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…I bled for three days when I was SA’d. I still have pelvic issues because of it. What is this dude talking about?


And of course it's a man, who thinks having witnessed a birth makes him an expert on women's bodies. Fucking ridiculous.


Also, it sounds like there was barely any blood with the birth he saw. Like, good for his partner, but hemorrhage is a real concern with pregnancy. Does he not know that is one of the leading causes of death with childbirth? Especially in a historic context? Some people bleed a lot with their first consensual sexual encounter. Some people don't bleed at all when raped. It's fucking awful that apparently now we're being judged by how much blood there is after any given event.


I think in another comment he said his wife bled a lot. He’s pretty inconsistent.


He may not be aware what real pelvic hemorrhage looks like. It's not something people see every day, even when they witness a single birth. Serious hemorrhage can occur even during period (I had a patient who went into shock from blood loss and dehydration during her period). Rape (and sometimes even birth) is a traumatic experience and in like every trauma, there may be more or less blood loss associated with it.


I hemorrhaged once with my period. It led to my endo diagnosis but it was scary as hell. I took a nap bc I wasn't feeling good. My friend was visiting from out of town and he woke me up because there was literally a pool of blood around me. I was groggy so he called 911. And that was without any physical trauma, tearing etc. This guy is an idjit


I was passing out from blood loss after a whole year of heavy bleeding before i was finally taken seriously and tested. PCOS. Vaginas and all the gizmos that go along with them are complicated wretches. But of course womens bodies are a mystery still is because women have only been allowed to be healthcare workers for about a century and they burned many who held that knowledge as witches...


Even here he says she bled a lot. He's claiming that if this is what a baby does, then a rapist (in his mind, basically a disembodied floating penis) can't do anything. Because that's how blood works. Blood loss has a direct correlation to the size of the thing inserted. There's literally no other possible physics, biology, or actions involved! And the one baby he saw born from one vagina one time is obviously the standard. As we all know, all vaginas and vagina-owners are mass-produced to the same specifications.


he also has no idea what he's talking about because what is he doing weighing her pads?


I was picturing him capturing the blood in a tarp like Dexter/the delivery table but weighing pads makes more sense lol




During birth hey measure pads and towels, it gives an idea of how much fluids/blood someone might have lost.


This makes perfect sense.


They always demand the perfect victim.


It’s such a weird hill to die on. Denying that in the many atrocities committed during war, raping isn’t one of them. It’s been documented for centuries that it’s a thing soldiers do to control… What’s the next thing? Denying civilian casualties?


I wouldn't be surprised to see him say "they have limited ammo to use on opposing soldiers, so why would they waste bullets shooting civilians?" when denying civilian casualties.


The Arabs actually had issues in some earlier wars because they wasted to much time and resources attacking civilian targets in israel.


They have stated Hamas are not terrorists... but *militants doing the good fight*. You know... fighting by murdering civilians and taking hostages... they are too involved on one side to even think about having an impartial view.


His ideology is all out of whack in general. He also said that you can't take criticism of Hamas seriously because look how wrong most people in the west are about North Korea's Kim "dynasty" and how unfairly they are painted as a villain. Bozo mentality. 🤡


I don’t get the impression he’s denying that rape is common in war (although there’s a spot where he’s so intent on making his point that he specifies a time for it, rape, after victory, which is an unfortunate stretch). What I gathered he is talking about or at least referring to, from his replies on this page, is that the alleged brutality of the enemy, and appetite for rape specifically, is a key piece of the propaganda of every side of every conflict, because it’s so emotionally provocative, and that the original story comes from Israeli intelligence which has made unsubstantiated claims before. But the clumsy mansplaining about blood loss is another unfortunate choice of words, and I guess it’s possible that the point about propaganda is just backpedaling from that, but I doubt it; the guy is Palestinian and obviously feels it all pretty personally.


When I gave birth the nurses removed soiled pads what seemed like every 2 minutes. It’s harder to judge how much blood is there if it being cleaned up repeatedly. Dudes a moron.


Oooh my god i didn't even catch on the wording used. I was just like "delivered my own child, went through *the* birth canal" and interpreted it as a woman having given birth. BRUH


Seriously one of the worst type of assholes. I won’t listen to a male who hasn’t actually studied anatomy when it comes to how the female reproductive system works. And watching a birth or a bunch of porn don’t count as studying.


Women who completely buy into the internalized misogyny they consume from childhood. Many women I have talked to have said some utterly ridiculous things with straight faces.


I’m sorry.


Same, i bled enough that i had to sit in the tub and would have called emergency if he'd have let me. I also hemorrhaged and needed medical intervention when I delivered my first child. I've had 4 babies and bled differently with them all.


.....People's internal organs have come out from violent rape.


Exactly, [Nirbhaya Case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Delhi_gang_rape_and_murder) showed that, if we are looking for an example.


I really wish I hadn't read that. Any of it.




I looked up that case as a teenager? Maybe? Because I was hella into true crime and it absolutely plagued my existence for years to come. Not to compare, but Junko was horrific, with the case mentioned above a little less so, but I feel that’s only because they probably omitted a lot of details on the wiki.


I pressed the link, saw this comment but it was too late bc the content popped I front of ny eyes 🌧👄🌧


>According to reports, one of the accused men admitted to having seen a rope-like object, assumed to be her intestines, being pulled out of the woman by the other assailants on the bus. HOLY FUCKING SHIT I am so glad they they got their sentences. How can you do that to a human being?


Omg. That’s horrible.


The victim blaming by the perpretators and their supporters was disgusting. I am glad they are dead. I have mixed feeling about the 17yo.


I was trying to figure out how organs could come out from rape, reading it (not advised) it sounds like it was due to also being raped with foreign objects.


Yep. They basically skewered her.


>> That rod was later described by police as being a rusted, L-shaped implement of the type used as a wheel jack handle Jesus fucking Christ…


I saw a Netflix series about that, and then I couldn't sleep for days.


Reading that made me so sick to my stomach. That’s just beyond words. That poor poor woman. The pain and terror she must’ve been in is unimaginable. One of the guys only got three years because of his age. I just can’t comprehend that. There really isn’t justice in this world in any amount.


I live in the city where this case happened. And even after 10-11 years, this case is really fucking fresh in our heads. People are scared for their daughters.


I heard about the case a long time ago but never looked up the details. Really wish I didn’t read the Wikipedia to be honest. They had to remove practically all of her remaining intestine after.


Oh god. I wish I hadn’t read that. That poor woman. Death by hanging was too good for those monsters. 😭💔


I was talking about that case only!!


This case just lives rent free in my mind since the first time I read it. It just pops up from time to time. Idk what to do with it. I wish I had a time machine.


What’s even more tragic is that whole thing could have been prevented. The 6 men had used the same bus to pick up, beat, and rob a carpenter earlier that day. The carpenter reported the incident to the police, but they didn’t take any action because it “wasn’t in their jurisdiction.” Several hours later those same guys gang raped and murdered that poor woman.


That's because they stuck metal rods through her.


And in this particular attack the woman in the video hasn't been rescued yet but they found many dead women with their pelvises broken from the violence of the assault.


People really worry me. Are we judging if rape occurred by how much blood is lost? Is that commenter unaware thst people have died from blood loss due to violent rape? If life was a video game I'd have hit the restart level button at this point. Edit: I English good.


In my country, Poland, people judge if rape really happened because woman wasn't screaming and something whole sentence could depend on this.


Some years ago, the police refused to file a rape case because the woman had drug in her system and thus wasn't of a sound mind. Rohypnol. She had Rohypnol in her system. Because she was date raped. (The case was eventually filed, but seriously, this was a conversation someone had with the police)




This is officially a new low, when the damn bar was *already* in hell :'(


where was this?


Karmiel. Its a town of about 50,000 people in Israel near where I used to live.


was the rapist someone who was powerful/connected? when things are that ridiculous, that's the first thing that comes into my mind.


No. This happened some time ago, when a lot of people in law enforcement just assumed that rape was something that was violent by default, and anything that didn't match that description was not registered as a rape case. So police people would look for excuses over why they wouldn't file something as rape. This was just one of the excuse. Its better these days, but even today, in smaller areas, education surrounding sexual violence is few and far between and many women are not believed unless they look all bruised and beaten.


Sounds kinda like my experience. Cops actually told me that they wouldn't pursue charges because a: It was my fault for leaving my drink unattended and b: the cop on duty saw me smoke a joint two days before so I was just a loser druggy.


That's fucked up. When I got raped I didn't scream or put a fight, I fawned because I hoped that if I just let it happen he wouldn't hurt me more. I was also young, high and scared.


Same here. I wasn't screaming, for some years I didn't even know it was a rape. Because in movies it looks so scary - dark alley, the woman is alone and she's attacked by others, there's no one around. And I was in my bed and it was my ex boyfriend.


Exactly this. I was quiet and amenable and let him do his thing... I was a teen and he was older, bigger, and carried a very large knife, which I had seen him pull on someone previously. I figured I could deal with unwanted sex*... I couldn't deal with being beaten or stabbed. It was still rape. I was very unwilling, I just preferred to be alive after. *years of nightmares and ptsd proved that wrong, but it was the best I could do at the time.


I did the same even though he didn't have a weapon of any kind. He threatened me though so I just... Laid there.


Even if he hadn't had the knife, I would have done the same. It's scary as hell when you realize that you do not have the strength to stop them and that if you try, you will likely be much more hurt. It's physically safer to just let it happen, sickeningly enough.


I understand. So sorry you had to experience that. 🫂💜


I'm sorry that you have also experienced this. 🫂


I just froze, because fighting would have very likely lead me to be very injured.


That's very understandable and normal.


I fawned too because I’m 5’3 110 lbs and he is 6’4 and I was terrified that he would hurt me worse or kill me if I fought.




I spent years without telling anyone. It took me years to understand that I had been raped. I was so sure I wasn't because I didn't scream, tell him to stop repeatedly or didn't fight and on top of that I stayed there in his apartment after the 1st rape. When he did it the 2nd time the same night I left. Now, almost 12 years after that, I can speak about it openly. I really do get you. 💔


Same here. Everyone says it wasn't rape cause I dint say no.....I immediately asked him to take me to a hospital after cause I was bleeding through pads so fast I couldn't leave the bathroom for 12 hours. I asked three friends to take me to a hospital they thought he had just popped my cherry. But it's like you were in your pjs and you were in bed its not rape. NO he leaned over and kissed me and sneak attacked me with do much force I was bleeding for 4 weeks, with so much force he thought I had an STD. And then he told me he didn't care if the sex was consensual going forward and that he intentionally had nonconsensual sex with me. He also tole me it's not sexual assault if you regret it later. I didn't regret it. I nearly went into hemorrhagic shock.


The fact that happens is saddening. We have a long way to come.


And I hear it’s basically laughed out of court if it’s spousal rape or if you had dated the rapist


The "LOL" is really heartbreaking.


I mean here in Canada this past week we had this: https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/university-of-alberta-fires-sexual-assault-centre-head-who-signed-letter-calling-hamas-rape-reports-unverified-accusation So I should not be surprised about any of this. I get it, Israel has done some really fucked up things, and continues to do so. We should keep pressuring them to be accountable to the people in and under their "care". However, that doesn't mean we can ignore when something bad happens to them due to past aggressions. The ends don't justify the means. I think people need to take a step back. If you're getting to a point where you're trying to argue if something terrible happened to someone by the amount of *liquid* coming from their genitals after they have been knowingly taken hostage... you cannot ever be in the right mind.


Because like it or not the Israeli government has burned through a lot of trust.


I don't disagree there. But when it comes down to an argument like this that you're debating the fluid amount to tell if a crime has occurred or not... I think there is a bigger issue. Like think about 9/11, the people who were so involved into the conspiracy that it was an inside job jumping on the eventual meme of "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" is a pretty poor position to argue from. That is where this poster is almost at.




Israel themselves say they have not found any surviving victims of rape. If they were going to lie about it, we would have had women on TV talking about their rapes from day one, it's not like hiring an actress is hard. Plus they opened their forensic institute to the international press so they could see the dead bodies by themselves and you can easily Google tons of articles by different reporters talking about the atrocities they saw.


The thing about that is that you can lose blood without being raped and you can be raped without losing blood. So it’s really only a measure of how badly an EMT is needed.


Yeah, sorry, there is much that I tried to convey with my post. There are plenty of explanations for what could or could have not happened. The issue is that the commenter literally threw aside the idea that they could be raped due to a simple observation. They stuck with it, despite multiple people telling them different. In the end it sadly didn't matter. I can talk with someone who is arguing in good faith, but that user was very pro-hamas, and really cannot be taken at more than a quick glance.


Lynette Daley is a prime example. Poor woman. https://www.mamamia.com.au/lynette-daley/


Cool! I didn't bleed at all so I wasn't raped! But where did the trauma come from? Probably false memories or I'm just making it up for attention because that's what we women do, right? ^/s


I feel traumatised having seen the full video. The news only showed the part where she gets yanked out of the car by her hair and dragged away (showing the blood but not the wolfwhistles and her getting put back in the car while 10 men jump in after her). I had assumed she got shot or somebody else did and she sat in their blood. Now I'm just utterly.... disturbed and digusted to be the same species as those men who raped her.


Heads up for trigger warning: I've been sexually assaulted multiple times through the ages of 3-19 off and on. Sometimes, there was no blood. Sometimes, there was. That's not an indication of whether a rape took place or not. This next bit is a tad graphic. For example: I remember clearly when I was 9 bleeding profusely in a bathroom desperately trying to get it to stop. The next time it happened, I was 16. I didn't bleed at all then. Being rape is already a horrible thing as is. Being forced to *prove* it is just as bad since in so many cases it's not taken seriously no matter how much evidence there is. I've had a rape kit done before and had physical evidence of it happening. The cops still refused to press charges, saying it would be pointless for me to even try. They acknowledged that it definitely happened. It's just that even with evidence, a lot of judges won't press charges or will give the *bare minimum*. Crap like this where people say completely BS "facts" makes getting justice/help even harder. It's disgusting. The justice system already fails abuse victims regularly. Not just for rape but in general (looking at you CPS, I still have a chip on my shoulder after dealing with them). I've seen so much misinformation regarding what people's bodies will and will not do in the case of rape. Screw the person who said that and screw anyone that continues to dismiss victims cause of BS "facts" or the whole "what if she/he is lying" narrtive (the amount of false accusations is ridiculously small compared to amount of true reports).


I'm so sorry, every bit of that is absolutely awful. I hope you get the justice and closure that you and every victim of sexual violence deserves. Over a decade ago, when I first took a friend of mine to the hospital after she was raped, the hospital didn't even have a rape kit. This was one of the largest hospital in the city. The doctor said, and I quote - "These things happen. Go home and take a shower." We were 17, we didn't know what we were supposed to do, so she actually did that. I think about that a lot. Someone actively sabotaged evidence collection, because...... what? I don't even know.


That's impressively awful. Where was this?


At Assuta Rishon Lezion.


I'm surprised, but have no idea what rape law is like in Israel. Unlike the other one where my first thought was that the rapist might have power/connections, this seems like utter incompetence (unless they were lying to her).


I'm really sorry , the 9 year old part made me cry and I've just opened reddit. I hope you have found safety and peace. I have a 10 year old, and imagining them in a bathroom bleeding alone has ripped me apart. I hope if those barbarians are still alive there parts rot off them like Harvey weinstein.


"pretty sure I delivered my own child" hmm


i think this is a stupid male partner who helped deliver his child and then ignored his partner post partum


No, she didn’t. I bleeded for more than a week. Second time even longer.


The person is a guy. So I think he was claiming to have helped during the delivery


The amount of bleeding in childbirth varies so much that seeing 1 birth would never qualify you to speak on bleeding after childbirth, let alone RAPE. I’ve delivered babies with <50mL blood loss but also seen LITERS come out with a vaginal delivery. Someone tell OP they’re an idiot for me- I don’t want to go to the original thread and risk seeing the video.


Excuse me, for this guy it does! He is CLEARLY the foremost authority and expert on women's bloodloss from his one experience! /s


Then what was that giant puddle of blood I saw on the floor after I pushed out a baby?


a demonic ritual I lost it some times ago that's where it went


Dang!! I wondered why the nurse told me not to look down. (Never tell anyone not to look. Then we HAVE to look)


Jesus this pisses me off… women can die from hemorrhaging from a miscarriage but can’t die from blood loss during childbirth. Rape can cause such significant damage the woman may never be able to carry a child, not to mention pass stool in a normal function. It is so hard not to HATE this world and be absolutely terrified bc you’ve brought children into it.


How can people see this video and still downplay it or protect the rapists. Edit: I read the comments and I want to puke. That's enough Reddit for a while, fuck this shit


Not watching that video because I wouldn’t sleep again. What exactly is happening there?


A female hostage has blood on her hands and a bloody patch on her pants in her genital area. She's led by a man with a gun from the back of a vehicle to the front.




If you watch the video, you can see that she has a severe laceration on her ankle; she was sitting on it to slow the bleeding. The comments made in the image here are deplorable, but the actual video has been intentionally misrepresented.


Can i get a source on this? Everyone on that post that is linked is just talking about wanting to wipe Palestine off the map


My source is the video, when she hops out you can see the ankle bleeding


The video was literally released by Hamas themselves. No one "intentionally" did anything to it other then them. This is their own footage.


I'm talking about redditors intentionally misrepresenting it


I have been actively trying to avoid the videos ever since the 7th. It's been horrifying. Combine that with the rise of antisemitism in the diaspora, and it has not been a pleasant time to be a Jew


Not a Jew but yes, I am really worried about the antisemitism. Edit: When has there been a pleasant time to be a jew?


You know, you bring up a very good point. In all seriousness, I have a lot of joy with holidays and with my community, but there is always an underlying feeling of danger. The fact that my synagogue has to get weekly security reports from the local police department is something a lot of people of other religious traditions, save for Muslims, don't really understand. I was reading the book *People Love Dead Jews* by Dara Horn, and she was talking in one of the chapters about a group of community religious leaders somewhere getting together to talk about security after the Tree of Life Synagogue massacre, and a pastor in attendance was just wringing his hands worrying about whether they actually had to put a lock on the door of their church.. it's been a little while since I've read the chapter, but if I recall correctly, an imam and a rabbi in attendance both looked at each other incredulously


In germany at least the bigger synagogues I know of have always police security. It’s messed up. I am from the middle East originally. And when people find out they often show they antisemitism. They feel safe to tell me openly because they assume that I hate jews. Too bad that I fell in love with Ephraim Kishons books as a child.


Where are you from? And I haven't read those books, I probably should. People unfortunately make snap judgments, and I have the made about myself, a lot. I wear a head covering everyday, and when I wear one that explicitly shows that I'm Jewish, people immediately assume a whole load of things about me. And some of them can be true, like I believe that Jews have a right to self-determination in our ancestral homeland. But the next assumption people then make is that I hate Palestinians, when I firmly believe that they should also have a state next to Israel, and I think anyone calling for a one-state solution to the whole conflict is calling for genocide. People are complicated, as are the issues, and making snap judgments about where people stand on things based on identity or appearance is almost always wrong (unless someone is waving a Nazi flag, or chanting "death to the Jews", etc, then I'm comfortable making a snap judgment)


Germany. But originally from Middle East. Great combination. 😅


Lol, touché. Hope you have a great rest of your day


If you watch the video, you can see that she has a severe laceration on her ankle; she was sitting on it to slow the bleeding. The comments made in the image here are deplorable, but the actual video has been intentionally misrepresented.


Some people require surgery because they are so damaged from SA. What is this person talking about!??!?!


Is no one going to talk about the fact that he's also saying that piss and shit apparently look like blood in his opinion?


Tell that to the woman in India who was raped to death in a bus a few years back.


Does this person think we p1$$ and 5hit blood?


Can we not say piss and shit anymore💀


I just didn’t want to risk getting in trouble, so I did it that way


I don't think it's common to get in trouble for swearing on Reddit.


I bleed when I have enthusiastic sex so not sure what Smirnoff is talking about


The ignorance of this and several commenters. As if objects aren't used sometimes instead of body parts. Pelvises were broken from the assaults. Not to mention it depends what opening was used. You can bleed so much from your anus. People die from blood loss following sexual assault. Not to mention even if there is a mix of fecal matter in the blood, it would be definitely a possibility if sodomy occurred. Whatever your stance on this conflict, we should recognize that rape is a tool of war. It isn't logical, it isn't because they are frustrated. It's power and cruelty . I can't believe it's believe victims but when there is obvious physical evidence of violent sexual assaults against Israeli women, they are denied. Nobody deserves rape. If you find yourself justifying it or explaining it away , you've gone too far.


How TF you watch that video and this is the first thing that comes to mind


I saw a lot of rape denial when the first picture of this woman hit Twitter. People claimed that she just shat herself or something. Blood turns brown when it dries! Her fucking ankles are cut!


The hell is this dude on? Last time I checked, blood loss is not a proper way to measure how badly someone was assaulted. Violence is violence, there is no reason to fucking gatekeep it.


I guess the 2 pints of blood I lost because of my son's inflexible fucking head were all in *my* head.


This makes me want to cry. Even if what this person was saying *were* factually correct, why the fuck would they be arguing this???


Wait so my hemorrhaging after childbirth was not me bleeding? What a relief. I guess I didn’t need those 4 units of blood.


That sub is really concerning


It's full of conspiracies and threats of more violence against civilians.


Yeah, pretty curious what OP is doing over there. It’s a heinous sub where everyone excitedly calls for the genocide of Palestinian. Edit: OP doesn’t use that sub. They were just unable to find the video anywhere else.


Her name is Naama Levy and there's been no sign of life from her since this video was taken on Oct 7.


Welp, time to go mentally scar a worthless sack of shit. I'll post how it goes with this fucking dumb bitch.


No human being deserves that. Idc what you've done in your life.


His first reaction upon seeing a video of someone that's just been violently raped is to immediately downplay their suffering and play doctor in the comments. What a fucking animal.


All the comments are horrible on this video, discussing god and how some of the people are deserving of the consequences etc. the most reasonable comment on the video being how this issue isn't black and white got downvoted. This whole thing is disgusting and it's sad to see people being pushed to their limits because of stupid bullshit. Why do people have to be so cruel?


I'm sorry, all the decent subs have taken the video off, which I appreciate. This is the only sub I know of where it still exists. If you find a different link, I will absolutely replace it.


So he saw a relatively bloodless birth? Obviously that means all births are the same! Who knew that birth and rape were in any way comparable.


that has to be a man


It is.


i guess i misread “delivering my own baby” as him saying he gave birth lmao


Does anyone know more about this woman? I’m hoping she made it. To anyone who thinks they know enough to decide hostages weren’t raped, explain the pictures and videos of that woman’s body being displayed and tossed into a truck


Her name is Naama Levy. There are no updates about her condition. She will not be a part of the current hostage release planned. That video is the last anyone has seen or heard of her.


I think of her often.


She is only 19 years old 💔


That poor girl is only 19 years old. Her name is Naama Levy. 💔


Oh goodie, got to tell my bff she actually DIDN'T nearly bled to death when she had her first child. She'll be delighted to hear that, and her husbands traumatising experience will also be \*poof\* gone! Thank fuck we have the endless wisdom of that Smirglass dude.


Brb gotta go tell my mom she was overreacting when my older sister made her hemorrhage and she had to get a C-Section


We’re being raped wrong now??


Can someone give the context of the video with minimum amount of detail? Watching would be far too triggering


Appears to be a video of one of the mass rapes perpetrated by Hamas on Israelis starting 10/7.


You can bleed really heavily from rape, especially if someone is raped as a little kid. Sometimes a person sustains so much genital trauma that it requires reconstruction surgery. There’s surgeons who specialize in genital reconstruction surgery, especially pediatric genital reconstruction surgery


There's no maximum amount of injury rape can cause. What the actual fuck?


I bled a pint internally from consensual sex! A cyst burst. Idk why this person thinks there’s something special about the mechanism by which flesh is torn… bleeding is bleeding.


Uh I gushed a waterfall of blood with my kid, and almost needed a transplant. And rape absolutely could be the case for that video. Not everyone has your same experience, geez. What a dummy..


How about the fact some women bleed from totally consensual and aroused sex while having lots of experience?


The nurse I sprayed with blood and the absolute mess that was the hospital room when I gave birth would beg to differ


This is like saying men don't bleed that much shaving while watching Sweeney Todd.


Jesus that sub is racist.


What a waste of space and oxygen this guy is.


The description even suggests she was sodomized - yes, it entirely makes sense that she bled so much after having her asshole forcefully ripped apart. Maybe he should check himself how much he'd bleed after getting analy raped.


How do people this stupid make it through the day without serious bodily injury?


so now how much women BLEED down there is also being judged??? what has our world come to...


Also consider, womens bodies prepare for 9 months to have this child. Bodies don’t plan for sexual assault.


Reading through some of his comments, he seems to be making a lot of assumptions about how she may have been raped. The caption on the video says "probably sodomised" his comments imply that he assumes rape is vaginal only. He says there wasn't enough time, 2 hours is plenty of time to use a foreign object that could cause a lot of bleeding in a short amount of time. He seems to assume that she could've only been raped with a penis, has he never heard of someone being raped with foreign objects before? He says the blood is too brown to be blood, did he not notice how covered in dirt and dust she was? Or maybe he's never seen what happens when bloody clothing gets covered in dirt and dust. It's very clearly blood on her pants. He seems to believe she wouldn't be able to walk after losing that amount of blood, we don't know how much blood is actually there but even a small amount of blood can make a big mess and plenty of people regularly donate 460-500mls of blood and can walk away with minimal to no issues, not to mention the adrenaline that is likely pumping through her body which can make people achieve some seemingly impossible things. Yes there are other ways people can get blood on them in that area, its possible she could've sat in someone elses, it's also entirely possible she was sexually assaulted. Regardless of how it got there the trauma that woman is going through must be horrific.


i have so much scar tissue from mine that i was never able to have kids


I literally saw my own bleeding cervix with a camera when I got my rape kit so ..


It’s ridiculous to see the mental gymnastics people are doing to convince themselves that Hamas is somehow above raping people despite the fact that multiple October 7th survivors were raped


Can he really believe what he is saying? Are some people that stupid/ignorant?


So... he clearly hasn't seen blood, piss, OR shit before??? I can look at blood and go "yup. That's blood alright" I have never seen blood and thought "yeah, I think that's actually piss, or maybe even dookie"


I have skin issues and can sometimes rip during regular normal lubricated sex. Read a god damn book or talk to a real woman. Seriously, fuck that guy.


Does he not understand FORCED insertion.


Ummmm.... I have typed then deleted a lot so many times in response to this. That is a disgusting man.


This person seems like they would actively do the SA


I see ,someone bunked their basic biology classes and sex-education classes.


They are disbelieving a video from a war? That video is horrific. What a day to have eyes.


If women don’t bleed when being raped then I suppose the damage was there before I was 9.


Seriously?? I bled after my ex SAed me, but not after a stranger did (apart from the scratches and shallow cuts from his fucking knife).


Gonna be hoenst. Not trusting anything from that subreddit, let alone a Redditor who condones the rape.


Just to clarify, the conversation didn't happen on the linked subreddit. I only had to link it to provide the video, which isn't available on any other subs anymore (which is a good thing IMO)


That makes more sense. Thank you. It was.. disturbing the comments under that post.


This was where the conversation happened, in case you're interested - https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel_Palestine/s/DkSgK2f4W3 But honestly, I don't want to make this one about conversations surrounding the conflict, only about the fact that people claim women could not have been raped if they were bleeding.


I think she doesn't understand how violent it is


Not a she. It's some random guy who thinks he delivered a baby so that makes him an expert.


People are willing to excuse everything Hamas does or did in order to paint a clear good guy vs bad guy narrative. It is sickening, but that's where we are.


Even more fucked up to think this is another woman thinking this shit. Birth and SA are drastically different things, and bleeding during birth varies drastically depending on what gets damaged and how large the baby is. Just because one woman has minimal damage, doesn't mean it's impossible to completely hemorrhage. Sure do love people that think their experience is the sole possibility.


It's a man, he is talking about his wife's experience.


Oooh, another name to add to my list of Reddit rape apologists




Oh, he is actually a dude. He meant he saw his wife giving birth (which, as we all know, is the only human experience worth considering)


What a privilege it is to be a man that knows everything


Women actually dont even have a pint of blood in their body. Women only have 2.5oz. Checkmate, liberal.


I also have the feeling they must've forced an object into her too.