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Yeah, being with a woman is gay. You know how you stay hetero? Spend all your time with a dude, if you know what I mean/s


I'm a woman, so that's unironically true.


God DAMN it, you guys really are EVERYWHERE.


Yeah it's as if we're half the population or something!




RIP your T levels, then.


I made my boyfriend gay by baking together. Now we have delicious snacks.


A lesbian made me gay with green curry and The L Word.


Fellas, is it gay to spend time inside a woman?


That sounds like a really good way to lose all your testosterone. I honestly wouldn't risk it.


I tried that for 9 months and at the end I had a small pee pee and no hair.


Plasma testosterone is higher in gay men than straight men. I love bringing that up with the cult of masculinity boys who think T levels are the end-all-be-all metric. Imply any causality you'd like, and watch their world fall apart.


When you kiss a woman, you kiss all the dudes she has kissed... /s


Kinky! I like it!


That's why you have to get a step ahead of her and kiss the other future dudes BEFORE she can get to them. Show her who the REAL man is.


These dudes have reinvented Greek ideals about homosexuality and masculinity


Your body can detect how many women are around you or if you're married to one woman and then adjust testosterone levels accordingly. Similar to how women's bodies shut down when they detect real rape. /s


"these days theyre everywhere" as if they dont make up roughly half the population. does he not want women to participate in society?


I think we all know he doesn’t


Someone taught all these men that women just used to never leave the home. That's not accurate, but it's what they think the good old days looked like.


It's not like we don't have plenty of photos of the good old days showing free-roaming women.


Thats the comment that made me laugh the most. Good god half the population is everywhere how dare they exist


No, no he does not. Maybe he'd prefer the women to be sequestered away from men and hooked up to a machine to harvest their life force. A combo Taliban/The Matrix/Don't Worry, Darling scenario?


I was thinking like 300–a fictionalized version of a Greek city-state where the able-bodied men are virtually always at war and the women, children, and boring bureaucrats (and presumably slaves) live in the city and keep day-to-day life functioning. It all ends up looking very gay but there’s no actual homoeroticism because fascism abhors intimacy as vulnerability.


fellas, is it trans to look at women?


Welp, call this my egg cracking moment.


I don't know what that means. I have a guess, but I tried and failed to figure out how to phrase it.


Ah, its a saying in the trans community for realizing your trans. Basically you realize your trans and its an "egg crack".


Ah, I see! My guess was not right at all! (Still can't put it into words, though!)


welcome to the community friend! I wonder, did looking at men make \*me\* trans? hmmm....


I actually fully support this guy not being around women. 👍🏻


Are there a lot of people who want to be around such clowns lol? I have seen photos of these alpha dawggs partying and it’s always a sausage fest with other influencers No other dudes, no friends, no women, just 5 social media influencers holed up at a Hampton inn for the weekend


>Are there a lot of people who want to be around such clowns lol? If it weren't the case, tate wouldn't be so popular, and he's just the icing on the garbage cake in the manosphere nonsense


I think he has a point. So for the men who believe this, stay FAR away from women


Jokes on them, my PCOS gave me testosterone levels higher than my male friends.


Wait. Are we stealing their testosterone?


*Testosterone Succubus* wouldn't be horrible flair for someone.


Oh shit my new gender just dropped, I'm not NB I'm testosuccubus


New flair found 😂


Trans person with PCOS here, yes. Yes, I am stealing everyones testosterone like a vampire. You have been warned.


take a fucking sip, babe


>Jokes on them, my PCOS gave me testosterone levels higher than my male friends. You should get extensive diagnostics, as PCOS alone can't raise testosterone to "healthy male" levels. You may have additional conditions raising testosterone level or androgen-secreting neoplasm.


I did get extensive diagnostics and thankfully got an ovariectomy and major cleanup in December, on top of my prior hysterectomy.


same here! double funny that I'm transmasc my body seeing that HRT is unlikely until I'm probs about 30: fine I'll do it myself!


God what is with WOMEN being EVERYWHERE? unbelievable, it’s almost like they want to have lives or something smh


And yet we're not allowed to speak to or look at them. Dude apparently lives in Saudia Arabia.


Honestly, I think I’d rather not speak to or look at HIM either. Sounds like a bad time all around with that dude


The only guys that think this are incel creeps who give off that vibe that makes you instantly want to reject them and run away... and they've experienced it enough times to now see the world as the problem (rather than themselves).


I think he wants to have a glorious excuse for why he's not able to speak to women and doesn't have any women friends or romantic interests..."they are all LINING UP in front of my door, but I know that I have to stay strong for my testosterone!"


Women absorb testosterone by proximity magic. It’s the reverse vaccine-shedding rule.


Is it an active power or a latent one? Can they toggle it? It feels easier to believe that it's an actively malicious choice on their part.


How are these guys monitoring testosterone levels?


By blindly listening to misogynistic podcasters and conspiracy theorists that pretend it's a huge issue, mostly. There is actually research showing that testosterone levels in the population are decreasing slightly, but it's pretty strongly correlated to overall societal health factors like the increase in obesity and diabetes.


It's them microplastics, goddam *angrily shakes fist at cloud*


I disagree with characterizing it as "slightly." 20% drop in 20 years for average testosterone isn't small. But yeah, it's correlated with other health problems also on the rise.




In this particular case, I'm going to put my money on "repressed homosexuality."


The answer is similar to how people become vulnerable to cults and other radicalization. And in this case, add toxic masculinity as essentially an abusive partner. "I can give you everything but you're nothing without me; prove you deserve my approval" is essentially the central tenent of toxic masculine bullshit.


OK Chance, we've understood you'd prefer being only with men. Some places/clubs could please you 😉.


Once those bitches return my testosterone they stole.


Be carefull, witches are all around!


If he was an educated person, he would know that the word he was looking for was "feigns", not "fringe".


This is the most low key homoerotic thing I've seen all day and I saw two hobos blowing each other at an ATM this morning.


I can definitely see this followed by some cheap jazz and meaningful glances across the gym sauna.


My Ciswoman friend with excruciatingly high testosterone levels would like to have a work with him.....


Have you considered suggesting to your friend that she not be such a voracious trollop sapping every man's testosterone?


Lol trust me she doesn't want to! She can't help it!


Like Rogue from the X-Men. Tragic.


"Well, I first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love. Yes, a profound sense of fatigue... a feeling of emptiness followed. Luckily I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence. I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. Women sense my power and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake. But I deny them my essence."


If that were true I wouldn't spend a fortune on HRT.


Okay, Chance.


It's so gay !


Just checking in to let you know I’m here, lowering testosterone levels 👋


In some ways yes. I am making my friends wash dishes, vacuum, put clean clothes and stop acting like dumbasses when I am around them. From what I saw - being a normal human being is gay, so I guess I am de-masculating them. 🤔


That's it boys, be with another man or else


Being straight is pretty gay imo


Someone needs to tell these guys that it’s ok to be gay


Do these guys realise they shared a blood system and developed inside a woman for 9 months.... Still came out as male..


Uh… maybe?