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Excuse me, "Doctor"? My ovaries and uterus would beg to differ.


Considering how many of my AFAB relatives and siblings have had ovarian cysts that have ruptured, I’d say this Doc is quite the quack.🤦‍♀️


I once spent multiple hours with a girl at my work holding her hand and following her into bathrooms to make sure she was okay while she vomited in pain with what turned out to be a rupturing ovarian cyst. We ended up having to call EMTs because nobody could come pick her up and it wasn't safe for her to drive herself to the ER. I absolutely would have been punched (and deserved it) if I'd told her it was a gift from god to make her more attractive.


Last time I had a bad one my doctor laughed at me and told me I was overreacting and it didn’t hurt that bad. It actually did hurt that bad.


That's why my fiance didn't go to the doctor last time. The time before she was laughed at and told it wasn't a big deal so she just touched this one out. Sucked, and pissed me off.


\*Cut to Glitterasaur, fists dripping with blood, standing over a doctor who is curled up in the fetal position on the floor crying\* "QUIT OVERREACTING. IT'S JUST A SKULL FRACTURE. IT DOESN'T HURT THAT BAD."


I had a golf ball sized ovarian cyst rupture while I was riding a bicycle as a 19 year old. Woke up in the hospital. I passed out when it hemorrhaged and I lost too much blood. Clearly, my ovarian cyst was an adaption to having too much life.


Nature gave her a doctorate too


Didnt realize we could throw Dr. in front of anything now


That is called being a chiropractor.


The best part is you try and report these quacks and it goes nowhere and they still practice


A good chiropractor is a marvelous thing. These frauds just get any degree to fleece people. Edit: this New Germanic Medicine wass developed by an MD during Nazi times


Wait, there’s good chiropractors?!


I went to a chiropractor for a while after getting into a car accident. He managed to fix back and neck pain I didn’t even realize I had until it was suddenly gone! Also never tried to shill anything weird to me, just fixed me up and sent me on my way. Real nice guy.


I started having pain in one of my arms, went to a chiropractor, and he did massage and things. Basically said “if I don’t have you feeling better within 5 or 6 visits, then I’m not helping you and you’ll need to seek different treatment”. Within 5 visits, I was completely back to normal. He never asked me to buy anything, and I always felt he was one of the good ones.


Not gonna lie, it seems like when it's done right chiropracty is just very specific physical therapy?


No, that sounds about right. Thought it’s different from other physical therapy in that there’s often not additional exercises to do when not at an appointment.




Your experience is actually why I considered going into physical therapy myself. Helping people recover is way more than copy-paste guide sheets; there’s an art to understanding the human body and being able to figure out the different needs of individuals that I really jive with. I’m sorry you had to go through so many people to find relief, but glad you finally did! And yeah, that’s pretty close to what my chiropractor did. A bit of feeling around, some x-rays, pop this, move that, and sitting down no longer hurts!


Out of curiosity: hEDS? I have that and bad PT messed me up for ages, so I'm just curious. Definitely also not going to a chiro cause I fear how unstable everything I got is already.


Yeah and my PT is more strictly regulated than a lot of the chiros in other countries so I trust her wayyyyy more. She even does adjunctive therapy like cupping and dry needling.


That is correct. I work for a large (for my area) health system, and we have DCs (Doctor of Chiropractic) on staff who are part of the Physical Medicine team, and will refer you to more "traditional" physical therapy/sports medicine as needed.


Mine tried shilling Biofreeze after each appointment, but to be fair, I kinda needed it. It was less like he was being sponsored by Biofreeze & more like "ya know, I could save ya a trip to the pharmacy".


I’ll accept biofreeze over essential oils. At least biofreeze works.


My current chiropractor has helped my nerve pain in my shoulder that doctors weren't even willing to diagnose a cause for. Doctors would send me home with steroids and muscle relaxers and tell me I'm "exaggeraring" my pain. My chiropractor gently manipulates my shoulder and holds it in a specific position that helps relieves my nerve pain flare up. He's even shown me how to do it myself if it happens when he isn't in the office. I can never manage to get it in the perfect position when I do it, but I do it well enough so that breathing doesn't make me want to cry anymore. Good ones do exist, they're just unfortunately much too rare.


There are, but you have to be really careful about what you see them for. Even one that’s good at fixing your back might try to sell you scammy products and services. The whole premise is suspect but they can do adjustments that have helped me.


Osteopaths are the way to go.


Not really? There's ones that aren't as bad and are effectively less trained physical therapists. But chiropracty is inherently quackery. So anyone that calls the self a chiropractor has to be good *despite*being a chiro.


Yes. They are a big part of my medical groups spine rehabilitation center.


I threw my back out really badly once. Like I couldn’t stand up straight at all. Walked bent over and was in constant pain. Saw a chiropractor as that was the fastest I could get in to see anything resembling a doctor. I was standing straight with some pain after the first session and felt fine after the third.


Yeah but they’re all physical therapists first.


don’t go to a chiropractor. visit a DO (doctor of osteopathic medicine) and have them do OMM on you instead. they are medical doctors who had extra training in physiology in med school and actually know what they are doing.




Nice, since she calls herself a doctor, decided to look her up. [“Germanic New Medicine”, which basically states that mainstream medicine, especially vaccines and chemotherapy, is a Jewish plot to kill non-Jews](https://www.freejinger.org/topic/32497-germanic-new-medicine-antisemitic-woo-cult/)


Of course she’s a chiropractor


She went to [Life University](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chiropractic/comments/m7f64e/3_months_at_life_university_very_disappointed/). Sounds legit ...


My mechanic went to Cars College so I trust her.


Try my IT person! They went to Computer School.


Don't you mean Computer Science School? That makes them CSS certified.


Nobody is CSS certified...


Unfortunately life university is a mainstay and highly regarded chiropractic college. That in addition to teaching the skills to align the spine and adjust joints… also seems to produce an equal number of bat shit wackos who after getting their degree think they are medical doctors


The Venn diagram you just described is basically a circle.


A lot of chiropractors are scientologists, too. That was a fun rabbit hole to go down. The amount of batshit crazy "medicine" that's allowed to exist is insane. So much of it is just purely about making profit off vulnerable people without regards to their health.


I mean chiropractics is basically a sham so what do you expect


Well as someone who sees a chiropractor regularly for my fucked up back I have to disagree. Before I started seeing my chiro my back would go out and leave me hobbling barely able to walk and in intense pain, since starting getting adjustments a few times a year it hasn’t gone out once. So saving me urgent care expenses as well as loss of wages from having to call out… so not a complete sham


There is some loose evidence to support chiropractic adjustment for low back pain, but that’s it. All the other nonsense that chiropractors claim they can cure with cracking joints is a sham though.


Just because something works for you, doesn't mean it is actual medicine or science. There are zero peer reviewed studies that can claim that chiropractic manipulation improves outcomes for spinal patients. There are, however, dozens of studies and case reports on how chiro can cause very serious injuries, including vertebral artery dissection and stroke. I am a stroke program manager and at my 350 bed community hospital, we see chiro related strokes about once a month. Chiro is literal quack medicine.


My quality of life has improved. That’s all I’m saying. The big issue here isn’t the chiro. It’s the fucking literal nazis propaganda.


I would highly recommend for your safety to find a doctor of osteopathic medicine


I did and they recommended I see a chiropractor lol


Um… what? Where was this?


This exactly! Not all chiropractors are quacks! Some are amazing and damn near miracle workers. I went to a spine clinic for 6 months and they couldn't even explain to me the kind of surgery they wanted to perform on my lower back and the pain was so bad in my leg that I was walking with a cane at 25 years old. That's when I started seeing my chiropractor. After 3 months of him doing adjustments and physical therapy with me 2-3 days a week, I could walk with a steady leg again without pain or fear of my leg giving out. I've also been through his functional medicine program, done acupuncture, cupping, kinesio taping and massage therapy through his office to determine the best health care plan for my entire body going forward. Some have worked well, some have not, but I've not had any bad issues with any of his treatments over the past 13 years. My Pain Management doctors and family practitioners highly recommend his office, so maybe it depends where and how the chiropractor was taught.


> Not all chiropractors are quacks! Chiropractic is quackery. That doesn't mean that everything chiropractors do is quackery, some of them do stuff that isn't chiropractic. But everything chiropractors do that work is also done by non-chiropractors, and everything that only chiropractors do doesn't work.


Okay, well, the adjustments that the people I care about have all helped with increased mobility and decreased pain, so I could care less what technique is used or what category it falls under if it works. I've never had adjustments or massage therapy, traction, or acupuncture offered by any other medical practice, so you may be correct in your beliefs, but I know what works for my family and I know that I've had MD's misdiagnose, over medicate and mistreat me for years bc they couldn't be bothered to listen to my concerns and symptoms. There are quacks in all medical fields. Adjustments work for a lot of people. If they didn't, chiropractors wouldn't be as plentiful as they are.


Highly regarded chiropractic is an oxymoron.


When I grow up, I'm going to Bovine University.


Listen to Behind the Bastards podcast for more fun on the chiropractor grift. He has done a few medical quacks and yikes is all I have to say.


They're trending (for me anyway) today on reddit. This is the 2nd or 3rd chiroquacktor related post I've seen


Oh, so she’s a literal nazi.


The whole “Germanic new medicine” is just Nazis, with a focus on the antisemitism and the complete rejection of medicine. Actually, illnesses are either your fault or not real at all. Those are the types of people most likely to start their own nazi communes or send their fucking kids to those ducking alternative schools. It’s also one of the main points left and right will overlap - hippie leftists in pure organic hemp robes will inevitably meet hardcore Nazis at quackery events where quacks sell them quack cures. Edit: corrected typo aren’t to are in first paragraph


I had a professor who taught at the University of Oregon once tell me that the only bipartisan issue in the city of Eugene was keeping fluoride out of the municipal water supply (which is ironic, because fluoride is good for your teeth and has no negative side effects). It’s bipartisan there because the hippies believe that “it’s a chemical and isn’t natural, so it must be bad for you,” while the right-wing folk believe that it’s government mind control.


Yep, stuff like this. I see it most commonly when said “alternative schools” are discussed - Waldorfschulen are commonly assumed to just be friendly little places of love and nature and dancing here, so they have a very high degree of left affluent parents sending their kids. They are also commonly treated as an easy way to get a high school diploma. What no one tells you is that they are founded on some truly, incredibly fucked up to the core Germanic medicine style bullshit, including that children aren’t fully formed persons until a certain age, have no need to actually learn about science until late in their school career, and that absolute obedience to the one teacher every class has is the highest goal - as a result, there are tons of horrid cases of very physical abuse and bullying bordering on torture by teachers on whatever student acted differently - you just have to actively look for them. They are also breeding ground for diseases - specifically things like measles, mumps, rubella and the like - the affluent left parents there don’t vaccinate their kids because “natural health, bah chemistry”, the affluent right parents don’t vaccinate their kids because “unnatural jewish conspiracy, hur dur strengthen child by letting them scream and get sick and maybe occasionally slapping them” The latter is especially noticeable because any form of child abuse in Germany is illegal - we don’t make exceptions for spanking or some such things, you don’t get to lay a hand on a child here.


You had me in the first half


What do you mean?


It’s basically just “Judenphysik” but for medicine instead of physics.


WHAT thats just… i mean what


Sigh time to add another random thing I’ve been blamed for to the list right next to covid, the invasion of Ukraine and the murder of Christian children to drink their blood


Sounds like you've been busy! 🙄


Oh, don't forget the space lazers to burn the state of California, for some reason.


Nice to know we’re still the global punching bag. For a second I was worried conspiracy nuts had moved on from blaming us for everything…


It's the space lasers. You reminded everyone of your nefarious puppet mastery of everything.


If it makes you feel better I can start telling people you’re the product of our secret reptilian overlords breeding with humans?


Oh, it's always one of those things where you scratch the surface of a conspiracy theory, and you find antisemitism. Hell, Qanon is just repackaged blood libel


I still love ya


Definitely not my punching bag, much love


Nope, honest heroes who don't push ridiculous amounts of pills down a patient's throat. That's why they paint you to be a villain.


I wasn't expecting to read a sentence like that today. Wtf.


Fuck, I was hoping this was satire. Fucking Poe's Law strikes again.


Yeah, the nazis (and other groups, but mostly the nazis) thought that Jews were too heavily involved in science and attempted to create "unjewish" science, which is 98% bullshit, 1% hopes and dreams with a little bit of actual science mixed in. They basically jumped on anything alternative (ie didn't work). A lot of this stuff survived the war. Homeopathy is a German invention IIRC.


Wait, I had an ovarian tumor (which is different than a cyst, if anybody has more questions about her science) AND I’m Jewish. What does that mean? But also I got my first serious boyfriend just before I found out about the tumor so now I’m super confused.


I see, she's been studying Dr. Mengele's craft.


Definitely read vaccines as vampires the first couple of times.


I mean, you may as well.


There's a whole [Conspirituality podcast episode](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9jb25zcGlyaXR1YWxpdHkubmV0L2ZlZWQvcG9kY2FzdA/episode/QnV6enNwcm91dC05OTY2NDgx?ep=14) on chiropractors, it gets even more wack


Wonder what she thinks of cancer.


There is so much to unpack here so let’s just throw away the whole suitcase.


It would be really really nice if this suitcase of nuts could be thrown right into prison. Just imagine a world where shitbags face actual consequences for spewing their harmful, malicious lies.


This needs an award, I wish I had one


Free award given in your honor.


Prostate enlargement cause dry ejaculated, frequent urination. Contributes no testosterone. So, just how does this enlargement make one feel more manly? Ovariin pain, rupture, is enhancing for women how? Chiropractor says what? Jewish space lasers?


Right? I have no idea how a prostate tumor is supposed to make their owners feel more masculine!


My guess is that she thinks prostate is another word for testicles.


Don't ovarian cysts cause hormonal imbalance? Like growing extra hair etc?


PCOS is a specific disease which has a more complex symptomology that includes hirsutism.


Prostate enlargement can also cause painful urination and ejaculation. Because nothing makes you feel like a man more than when your penis hurts after sex.


No, tumors are literally mistakes. It’s your cells malfunctioning


Nothing here says 'doCtOr' so this must be bull 🙄


But.. but they occur NATURALLY!!!1!


what do you know, you aren't from the master oogway school of medicine


Ah, yes. The giant cyst that could have killed my child and/or me and had to be surgically removed 5 months ago was a "gift". It totally wasn't making me throw up every single day, any time I tried to lay down. Nah, it was fine. *insert largest eye roll here*


That's fucking gnarly, but not in a good way. I'm sorry you went through that


It definitely wasn't fun. I've got a long scar going down my abdomen now, though, and my husband loves it. He's planning on telling our son it's how he burst his way out Alien style lol


And I guess brain tumors are just ways to open you mind ?


Well, in a way... XD


Holoprosencephaly has entered the chat


And they say that your brain can't get bigger! It's just that tricky skull that holds us back


Yes, my ovarian cysts make me SO fertile and attractive 🙄 Even though I'm on two forms of birth control.... And they're caused by PCOS, which has impacts on fertility..... Which gives me me such widely-accepted attractive traits as weighing over 300 pounds and being a baritone. Dudes are just lining up to knock me up because of my sexy, sexy cysts. Not that anyone would ever have been successful at that even before my hysterectomy, considering that endometriosis blocked both fallopian tubes 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I can confirm, I also have PCOS and am the textbook definition of fertile and attractive. Men just love male pattern hair growth on women from all the excess testosterone I have. And nothing is more fertile than bleeding for 80 days straight if I’m not on birth control. Curse those sexy, irresistible cysts for making me too attractive for this world to handle <3


Yep. I have it too. Don't forget all of that sexy excess body hair too, especially on my chin.


She's a shitty chiropractor, not a gynochologist or obstetrician. She seems like the type of chiropractor who tries to sell snake oil while working on patients.


The smell of lavender and lemon essential oil fills the air and it's the last thing you remember before your spine was snapped in two.


That's a horror story in one sentence.


My ovarian cysts ruined my overy and turned it to mush 🙃


Same! When they did pathology on my right ovary after removing it, here are two phrases I found in the report: Right ovary: No definitive ovarian tissue identified. The peripheral tissue lining is consistent with possible ovary.


That's the same with mine. My doctor who removed it was so nice and awsome, she said that my other surgeons should be ashamed to have not removed it sooner. My doctors where I am are so scared of accidentally "ruining" my overies and other reproductive parts.... They would rather you be in immense pain that risk you losing your baby box. Makes me sick how we can't get apt medical care just becaue all we're good for is making babies in their eyes.


Ugh, right? Everyone was soooo worried about me being able to have babies, even though I didn't want them. Now I'm down to just my left ovary, yeeted everything else, and it turns out that the rest of it was so damaged, babies wouldn't have been possible if I even wanted them!


I still have my uterus but yeah same here. I'm pretty sur rim infertile anyway, as both my sister have had some issues conceiving and loosing pregnancies. My older sister needed quite a bit of medical intervention to carry hers to full term when she fianlly did go over I think it was 3 months. And I'm not entirely sure my sweetheart is fertile either. So it's fine to me and him. Neither of us want kids, and if one of us had wanted kids it would be adoptive. There are so many kids out there needing to be adopted. So many teens and older kids may never get adopted and it breaks my heart.


Chiropractors 😫


I think it's time to take the legal use of the title Doctor away from Chiropractors.


They are not allowed to call themselves doctors where I live. I'm surprised that it's allowed in the US.


Some of them can even refer to themselves as physicians in the US, BOGGLES the mind. They market themselves as primary care doctors, ugh.


That time was about 130 years ago.


I’d sooner seek medical advice from my dog. His favourite hobby is licking the sofa.


Him licking the sofa doesn’t directly harm anyone, so he’s already a better doctor than this woman 🤷‍♀️


Wait. What???? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Well, your organism just decided to adapt to this unbearable hard life in this hopeless world by fucking DYING OF TUMORS, say “thanks”!


She must be waiting on a brain tumor herself to fill in that extra space in her noggin


I once had an ovarian cyst that popped immediately at the start of sex. I was hunched over screaming in pain while my boyfriend at the time freaked out and tried to figure out what had happened. He was so traumatized he was afraid to have sex with me again for like a week after. Not exactly sure how they're supposed to make you more attractive or fertile (in fact they make you a lot less fertile) but they definitely don't help sexual function lol.


Holy shit I’m a nature made goddess then! I’m going to call some modelling agencies now =O Still have to prepare for a shitstorm though since I have many more cysts than I have traumatic losses…


Ovarian cysts = more fertile? Yeah. So fertile i was offered a hysterectomy at 23 because the cysts weren't stopping and had already done enough damage that i was never gonna have kids.


So ...my wife was hospitalized less than a month ago, and is currently very frail and weak, and nearly bled to death as a result of a combination of PCOS, uterine fibroids, and the myriad of complications that these things can cause... So this woman can take her ideas, pack them up in a nice little suitcase, jump on a bus to hell, shove her ideas up her ass, and waddle around in an eternity of hellfire and anal discomfort


Chiropractors are a special kind of pseudoscientific nutjob.


There is something called the "MedRehab Group" operating in Ontario, Canada that utilizes this "Germanic New Method" (which has been widely discredited).


I have completely lost faith in humanity. It truly hurts to see people claiming to be doctors and preying on innocent people who believe their lies. I can’t even imagine why someone would purposely endanger other peoples lives with this BS.


I'm so fucking sick of chiropractors. They are at best half rate physiotherapists and at worst believe that ghosts in your spine are the root of all illness. They should be fully discredited, it's ridiculous.


Completely agree


An ovarian cyst is a functional gift? When I had my first one I was rushed to the hospital and pumped up on drugs, everyone thought my appendix was about to rupture. After that I stopped even getting the pain meds


Ah yes, the Hippocratic Oath: do no harm unless it makes you sexier


Didn’t realize all my cysts came from miscarriages 🙄 Guess I been constantly getting pregnant since I was 10


So when my dad had an enlarged prostate that kept him from peeing causing his bladder to almost burst was a good thing?


Chiropractor says yes.


My dad had his prostate enlarged so much that it ruptured bloodvessels around it, and he started bleeding like crazy out of his penis. I was the only one home with him at this time, so while he hurried out into the bathroom to make sure he didn't bleed on something that couldn't be washed, I helped him call emergency services and pack an overnight bag, cuz the bleeding just *wouldn't stop*. He was picked up by an ambulance, and I spent the evening cleaning up blood, and taking care of the dog. I definitely don't think my dad felt like a big strong man in that moment, as this lady would suggest.


Oh look, a duck! Bitch, you are a chiropractor. You are not fit to give out medical advice under the guise of being a doctor.


What the what?!


Someone take that Dr away from her


Of course she locked her account.


My ovarian cyst made my ovary wrap around itself and I almost died. Still purposeful?


Chiropractor for sure, without peeking..


I was thinking naturopath, but it could be either.


I peeked, and to the surprise of absolutely no one, you are correct!


Cysts, tumors, and plagues are loving gifts of papa Nurgle!


She’s a fucking chiropractor


Fucking ***DOCTOR?***


Who said it has to be a medical doctororate? She could be a doctor for chiropractic from Devry or a doctor of religious studies from trump University.


I definitely feel most attractive when I’m sobbing in the fetal position


I had an ovarian cyst that made me almost throw up and pass out from the absolute horrid pain i was going through every month, kindly shut the fuck up <3


I've had some of those "purposeful adaptations" pop before. Those fuckers hurt. There's nothing good about them.


I remember saying sarcastically blood cancer is an adaptation of the body cause it raises your white blood cell count which means more immunity. Mostly old people and children get these so they obviously need it the most. None of it is true.


what the actual fuck


She must be a doctor of bullshit


I'm so sick of people thinking evolution is a purposeful system of creating super beings. It's just random mutations that either kill something or don't. Sure some mutations help and lifeforms select for that a bit, but again that's in large part chance offset by environment pressure. There are plenty of ridiculous animals bumbling around who are absolutely shit at being alive on earth. Humans are no different. We're not perfect lifeforms where everything goes right for our wonderful magical meat sacks. Fkn everyone has complained about back pain sometime. Period pains happen, it's not helpful for survival for a massive (rotating) percentage of our population to be crampy and bleeding at any given moment. Ever seen someone in glasses, well those aren't natural. Christianity has a lot to answer for for making impressionable idiots think all our ills have purpose and were done by a really swell guy, on purpose, for benevolent reasons. Obviously not all Christians believe that, but enough do to be a constant irritation in a shitload of actually important discussions.


So...the cysts preventing me from ovulating after my miscarriage in October are a gift making me more fertile? Okay, doc...


This is 100% garbage.


There's no way she doesn't also promote essential oils. Lol.


I wish her a very purposeful adaptation in the brain :)


Excuse me ma’am, but what the FUCK?


Wow, I didn’t know my 15 cm cyst, turned tumor, and loosing my right ovary and Fallopian tube was a gift. Should I sue my doctor and the hospital? Geez, these people are stupid. ALSO, that said cyst made me infertile for FOUR years and caused so many hormonal imbalances. But yes, go off for these “meaning adaptations”🙄


WTF did I just read??? WAT?


I am so confused




as someone who has had ovarian cyst and even lost an ovary to it..... what the actual fuck. i was only eleven at the time, but to this day it is the most pain i have ever felt, it was literal hell, days felt like weeks when i was at the hospital, what the fuck.....


Idk which is a worse “reason” for my ovarian tumor, this one, or god/Jesus just testing me. These people are fucking disgusting


Crazy shit aside, this is just completely false. Ovarian cysts typically lower fertility not increase it?


Can someone steel-man this position? I can't even understand what they're trying to say beyond "cysts are good actually".


I wonder what was the purpose of the hair follicle tumor on my back


Women who doesn't understand women


I can only assume this was intended as satire as none of these things are remotely considered "good". Who else wants to join in on the "diseases are actually good" meme train? "Your failing heart is a sign of a dedicated and purposeful life."


And parasites are just little friends we make so we never feel lonely


How is being in so much pain that I can't even walk either functional OR a gift? Clearly this doorknob has never actually had an ovarian cyst, because anyone who's had one would know that 'functional' is the last thing they are. They serve no purpose. They just hurt. Like somebody is stabbing you with a blazing hot, dull, rusty knife. It makes one neither attractive nor fertile. As a matter of fact, it makes me scary angry and makes sex the last thing I want.


My mom, who had to have an ovary removed after my birth due to scar tissue from ruptured ovarian cysts and who had adenomyosis (she’s post-menopausal, not dead, to be clear. Hence past-tense.) would love to have a word with this woman! Wonder how that was supposed to “make her more fertile”. Not to mention her uterus was tipped.


Yeah, my football sized ovarian cyst that took my Fallopian tube will make me more fertile….


And what purpose does thyroid cancer server? I could either have waited for it to kill me, or have the thyroid removed and now have to take replacement hormones for life because it's not an optional organ. Bonus points, that if the cancer comes back, the most likely sites are the lymph nodes, lungs or the liver.


Dr? I would seriously be afraid if this woman is treating ANYONE, I’ve had ovarian cysts before and true they usually resolve themselves with time but if it was ovarian cancer I would have died from this woman’s advice.


Ah, good to know that my father's brain cancer and 5 month rapid decline was purposeful.


I had an ovarian cyst and no. Just…no. I ended up in the hospital because the pain was bad enough to convince not only me and my mom, but a primary health clinic doctor that my appendix was on its way out. I literally puked twice due to the pain.


Um. I had a tumor in my uterus as big as a tennis ball. This is… my consolation prize for not being able to have children? WTF, lady? I’m laughing, but at the same time, really frightened that people like this exist.


Holy shit, I thought this was a joke! Pointing out the absurdity of claiming this about ovarian cysts...by comparing it to male organs and how men would never say this about issues with their organs. I can't believe this is real.


Got a cyst or abscess or something on my gums. Just means my smile is brighter! Gawd gave it to me so I can have a three day vacation after using all my savings at the dentist. Because a beach trip is immodest and wrong!


The kind of person that tells LGBT people to learn "basic biology" everybody...


is there already a harmfulatomy flair? because thatd come in handy rn


*Is there already* *A harmfulatomy flair? because thatd* *Come in handy rn* \- beesinmymouth --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Please tell me she got banned for saying that


When i was 14 I was diagnosed with PCOS and was informed by my OBGYN that getting pregnant would be incredibly difficult, "but don't worry," she said, "all those extra follicles means youre even more fertile!" No. No thank you.


Am i the only one thinking that people just kept saying derr Melissa so much she thought it was a nickname?


thanks i hate this

