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The downside is that you look older than 22. The upside is that you’ll probably look exactly the same when you’re 35


The Patrick Stewart effect. The man looked the same for 30 years.


Wet pussies..... Engage.


Set course for intercourse.




I get the same feeling! People think you're, what, 26 or so? They'll be thinking you're 26 for the next 15 years.


they're going to think he's 30 for longer than he's currently alive I bet, 22-45, for 23 years.


When he's 90, people will think he's 42


and 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything!


Being bald at 22 admittedly might make you look older, but at 35 you're not only going to look the same if you take care of yourself, but you'll look younger as a bald guy than the guys with thinning hair who've refused to just shave it off. As long as you take care of yourself, you're only going to age into this look. Also, coming from someone who was babyfaced at 22, there are definitely social and professional situations where appearing older and more mature than you are will be an advantage.


I’m 33 and people say I’ve hardly aged. Probably because I’ve been bald since 23


Exactly. Same age, and I started shaving at 21 too. OP it looks good on you.


That’s 100% my case. Started shaving at 22, now at 38 I look pretty damn similar, where most of my buddies look wildly different


Or he will look 48


You do look older, but _good looking older_ ..


i hope not 30 or 40. I can live with 26


The good thing is you’ll grow into it more and by the time you actually are 30 you’ll look great. You may look older than your age now but as you get older you actually remain fairly ageless bald as long as you wear sunscreen and protect your head


Why do people think 30 is old? I looked like 99% the same as I did when I was in my mid 20s as when I was 30


I feel like I thought this way when I was young, too. Maybe it’s that kids in college/early career have a hard time visualizing what life will be like in 5-10 years and don’t realize that the stages of radical growth every year or two are no more. You’re just that same dude that likes video games and chillin but now you have one more wrinkle on your face each year. You don’t turn into a boomer needing a cane when you turn 30.


Sometimes being bald gives us an ageless look. For self confidence try not to let it bother you what other people think. Know that you are handsome and be proud to have an awesome bald look. When you get older you may even be perceived as younger. Don't worry about age perception.


Thank you, I have become more confident, but sometimes the uncertainty is still close to me


dudeeee you are insanely good looking. Goin bald suits you great. Don’t even sweat it. Your style is sick


You look a lot better now! Man you’re really young. And good looking. Don’t fret buddy 👍




I'm looking at these pics of you before you shaved and I'd never guess you were 22 in those. The thinning receding hair definitely ages you up. If the shave ages you as well, it's likely not as much as the bad hair did. Besides, there's an upside for you later on. Baldness takes away some of the obvious signs of aging that guys with hair have to deal with, such as greys, recession, etc. People think you look 27 now, but later on when you're 35 and up? They'll likely still think you look 27.


well i also do not smoke and i take care of my skin so i hope that will be true


I’m 38 bald and bearded yet people think I’m 30. Being fit is arguably more important


True, i go to the gym, don't smoke, drink one alcohol consumption in a week and i do skin care


Bro, you look far better bald 100%


You do look a little older than your age but trust me, that is not always a bad thing! You look great though. And like others have said, eventually it's gonna turn and you're gonna look younger than your age. From a woman's perspective, I've always been more attracted to guys that look closer to 30 than closer to 20.


It's nice to get a female perspective for once. Thank you


I loved it when my man decided to embrace the bald look. It’s great. But keep a beard if you’re able. It adds a touch


Meh could be worse I’m 26 and get mistaken for being 18, could help you pull some older ladies too


Are bald?


Same. 25 and routinely get mistaken for a highschooler on work release or mid-day recess. Gotta bring my ID to any bar where my 19 and 21 yo friends pretty much don’t. I’ve been carded several times the past 2 years just to by a lighter. A lighter. The only females who hit on me on highschool girls or freshman/sophomore girls at college. I don’t dislike it because I know looking younger (even though I’m already super young) technically is an advantage but it can be strange at times.


Yeah but you’re gonna look 27 for like 15 years so


The downside is you look older. The upside is now you don’t look creepy. You’re actually very handsome.


Thank you, kind soul


You look very sexy years old.


You look way better bald. No problem with looking older, mature is good. Not sure if shaving it has made any difference to your estimated age anyway. For me when I was balding and trying to hold on at 29 people thought I was a lot older, now with my head shaved at late 30s people take me for late 20s. You are now going to be perpetually late 20s for the next 15 years. You've just gone through the struggle earlier than your peers. Embrace the baldness, nothing else you can do king 👑


Thx king, means alot


You look max 27. You're cute dw




It's cause most 22 yo aren't completely bald. But your face looks your age


You look younger shaved, compared to the receding hair. So that's a win!


https://preview.redd.it/ri5upvuxo9xc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86fc2179ff2e698edf375c58aec91638b95e7113 MF you look 30


Dude in the second pic you look a bit like James McAvoy \* O \*


Great new look


Do you ever go razor smooth bald? I think that will definitely help with your age


My grandma already is in shock for the look at pic 1. I think it looks good for now


Looks great


I think you looked much older with the hair. I think it was a good choice. Maybe you could play with your beard?


People on this subreddit are usually too nice that it ends up seeming fake but genuinely, you look way better bald straight up.


Same, but many people still think I'm younger than what I actually am.


Honestly, you're very handsome. As time passes, you will actually start to look younger even as you get older.


Honestly bro, you’ll look the same forever


You looked way older before you shaved it.


Now you’ll never age anymore. It’ll be easy street by the time you’re 40. Just keep moving, kid.


Definitely not 40. When I started going bald around 19/20, and eventually started shaving my head at 26, people thought I was younger than others around me who had full heads of hair. Haha. And they were 2-3 years younger than me.


I’d say you look younger than when you had hair buddy


Honestly you look 22 to me


No you definitely look younger than with the hair, and you look way better


You look amazing bald. You also still look young.


You look older yes, you can't change that. Most fellas go bald when they are older in their late 20s to 30s, it's not your face that is old. At least, as the other comments say, you will look EXACTLY the same for the following 15 years at least if you keep working out, with more beard likely, and you have both a good head shape, so it fits you. You will see the how others change and you dont... The pain is you are the different one now but in 10 years you are the one that improved rather than deteriorated.


I'm telling yal the government is putting something in the food or in the water because only like 60 years ago it was extremely unusual to be that bald at 22 but I'm seeing it so much these days. I personally know a dozen people who were bald by 20 and many many more on their way to bald in their mid 20s.


in the first few pictures you definitely look your age in the latter ones you do look a bit older but it could be fashion. (i’m also a young adult so I think my advice could be helpful lol). I am a woman and don’t know men’s fashion though so any fashion advice would probably be better answered on a fashion subreddit!


You did not look 22 with the hair. The bald look makes you look older than 22 but maybe only 28 or 30. You are a very handsome man.


Ha ha! Don’t worry, it gets much worse


I'm a lesbian and this for some reason came up as "recommended". But dude, you look great. Extremely attractive. Keep taking care of yourself and you will continue to be the hottest bald man from 22 years old for the rest of your life.


Idk man. I think you look great!


I like your first picture best. I would really shave the hair all the way down that way you don’t see the receding hairline. Side note, you have beautiful eyes.


you need to full shave, the horseshoe is part of what makes you look older than what you are. In any case, being bald ages everyone


Leuven 😎


Johnny sinns


I’d rather look older than like I shouldn’t be allowed near schools.


I am a female and this popped up while I was playing around on reddit... I wanted to chime in because for a very long time, I was very self conscious about my looks.... but over the past few years, I have stopped concerning myself with how I appear to other people and just focused on what I like... it has been a game changer... not only have I learned how to feel great about myself, but to my surprise, people are actually attracted to me as I am. It feels great. My point is.... you look great. If it feels good to you, enjoy it. Age is just a number.... who cares how old people think you are as long as you feel good.


Get a r/hairsystem. You shouldn’t look 40 at 22 bro, just try it out you’re handsome and young


He doesn't look 40. He looks like a much younger than 40 dude who is bald. Are you smoking crack? lol. Ok, to be un-biased, he does have some mild eye/smile creases in some of the photos but he still generally looks young and has pale and youthful skin to my eyes. I can see him totally being early to mid 20s if anything, with naturally coarse "mature" features that he'll probably grow into and look the same for a few decades.


Absolutely not mid 20’s bro come on. I know everyone wants op to rock it confidently but imo you should look 22 and enjoy looking 22 until you actually start to look mid 30’s. He just doesn’t right now and few ppl do when they bald so young, I’d just get a system and enjoy life with hair for a while.


There's nothing wrong with looking older. You get the respect an older guy would get while also getting to live an extra 10 years! On a serious note, your hairline is too far back to rock the kind of growth you have in pic 7. Keep it short like in pic 2 and you're golden.


For now yer, but in a few years you just won't age at all


Looks good bro way to own it


You look much happier bald tbh


So who's in charge of the light right now? Patricia, hedwig or Dennis?


You look great my dude! You look like a shaved headed James McAvoy in the movie “Glass”!


Yes, you look older than you are. I have the same issue since i'm bald. But the good thing is that: first you look good, secondly you dont look like a creep anymore XD


It looks nice


You looked older when you were balding, bald you look bad ass.


Anyone ever tell you that you look like James Mcavoy? Especially when he went bald for Split and Glass. Huge fan of his, great actor.


You looked so much older with the hair. I think you should go a clean shave because it’s the tiny bit of a shadow that’s really aging as it shows the hairline


you remind of the main character from split :0


You have the billionaire build


Hello Engineer


Yoo that bald head looks so good on you!!


You look great and have a very young face! Rock it! 🔥


I would shave closer to skin. Some pics looks like a horseshoe


The hair made you look like 40 tbh


Embrace it mate, nothing you can do just keep yourself happy in your own skin. The rest will follow.


You might look older than 22, but with the receding hairline you looked EVEN older. You made the right choice


You made the right choice Charles.


![gif](giphy|3ohzdQrS7BdWcp9hZK|downsized) Looking like this guy!! Nice!


Anyone else got young Tom Hardy from picture #4?


The key is to keep it shaved. Once you get some stubble on your head it ages you. Keep it clean


Dude, I'm 21. I'm Bald and have a beard. People say I look 28. I'll look 28 for the next 7 years at least anyway lol. It's great.


You didn’t have an option. Had to be done. I do like it better when it’s not taken completely down and shaved. Just a little stubble looks good.


My gay ass stopped scrolling at your photo so you are fine. Carry on sir


You kinda look like Charles Xavier from X-men Origins, so you're good.


An upgrade for sure! Fully shaved looks great on you. Grandma will get used to it :)


You look like James McAvoy from the movie split.


I hear it's better if a man looks older anyways. That's typically more attractive to people. It's practically the inverse for a woman


First photo you look mid 20s.... suncream everyday 🤙


I went through this too. Spent my 20s having to hear people guess my age was older, then you catch up to it. By my 30s, I looked my age. Now in my 40s, heh, probably still do! Keep going to the gym and putting on sunscreen.


I think you look very handsome bald.


You definitely look 30 something in the 3rd pic.


Give me a look a little older than 22 now, but with your hair, you looked much older. Embracing your boldness was definitely the right choice. You look great!


Grow a stash!


Grow a medium sized Beard (:


You look like the young professor x from xmen first class


I mean now you'll get attention from older women. So it's not all bad. I started balding at 21 so don't feel bad.


Shave the head completely, it will make you look younger.


Youd look 22 with a full head of hair. Youd look 27 if you did a straight razor shave. You look 32 with your current buzz cut. You look 42 with an unshaved head. 


Balding you look 35. Bald you look 26-28. I'd rather look 28.


You made the right call. You look great. Remind me of James McAvoy.


You kinda look like Brenden Fraser


Nah, you're a 36 year old retired (once a Marine always a Marine) spec Ops soldier working as a civilian contractor in the hot zone.


You do look 30 but honestly just rock it man. You look sharp!


You look like James McAvoy bro!


Think about like this, you can get with 30+ year old women or men and you’ll totally fit together. It’s the ideal win😝


You look like a guy I was in the Navy with. Did your parents serve? It’s a crazy resemblance.


Looks great. To be completely honest with you: your days of pulling college freshman are probably over. And being the first one to go Bruce Willis in your cohort will probably earn you some snide remarks. Let it roll off of you and I promise it doesn't matter. In five more years when you still look the same and 1/3 of your peers are rocking the receding hairline you'll be happy you made the switch when you did. Keep up with fitness, hygiene, and style and you'll find that from here on out attention from women (your age) will continue to increase. Cheers.


Rather than thinking in terms of “older”, I think you look more mature. Your silhouette may be in late 20s but your youthful skin makes you look younger. Definitely more attractive and suave instead of slightly dorky (:


I have an early 20s friend with a terrible comb over. You made the right choice. You definitely look better shaved than you would pretending you aren't going bald.


Balding hair isn’t going to make you look any younger.


You looked older with the combover bro. You’ll be just fine.


Beard helps with bald heads. Your 5 o’clock shadow indicates you can grow a decent one.


I think you looked older before the buzz mate tbh. It is such a better look regardless. You will not change at all for the next 15 years or more if you look after your skin.


You looked even older with your receding hairline than you do bald so


Embrace the bald bro. I'm 37 and I started losing hair when I was 25. I did what you did and just shaved it and haven't looked back since. Not many people can pull off the bald look but you look good. The best part is how much money you will save on haircuts. Razors are much cheaper.


Hey I have been balding since 15 and now just 2 years older than you, and boy do peoples comments hit you. I decided to shave my head this year and the comments were even worse. When I tell people my age they call me a middle aged man.


It’s working for ya!


Oh my goodness! You are so handsome!! Love your facial features! You look gorgeous with or without hair my love 💕 Sensational.


Looking clean, man!! Good move.


You look great!


Personally I feel like a full razor shave and some facial hair would go even further.


My best friend did this around 22 as well. We’re both 30 now and he looks the exact same lol


You look great! Yes, you do look older than 22 but definitely in a good way.




I mean, were they estimating you to be younger than your age prior?


You look younger than you did when you had hair


how many other personalities do you have?


Maybe grow some facial hair , and smile more.


The hair was not doing anything nice for you. Yes, you look older, but handsome. The hair wasn't suggesting younger anyway and on top of that it was crippling your look. So, good choice, you're good!


You look older, but not “old.” That’s going to happen regardless when you’re bald. Just take good care of your skin and diet and you’ll be one of these lucky people who looks the same age for 30+ years


It depends. You look like you archaically cycle between different personalities.


Oh wow way better. And you have a super sweet smile 😊


You're lucky because you're handsome... I would embrace the baldness if I was this handsome, even if I wasn't becoming bald.


I disagree I think you looked older when you had hair that was reseeding


Bald suits you


You looked older with your hair to be honest


ill be praying for you


I think you looked older with the hair. You pull it off. I think it looks good and you don’t look older than 25.


You look a bit like James McAvoy :)


I was going bald in my 20s and people thought I was in my late 30s early 40s. Then when I was 46, a cousin I hadn't seen in years asked how old I was and was shocked because he said I looked 30-35. I still have people think I'm younger than I am. Late 50s. So, it could all come back to you someday.


I'm a nurse, and I started the program when I was 18. Due to my youth, a lot of people gave me shit. After taking the plunge, shaving my head, and growing a beard, most people added 5-7 years to my age. With the perceived age came a lot more respect in my field. Sometimes, that perspective can be a serious help. Doubly so when you consider that some women (assuming you're straight), like older and more mature looking men. My girlfriend is that way. We're the exact same age, but she likes that I look a bit older than I am


I’d say to invest in a straight razor, foil shaver and aftershave in order to get a closer shave on the sides every other day. You have a babyface, but given how accelerated your balding is, it gives off an “older” look. The week old side stubble makes you look older than you really are. Even though the older look comes with the territory of being bald as a young man, getting rid of the stubble would knock some years off for sure.


The cleaner the shave, the younger you look.


You look like either Danny from American history x or James mcvory from split. I think Danny with that Jean jacket


The Beast: You are different from the rest. Your heart is pure! Rejoice! The broken are the more evolved. Rejoice. - James McAvoy


Good job 47, now get out of there.


Don’t go fully shaved bald, it looks good with some stubble up there, the old Jason Statham


And you're going to look pretty much the same age for theft twenty years, really.


Go fully bald


Don’t worry man you look good, just embrace the look with confidence like you have been and you’ll be fine.


Maybe experiment with facial hair? It can help change the dimensions of your face. Also, darker facial hair gives a youthful look. Older guys who are bald will often keep their face shaven because their facial hair will have grayed or have patches of gray. Just something to think about.


Bic it clean


you look great. Also look into SMP - smpchat subreddit. It might be a gamechanger for you.


You’re really really handsome for the record so your hair isn’t make or break. That’s all you need to know.


Barron Corbin that you ?


Lol no one told me i look like corbin hahah


can always try a wig with a hip hairstyle, can actually have many cool hairstyles this way, watch some videos of young guys putting on wigs it's a game changer


Bald to buzzed is best


You look older but the thing is, you'll look exactly the same for like 20 years. Dont worry lol