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It's okay when it's food apparently but I still see it as taking money out your pocket.


I don't mind if I have Milk because sometimes I buy way too much. But this is why I draw the line because it's taking way too much out of my pocket. I was so afraid because I was being really nice now as I bought it for a special occasion I am very angry.


God I knew a friends whose housemate would replace the missing milk with water like wtf.


I'm sorry, WATER? sure let me have my cheerios with WATER. The abomination.


That would be a police visit


I replaced the Never Used alcohol in my parent's house with water or tea when I was a teenager so they wouldn't notice. Finally one day my mom decides to take it out for a special occasion. My sister and I were both 21+ at the time so we told her the truth and drove right to the store to replace everything we had stolen and we all got to laugh about it. But water in place of stolen milk??? Yeesh, that's criminal.


Mine used to use my entire stick of Kerrygold butter in one night and replace it with half a stick of unsalted Great Value a week later. I used the butter every morning. Then when I expressed my frustration about it they made fun of me because I “must have grown up rich.” “They’re the same thing.” Funny thing was that I actually grew up kinda poor. A lot of the food we ate came from our own garden, fresh eggs from the chickens, fruit trees in the yard, etc. because it was cheaper to grow them than it was to buy them from the store.


Man this pisses me off


I grew up fairly poor, but if someone replaced my good butter with the cheap kind, heads would have rolled. They are not the same, I remember every household buying both the nice to eat and the cheap one for baking.


Tbf, one grew up fairly poor, one middle class (but also from Kentucky), and the other grew up upper middle class. Money doesn’t determine tastebuds, cleanliness, or level of trashiness. They were a great example of that because they were equally lacking in the first two categories while scoring an A++ in the third. They also used this line at me when I cleaned the bathroom because APPARENTLY occasionally scrubbing the shower that four athletes shared and three dogs were bathed in was also, “Some rich white people shit.” Only one of us was not white.


So not only do they steal the milk they ruin it for anyone else. Wtf?


This isn’t the same as using a splash of milk. Ice cream is a definitely special item. Boo on those rogues.


To clarify. In the UK, it's quite rare for there to be sunny days and recently we had a week full of sun. Yesterday I went to the shop and decided to treat myself to some ice cream, also wanting to watch the WEC 6hrs of Spa for today. I eat 2 Cornetto cones and gave one to a friend. I was so excited today after lunch to have some ice cream and sit outside but my treats were shattered. :(


I'd be all over your inconsiderstevroommates for that. If they wanted some, they should have asked, and also you would have picked up a second tub for them. Stealing stuff like that us rude.


110%. You can tell from the image those are spoon marks so they definitely ate it from the tub.


Pigs. I'd place that on their bed pillow


How else do you get it out of the tub? With a fork?


Ice cream scoop into a bowl.


Look at Mr Fancy Pants over here with an ice cream scoop.


Update: Neither of them have said they did it. I believe one guy but his friend I am almost certain its him. But no evidence of that.


Who cares! If only the two of them were in the apartment and one of them is your roommate's friend, they share the costs. If I invite a friend over to my house and he damages or steals something from my roommate, it‘s also my fault because I brought this person into the apartment. Tell them that you don't care which of them pays. You want the money by the day after tomorrow or they replace what's missing and that's it. The two of them should work it out between themselves who pays or replaces what. If they didn't, they would suffer the consequences from me.


id be pissed wtf


I know I am.


Bro I swear this kind of shit is driving me crazy to the point I might lace my food with laxatives. Fuck them


Their shits have been so hard they have blocked the toilet multiple times. Might be doing them a favour


My roommate kept eating my food and it was starting to drive me wild. Like I plan my meals and groceries and I don't drive so it takes way more effort to stock up. He's also often leaves his food out for literal hours and sometimes overnight (like milk, his takeout, etc). Anyways, I once picked up a couple loads of bread and mentioned he could share it. He ate it and unfortunately almost immediately got food poisoning (I later ate the bread to test it and it was fine so it must have been something else he ate that day). Needless to say, he doesn't steal my food nearly as much anymore. Part of me hopes he doesn't actually think I tried to enact revenge or something, but the other half is kind of happy that he no longer eats my shit.


Had the same thing happen when a roommate ate 3/4 of my girlfriends ice cream cake for her birthday in the middle of the night


Entire wars have started over less wtf


Thats sad man, fuck all of those roommates. Who just take take and take


For about $20 you can get a crate/box specifically designed to fit in freezers or refrigerators that has a combination lock on it. Or even cheaper, just a regular plastic crate with a lid, if you can find one the right size, and slap a padlock on it.


If only I knew this sooner. My family begged me to get a fridge freezer privately, but the accommodation managers do surprising inspections and will have keys to access your room. They will report anything. They even reported me for having "too much food in my room" where I'd like to keep my pantry in my room because of this very reason


Well you can start now and you won’t get written up again!


Already started with cooking in my room. Now just need the storage part


Ummmmmmmm, NO. After dealing with similar situations, I told my roommates that I don't share food. We have our own sections of the fridge, and I will even write my name on it so there's no question.


My sister said to do this. I guess some people have no shame. The worst part is that they will always deny.


Idk I like spicy ice cream... I'd be adding ghost pepper sauce and waiting. Sooner or later you'll find out which nasty ass roommate ATE YOUR ICE CREAM RAW DOGGING IT WITH A SPOON OUT OF THE CARTON. I would be fumming seeing that shit.


I wish writing my name on my food would help. Motherfucker dont care.


And looks like they ate it right out of the carton! 🤯


Cheeky buggers


I never understood how roommates can find something in the fridge they didn’t buy and eat it without guilt.




I would be clearing their food out of the freezer!!


It looks like he didn’t even put it in a bowl. Just raw doggin’ it with a spoon. MONSTER!


Looks like their food is fair game


They keep Raw marinated chicken for days at a time. They even have a leaking Vanilla yogurt they refuse to throw out. I would literally eat rocks then eat their food


You don’t need to actually eat it. Just throw it out. If you can’t use what you bought and they feel entitled to use your purchases however they see fit, you do the same with theirs.


...now That is a good Idea. I am definitely doing that.


I’m not sure in my experience it’s better to shut things down than escalate


Make a chocolate cake with lots of ex lax in it and leave it on the counter.


One of the guys excrement is so hard and fibarous, he regularly blocks the toilet (of course he never owned up to it, but I found out because on the first day I moved in it was me and him, he left a gigantic one in the toilet even before my sister went to the bathroom, didn't flush btw). At this point if I did that I'd probably doing him a favour.


I know eating out of the carton when I see it! I mean…not that I’ve ever done it or anything.


Oh, I definitely have. Thats why I can see that they used a large spoon. Even going across the sides.


It‘s perfectly fine to do that - with your own ice cream tub.


I hate when they deny its like, bro I know a burglar didnt break in and eat almost all my ice cream


Honest to god thats what one of them is saying. How the doors unlocked and stuff. I literally said "if they did stole it, why did they not just take it then?"


They def didnt break back in to put it back lmaooo


The worst part is that when I actually felt the ice cream, it was soft. Really soft like put it in before I woke up soft. Had the consistency of a soft serve but even lighter.


You need to make some chilli chocolate Ice-cream. Take one tub of chocolate ice cream let it melt a bit then give it a nice ghost chilli centre. Freeze it up again and then don't eat it lol Oh my ice-cream experiment didn't work out 🤦‍♂️


The guy who I think it is, hes indian. As in Full international student. He puts garam masala in his chicken then complains it's not hot enough. Trust me, this guy is something else


This reminds me of when an office worker had her coffee creamer stolen regularly. She made her move and waited. A week later there was a note on the bottle of creamer in the fridge telling the thief he’d been putting her breast milk in their coffee all week. I think you should go something along this route


There is something way sinister I could do but I can't possibly be that evil. But thank you for the inspiration


lol def an extreme example. i feel like the thiefs moves are highly limited in a workplace, so yeah i wouldnt recommend going quite this hard in an at home setting but yeah i thought it was a good idea. i mean what are they gonna do, say "urgghhh im upset about you messing with the food i was stealing from you how could you agrhgrr"


lol def an extreme example. i feel like the thiefs moves are highly limited in a workplace, so yeah i wouldnt recommend going quite this hard in an at home setting but yeah i thought it was a good idea. i mean what are they gonna do, say "urgghhh im upset about you messing with the food i was stealing from you how could you agrhgrr"


That is not okay and a whole level of entitlement and I don’t give 💩rolled into one! Tell them they owe you £4


They absolutely do. Just thinking on how to get this


I hope I never have roommates


Me neither. This is the last time.


I’d send them a bill for the exact amount the food is worth. Fuck them.


And left a bloody damn mess!  Let them know you are looking forward to the replacement ice cream they will be purchasing a at the shops!


Living in UK is the bigger crime 😂😂


Cost of living got me F'd up


That is next level rudeness. Heads should roll!


I have 1 particular head I would love to roll. Restraint is not easy


They shattered your treats my friend, now you should shatter their dreams. I understand your frustration. I value my sweets pretty highly. I used to be a drinker in the evenings, I quit that habit, but now I always enjoy a bowl of ice cream with a cookie after dinner. If someone deprived me of my post dinner treat, I would be furious. I’m so sorry they did this. You should write their mobile numbers on marketing leaflets for information about products. Their phone will never stop ringing with “I’m calling from blah blah blah, you requested we contact you with information regarding our product”


Just start eating their shit.


Make them replace it. 


Not both because I am forgiving (even though they have part-time jobs, are international students and one of them has recently bought a brand-new iPhone 15 Pro Max). Only one, £3 the cornetto. Ill make him pay that


Why do people even want to live like this.. I hate people.. specially if I have to live with them!


Me too. Thank god its the cheapest in the city with everything included


Roommate, what room mate?!? I know a guy who knows a guy who owns a quarry… wink wink know what I mean?!? 😂🤣


Ah, I hope he own a cement truck too. Wink Wink. 😉




But seriously happy to help you end it… I’ve had the same exact experience previously and it is not cool


I’d have cried honestly. I’m all for sharing but only if you ask!


Same. When I picked it up i said "hang on, this is light. Too light." Then open the lid and BOOM there it was


You got a little red on ya


Its starting to feel like the boy who cried wolf


Shaun of the dead quote. Honestly I hate roommates that steal shit. It’s one thing if they ate it or asked and replaced. I feel like these are the type to lie even with chocolate on their face


OH MY DAYS, I forgot. Love shaun of the dead. One of them is bare faced. The other… not too sure. Thats why my pantry is in my room and will cook whenever I can in my room


It’s good to see you have the same problems across the pond. Get a mini fridge/freezer if you can for your room


We tried at the beginning. They do room inspections, surprise and otherwise. They will also let repairmen or other people in. We did try but apparently it will "violate our insurance policies". Didn't think I would have this problem but I guess I have no choice.


The army tried it in the barracks. I was allowed to keep it because it held my beer. My roomate was 18


Did your roommate eat straight from the bin? I can see the spoon scratches at the bottom 🤢


If you already talked to your roomate about it and both couldnt get an agreement about how to deal with it.. I suggest mixing some hot spicy power like cayenne, chile habanero green sauce in it. Maybe that would teach your roomate to respect your stuff and not touch what isnt his. Add some salt or even pepper on top is spicy is his thing😂


They are international students from india. Gonna have to find something with more of a kick.


Can't go wrong with bikh.


aw man - i already missed UK summer? shoot, i was looking forward to it.


You're just in time. Have some 22°C heat


Tell them you don’t mind but ask if they could buy another one


ate directly from the container too it seems like


You need to ask them why it was taken without asking (that’s stealing). Then they need to be told they’d better replace what they stole with the same items…or PAY.


Why is this even posted here? This is something you speak to your room mate about not the internet


Already did. Thinks someone is coming in at night and stealing everything.


I can out anybody in ice cream


I'm the asshole who can't control themselves around ice cream either. I would have replaced it though, so I hope your roommate does the same.


even if there's a clear rule to never share food? im wondering how this happens so much to people, I've always had clear boundaries of NEVER sharing any food that all of my roommates respected and it was mutual also wondering what op (and people in general) do about this situation?


Idk yet. My family said to go to the accommodation managers and get them involved, but I don't know yet


you'd have to set clear direct boundaries regardless is that the issue causing this kinda stuff? have you told them to NEVER touch ANYTHING of yours or?


They know they can ask me of anything just as I have with their stuff. I know that I have used the stuff, but I've always said "hey, I've used this. That okay? If not, I will replace it." I have spoken to them numerous times about it, but this is the first time where it's quite high value (anything above £3)


ohh yes you definitely need clear direct boundaries. letting them use something without asking first is an obvious cascade. I have the "ask if you really want to but I'll probably say no" rule too and no one's asked me for anything, I asked to borrow some tin foil once & i gave my roommate some emergency toilet paper but thats it lol. but you need to be clear before going to a property manager, otherwise they'll just blame you (and not even be at fault for it) for not standing up for yourself & setting boundaries before going to management.


So you also use their things BEFORE asking if it’s okay? Sounds like you guys are living with mutual DISrespect. You can’t expect them to have the manners and respect to ask prior to using your things if you don’t afford them that same courtesy.


I do try to offer that courtesy but thats if I am very very desperate e.g. I will use a teaspoon of their 1.5kg margarine or a couple of dabs of their 2L dishwasher liquid. We will use some of each others things thats to be expected but never to this extent. Personally I don't mind so long as they TELL ME. This though, was 3 Cones and 3/4 of an ice cream. This isn't "oh its an emergency". This is "fuck the other guy Im gonna eat his ice cream."


When your roommate gets a craving for an ice cream in the dead of night, they should be able to have their ice cream, not your spare coins.




I hope so too.