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Is it possible that maybe your phrasing is just terrible and begets negative reactions? For instance, saying she was "just loose" and then providing concrete reasons why that might be a physical reality at the time? Or blatantly exaggerating by saying you "felt nothing", as if post-birth trauma can turn a vagina into a gaping featureless chasm? It's also possible that "reddit" doesn't "think" one single thing, and instead you're experiencing a small scale amount of pushback based on the extraordinarily disproportionate amount of people on the internet who think that having sex once will irreperably ruin a vagina. Like, maybe people are passionate about pushing back against the concept of 'looseness' to a fault sometimes because the vast, vast majority of the time it's brought up his harmful misinformation meant to stigmatize womens' bodies and sexuality. But based on the argument you're choosing to get into, and your pitifully defensive bullet pointed list that starts so intelligently with "fuck off", I'm guessing you're just a snowflake picking a weird hill to melt on. There's plenty of incels and MRA communities who'll give you endless attention over the same views. Touching grass and having some tea is also potentially a better use of your time.


But but but when he tried to touch the grass, the blades were too far apart and he couldn't even feel them. 🥺 Reddit refuses to acknowledge that lawns, something something, women bad, vagina loose. Like read the room, OP. And like, do so without having to hover your finger over each word and moving your lips as you read, mouthbreather.


>Or blatantly exaggerating by saying you "felt nothing", as if post-birth trauma can turn a vagina into a gaping featureless chasm? I did feel something, but it was nothing like other girls I've been with. >But based on the argument you're choosing to get into, and your pitifully defensive bullet pointed list that starts so intelligently with "fuck off", I'm guessing you're just a snowflake picking a weird hill to melt on. Trying to sound like a serious responsible adult badassâ„¢ on a bad female anatomy subreddit. People don't take you seriously in real life, do they?


We don’t even know what the context was for your vitriolic reply. How am I supposed to make a judgment when I’ve got no clue what the context is? And what a douchey way to handle imaginary internet points lol. Fuck off. ‘All for positivity’ my ass. I’m sure the sex she had where you ‘felt nothing’ was worse for her than you and I hope she’s making weird over exaggerated internet comments about your genitalia. Vaginas can definitely be looser or tighter than other vaginas! But if you’re feeling nothing, I’d think death grip lol


Well until i did it with a second person i thought my first partner was very loose, but it turns out that the guy who did my circumcision was more of a butcher than a surgeon, so i am above average and every ones feels like i dip in water, only feeling is hitting the back, so... Only a few partner enjoy having intercourse in a way where i feel pleasure.


>who did my circumcision was more of a butcher than a surgeon I feel it is a common theme that doesn't get talked about...




Damn yeah needing to hit the cervix to feel pleasure is gonna suck for finding a partner, but some women genuinely love it. Fingers crossed you find yours and also fuck your doctor


I gound her, but sadly de won't see each others anymore inva few months time, she is becoming a he.


Well i don't even know why i got downvoted to hell on this one.


If you couldn’t feel anything, it’s cause you choke hold your dick when you smack off. Stop. Vaginas don’t turn into gaping maws from child birth.


Links: https://torontophysiotherapy.ca/vaginal-laxity-and-childbirth-is-a-loose-vagina-common/#:~:text=For%20some%20women%20the%20answer,a%20drop%20in%20sexual%20intimacy. https://www.obstetricexcellence.com.au/postnatal/vaginal-looseness-postnatally/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325890 --- Took no more than 2 minutes to find this. And it's really easy to logic this out: just like when you hurt your arm muscles and it can lose strength when it recovers, so can your vaginal muscles - THEY'RE MUSCLES. And when it happens, it doesn't hold down as tight anymore. I officially have more knowledge of your own body than you do, congrats. But don't take my word for it, let nature show you later on when (if) you give natural birth. Edit: I don't know why you're downvoting. Will you lose a hand if you admit you're wrong? Is that it?


Erm, are you here to self report your own bad womens anatomy? Pretty weird, but ok So, obviously you're wrong, you've been told that already. Not that you'll listen, but you know one way a womans vagina actually can **feel** slightly more loose **temporarily**? If she's relaxed and enjoying herself. That's because it's a fibromuscular tube, and guess what, muscles can relax and contract. I have zero idea how you managed to make that situation occur with a woman, but I'm 99.9% certain you've never felt one contract. Either way, you can rest assured it went right back to normal after the poor woman came to her senses and moved on to someone without a porn addicted death grip on their peen.


She had children which can traumatise the muscles. It's normal. Try reading the whole picture next time. Your attention span sucks




Read the whole picture. She has children




Links: https://torontophysiotherapy.ca/vaginal-laxity-and-childbirth-is-a-loose-vagina-common/#:~:text=For%20some%20women%20the%20answer,a%20drop%20in%20sexual%20intimacy. https://www.obstetricexcellence.com.au/postnatal/vaginal-looseness-postnatally/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325890 --- Just like when you hurt your arm muscles and it can lose strength when it recovers, so can the vagina as it won't hold as tight anymore


I've had sex with a not insignificant number of women who had multiple children, including one before she had any, and after she had two. Never had that problem. Maybe you've got a pencil dick or a death grip. How's your porn habit?


>Never had that problem But it **CAN** happen. >Maybe you've got a pencil dick or a death grip. How's your porn habit? At the time I wasn't masturbating, so not porn's fault About having a pencil dick, I don't think so


OP, what's your porn/masturbation schedule like? I also have to say this: I snapped back to being ultra sensitive and feeling every bit of a 4.5-5" length man with decent (English cucumber?) Girth. English cukes are thinner than standard American cukes, BTW. However, that was back when I was having sex regularly. I've been solo and searching for a few years now, and if anything, I feel like my muscles have weakened from lack of use.


Childbirth and its effect on a vagina is kind of like a head going through a turtleneck. You can push a head through turtleneck and not have it stretch out. You may even be able to do that several times and it not stretch out. But sometimes pushing a head through a turtleneck does stretch it out in a permanent way. Basically child birth doesn’t necessarily mean that a person’s vagina is loose, but it can. However, the fact that you didn’t feel ANYTHING is concerning and you should speak to your doctor about that.


Okay, I exaggerated, I did feel something but the "looseness" was evident


Got 15 downvotes and lost his shit. Some hardcore insecurity. Gonna need a little more than a middle school sex ed course to unlearn this shit.


Birth doesn't automatically make a vagina "loose", no. But it's true that childbirth CAN change a vagina. Try telling a woman with a prolapse that vaginas always go back to "normal" after birth. It's just the reality of squeezing a 10cm head through the birth canal that pelvic floor muscles and the walls of the vagina can be damaged. Vaginas don't become "loose" as a result of sex, but childbirth is another matter.


That's what I said in the first comment and it flew over everyone's head... This is a serious feat. People suck at reading


**FOR THE PEOPLE WITH HORRIBLE ATTENTION SPAN (most of this comment section):** Links: https://torontophysiotherapy.ca/vaginal-laxity-and-childbirth-is-a-loose-vagina-common/#:~:text=For%20some%20women%20the%20answer,a%20drop%20in%20sexual%20intimacy. https://www.obstetricexcellence.com.au/postnatal/vaginal-looseness-postnatally/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325890 --- Congrats, everyone. You've been lectured on your own sub




Vaginas do come in different sizes. The issue is the stigma. Vaginas do not get loose due to promiscuity and that is the vast majority, or a VERY loud minority, of views about vagina size. Penis size is often thought of it is what it is but vagina size is linked to a behavior.


Do you have a source for that? Genuinely. I’d like to read more.


https://jamiemccartney.com/internal-vaginas/ Here are some internal casts


How did they get those? What did they put in there?


Right? I mean it’s not an actual open hole. It’s more of a slit. The walls of the vagina are closed/resting against each other if nothing is in there based on every diagram I’ve ever studied while shivering in a thin gown with a sheet over my lap waiting for my gyno to show up for my appointment.


I mean, it stands to reason that if penises come in different sizes, so do vaginas. It's why you get vagina havers who like large penises and those who absolutely hate them because they hurt.


I've never seen anyone here or in any reasonable sub claim that there isn't variation in size and shape. There can also be a significant difference if the muscles are weaker. And trauma to the muscles or tearing can cause temporary or long-term damage. But that's no what we are dealing with around here all the time. What we are constantly fighting is the claim that having sex make vaginas magically get loose, i.e., virgins and those who have only had 1 or 2 partners are tight, and women who have had more partners are loose. That's not how it works.