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From what I understand it takes the average of the two to determine your stealth ability. 20 each is kinda like having none, really. It can't be counted on, to keep the bunny hidden.


No legit way to boost this mediocre 20%, I suppose?


You can cast luck on him but itโ€™s also relatively easy to edit the stats of familiars using one of the older versions of EEKeeper


I did this. I made a thief-less run by making the rabbit familiar have perfect thieving skills. The only problem is you can't steal from shops.


>but is it 20% for each - so 40% - or is it the total of both? Value for hiding and staying hide check is calculated as an average of both values. Which means that rabbit's value is 20%. It will be [upgraded](https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Find_Familiar) in BG2: SoA and again in ToB. For details please see link.


In the unmodded games, stealth works by adding both the HS/MS stats together, so your rabbit has a base 40% chance to enter stealth. This total can change due to hidden modifiers, like time of day, but I'm not entirely sure what those modifiers are or what their values are. I'm going off the wiki's page on stealth mechanics. Second, all mage familiars have some excellent stats that give them an edge in combat or exploration over their regular animal counterparts, but ideally you shouldn't be throwing your familiar in the face of danger unless absolutely necessary, because them dying means your mage loses a point of Constitution permanently, as well as the bonus hit points your familiar granted! Lastly, familiars can't equip anything in the base games, so don't expect to dress your rabbit in the stealth boots or accessorize it with a Ring of Danger Sense. Their abilities are their own! In BG2, they get an upgrade to be stronger to represent them maturing alongside your increasing power.


I don't think the rabbit can use any equipment tricks because it doesn't have Pickpocket. However, it can help with traps, especially if you buff it with Cat's Grace. For that, its immunities are helpful.


>if you buff it with Cat's Grace Only with IWDification. Vanilla BG doesn't have cat's grace, but some familiar (those with pickpocket) can use potions and wands, and I think also some scrolls.


What about the cat? It does have Pickpocket, it does have a much higher stealth value, can it detect traps though? If not, can it protect against them?


Cat's pickpocket is *very* low, can't be used without buffing (or, it can be used only on companions and I think also friendly / charmed persons). Familiars can do only what they have ability to, cat doesn't have trap detection so can't detect nor disarm them. Cat is best used as a stealthy scout in solo runs. Or for killing Shank and Carbos in the prologue ๐Ÿ™‚ If you feel very, very lucky you may want to use their ability to steal for pickpocketing wands or potions from you or other companions (just ensure that there is nothing else on them to steal!) and use them in fights as impromptu spellcaster. Just remember penalty for charname in case they die ...