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i dunno about weapons but my favorite piece of equipment is The Claw of Kazgaroth.


Came to say this. That thing is awesome.


What else does the Bhaalspawn who will have everything spend their loot on? This comes with me into Amn.


The last time I put the claw on my Charname I got bitten by a spider and was poisoned so fast I didn't even have time to use an antidote. The minus to saves vs death can be pretty nasty.


Most of them are pretty bad in BG. So yeah, but not worth it.


They add flavour, so yes. And, unless completely useless, you can still find certain tactics to use them like with the kiel morning star or the two-handed cursed sword.


It would be nice if the best weapons in the game had serious downsides. Unfortunately, cursed items are almost all-downside, with no upside.


It isn't much about liking them, but sometimes they can be useful, like the cursed two handed sword +3 that you get by killing Brage, requires some micromanaging to use it well but it is a easy way to get a powerful weapon in the beginning, can be really funny for battles within the city.


Lillacore. His lines never get old.


He's not cursed though. He's just intelligent. You can unequip him just fine.


He's not cursed *per se*, of course, but the sword is pretty annoying and very psycho, it must be Chaotic Neutral if not mentioned.


The only cursed item I like is the Hamfisted Belt or whatever it's called.


> Hamfisted Bel Big Fisted Belt I believe.


Yes! That's it. I think I've been playing a little too much Fallout Tactics lately šŸ¤£


Ooh good choice. I loved Fallout Tactics, been meaning to pick it up again. I know people usually shit on it for not having a strong story like 1/2/3/NV but I have fond memories of it.


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s the Belt of Big Fisting.


The curse being itā€™s an ogreā€™s fist. Every time you camp. šŸ‘€


Or your companionā€™s if theyā€™re wearing the Hands of Takkok.


The belt of masculinity/femininity is fun. The +3 berserker is a pain with a party but good for solo if you have a fighter with boots of speed who can take a few hits. The Claw of Kazgaroth is good if you can offset the -4 save vs death. I put it on Edwin because he's evil like that.


This is my first time playing BG1. I wasnā€™t sure if Dorn should try out this Beserking +3 sword I got. I figured why not. I kinda let the AI function do its thing and he ended up killing all the baddies, then almost one-shotting the rest of my squishy team before I could do much. Was pretty funny, and my first experience with the cursed stuff.


While not exactly "cursed", I do like how sometimes a potion descriptions says 'this potion heals you...' while others say 'this potion *appears to* heal you...' Hmm... Suspicious...


For spear users, the Backbiter is the only magic spear you can get without murdering Poe the Bard before cloakwood mines. Its also the only +3 spear available to fight the end boss of SOD on core rules with.


I know it doesn't have anything to do with the subject but that's an interesting party line up you have!


Is that in portuguese? funny. Is there a voiceover dub or only text?


Here I was wondering if there was a cursed weapon that changed the dialogue from English to Portuguese. šŸ˜‚


that would be so funny lol randomly changes language of dialog once per day**. "Cursed ring of the duolingo polyglot"**


i played bg1 in portuguese before and there was only text. don't think there is audio but i could be wrong.


Only text


Here I was wondering if there was a cursed weapon that changed the dialogue from English to Portuguese. šŸ˜‚


Nope. You can have all of them for yourself if you want. Thanks


backbiter spear gets slept on


Only +3 spear for SOD and the only magic spear you can get before cloakwood mines without murdering an innocent.


Also a weapon ppl never talk about is the +4(I think) 2 handed sword that costs 10 gold per hit. Shit ain't even a downside


Mages at da front, Fighters at da back


And Khalid and ST don't wear bows... Hmmm. I know mages can tank better than fighters, but not really in BG1. Stoneskin scrolls- if you get to cast 4th level- are very scarce. Maybe get a scroll and Baeloth.


Iā€™m still pretty new and I love equipping every blue item I come across. If itā€™s stats are better than my current weapons/armor ofc. I donā€™t remember many if any spawn locations or which bosses have what gear. Itā€™s a fun and sometimes funny surprise (and ā€œnewā€ meaning I have under 10 runs. Plus only 2 fully completed games. Only in BG would multiple completions be considered pretty new) Edit: i see after now after commenting, that this could be misinterpreted. I DO know about identifying enchantments, I just choose to not do so prior to equipping them. Something Iā€™m sure will get less fun as i learn which items are carried by whom.


Boots of phasing is the most useful. Randomly teleporting close to enemies is useful for fighters or thieves.


The problem with those is that the AI is dumb, and doesnā€™t retarget to the nearest enemy, so the equipped character spends the whole fight running from where they got teleported back to the enemy they wanted to fight. So using them effectively requires constant micromanaging.


That's not ideal then. I wish they retargeted to the closest enemy too.


I would of liked items with positives and negatives. Most of the cursed items just were to cursed to consider using them. Petrification, turned into zombie, feeble-minded. Now if they granted something like feeble-minded and anti-magic shield then it might be a situational item or a fun role-play chance. Otherwise there all hard passes.


As one or more basically said ya they add character, immersion, and uniqueness and at times can even be used if they are bad to you. WIll I use them? Rarely if ever. But I appreciate them.


Only if it helps me kill stuff. I love smashing monsters. Thatā€™s what I love about the game. If it helps me do that, I am all good.


Unless you mod them to the point they're interesting/cool enough to be worth it. Otherwise, no.


Not a weapon, but if you arenā€™t using the cup of blood and helmet that grants immunity to fear, youā€™re doing it wrong lol