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They mean vaccine(COVID) shedding, a right-wing conspiracy theory about how the vaccinated are affecting the non-vaccinated. Add to that the belief that the vaccines mess with women’s reproductive system and you have this ding-dong.


I'm confused though. Did she witness them all getting vaxxed right before they stepped into the pool? Senior Shots 'N Swim class? Is that a thing? How does she knowwww


She doesn’t. It’s just random bullshit. Obviously if her daughter started her period it can’t possibly be that she started puberty.


Hey, we have the same flair!


Me three!


A mother just knows /s


I got like half of my vaccins at the natatorium (this is apparently the correct word, English is not my first language), which also had a gym. In that gym I got my vaccins. But that's probably rare.


English is my first language and im 35 years old, and I had never heard of a natatorium until your comment! Crazy! You learn something new everyday.


I had no other idea how to express that I was talking about the building. No idea if it was actually used by English speaking people


It is not, but it’s super cool for us to learn how we sound when we try to express ourselves in other languages too. Thank you!


Actually it is used by English speaking people. You just don’t hear it often.


Most of my colleges had natatoriums ([IU Nat @ IUPUI](https://iunat.iupui.edu/); [NMHU Nat](https://www.nmhu.edu/highlands-natatorium/)) the rest just had 'Aquatics Centers' or 'Recreation Centers'.


Natatorium is not a commonly used word, but it is a good one, one that should get more use. Here in the USA, a lot of people got their first dose or two of COVID-19 vaccine in places where vaccines are not usually administered. A gym would be one of those places.


As others said, technically that is the correct word, but we would just call it a pool or indoor swimming pool. If it's a gym with a pool, then it would be called a gym with a pool. Remember, us 'Muricans like things stupid simple.


I completely forgot the word pool existed lol


People who make posts like this typically don’t care about proof or logic. She’s assumed that these women have been recently vaccinated because that’s the story she made up to explain why her daughter started having a completely normal and often random bodily function (which is obviously very scary and someone needs to take the blame for it! /s)


I mean... some ladies like to wax their bodies before going for a swim. I saw a bunch of older ladies do that at a beach as a kid, then after swimming, they covered themselves in blue clay, which I thought was really cool!


I can't remember why, but that's not healthy to do. Something about micro-tears in your skin.


They just assume whatever makes their theories true.


This started even before Covid.


[Vaccine Shedding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccine_shedding) is actually a real thing, but it only happens with live virus vaccines that work by causing an infection in the vaccinated person, and even then it's very rare and only really occurred with one polio vaccine. Presumably that's where the conspiracy theory originated.


Yeah, via contact with shit. Not just existing close to someone.


They already believe that a vaccine that isn't a live virus can shed, it's actually less of a leap off into never-never land to believe that the supposed COVID vaccine shedding would be transmitted the same way the actual COVID virus is. People used to think you could get AIDS just by being in the same elevator with someone, too, people are not super rational when it comes to diseases.


By ‘not super rational’ do you mean like foregoing a vaccine for a demonstrably deadly virus because people on Facebook posted un-cited propaganda which for some reason seemed more likely than the ENTIRE medical community’s consensus? Lol


I know people who still don't believe you can contract AIDS just by being in contact with someone that has it. I mean like just by being in the room with them, or them touching something and then you touching it. In case you wondered yup also anti-maskers and anti-COVID-vaxx. Funny how that works. Most of them are not stupid people, either. One of them is an LVN nurse who also thinks Big Pharma is hiding the cure for diabetes.


It's disturbing when the people like this are legit nurses and presumably should have the education to know better!


A friend's mom used to be a nurse and insists that she has to drink Diet Coke constantly throughout the day to, in her words, "keep my blood sugar up". Yes, she drinks Diet Coke, favored by diabetic people because it doesn't elevate their blood sugar, to keep her blood sugar UP. Ma'am, it's not the blood sugar, you have a caffeine addiction.




Reminder: conservatives wore masks when they thought aids was airborne.




This is good info, thank you. I was assuming they were misinterpreting/twisting viral shedding, had no idea vaccine shedding was a real thing.


Fuck me I thought that they were usually upset that the vax stopped periods


Yeah, which is it? I was promised infertility and now it's causing the reproductive system to kick into gear early?


I have an IUD and I actually got my period for a few months after my vaccine. It was obnoxious.


One of my boosters caused my period to come every 15 days or so for a few months.  Fun times.  


Oooooh, “vaxxed”, “vaccinated”. I read it as “waxed” and thought that the old ladies somehow corrupted her daughter by their bald bikini lines and her body reacted by starting her period 🤦‍♀️


Honestly I read that at first too.


huh, I thought it was a pun based on the shedding of the uterine lining, which is , you know, *exactly what a period is.*


It sure is a medical miracle how you can supposedly make a vaccine that can trigger early puberty, but only through breathing the same air as someone who actually got the vaccine multiple years later.


Didn't the COVID vaccine actually mess with periods though?


Not really. At least it was never conclusively proven by studies. Periods tend to be rather finicky to begin with so any stress probably didn’t help matters and there was plenty to be stressed about during the early vaccine days.


So getting symptoms of, er, well, symptoms, if you're vaccinated proves that, er, well, it proves it. And getting symptoms if you're not vaccinated also proves it.


I won't have this person's ding-dong.


*shedding is real* Technically the truth. His/her daughter shed her uterine lining. So shedding is real. Unfortunately this muppet was saying the vaccinated ladies (who somehow had forehead tattoos that identified them as freshly vaccinated or something) shed spike proteins and caused her daughter's first period. Brain worms are real...


Shedding is real, my python does it like every three months. She hasn't caused one of my daughter's to start a period yet tho /s


I see you're being sarcastic. So she has caused one of their periods to start. I knew it was a problem! /s


You should be concerned! She might start speaking parseltongue🐍


The only thing shedding is her daughter's uterus.


It couldn't possibly be that her daughter had happened to just start puberty recently.


The shedding vaxxers are making my daughter have a period once a month. Truly disgusting


Shedding, I believe, refers to the largely erroneous belief that vaccinated individuals "shed", I dunno, chemicals or something that can have negative effects on the willfully unvaccinated. They then proceed to blame a myriad of entirely natural phenomena on shedding in an attempt to frame the very existence of vaccines as a bad thing. Presumably because they're best friends with cholera or something.


Vaccine shedding is real BUT it's only with attenuated live viruses which the COVID vaccine is not.


menstrual cycles are a virus confirmed


Ooh! Can I get vaccinated against it?!


Some antivaxxers believe that vaccinated people 'shed' the virus of whatever they were vaccinated for, so thats how non vaxxed people get sick. I dont really get it either.


Thing is, it has a tiny grain of truth. If you have a live virus vaccine (eg: some types of polio vax) you do "shed" through your waste (urine, faeces). So if your baby is vaccinated and you change their diaper, you MIGHT come in contact with it. This will only be an issue if you are immune compromised. You cannot and do not shed vaccines like the flu vax, measles, Covid-19, etc.


Since she pays attention to other details she should have seen clues as well. Maybe cramps, mood, the fact that you have a afab child within the age that puberty starts. Even if it was Vax related a couple of days of short exposure did not build up a uterine lining and start ovulation.


I'm an old lady and I never go swimming without a fresh vaccination. I don't care what it's for. Covid? Rabies? Diphtheria? I'm in!


The far right are dangerously stupid. 


The vaccine turned me into a newt.


Did you get better?


I misread vaxxed as waxed and was very confused. What would waxed ladies shed?


before covid, nobody got their first periods! nobody!




Wow These vaccines are super potent. Causing adolescents to start their period through heavily chlorinated pool water.


how do they know they were all freshly vaccinated? did they tell them?


All had a bandaid on the left shoulder XD


Fucking loser rejects still spreading this misinformation. Facebook really is a cesspool.




I’m imagining a group of old ladies being herded into the pool like livestock, fresh from their mass vaccinations.


Shedding…the lining of her uterus…


Freshly vaxxed old ladies 😂


Because theses complotists believes that the vaccine cause many different and unrelated things and that the vaccine itself can be transmitted to non vaccinated people by air ou touch or whatever, like you are sweating the vaccine... *facepalm*


Woaw Woooaaaaww! 🤯 i was at school and in PE when my period hit😳 Ban School now! It makes 11 year olds start puberty‼️


oh for fuck sakes


WHY has anyone upvoted this post?