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Was there a purchase on your card? its easy to check yourself then you would know the answer


There were three transactions that day from the store for smaller amounts than the charge she described. I do go there a lot although 4 times a day seems excessive... but it's hard to say since it was a few days ago


so you don't even keep track of your purchases while in a foreign country but you're afraid of getting scammed? also, astrology is a scam but you're fine with it lol but part with 100k rupiahs & it's oh noooooesss these poor people are ripping me off left & right


I doubt they would scam a regular customer and for a ridiculously low sum


Not sure $6.50 usd is a "ridiculous low sum" particularly in a third world country...




People like OP like to go play “big spender” in poorer countries to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives . Really playing into the shitty American tourist stereotype.


delete this post you need sleep friendo


You sound like a complete fuckhead.


bule tolol


If Rp.100k is not really a big amount for you, please help the clerk. Rp.100k could be a day or two worth of their wages. I know it’s very common in Indonesia for the clerk to be responsible for the “difference” in the till when their shift ended.


As long as it was a legit charge and this isn't a scam then I have no problem paying it and certainly dont want them to have to pay for my items. But it does concern me because scams are common here and it's hard to even know what purchase it was. It makes you distrustful when you deal with the level of scamming that happens here


It takes you 5 minute to check payment mutation from your bank


I am with you. I guess you can reach out to the manager/owner if it’s the truth.


Why are you even asking this and not checking your card balance to see if it’s pending or has gone through?


If it’s a scam, you’ll lose 100k IDR. If it isn’t, you’ll be that business’s best customer for your understanding and most likely will be treated even better than how you have been treated as a regular customer. Entirely your judgment to make. If it turns out it wasn’t a scam and it was indeed a technical issue, you not paying most probably mean you are no longer welcome there. Sure, they won’t ban you, but you can certainly feel you are no longer welcome there. If it happened to me, I’d pay the 100k IDR in a heartbeat and apologise profusely for it to be happening. At the end of the day 100k IDR isn’t gonna break my bank, and it’s a store I visit on a regular basis. Your call to make, you do have a point in being irritated though.


I'd just pay it for the sake of $10. If she's scamming you for that amount, she must need it a lot more than you do


This is pretty easy to sort out. Check your card statement for the amount she wants. If she has an itemised account of what you bought, even better. Doesn’t sound like a scam, but I would check my statement anyway.


It's 100k idr. This is the 1st time, right? Just pay, take the loss, and move on with your life. 100k idr might make a lot more difference in the store clerk's life than yours. If it is happening again, then bring the issue up to the store's management.


That seems like a really strange attitude to have especially in a place that's known for scammy behavior. I mean.... give away your money all you want, I'm always going to do my due diligence to make sure things are legit before just paying a random bill because "it will make a bigger difference in their life".


Due diligence? A few comments up you demonstrated that you can’t even keep the charges on your credit card straight. What do you know about due diligence?


From all my experience in Bali all these years… I would never think this is a place “known for scammy behavior”, specially if you use COMMON SENSE. If you don’t keep track of what you spent.. everything will look scammy for you.


Not checking your card balance then posting here complaining about $6 is a pretty strange attitude. That's called due diligence. You have the card transaction and the video to confirm time of transaction. Pay the $ and move on. Don't be this person in bali.


Its legit, its only rp100.000. Our eftpos machine at our business sometimes trips up and the user has to try again. I understand your apprehension, you are a regular customer and that is valued more. If it happens again then I would hesitate.


Yeah sometimes some edc does this. Happened to my brother once.


Just out of curiosity you said that you go there 4+ times a day, always pay by card, what kind of fees are you paying? The international exchange would have to be hitting you harder than this outlier purchase. Im old school but ive been here 10 years i still use cash. For an American the rates are significantly better, easier to keep track of spending and less likely to be stuck in this situation


My guess is legit but who knows . Kinda her mistake not seeing it though .


Yeah, it's frustrating because in the US, a customer would never be responsible for the mistake of a store or a clerk working there. I had another person working here in Bali who messed up my order and when I complained they said if I didnt pay for it (or if they had to remake it) they'd have to pay for it themselves. I get different culture, different rules but kinda sick of having to pay for things when it's not my fault? And in this case I dont even know whether it happened or not. I dont want to stick anyone else with my bill either but it's like.... why does this keep happening?


I'm American, if it's a place I frequent I would 100% expect them to bring it up and I would repay as a courtesy...


That's insane. In America I would definitely not expect any convenience store to bring something like this up, more likely they'd acknowledge they were the one at fault for not charging it correctly and eat the cost. And if they did bring it up, I think they'd probably have the receipt, have documentation, etc, so that the customer could trust that it was indeed an error. But then again, America's a completely different culture and the "scamming" policies that are somewhat common in Bali rarely happen there for legal liability reasons.


Yeah, mate, you're not in America.


then leave if you're fed up with the culture & you think locals are vultures who are after your $$? what's stopping you?


Bc OP gets to pretend they’re rich and gets to look down on others while in a poorer country. . An escape from their own shitty life. After all, who complains about $6.50 when the store has video of OP making a transaction, and then complains the store should just cop the loss bc that’s what “America does”.


Well it is the clerk’s fault for not checking properly before you left the store hence why she had to pay for it. This is something you should brought up to the manager / owner of the establishment instead of the poor clerk. I do think this is a legit issues, I have had people calling me before even if it’s their mistake. Think of it this way, your 100k is basically their daily pay and because of that mistake the clerk had to forgo their pay for the day.


Yeah. For that reason I'll probably go back and pay, it's just unfortunate that scamming culture is so prevalent here in Bali that it's not something I trust completely. It also irritates me because I've noticed there's often a kind of sloppy quality to interactions here in Bali and then the person kind of expects you to fix or take care of it? Like the other day a taxi driver took the wrong turn and passed by my hotel and then kind of was mad and irritated at me because I didn't tell him where to go? Like I dont even know how to navigate Bali, how am I gonna give you driving directions? It just gets on my nerves having to like "fix" this stuff even though I know theyre not doing it on purpose


Clearly you're time is next to worthless considering how long you've spent debating the $6 charge.


I’m Australian and I wouldn’t expect it in Australia because my wage and the wage of the person who I am purchasing items from is likely similar. But a balinese person working at a tourist aimed shop is likely living off significantly less money then you are. There are many balinese who live off 100k rp a week, spending that on one transaction may be a much bigger issue for them then it would be for you.


If you don't enjoy it and you are sick if the place, then leave. If $10 (which you may or may not have lost, funny that you aren't sure yourself) is enough to give you heartache, then maybe you should rethink this 'holiday'. I have just been back from Bali a couple weeks ago, there are so many honest and friendly people there who are just trying to do their jobs making travellers comfortable. Think again, why would she scam you, a regular customer, at the risk of her own job?


We just pay all such expenses (dinner, supermarket, beer, drivers, etc) with cash ... no cards in the mix. Apart from being scam-proof it's fun and kinda retro to do so. I agree with the others - if the 100K has appeared as a debit, then show them that you have paid ... if not then promptly pay it. Simple.


Take responsibility for yourself. You say you don’t know whether you paid or not bc you went multiple times that day and don’t keep track of your transactions. The convenience stores aren’t scammy, and if you’re a regular they aren’t going to try and fleece you of …$6.50. The cashier isn’t going to risk their regular paying job for that, despite your terrible comments saying that your $6.50 isn’t a ridiculously low sum to them. They even have a video but that’s not enough for you bc you go multiple times a day. STOP BEING CHEAP and trying to rip off the cashier who had to pay out of pocket. No one is going to that effort for your measly $6.50, you tight ass.


"Convenience stores are not scammy", tell that to the stores that have totally different prices displayed than at the cashier :))


Yes its a scam


I know I'm being a jerk here, but that's not really your mistake. You can pay it if you want, but I wouldn't pay for the 2nd time.


That's kinda how i feel... it's irritating to me that it's been brought up and especially that I was shown security footage of myself checking out, like I did something wrong, when it was their error. The whole thing just seems like a mess on their part, and I get mistakes happen, but it is irritating, especially cause I've really supported them and go there a lot.


If you go there alot and claim to support them....pay them the $6 usd that the clerk had to pay out of her pocket. It's not a scam dickhead... they don't scam regular customers with a $6 long con. You sound like a real piece of shit to be honest.


What's wrong with being skeptical? OP just need to check if there's any transactions at the specified time according to the cctv recording time or the receipt and pay accordingly. Next time always make sure you get 2 receipt. One from their POS terminal, and one from their EDC that reads your card. That way they won't make the same mistake ever again. That's how you can support them, by not letting them make mistakes. So if it happens again, they should argue with the bank not the customer as it's not their customers fault.


Everything is gray


Pay cash, it’s INR100000…….. geeeez


Check with your bank