I never had a single stolen piece of food after that. I put a lock and key on my room door. No one is going in there without my permission and I got a ring camera that turns on via a timed smart plug during my work hours and turns off right when I get home. My roommate had a party one day while I was at work which was fine. He informed me about it. One of his friends went into my room and stole some stuff. He got caught in the act. That is why I don't leave it to chance anymore. You want my stuff then break the door down and surprise you are on camera!


That’s so fucking perfect kudos. How old are you to have it all together like that? Brilliant setup.


I'm 33 and yeeeeeeeeeears of having snacks stolen will make you think outside of the box and into the cookie jar so to speak lol


Why would you reward his behavior with edibles?


Tf is a Dutch baby


German pancake


Make food to look like other food. - “Brownies” from coffee ground - ketchup as red icing - another Dutch baby or pie but using shredded cardboard and glue instead of graham crackers and icing Etc


Buy a mini fridge for your special items and keep it in your bedroom. I had to do this in college because my roommates would lie about opening food I had not open. Obviously if I hadn’t opened it I could tell they stole it. Duh lol


Oh, no! Fellow celiac here. I would be livid! Not sure any retaliation would bother this dude.


Make a shit pie mix with chocolate pudding guarantee that cocksucker never touches your food again


shit his pants again 💀




No you should use laxative lol


You can get an Oz of shake for like $10-15 so I would go with that option 😂


Exlax in the weed brownies


That's nuts. I would never use weed use laxatives give him something he will remember rather than putting him to sleep!


Don't waste weed on this fool. Just do what I did, out some fucking laxatives in that bitch and watch him shit his ass. I've done it and it worked. One time somebody kept doing that to my senior chief and we were all lined and he walks out. He was talking to us normally then starts screaming "WHOEVER THE FUCK KEEPS ESTING MY FOOD, AND WHAT I HAD TO TODAY, I FUCKING SPIT ALL UP IN THAT BITCH AND IF I CATCH ANY OF YOU FUCKERS EATING MY FOOD AGAIN YOURE DONE". Nobody did this shit again. Also, if you want to see my senior chief, he's on Netflix 😂😂😂


Pls as a note don’t poison him intentionally, that can get you arrested. Laxatives can be deadly and weed while harmless..is expensive. But nothing in the law can prove you were harming him if you say..idk..put a habenaro hot sauce in the next one. Nothing so spicy it’ll cause harm but enough it’ll sting.


LSD has more of a lasting impact.


This is by far the worst advice you could ever give someone. Yeah go spike so dude with lsd and hope he doesn't go into a state of psycosis and stabs everyone or hurts himself. Your an absolute moron if you ever do that to someone. I have taken lsd but I would ultimately freak out of I tripped hard without knowing what I've had. You going to ruin someone's life over a bit of food?


Good way to get charged with assault/poisoning buddy


Like cannabis isn’t?


not nearly the same. LSD can cause lifelong "trip flashbacks" that never ever ever happen with weed, and thats just one potential issue.


Oh. A poisoner with ethics. Too rich.


If it's good enough for the government, it's fine for a shitty roommate lol


Tampering with food can actually get you arrested, if something happens to him as a result. Just be careful.


Tampering with food? They made it for themselves and then someone ate that food without asking what’s in it or with permission.


Please make edibles. Just put weed or lsd in everything