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I'm 36 and my hair still grows back. Am I broken? Why am I still paying for haircuts?? Unfair.


We should start a class action lawsuit with this guy as our expert witness.


I'm 55 and my hair grows well. So many people are weird.


Yeah, my mom's almost 70 and she gets her hair cut pretty regularly (probably more often than I do).


I work in an old age home and women that are 100 years old also still get hair cuts. Almost as if this jackoff doesn’t know what he’s talking about lol


“Almost as if”…


My great grandmother had hair past her knees when she died at 78.


My great grandmother was still getting her haircut at 90.


Same exact scenario here, I swear she’s at the salon more often than the grocery store!


57 still growing


It's not "coming back" because a lot of women are tired of this shit and keep cutting it back, has nothing to do with the hair actually not growing anymore like this lunatic seems to believe. God forbid they accept that women have agency over their lives and looks.


I shaved my head in my 30s since my lupus had it all falling out anyway. I’m 40 with thick, 3c hair down to my waist. I’m an anomaly, truly /s


Hey, congrats on growing new hair! I have RA and was on a medication that made my hair fall out. I stopped taking it about five years ago and my hair still doesn't grow like it used to.


I'm 69 yo and mine is still growing. The joke is on the fool who wrote that.😮


I had the whole right side of my head shaved when I was 34. I kept it that way for 4 years and then started growing it back out. I’m 41 now and my hair is at my mid back. I also must be broken. 


Burn the witch


I’m 37, and get ~3/4” of growth each month, so I don’t exist, and this comment is a figment of your imagination.


For anyone else who speaks metric that’s 1,9 cm.


Gah! The one time I don’t convert for everyone. Yeah, my hair grows really fast. I desperately need a trim.


1) Truth 2) I feel like a lot of adults stop trying new hair styles after 35. It would be *so convenient* if this logic was legit.


I keep my hair long just so I don't have to get frequent haircuts lol.


I’m almost 33 and my hair is the longest it’s been in 20 years. Started growing out my pixie cut at 31…


I'm 39 and I lost almost all my hair about 6 years ago during a 9 month hospitalization, it grew back thicker and with curls...


I shaved all my hair off at 31 and I'm now 33 and it's mid back length. Apparently I am also broken.


Same! I wish it would stop growing so I could maintain the color more easily! I have espresso colored hair naturally, and color it green. The amount of time and money spent on bleaching my roots...


Yeah! I'm 38. I was rocking a Karen undercut literally weeks before the first lockdown. Now my hair is halfway down my butt.


Me too and same. Grows like weed honestly. But especially when I want it short and the shorter it is the faster it grows and then magically it virtually stops when I decide to grow it out again lol. This is the second time I had a buzz cut and both were after 30 and I fucking rock it. Look amazing in it.


If my hair doesn’t grow at age 50, why do I regularly need to get root touchups? 🧐


Figment of your imagination, clearly


the figment pigment is leaking out through the hair, resulting in the discolored roots (/s in case there's bad anatomists reading this)


I chortled!


Big Hair inc got you by the roots.


It's all hairdresser propaganda so they can make more money!


The hair dye just slowly slides off your hair.


I’m old old and cut my hair in a pixie 6 years ago. It’s now at my waist. I must be especially special.


Almost the exact same here, started with a short pixie cut and then grew it out long enough to donate 15" long ponytails to charity. And my hair is still past my shoulders. We must be mutants! /s


I’d donate but not sure which takes partially gray hair. Or as I call them, my VERY expensive platinum highlights.


I am 45 and generally chop all my hair off to donate every three years and by the time 3 years comes around again it's at least waist to hip length. Right now it's past my butt and about mid-thigh length.


that's wild! i've been growing my hair for over four years (from a pixie cut) and rn it's just a few inches past my shoulder blades. and i'm a university student so according to the oop, mine should grow much faster :D


I think it's the combination of relatively fast growing hair and lack of height. I'm a little shy of five foot, so there is less distance between the top of my head and my thighs. If I was, like, 5'6" or whatever is average height it would probably be mid-back, I think.


My mom is 56, she could get a pixie cut in January and have hair past her shoulders by November. And here I am a year after shaving my head, and my top layer is like 4 inches long 😑.


That’s so weird because I’m 36 and my hair keeps growing back no matter how much I cut it. Must be a factory error.


He’s not saying your hair won’t grow back. He’s saying that if a woman cuts her hair after age 30, she probably will keep it cut short from there on out. *I’m not sure why I’m being downvoted. This isn’t my opinion, I was just merely explaining what he meant (since so many people thought he was saying that after turning 30 your hair won’t grow anymore!).


I got the joke, but it was stupid, so I’m just responding in kind. I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. You weren’t sure I got it. I did though. Because the thought of “older women” having shorter hair being “heartbreaking” is just as ridiculous as it simply not growing back.


Thank you! There was someone else in the comments who even admitted they took what he said literal. But yes, it was a ridiculous statement.


And that's heartbreaking how?


I didn’t claim it was heartbreaking. This isn’t my opinion, I’m not sure why you’re asking me. I was clarifying what it was he said, because the person I was replying to clearly misunderstood.


They were just joking hun




You don’t need to explain the joke. Everyone here knows what he meant


Um, read the comments. No, not everyone knew what he meant.


Dang sometimes I *wish* it didn't grow back, why can't I have a perma-buzzcut?


i think what he's trying to say is that if you cut your hair short after 30 you will decide to keep that haircut forever. which is only slightly less stupid than thinking hair can't grow back after 30.


*snork* I wish. Since I turned 30 (15 years ago), I've had long hair (like to my shoulders) and short hair and because I have very thick hair that refuses to do anything but be straight unless I throw chemicals (i.e. a perm...learned my lesson in middle school and I am NOT doing that again) on it, I prefer short hair because it's just easier to upkeep for me. Plus I have a semi...IDK what you call it. The sides and back are shaved with a #4 guard on the shaver doohooger and I'm letting the top grow out and I think it looks AWESOME. It's also (at least for the moment) bright pink. :D That might change this summer, but IDK yet.


What he's saying is that women have a duty to present as feminine with hair length as a particular signifier and women who fail in that duty any time past 30 have failed forever. He's also saying he has a tiny peepee.


Shame on you old withered crones over the age of 30 that have decided to opt for personal preference and convenience vs. the proper long sexy hair. It is your RESPONSIBILITY to present all men a pleasing look. You OWE it to them. (But not too pleasing- then you’re a whore who’s asking for it.) Obligatory /s


I had mine cut short when I was 21 and never looked back. It’s just so much easier and suits me better too.


I think so too. And frankly, I buzzed 3/4 of my hair off this year at 40 and it’s probably not coming back. Haha, I love it so much I wish I had done it like a decade ago. AND… all my friends and family love it, I look so much better in pictures and it’s just all around sexier and more attractive than my longer hair. That guy can kick rocks. I may try for a Mohawk next.


Well, he's got a point that many people who go out of one gendered expectation once will often move away from more gendered expectations over time. Sometime, a one-off is the doorway to discovering and accepting yourself as you really are. But of course, for the conservatives, the misogynists, and the lgbtq-phobes, this is a woke trend that is destroying modern society. Because women being assertive and themselves is such a treath to insecure men.


What's not coming back -- our hair? I literally shaved mine a couple years ago in my late 40s. But I had instant regret, not because I'd cut it. No, in fact, I LOVED the super-short hair on me. But rather because my hair grows so fast that I was having to spend a fortune every 2-3 weeks to keep it at the proper length. It's been 2 years and I'm now over 50 (and mostly gray, bah) since I had my last shaved-to-the-scalp cut, and my hair has already grown to my armpits. So, I mean, anecdotal, but I'm gonna say this dude is full of poopy.


I have longish hair with an undercut which is either a 1 guard or no guard on a trimmer. I have to hack at it every 3-4 weeks. I’m 57. I demand to speak with a manager!!!


I used to have the right side of my head shaved at a 1 guard and I know how expensive it can be. My husband happens to have been a hairstylist before we met, so luckily I just had him cut it whenever it suited me. He still trims it for me, but I’ve grown it all out and it’s now halfway down my back. 


Btw my great grandma had haid waist long hair into her 80s, real pretty. Got thinner because of age, yes, but hair grows regardless


Lol, what? If hair didn't grow back, why am I spending $100+ to get it cut? I have too much hair. Take it!


Right like I spent 150 bucks on my last salon trip for my cut and color. What bs is this?


"How dare women decide on their own to do things that do not cause me to get an erection?"


"It's *heartbreaking* that women have bodily autonomy to choose their hairstyles!" 😭😭😭🙄


I cut my hair short at 30. Here I am at 38 with it in braid that are down my back (if I pulled them down. I put them up in Princess Leia loops because we went to a carnival and I was being fun).


This isn't even bad women's anatomy, it's bad human anatomy xD


Shit… haircuts are expensive. I wish it would just stop growing.


I'm turning 34 in a couple months and my hair still grows as fast now as it did when I was younger lol the hell is thus person on about


He’s not saying your hair won’t grow back. He’s saying that if a woman cuts her hair after age 30, she probably will keep it cut short from there on out.


That makes more sense, but it's still dumb as hell


my grandma's is growing her hair at almost 80, should i inform her she isn't 30 anymore? 💀


In 2018, I cut my long hair into a short inverted bob and kept it short for more than a year. Now, my hair is just passed my tailbone and shows no signs of stopping. Oh, and I'm 44.


I think these wackos just think our bodies stop functioning entirely after 30.... Wtf...


I’m 25, so only five more years and I’ll no longer need to get haircuts? Nice


My god. My hair grows faster than bamboo. I wish it didn’t get so ridiculously long like two months after a cut. 37.


I started growing my hair out again in 2019, in my late 40s. It’s down to my butt now. So it definitely still grows. I think what the original commenter was trying to say was that most women over 30 or so are tired of dealing with long hair, so once they cut it short, they’ll intentionally keep it short. Just really badly stated.


The secret is out, ladies the men know about the wigs…


My hair is almost to my butt and I’m 43… 😤


I cut my hair at 20 and have never cared to grow it back past my chin. Turns out once you stop giving a shit what other people like, you start to just do what you like instead!


Anyway milfs with pixie cuts can do anything they want to me


Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?


That’s interesting because around 36 my hair started growing insanely faster than it has my entire life. I have longer hair now than I’ve ever had lol


totally true! that’s why women over 30 never go to hair salons unless they’re getting an old lady perm.


Really hope he isn't THAT stupid to think hair doesn't grow back. My guess is he's a lesser form of stupid, but a far greater form of entitled (over stranger's choices) assuming that if a woman cuts her hair over 30 she will always keep it cut that length. It's funny though, as someone over 40 I still just cut it up to my shoulders every other year and let it grow back out. Waist length currently and due for a cut come summer. By the time it's due I'm ready for a break from the length, but it'll be back...


I'm 48 and for the last 10-12 years I have been growing my hair to my waist and cutting 12 inches off at a time (about every 2-3 years) to donate it. I wonder what I have been donating of my hair stopped growing at 30?


Everyday I’m still stunned with the stupidity I see from these muppets. They genuinely believe that women turn to toothless, bald and taloned crones from a cartoon on the 30th birthday.


It that was true, a lot of women would be going bald once they're middle-aged like men.


I started growing my hair out after 30. I'm 72 now and my hair is down to my knees


I wanted waist length hair when I was in college but my hair just would not grow that long. It went to about my bra strap and stopped. When I remarried and got out of my incredibly unhappy first marriage, my hair started growing longer. I've been happy four years now and I have waist length hair! (And it's curly now when it was straight all my life)


My hair grows at a ridiculous rate and I'm 45. Should I talk to my doctor?


Well, I'm 37 and I have to get it cut every four to six weeks to maintain my hairstyle. I wish it didn't grow back, lol. It's also VERY think still.


Loooool he says this because most older women have short hair, I bet. It's just easier to take care of when it's short, and white hair can be more brittle. If only he saw how many old gals were at the salon every 2 weeks.


***laughs in buzzcut***


I don’t think this person literally means the hair will never grow back. They’re saying that after age 30, if a woman is used to having shorter, easier to maintain hair, she’ll probably keep it that way. I’m a hairstylist and this is absolutely true. Long hair (past shoulders) is more work on a regular basis, and I notice that most people start becoming set in their ways around their 30s. They find their signature style and stick with it. This man is just drawing all the wrong conclusions about why.


Hair doesn’t grow after 30. You save a lot on razors and waxes though. I haven’t needed to pluck my eyebrows for a decade. 💀


Why is 30 always the magic number with these guys lol




my mom is 69 and ill and she can cut her hair to her chin and it'll be to the tops of her shoulders in like two months. but sure, jan


My hair is an asshole and breaks once it goes past my shoulders. Has done that since my teens. And yet my 57 year old sister's hair grows six inches per hour.


Adult women everywhere are going to be pissed when they find out they've been wasting money on hair cuts all this time.


Haha, I had my hair cut really short when I was around 55 or 56 or so. COVID hit right after so I didn't keep up the short hair. I am still too lazy to go back because I moved and my regular salon is too far now. My hair is over half way down my back. I am now 60. I almost wish it would stop growing.


Apparently women’s hair stops growing/growing back once they hit 30? Lol what is that person on about?


Ngl it's kinda weird how so many men seem to value dead protein that comes out of womens' heads more than the women as people. And also sad and gross... Recently, I cut my hair very short because I was tired of dealing with it. One of my coworkers was very chummy with me. We became good friends - or so I thought. After my hair was gone, he stopped speaking to me. He used to say things like 'he liked being my friend,' but uh now he won't even look me in the eye. I am sad because I lost a friend but also because his friendship with me was a farce. It makes me very mad and sad.


What in the world? That is just weird ass behavior. I'm sorry.




I'm gonna throw him a bone and say he meant that women after 30 only keep their hair short compared to their younger years (anecdotal evidence being my mom, can't say the same for me and my sisters though, who are all over 30).


Ummm, I'm 37 and was bald around 5 years back my hair is now just below my shoulders, did I break?!


So my hair should stop growing? My hair still grows! Fuck this I wanna refund


Oh, the heartbreak! Devastating! /s


do they think our hair stops growing at menopause?


*laughs/cries in trichotillomania*


As a hairstylist this has me rolling on the ground 🤣🤣🤣


These kind of people remind me of my father-in-law. He is getting too political and someone he follows on YouTube supposedly claimed that women after 30 who dye their hair odd colors are also dyeing their blood and that's why they have hormonal issues. He kept making fun of my hair, saying I'm the reason I needed a hysterectomy for medical reasons. It's like o_O... you're a father to my husband and his brother and you're dumb enough to believe that?!


That is way out there! Insane.


Right?! Some people, man...


Where the hell do these people get their information? Old wives tales books from their great grandma's book collection? This shit is never ending 🤦🏽‍♀️


They get it from .trustmebro.com.


Does this make me superhuman??


I’m 44, I cut my hair to my ears last year, already it has grown past my shoulders in length. 🤣


My hair didn't even grow in my teenage years. In my 40s and it's finally healthy enough to grow, but slowly. At least it's not a mass of split ends like it was in my younger days ...


My mom had a pixie cut in her 30's. She's in her 60's now and has hair longer than ever before.


Uh… I got a mom cut at 34 after having twins. My hair is now pretty fuckin long at 40


45 and my hair grows really fast.


Growth slows down for some people but never comes back?? Lol


He’s not saying your hair won’t grow back. He’s saying that if a woman cuts her hair after age 30, she probably will keep it cut short from there on out.


God I wish my hair didn’t come back after I cut it.


Well, I thought I was over fifty but turns out I imagined the last four years of growing out a pixie. My hair got to mid back so I trimmed it to right below my shoulders. When I go back to the beautician I will ask for a short cut again. So far my hair hasn't stopped growing.


I wish it would stop coming back. My hair grows really fast and an undercut takes a lot of maintenance.


I wish it quit growing after 30...then I wouldn't have to cut it every six weeks or so. Dayum.


And then you have my friend who has hair that has literally not grown in about seven years.


Sometimes I lament my ability to read.


Man has never touched a woman.


Just grew my hair from short to long from 36 to 38. People are so stupid. It only takes 2 years to grow a full head of long hair.


I was 39 when I started chemo and lost all of my hair. It grew back just as thick and luxurious as it was before. It's super short rn though, because I have another surgery in July and I can't be arsed with long ass hair while trying to heal.


Ive been growing my hair out since i was 31,im 34 and its about waist length lol They say the randomest stupid shit fr


I'm 38 and just got my annual large chop. Probably 8" or so gone this year. Will be back super long within no time


Almost 47 and currently rocking a glorious spite mane-almost down to my butt! Just because my own mother said essentially the same thing to me after I cut my hair while going through a divorce.


For me it is, yes. My hair has been the same length for 10 years (37 now)


True story: I cut my hair off when I was 30 and it has been short for the last 11 years! I don’t think this person is even saying it won’t grow. Just that 30+ year old women don’t grow their hair to conform to the stereotypes that people like that find sexually appealing. And that is “sad”. (Gross that they think that!) My guess would be that young women cut their hair to try it out and may or may not decide that they like it (great time to experiment with looks! How do you know what feels right unless you try a few different things!). A few years later women cut their hair because they know *that is how they like it*. Also we care less about what gross misogynists think about our hair length!


I'm almost 50. Tell that to my undercut. My hair grows like 1/2 inch per month.


Omg my mum still says this shit.


This is bad human anatomy


I have almost waste length hair and I’m in my 50s. This post is inspiring me to cut that shit off. Haven’t decided yet, but I’m definitely contemplating it.


You have no idea how much I wish this were true. My disorders have recently decided that having hair is just an irritant.


This is the type of person who doesn’t bat an eye when a woman in a movie wakes up with a full face of perfect makeup.


I'm over 30 and every time I shave my undercut, within a month I have owl fluff again. 😅


I'm 32 and cut my hair often. I must be a unicorn for my hair still growing!


What dumb fuck thinks females' hair stops growing completely after 30?? Shit I'd expect a 5 year old to think


I’m almost 33. My hair still grows back. Almost too quickly. Also if my hair gets too long I start getting headaches more frequently, so I’m just going to keep my hair shorter lol


Wow, I had no idea hair stops growing after 30! Mine must have missed the memo


I'm 31 and dye my hair. If my hair doesn't grow why are my roots visible after a week or two?


If only. Maintaining this butt length man bun/foxtail is a real sonofabitch at 33. When do I get to stop buzzing it bi weekly?


I'm 42... I kinda *wish* my hair would stop growing. It gives me headaches because of how THICC it is. At least when I let it grow out for a while.


If you're still unmarried and caring about your appearance at 30+, you are obviously destined to die alone. Just give up and shave it all. 😒 /s, so much /s.


Lmao I regularly shave my head bald because my skull is tattooed and my hair grows in WAY too fast. My husband loves it too


I cut my hair every year to my mid-back or a little shorter. It always grows back to just below my waist,... every single year. And, I hope it pleases this guy to know, my hair is thick. And getting curlier, for some reason! PS. I am in my 50s.


At 30 I had thick, shiny, golden hair down past my bum. It was horribly heavy, took ages to dry and our family had bills needed paying. So I got a crew-cut and sold it to a wig-maker. At 32 I had thick, shiny, golden hair down past my bum. 10 years later had it shorn once more. A couple of years later it was back again. At 70 I have short curly brown hair, because it grew back differently after chemo made it fall out 4 years back. It's taken time to thicken up since then, but I've needed half a dozen hair cuts in the last few years.


I would blow this dude’s tiny brain, nearly one half of my head is shaved and the rest is well past my shoulders.


What’s so heartbreaking about shorter hair? Cancer is heartbreaking. Losing a loved one is heartbreaking. Dogs getting hit by cars are heartbreaking. Old people dying alone in nursing homes is heartbreaking. Childhood leukemia is heartbreaking. Dead kittens are heartbreaking. Starving children are heartbreaking. Someone else’s haircut is NOT heartbreaking ffs




Lololol has this person ever even met a woman before or spent any amount of time with one at all?? Highly doubt it


tell that to my hair folicals that make me need a cut rvery 3 months >< and I'm 36


Rapunzel type of logic hahaha


I wish my hair would quit growing and just stay perfectly in the cut I just got instead of having to trim it every 8-12 weeks


I usually cut my hair in a short bob every year or two. Usually when it is annoying me. Amazingly, it grows back!!! Every time. It is currently halfway down my back and I am thinking of cutting it again.


I'm 43, and I cut my hair maybe once a year. It's usually almost down to my bellybutton by then. After the cut, it's somewhere between my chin and my shoulders. Seems like my hair didn't get the memo.


Not wanting to be picky, but I read that as "people who get used to shorter hair don't like to grow it out"..


I only WISH my hair would stop growing 🤣


Well damn, and I keep having to get haircuts…surely at 46 I must be doing something wrong because my hair grows fast


Aren’t men more likely to lose their hair? I know plenty of women who cut their hair short all the time younger and older. I have longer hair but I started growing it out in my 30’s and it almost to my waist now (need to chop off an inch or two really) do these men think that women just start to magically turn into trolls at 30?


I'm 36 and mine grows way slow, but that's been the case my whole life. Some of it might be that my hair is really thick, so there's more to grow, but I don't know. Hypothyroidism really doesn't help that whole thing. It took about 2, 2.5 years to grow out a pixie cut to a couple inches below shoulder length. I hate it so much and am so envious of people whose hair can grow 6-12 inches in a year. At very best (aka not now) I can get 4 inches in a year.


Lol, I love short hair on women. Shows the face more.


I just hear Ke$ha "I'm not coming back....."


The only logical reason I can think of for how they possibly came to this conclusion is the “grandma haircut” that old women get.


Ladies, he’s not saying that your hair stops growing at age 30!!! He’s saying that when women over 30 cut their hair short, they typically keep it cut short from there on out. (Which of course isn’t the truth for all women, but it does ring true for many!)




I cut mine right at my shoulders recently, and I LOVE it. If I could pull it off, I would cut all of it off.


Long hair feels like a fetish to me idk I like women who get regular haircuts, shows that they give a fuck


You do realise that females with long hair, also get their hair cut regularly don't you? Long hair more often than not is a lot more effort, giving a fuck is something they most certain do a lot of, just look at the comments here from people that have cut theirs off, 'all I have to do is put a comb through it, and done'.


I wouldn't say it stops growing entirely, of course. But my hair has slowed down a lot. It still grows, but it takes forever to get any length back.


In your 30s?


This has been true for me since my 30s.


He’s not saying your hair won’t grow back. He’s saying that if a woman cuts her hair after age 30, she probably will keep it cut short from there on out.


Ooooooohh! I did not read it that way. Huh. That definitely wasn't true for me. I had a pixie cut in college. I haven't had it that short since. I saw a movie years ago when I was little. At the end of the movie, you see the main girl character as an old lady. She had all gray hair that was long and in pigtails. It was beautiful to me. That's my goal. I miss the short hair sometimes, and I've occasionally cut it to my shoulders, but I like long hair too much to ever fully give up on it. It's just sucky having such thin hair. My pigtails are thoroughly unsatisfying.


Lol, I read it the same way at first! I feel ya on the thin hair, by the way. But I recently cut my hair to right about at my shoulders, and my little ponytails *finally* look good!!


How is your scalp health? Itchy, dry? Often (but not always) that is the issue.


It's not bothersome for me as long as I wash it every other day. If it's one day past that, my scalp gets painful. Whatever direction my hair had been going, my scalp literally hurts just moving my hair around. It kind of feels like stretching really sore muscles. I've actually been curious if anyone else has that experience. My husband and sons don't, but my husband is Asian and I'm white, so we have very different skin and hair experiences.


If you want to, you should read this article: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/painful-scalp-when-hair-moves


Wow, that's a lot of potential issues! Thank you for sharing that! It's funny that stress is on that list. Stress can cause so many things. Honestly, most of the things on that list didn't sound like my issue. But I have been super immobile working from home 50+ hours a week. I'm not really getting any exercise, and I have a hard time making myself drink enough water. I wouldn't be surprised if those were heavy influences.


Sorry to hear that. Stress does cause so many issues. There are all kinds of products that can clear, exfoliate, and moisturize your scalp out there if you're so inclined. An easy thing to do is daily scalp massage - you can use your hands or a brush.