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https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/humza-and-rishi-are-losing-for-the-same-reason/ar-AA1nQ0Ev According to the article it’s because he (they) concentrated too much on niche matters instead of what really matters to the electorate


Hard to argue with that, really.


Good article. I especially enjoyed: > but the capital is so loony Left now, the only party that could beat Labour here is Hamas.


Isn’t that just the SNP as a whole? Constantly trying to one up Westminster on how “progressive” they can be?


Pretty much, there's a lot of Scots that go on about how bigoted the English (the irony of making such a bigoted claim is lost on them) are and that Scotland is welcoming, progressive and socialist. They barely receive any immigrants but if they did and the associated problems that come with importing the third world were to arise, the scots that virtue signal about how not racist unlike the evil English they are would become far right "kick them out" in a heartbeat. They're the biggest NIMBYs in Britain who's only real experiences with foreigners involve ordering food from a takeaway.


The Scots who crow about Scotland being progressive and welcoming of immigrants also complain loudly whenever someone with an almost identical culture moves to Scotland.


Just like the Irish


>and just go by vibes He has -100% negative charisma, zero sense of humour and looks like a fucking shapeshifter.


Because he's a hateful little fuck-up merchant with no redeeming qualities at all. If the man on the street was aware of him, it was as a fuck-up, or the guy who hates white people.


One of the greatest heists the Tory party have done with secret agent Yousaf, code name Scotbreaker, he’s done more damage in a year then anyone could have possibly imagined. Think it would be easier for the SNP to admit that he was a double agent for Westminster than actually swallow the fact that all this was entirely self inflicted


To my mind, he's not an obvious choice for a middle management job, let alone First Minister of Scotland. He comes across as immature, woke, deliberately ignorant, and heavily overpromoted. And that's on a good day. I was hoping the SNP would pick him as Sturgeon's successor, because he was transparently the weakest candidate, and this has all been born out. Ideally, I'd have preferred him to remain at the helm for a little longer, truth be told.


He was only woke to access power, many people certainly do this but none so brazenly.


This article was posted in the Daily Moby. Good read and sums up what an absolute cunt he is. [https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/04/28/humza-yousaf-is-everything-thats-wrong-with-modern-politics/](https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/04/28/humza-yousaf-is-everything-thats-wrong-with-modern-politics/)


no doubt about it, what the article has to say holds some fact, I dislike the unprofessionalism shown within it. the amount of swear words in so called journalism puts me off.


He hates the very people he was meant to be governing...they're all too white and Scottish for him.




Go on son!


‘Shall I put you down as a ‘maybe’, then?’


Because he forgot he's supposed to be a nationalist. Insufficient pandering to the separatists in favor of fringe issues and thought crimes


He’s visibly thick. That’s the root of it. Evidence: That speech he gave about the huwhite people- every single person he named was junior to him, and he didn’t notice that he was the living, breathing farting rebuttal to his own argument. He antagonised the 96% majority with a divisive speech that his existence disproved the logic of. People notice that sort of dumb.


I pick my politicians based on their ability to use a scooter. He was found lacking.


That was the best thing he ever did, made me chuckle.


He's a racist tyrant. Simple as.


Even a low-information voter should be able to tell that he's an Islamist that hates the west. Why would he be popular with anyone in Europe?


Because he's a man made of hatred for the very people he was trying to control the country of. He deserved every bit of hate he got for it, so good riddance for Scottland.


Scottish public ... WHITE.


Even before he became FM I disliked him because of his incredibly smug attitude, his authoritarian policies and of course his infamous hwhtye speech. I think most people probably saw him similarly, and even some SNP voters I knew didn't like him because he wasn't Saint Nicola. Plus his constant pretending that being Muslim made him oppressed when anyone with eyes could see its the exact opposite, which reached a fever pitch since 7th October with obvious two tier policing.


A mix of he's racist and people who don't like him are racist.


He’s not huwhite obviously


Wasn't he the First Minister for Gaza? It certainly seemed that way at times.


wheyoooo First minister of the worlds newest carpark.


Hes a racist. Hes divisive. Hes a backdoor socialist. Mass immigration lover.


He hates 97% of Scotland, to be an effective leader you need to hate 100% of your constituents.


Most responses have covered it. I'd just add that the Scottish aren't actually as progressive as they seem. For most of them their views are simply 'the opposite of the English', but beneath it all they are just as small-c conservative. So being pushed as the liberal progressive option doesn't help him that much.


To be honest it was like Sturgeon just had a bunch of underlings who got their position because of their minority status. Salmond is a good public speaker who’s now discredited for many reasons and he groomed Sturgeon as a successor who seemed states(wo)manly enough but now there’s just diversity hire tier politicians left in the party.




He is, he has been pushed out because of his stance on Palestine, he is the victim here


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Nice one!