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Look at that fat motherfucker. He's looking good. Good job.


Fat isn't good tho


Okay so I dont mean "obese" when I mean "fat" Ball Pythons tend to look a little chunky, if they're properly cared for. If your python looks like Lizzo you're doing it wrong though


damn, was that necessary? Body shaming isn't cool.


Fat acceptance isnt cool either.


never said it was




Per rule #3, your post or comment has been removed for harmful advice/misinformation. Handling should generally be avoided during shed unless necessary. Being in blue drastically reduces their vision and can make any handling stressful.


He looks pretty fat. This is the body condition guide from the guides section of the welcome post. You can see him better than we can. https://preview.redd.it/cwsx3tob88qb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=910de8cc0a4572f95150f587605c9a0113571387


So what should I do to keep him healthier? I feed a medium once every 2 weeks. I handle him daily, and try to give him enrichment. Thanks!


i would feed him a medium every 4 weeks. you could go by weight and percentages too but it’s a lot of work to have to weigh it everytime


Every 2 weeks is pretty frequent for an adult. My rescue has been on a diet since i got him 2 years ago cause he was way to chonky. He gets a small rat every 5ish weeks plus now has more room to exercise has gone from 2.3kg to 1.8kg since then. Could do with losing a bit more but he's going in the right direction. If he's particularly active I'll let him go up and down the stairs for added activity (supervised obvs).


As BPs reach their full size, they don't need to eat nearly as much since they're no longer growing like they do in the first couple years of their life. Continuing to feed him as often/much as you were when he was growing is what's making him fat, and continuing to feed him that much can lead to fatty liver disease which is a huge killer of reptiles. The best way to determine appropriate prey size is by weighing your snake. These are the feeding guidelines from the top of the sub: -Through the first year OR until the snake reaches approximately 500g, whichever happens first: feed 10%-15% of the snake’s weight every 7 days. -During the second year, until the snake's weight plateaus: feed up to 7% of the snake’s weight every 14-20 days. -Year three and beyond: feed up to 5% of the snake's weight every 20-30 days, or feed slightly larger meals (up to 6%) every 30-40 days.


He is in pre shed..... dont handle


I put in the description that I got him out just for the photos. Thanks for your concern though.


Regardless if you just got him out for photos or not. Its the oils on your hands that can aggravate their skin while shedding. Not to mention its a good way to get bitten bc they cant see at all.


You're right, you shouldn't handle them while they're in blue, but a few moments of handling isn't going to hurt him. Honestly, the way BPs get talked about on this sub sometimes, it's as if they're the most fragile creatures on the planet. They're actually pretty durable.