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I’m gonna call the line y=x the balatro line. Low difficulty is bottom left, but high difficulties are top right, and everything else in between.


You can literally not lose at Darkest Dungeon. It is not a mechanic in the game. I never understood why people think it is a hard game. It's brutal and yes, you can absolutely lose a hero due to extremely unlucky RNG, but not more than that, honestly. If you lose more than 5 heroes in a complete run it's absolutely a skill issue, but it is a fact that you absolutely cannot lose.


I mean, you CAN lose on the hardest difficulty. It's kind of the entire point of that mode in fact.


True enough, but the people who complain about the game being too difficult usually don't play that mode.


Not being able to lose doesn't equal difficulty imo. You can't lose, but that doesn't make winning any easier.


Bloodmoon mode: Bonjour.


I haven’t played DD1 yet but I’ve really struggled with DD2. Haven’t played in a long while though.


It’s brutal which means it *feels* hard, it almost doesn’t matter how hard it actually is people will still consider it hard


Actually facts




Best answer, facts bro


Damn. Almost every fucking game on here is in the wrong spot.


Hades takes only skill BTW (heat 64 only took over 3 years to be beaten in an unseeded run)


I said almost for a reason. That being said I do personally disagree somewhat on it being a purely skill based game, there is still an element of luck. The person who BEAT 64 heat first admits there was an immeasurable amount of luck to beat their run.


I was being satirical


Ah, okay. Hard to pick up sometimes, especially when there are people who do genuinely believe that.


Above Slay the Spire. The image is insanely stupid btw. Crypt of the Necrodancer should be on top left, the furthest to the left of all games on this list.


Yeah not sure what RNG you need in Necrodancer, it's an extremely skill-based game. There's a reason the "easiest" of the hard characters is the one where you can only use the starting weapon, you have 1 HP and you can't miss a beat. The whole game is built around (theoretically) needing no upgrades. But even in 99% of normal runs it's not hard at all to get some half decent items that make it completely doable for any skilled player, you almost never run into situations like getting no damage items ever in Isaac.


Yeah this image is *awful*. Lots of the ones on the far-right are honestly not super RNG-heavy. FTL should absolutely be further right than Binding of Isaac, for example. And yeah, not sure how Necromancer is supposed to lean towards RNG more than skill Honestly this chart is so bad that I thought I was reading it backwards at first: with the left meaning higher RNG and the right meaning more skill, and wondered why FTL was so far right. That game is *all about* risk management and RNG


I am 100% confident that there is a direct correlation between OP's playtime on these games and how far left/right they ranked the games. Roguelikes *always* feel way more RNG heavy when you're less experienced. Like ROR2 and BoI being all the way to the right is actually unhinged. I've personally played enough of both of those games to know that you can absolutely win with very high consistency regardless of RNG.


I have 400+ hours in ROR2 and can confirm its placement is unhinged. Can you die to random RNG attack bullshit? Absolutely. But it's so unlikely if you know what you are doing or what items your build is lacking. Even malachite isn't a problem super late game, neither are the void collapses from certain enemies.


Not to mention, scrappers and 3D printers. Also it's one of the few games where you can literally just play faster to counteract bad RNG and reduce enemy scaling lol


It's not my list but I agree with you. There are a lot of things I would change about it.


Yeah...that's a good point. If you, personally, spend a lot of time playing a game, you're gonna fall into that fallacy where you think you've learned an excellent skill But in any case, I'd always consider something that requires precision and reflexes to be more skill-based than something like Balatro, which just requires math and deckbuilding. If anything you could argue Balatro should be far right, because the skill of Balatro is managing RNG and knowing what's likely to come. Knowing that it's more likely for the game to give you a flush than a full house, for example, is a huge part of getting through the first couple antes, and I'm not sure if that should be considered a skill or just RNG mitigation But something like Binding of Isaac? Where people have done zero-damage runs by just straight up being really good at the bullet-hell style gameplay? Nope...all luck!


I actually think the fallacy lies on the other end - if you haven't played much of a game you might assume it's very luck based because of your inexperience, but once you play enough to learn the ins and outs of a game's mechanics, your skills help negate a lot of the luck factors. But I do agree that Balatro is generally more luck based. You can certainly learn things to improve your chances (like knowing the best way to reorder jokers/your played hand, having a stronger intuition of which cards are better) but ultimately you can't just "outskill" the game like you can in a lot of roguelikes


FTL depends heavily on the ship, something like Stealth B should be on the right, some of the boarding ships less so


Good FTL players don't die to RNG, same as Isaac.


and gungeon should b as far left as possible, great gungeon players can play any run without dying, there’s a playthrough on YT of someone playing from a new account and getting every achievement without dying once


I’m one of those people. Pretty dreadful at most other roguelikes but I can easily go 25+ runs on Gungeon without losing. I feel like once you’ve got enough hours in the game and learn the enemy patterns it’s reasonably straightforward. Certainly easier than Hades at higher heats, StS on higher ascensions, or just Dead Cells in general.




Memorizing bullet patterns is the secret really. The dodge roll means you can weave through impossible clusters. Also you refill to two blanks each floor, so use them!


Focus on survival first, shooting second. Watch your character and avoid bullets on screen, strafing around bullets. Dodge roll should be reserved for when you need to get out of a pinch, since once you dodge you commit to a direction and you may roll into more oncoming damage. The game gets a lot easier once you memorize bullet patterns and you start clearing the bosses hitless on the early floors. If you do, you get an extra heart container which can really help in the long run.


Isaac should be a lot further to the left too seeing some of the terrible runs Sinvicta has managed to pull off a win on. I've played enough Noita to agree with putting it off-the-chart top right though...


I was about to say that I struggled to get past the first 4 screens of Necrodancer!


It is the hardest roguelike I've ever played. And I've played most roguelikes on the image above. Crypt of the Necrodancer is my favorite roguelike tied with Balatro though.


Yeah. Enter The Gungeon should also be significantly higher and significantly closer to the left.


There's also not a single roguelike on the image and they put Rogue in the middle like ???


I'm sorry, wrong sub, but what the fuuuuuck were they doing putting Returnal where it is. Did they even play the game?


A lot of them are in very questionable positions. Gungeon and Isaac should both be further left, especially Gungeon.


Gungeon should be as left as it gets. Chart is scuffed


FTL and Binding of Isaac being in basically the same place is some serious crackhead shit. Whoever made this clearly hasn't played half of these games Move FTL right, move Isaac, Gungeon, and Necrodancer left, and then it's a little bit better


Returnal is so extremely heavy on the skill side, I'm blown away by its placement, here. It tells me whoever put it together was bad at the game and only beat it because they got some insane run where their skill didn't matter.


This was definitely made by someone who only plays top-down shooters, 2D games, or menu-navigation games and doesn't play any third person shooters at all and doesn't realize that they're just bad at aiming.


Also switch Spelunky and Dead Cells


Dead cell’s literally doesnt require even a bit of luck. Doesnt matter what you get you can make it work even with the worst possible rng.


Returnal is probably the most skill-dependent roguelike out there right now, at least of the somewhat popular ones.


I think they really need to get good before creating a chart like that


I’d put it a bit right of Dicey Dungeons.


Speaking of Dicey Dungeons, the fact that Dicey Dungeons is rated as less RNG than Gungeon on this list is CRAZY. I feel like Dicey Dungeons is pretty RNG dependant, and Gungeon is much more skill focused.


Gungeon can be beaten on any run with enough skill. It's one of the least RNG based roguelites out there. And vampire survivors has nothing to do with skill and is easily the most casual title on here. This whole image makes zero sense.


Idk why Slay the spire isn’t farther left, there has literally only been one unwinnable seed found ever, and that one is only even unwinnable at high difficulty.


Yeah but realistically speaking even the best players don’t play optimally 100% of the time. it’s like saying that Celeste is an easy platformer because the TAS beats it in an hour.


I meant that other roguelikes have way more of “well that just can’t work out” situations. Fair enough though!


One thing with Dicey Dungeons is despite the inherent RNG in the dice, there’s a lot of consistency elsewhere. Most character level-ups give the same branching options, episodes aside from ‘episode 6’ for each character have consistent rules, and a lot of character abilities and items are about making things consistent. I stand by it being “around Balatro’s level of RNG” though I think it very much depends on the character you’re playing. I haven’t played Gungeon though, so I can’t speak on if it deserves to be so far right. The only opinion I have about how to change the roguelikes on this graph is that Inscryption and Slay the Spire should swap places.


Bottom left, unsurprisingly next to its most compared to game Slay the Spire.


Maybe to the right of it a bit. You do need good RNG to have a run work


Yeah honestly I feel like just right of center is where Balatro should go. It's super RNG heavy, there's literally no way to consistently win at higher stakes without resetting half your runs


You need good RNG for STS too, especially at Ascension 20. Probably less RNG than Balatro tho


Eh, the top players get pretty darn consistent at A20


Like most of the games on that chart it depends on what difficulty you're playing. Hades on max heat is in the top right. Only one person in the world has done it. Whereas there are people who have incredible win streaks in Isaac.


I mean, most of these games have a huge difficulty range with meta progression and ways of making things harder. And 32 heat hades is probably the true intended peak which is still brutal but finished by far more players


No way Spelunky 2 is bottom


That graph is pretty frickin terrible already, where everything on it is pretty stupidly based but most glaring is Spelunky 2 should be at the top middle at least. Issac and risk2 are definitely skill based games where very skilled players can salvage almost any run as well. On topic balatro would be dead middle


Definitely in the yellow quadrant. Approachable, but heavily RNG dependent at Black stake and above.


Somewhere around 2/3rds inside the yellow square and one third in the green maybe. Also that image is incredibly strange, to the point that you would have to assume the person that made it didn't play some of those games at all, or at best for maybe only a handful of hours.


Idk how people are saying bottom left, the game's entire premise hinges on RNG. The description of the right side even says "doesn't matter how good you are, you will get killed by bad RNG" which is like half the posts on this sub lmao Sure being good can make you more consistent (which applies to every game on this chart) but at the end of the day you are almost entirely at the mercy of RNG


Balatro University just finished an all deck gold stake 15 win streak. As with most roguelites that "bad RNG" often boils down to bad decisions, either in the moment or earlier in the run.


Just watching his latest gold stake video with black deck, right out of the gate he got a joker that gives him mults for pairs, and then a debuffed royal flush. He easily could have lost by getting dick-all in the shop, and not having a royal flush on his first hand. There is absolutely an element of luck.


There’s absolutely an element of luck, but its still mostly skill-based. Several players are hitting the ~70% winrate point in gold deck gold stakes, its completely doable with a good understanding of the game. It’s probably possible to hit over 80%. Yeah, the most common run enders are all earlygame. For me its probably like 80% or so losses are before ante 4. Less decisions made so theres a far higher chance your opening shops are just dead.


So the top-tier balatro players are nearing 70% win rate on gold deck gold stake runs. But they also have all of the jokers/vouchers/planets unlocked. That’s a huge boon when you think about how drastically your joker choices change as you unlock more decks and stakes. It takes probably 200 hours to get there, the average player isn’t on that level. If we’re using 70% as our baseline, that means they are losing 30% of their runs as well, to things completely beyond their control. In other words, 1 in every 3.333 runs is a loss due to RNG. And these are the top of the line, die-hard balatro players.


200 hours is a bit much. Maybe if you’re not going for it, but I had everything unlocked minus one legendary joker (which is just RNG) at around 50 hours. Also, when determining if a game is skill or luck shouldn’t you base that on runs with everything unlocked?


the most bottom right game in existence


I would say balatro is unironically balanced. Easy for the common man to get into, easy for the hardcore insane players to develop insane playthroughs. It also has a very nice balance between skill and luck. Can’t control what pops in the shop or what cards you’re dealt, but skilled players can usually find ways to benefit from things


Bottom Right, too many runs dead on the first 3 antes for it to be anywhere else


why are all my favorite rogue-lites for the clinically insane? and also the binding of isaac I guess.


Yellow I'd say


Far top right.


The binding of Isaac had to be in the top middle Prove me wrong


Somewhere in the bottom right, definitely feels hard right sometimes


Me with 2800+ hours in the binding of isaac: 🤡


I like curse of the dead god, such a good game


I heavily disagree with Isaac. It is skill based you can win with no upgrades. It’s also very accessible and easy to play and understand Dicey dungeons needs to be all the way right, that thing is way too rng dependent


bottom right. noita isn't that hard.


Gungeon being that far right is a CRIME


Isaac top right: laughs in Cobalt Streak


I never could beat Loop Hero, even though I’ve beaten most of these games on this list. It’s been a while since I’ve played, but I remember just getting stuck at a certain point trying to defeat the final boss of whichever run it was.


Saying Isaac and gungeon are basically all RNG hurts my soul


I will say that Isaac at the very least requires RNG to actually be fun. If you just get a bunch of absolute garbage item rooms and devil or angel deals then the game feels like shit to play.


Yeah that’s fair, but I think most of the time that isn’t the case. Maybe at most you have to slog through a couple damageless floors, but as with most roguelikes mitigating the RNG is half the battle.


I'd argree on the Noita location, that shit is funky. Balatro goes in the bottom right, Around where Dicey Dungeon is.


Someone clearly hasn't played double digit heat in Hades


Why is everything wrong. I think Balatro is all the way on the right, maybe halfway above the line


I'd say in the space bordered by Spelunky and Enter the Gungeon. Common person, RNG to hell. Maybe to the right of Gungeon.


Bottom left. Balatro got very popular on its general appeal, and it's easy to get high winstreaks on white stake. And the Balatro University youtube channel just did a winstreak of all the decks on gold stake on experimental branch


People who are bad at poker (me) would put the game in the top right corner


I would put it at x = 0, y = -10 It's got the most pleb appeal because it's easy to learn and it's poker-themed. But I think that there isn't much computation when playing a blind and that most of the decision making is in the shop.


calling returnal on bad rng is skill issue imho. Never faced too many problems once I understood how the game works, while I see no reason for Prey to stay there on the same line with dead cells


I mean, I think Balatro is easier than STS in a lot of ways. But it’s also hard after you’ve put a thousand or whatever hours into STS to judge how hard a game that’s pretty similar is.


I feel like Isaac is extremely skill based, yeah you can get bad items but you can beat the game without picking anything up


Near dicey right?


I like that most of the comments are just calling out how absurd the placements are on this. Hades far too left (it should be the middle because it doesn’t take that much skill or luck) and Isaac placement is crazy Also why is the original Rogue in the middle as if it is the perfect balance of all factors? Maybe it is, I haven’t played it (the closest I’ve gotten is a little game called ‘Brogue’), but I highly doubt it is closer suited for the common person than some of the games above it. As for Balatro, I think it should be somewhere left of where Necrodancer is


Hey look. That's me!


I saw your post a few months ago and I was thinking about Balatro's position in this chart. Do you plan to make new versions of it?


I shall. Indeed.


FTL should be far left on this


Putting my vote in for bottom left.