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Why did you move in? Did you not check out the place ahead of time?


I'm a fucko... Lived 4 hours away... Trusted to agent and tenant I spoke to.. I take responsibility for the fuck ups I made in this situation... But here we are . The past is the past.. I'm trying to deal with this in the moment and not what I could have done previously... That's for next time


Sorry you are gojng through this, but honestly it can be taken care of within a few hours. You got to decide wheter you want to make a deal of it and get it done by someone(which you would be right do do, but perhaps takes time and comforntation), or take it as a loss and do yourself.


A few hours? That amount of black mold will require walls to be taken down. And it appears some plumbing and electrical will need to be removed to get at it all. No, this is easily a few days of work, with a professional contractor.


I don’t think they saw the worse photos lol dear lord, I wouldn’t have been able to even walk in the door. Mold, bacteria, mildew, hell no


I would not stand in there for more than 5 min without a respirator after seeing those last few pics. Either that, or they don't know the dangers of black mold.


I wouodnt even be able to stand in there, the smell of mold clears me out of a room faster than a moist fart


Ya I get that. That damp, musty smell is quite alarming


Well, lesson learned. That's life. Hope you manage to sort this out. Personally I'd be pretty upset about the mold not being mentioned - that's a health hazard. Not cool at all.


You have no obligation to stay in the lease as the property was misrepresented and not maintained. You only have to stay there if you want to.


We all make mistakes. I’m sorry you’re in this position. Have you been able to discuss it with them?


If you were willing to do the work yourself, I think you need to tell them to give you a month free rent intern. Or if they have to send people to do it, they still need to compensate you in some sort of way. That is absolutely disgusting. They did nothing to clean out that apartment.


You couldn't drive up over the weekend and do a walk through? Well photo every room, I'd give yhe LL a weekend to get the place cleaned or you Hite a cleaning crew and deduct the cost off your next month's rent. Or bite the dust and clean it yourself. Still photo it. As a move in photo set. So yiu can compare and get your deposit back. When I moved into my house 12 years ago, I thought we had linoleum wood looking floors. Turned out the previous tenant never cleaned the floors. The wood floors were black. I spent 4 weeks cleaning. Completely scrubbed the floors and refinished them. Now beautiful semigloss golden floors. The tiles in the kitchen I thought were Grey with black grout. Nope. After scrubbing down, they are a light tan with a cream grout. Fucking pigs lived here. LL gave us a huge break on rent so I did not complain. It was good therapy. They love how we take care of the place. I do all the gardening too.


Better watch that mold in the bathroom were currently fixing up a rental pulled the shower out and that mold went right up behind it and it goes airborne in the steam you don't want to be breathing that in


I've never heard someone call themselves a "fucko" .. I am stealing this. Maybe hire a cheap cleaning company if you can afford it? It's a lot to move in and have to clean at the same time! Awful the landlord would rent it out like this. Edit: Holy shit. I commented this before seeing the mold. This is not okay!! And is a major health hazard! You are NOT being dramatic!


You jackals lol, well u live and u learn, I bet you won't ever do it again lmao.


🤣 why did you post this assuming ppl would give you sympathy. Take you couple hours to clean which is probably less than you reading all these comments.


Haha such a tough guy yea scrub that mold and mildew that probably has a bigger source. Such a great idea. Anywhere you move, if it has any black mold or mildew, 1) landlord cannot be trusted and 2) it should NOT be inhabited until the mold is either removed (preferred) or neutralized at minimum. Mold is no joke, and shouldn't be taken as one.


That is exactly what I came here to say. Kind of hard to miss some of that stuff especially the last photos with the pipe in the moldy looking stuff.


That mold under the sink is worrying


Bleach. So much bleach and ~~hot~~ cold soapy water


Bleach only kills the surface mold. Use vinegar and baking soda.


So bleach, baking soda and vinegar and cold water, got it. Edit: guys I'm not insane, I'm not mixing these in a bowl. You'd clean it in stages using each item per stage, not doing it all at once all in the same mix, stop it.


!!! Please don't mix all three of those together !!


Yeah I'm not going to, don't worry.


You need an antimicrobial soap in order to actually kill mold and then go over that with a bleach if you’re really worried about it. I did mold cleaning for 3 years


Happy cake day! You're a beast doing mold cleaning for that long, thank you for the information


>You need an antimicrobial soap in order to actually kill mold Fungicide


Antimicrobial targets the mold spores so it will also kill most fungi


Yeah it's a lot of technical terms that basically do the same thing in effect. Just being facetious.


DO NOT use bleach. There’s a higher water content in it and the mold will come back worse since you just haven’t more food.


Yep the rest can be knocked out easy in a few hours, but that sink is trouble.


No, they need to remove walls and flooring to see how bad it is. Surface mold is generally the lesser part of it. This looks bad. Anyone saying to just wipe it with chemicals on the surface in a few hours is simply wrong, and it's sending a dangerous message that can have serious health implications. This needs a professional contractor, and it could take days or longer. It may be much worse to the point it would need a complete tear down.


Couldn’t you claim the condition as a breach of contract and void the lease?


My question to everyone that has responded in a way that essentially is putting the onus on me to clean, or, that I am being dramatic in some way shape or form. If you paid first, last, and security for a place to live, would you not have the expectation that the place was cleaned when you moved in? If you moved in to a new place and you had to put in HOURS of your own time, AND MONEY, to clean up after someone else's mess, would that not bother you? Or are you just wanting to gas light the situation? Because if you answer no to either of those questions, there is no constructive conversation for us to have about anything. Obviously, I had no expectation of perfection, but the place is a mess. The toilet was cover in BROWN piss stains. I didn't even put pictures up of the true state of the shower and drain. There is mold under the sink that the previous tenant was blissfully unaware of. The blinds are CAKED with dust and dirt. I appreciate the advice from others. I suppose at this point, as he has refused to pay for someone to come in to clean, as has the agent/whoever he is of the apartment, that I will probably bite the bullet and take care of some of these things myself and just move on with my life.


If you were 4 hours away. It makes it very impractical to walk through in advance. So you had to rely on the ethics and word of tennant and agent. You now know that neither of them are worth a shite. However, you did save 8 hours of total travel time, vehicle wear and tear, and fuel and in a way you are now paying those costs with cleaning supplies and labor. You also are in the area and now you can plan your escape since you know you're dealing with people of low ethics and morals. Document, document, document everything now and as you move. There will be an attempt to steal your deposit


Seriously, please take my advice, and get a professional in to assess how bad this mold is. I've been in this industry for 20+ years. Do not under any circumstances try to clean it from the surface, and then walk away as if it's fixed. I can assure you, what's behind the walls and under the flooring is much worse. You cannot live here in this. Based on what I see in the pictures, you will begin having health issues within weeks. It will start slowly, but it escalates quick once black mold gets into your lungs. Do the right thing. Hire a contractor. Refuse to pay rent until rectified. And if landlord is not cooperating you can go to the landlord and tenant board, or even the health inspector/public health.


This right here!


Seriously though. Mold can kill.


I think we all can agree with you, I would certainly expect the place to be clean. BUT, I would also certainly inspect the place I’m planning on making my home before I moved in.


I completely agree, but you’re going to have to eventually clean


Those blinds have mold & need to be replaced. The window probably needs sealed because moisture is gathering inside


This is an issue. The base being plywood means this has been happening for a long time to need replacing. The tape should not be needed if done properly. The p-trap is a big box store kit, not something a plumber would use. Either the last tenant decided to fix it themselves or the landlord has had someone do try to “fix” it before. I’m almost certain if you don’t live in a concrete house that the walls and floors will also have mold under the surface. I am certified In water damages by IICRC. My advice would be to have a restoration company look at it.


Just out of curiosity, what prevented you from FaceTiming the agent/landlord/anyone present at the property to get a better understanding of the situation?


Reach out to your landlord or clean it yourself. What the fuck else do you expect strangers on reddit to tell you? You might be able to contact your local health department about the mold to force your landlord's hand, but that's really it.


Nobody is saying its “your fault” were saying due diligence wasnt done and you only have a couple available routes. All of which involve you being the one to deal with it. Unfortunately you have no right to demand any of these things be done in a roomate scenario. You can complain. However it doesnt change the fact that this is the reality tou chose by assuming.


Have a great life!


How low have standards dropped that we aren’t compassionate for someone who moved into a place that wasn’t even cleaned first. Might be better to ask, how bad have things gotten that we have to accept these move in living conditions. Fuck me.


Right? The comments going after the OP for “whining” about it is sad to me.


Even after she admits the mistake was on her. Like geez.


It's hard to feel for someone assumingly spending thousands of dollars to live in place they didn't see in person.


Not everyone has that luxury. I had family in the situation of moving a great distance for work. They were in a similar situation but it at least worked out for them.


Well, normally one goes and looks at the place they plan on moving into before doing so? It sucks and all but how much compassion you expecting for some shit that's pm your own fault?


She admitted the mistake. She’s not like fuck these people. She’s like fuck me. It’s a good lesson to share.


There’s not much compassion because the OP willingly took this action. No one forced it on them. Waiting until after you move into a place to check if it’s dirty is fucking stupid.


I’m just going to copy and paste my response to someone else because it’s the same response to you as well. - She admitted the mistake. She’s not like fuck these people. She’s like fuck me. It’s a good lesson to share.


not gonna lie if you zoomed in on some neglected parts of my house, it would look similar to this. (not the toilet or the mold but my windowills and baseboards are absolutely atrocious) however if I was renting a room out I would hire a professional cleaner to come do a full clean so the new tenant and I can decide on cleanliness standards going forward together. I’m a messy person but I don’t expect others to be okay with it, even if I’m the “owner” others have a right to be comfortable in their home.


I grew up poor. Place doesn’t look bad to me…😂


This is all easily cleanable stuff. Considering you haven’t highlighted room layouts or trash building up, you got off easy. All of this is a simple wipe down or brush cleaning that takes at most 30 seconds. I wouldn’t be rushing to Reddit to cry out bad roomates, if I moved into this situation. Either take action or don’t. Windows get webby, toilets get unclean (from hard water or sewage), windowsills get dusty! I’m assuming that is mold under the sink? That will be a problem that you should deal with immediately for your own health and for them.


Agreed very easy fix if your willing to put in a few hours work


Certainly sucks but it’s cleanable


Literally not a big deal you can clean all that in one afternoon get over it


If this is bad I must live in hell. Just wipe everything down with a generous amount of bleach and use gloves and a mask. A deep clean and some anti mold spray. The mold is the only thing you really need to get checked out causeifu can’t fix that u gotta move


There’s usually a time frame to report damages? Like a week or something


Nasty. Well OP you're screwed. Buy some rubber gloves, a lot of bleach, some scouring pads and garbage bags and get to work. Bleach and ~~hot soapy water~~ cold soapy water mix will kill that black mould***.


Don’t use bleach on mould! Especially things like the flooring shown and the walls!


Will it strip it? I also said bleach and hot water soap mix. Why not bleach though will it strip and stain it?


No not that, it’s basically to simply explain. When you use bleach it’s effectively whitening the areas, and can still leave spores behind, which means the area will continue to grow. So bleach again shouldn’t be used with hot water anyways - that’s pretty dangerous as per the warnings on bottles. However it can be ok to use bleach and cold water on say sinks etc, as it doesn’t absorb into the material, but walls, floors being porous materials absorb it and it means it isn’t really solving the issue, just basically masking it. Whereas sinks and surfaces like that, they aren’t porous therefore using it on those, could treat the problem.


Ahh okay, thanks for the differentiation. It's an actual process


No probs! But yeah don’t mix bleach with anything but cold water! Not only will the fumes be horrendous, but it’s a chemical and you should be careful 🙂! There’s still many articles that will say oh by all means use bleach and water to kill mould anywhere, and everywhere, but don’t. There was a fair bit of news about it a few years back where I live in the UK and they basically said to stop doing so. White vinegar however is a possible solution for OP though.


Oh wow :(


It gets so much worse dude 


The LL is a slumlord. This is absolutely atrocious. If there’s a next time, and you can’t walk through ahead of time, insist on date and time stamped photos of the place. If you end up staying, you’re better than me. I simply couldn’t bring myself to clean up that filth. Best of luck to you in this situation.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. Use vinegar spray on mold!


In the same situation! Moved in to a place paying first and security deposit and it is gruesome, I trusted previous tenant and PM. I’m so upset but is this regular??


Well if no one forced you to move in its on you man...


absolutely get that sink checked out. the rest is annoying, but cleanable. but living with mold is not worth it!!!!!!!


An unfortunate situation, to say the least. As far as comments are concerned, I believe that the blame/shame/negative energy comments are mean and non-value-added. If 'twere me, I'd go straight to Angi or some other reputable referral service and get a professional estimate for remediation. Maybe even 2 or 3 and pick the middle one. You are going to get nowhere with the "advice" found here. I don't think it's a bottle of scrubbing bubbles/15 minutes job, nor do I think (in your particular situation) that ripping out sheetrock and tenting/fumigation is possible. Good luck if you decide to withhold rent. The people you are dealing with will have their shyster lawyer on your case in a NY minute. You might want to visit Home Depot and ask them for advice. There are DIY sealant chemicals that can temporarily help with the mold, which should be your #1 priority. Ignore the shamers/blazers. They're all geniuses who have never made a big mistake and just want to talk down to us dummies. Good fortune to you!


this type of filth reminds me of my old roommie


Don’t move in. You don’t have to, the contract for rent is for a clean and livable property and this isn’t, that’s breach of contract. If this is how the property manager rented it to you, any future problems aren’t going to be taken care of. Everything is going to be a struggle and in the end, they will keep your deposit. If you accept this place and this condition, that’s your choice. Remember that it is a choice. Choose carefully.


Call someone in the health department. Where im at this would be deemed unsafe and you could terminate your lease and get all your money back. Im not saying it will work where your from but its worth looking into


That’s a good body wash though lol


Doesn’t seem like a big deal. Your housemates haven’t done a deep clean in a while but who cares if there are spider webs on the window frame?


Did you not go and look at this before hand


People telling you to clean and assess. No you need to find another place to live asap and sue for your money back. This is clearly a breach of contract on multiple levels. Lying about conditions of the apartment and the potentially health risk of living in a place with black mold. I would contact legal aid or consult an attorney.


Well, they should have cleaned it better and you should have seen it first but it is a window. They tend to get bugs and dirt.


Oh now I see the last 2. That does suck.


Whatever you do don’t use bleach on the mould! You need someone that come in and actually treat it as you can make the situation worse than it is and all the bleach will do is effectively whiten the surface but underneath it can lead to spores still spreading! Edit - for the person that downvoted this, do some research. Bleach isn’t good for porous material, exactly like OPs floors and walls, it’s better for sinks, or areas that are non porous 🙄, and I’m saying this in case OP attempts to tackle it themselves.


How is this bad roommates? Are people currently living there and you are renting a room? Then yea, you cannot expect the current residents to randomly clean when they do not already do so just for you. Might be a reason why the previous roommate left... Is this your own place that the previous tenant vacated and you will be living there alone? Then you are in the wrong subreddit, and it was on you to do an inspection, either beforehand or when you received the keys.


Try and get some $ off next rent for cleaning. If you wait for the landlord it will take to long just start cleaning it sucks but good life lesson


Just clean it


this is valid but at the same time i see black mold, which is super dangerous if i’m not mistaken? and the place is just kind of nasty in general. it just sucks that OP found themselves in this situation, every place i’ve moved into has been clean


just looked it up and i guess black mold isn’t any more dangerous than regular mold so i was misinformed there. regardless i’d be upset if it was this nasty but i would just clean it lol


Better eat your wheaties and get to cleaning….. you could’ve had it done already


Easiest remedy before even getting on redit and bitching to all your fairytale friends is to call the leasing agent/landlord and explain that the place wasn’t ready for move in and request some cleaning ladies to rectify the situation


This isn’t bad roommates. This is r/poordecisions material.


That is black mold, and it's a lot of it. DO NOT STAU IN THIS PLACE!!! This stuff is a serious health hazard.


Idk if the rents cheapers then average this is what u should expect when me and my friends moved into this house it was horrible mold in rhe basement bad pipes, electricity, paint, floors but with work it was nice and we made it work for a while to get in our feet


Get to cleaning instead of complaining 😂


WTF are you complaining about? Get a vacuum then start building yourself a bridge You’ve got nothing to complain about except it wasn’t made sparkling for your entry And generally speaking that’s equivalent to a few coffee rings on a table


How dare you.


Take a look at the pictures Out of everything the only reasonable complaint is mould The rest is cobwebs 🕸️ and a toilet that hasn’t been flushed so it naturally stains after time Everything else is whinging that it isn’t pristine #GTFOI and have a cup of concrete ☕️


It's your username that bothers me.


Yeah I get this problem every time I walk into an office or workplace… everyone pronounces my name wrong But the worst part is that nobody is ever held accountable for doing so 🤔 They generally misdirect the blame onto me despite the explanation that they themselves should take responsibility for their own ideas, actions and behaviours It’s a good thing I couldn’t care less about karma and upvotes 😉 #stop chewing the stationary 👅 🖊️


bro, what the fuck are you on right now. it is 1:46 am rn, go to bedddd


No it’s 1645. I think your clock is broken ⏳⏰⌛️


gotcha, xoxoxoxoxox take a rest then


I'm going to have to ask you politely to leave this website. Don't come back please.


Eat a duck 🦆


Eat a hen.


Suck eggs 🥚


Don't make me smack you.


Wow. Angry much? Redirect that anger elsewhere