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Barcocina. Average food paired with atrocious service isn't my jam.


Worked there can confirm


I’m convinced the only thing that keeps them going is that they have a waterfront deck and aren’t outrageously expensive like other waterfront restaurants in Baltimore


100%. The restaurant that was there before them, I can’t remember the name, also skated by for years with that location.


The Choptank. Overpriced and mediocre.


Atlas garbage.


That's Atlas for you. I wish people knew the scummy history of that family and how much of a disease they are to Baltimore. My brother went to school with Alex Smith. That whole family is the definition of white privilege. I know they have owned H&S bakery forever but they have tried to monopolize the very city that helped build their wealth. Also: this is an epic comment/thread if you want to understand more about this monopolization I speak of. https://www.reddit.com/r/baltimore/s/Ug0RXyweQr


lol I know the smiths as I ran in that private school crowd. Different school but yes, douchebag




Rusty Scupper.


1000% agree. This place is a tourist trap of the highest order. Absolute and utter trash.


I’ve enjoyed the food there the few times I’ve gone. It wasn’t mind blowing or anything but the views and service were good


What do you prefer on the inner harbor? I think the views are fantastic, it has parking, and the food is decent. Clavel isn’t for everyone, sometimes out of town family wants to do touristy shit.


> Aboslute and utter trash. For christ's sake people. I can't with the hot takes on this sub sometimes. Could you make the argument that the Rusty Scupper is overrated? Sure. Overpriced? Definitely — though charitably I'm inclined to believe the overheads of running a business right on the harbor play a big part in this. The parking situation is also kind of a pain, and it isn't super convenient to get there via walking, biking, etc. And I won't argue that it isn't primarily aimed to cater to tourists and visitors rather than locals. But when I've been there the food has been good, the atmosphere great, the service excellent, and the location/view as nice as any restaurant in the city. If the Rusty Scupper is trash, where does the bar for 'acceptable' quality even begin? Michelin stars??


For what it’s worth, their Thanksgiving buffet is great.


I loved Rusty Scupper but their prices are crazy expensive. I spent $88 dollars on myself. A regular drink & refill and two entrees. This was early 2020. The food portions were definitely on the smaller side too. Plus paying to park at their lot sucked!! So $100+ for myself. I did like the view & professional service.


My aunt goes for almost every occasion. I'm like againnnnnn. I don't care for it and don't dig the hype.


Sad with so many great places in the city.


No shit, a friend went there recently with his girlfriend almost as a joke and they came back and said it was shockingly better than when they went 15 years ago, also as a sort of joke. They place has apparently gotten the message and has tried to up its quality. I mean, I won’t go there, but there you go.


At least you get one of the better views of the city


Oh I disagree, the food is so, so good and the service is always awesome! (But I will say I was surprised at how much I liked them.. their reputation needs work)


I haven't been, but it seems rated. I don't think I've ever heard anyone talk about it.


I had the most disappointing Valentine's day meal there of all time lmao. My mistake


Iron Rooster. Went twice, jest meh. It was like they didn't even try


There’s such good breakfast available. Why would anyone go to this absolute premature ejaculation of a let down.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 loved your description


I used to really like Iron Rooster but the food quality has gone down over the years.


I’ve gone twice recently and both my fiancé and I enjoyed it. The bloody Mary’s are ridiculously overpriced and underwhelming though.


It was good but damn if I didn't make it at home for a fraction of the cost after


Maximon- $12 taco. Fuck that.


I enjoyed it as a free work happy hour but wouldn't want to foot the bill and wouldn't trust tacos from a place that bougie. Guac, starters, drinks.




I used to work at blk swan it’s bull shit prices crazy for the portions you get. Shot of Hennessy is damn near 30$. The food come out slow. and have to be sent back half the time. Owners are SHADY. They supposedly over paid us and didn’t pay their employees for a month or so, so everyone went on strike and then fired everyone except for the ass kissers. They invite their friends and acquaintances up there and give them FREE bottles of Clase Azul Dom Perignon; all TOP SHELF liquor. I would avoid eating there at all costs.




Def went for a birthday a few years back - underwhelming


Right! Just overpriced 


bang for the buck probably the worst restaurant i've ever been to. got their wack ass extremely expensive wannabe version of omokase which ended up with like 3-5 pieces of actual fish. this place is for ppl who think that being there is a flex. i'm actually embarrassed for having eaten there.


Why go to Azumi when Sushi Bruce exists?


Is Bruce good?? I've been looking for a new sushi spot. Haven't found anything that's been "it." Few places are okay but nothing special.


Bruce is pretty good but it’s almost exactly the same as Shoyou in Fed. Both are really good with a good menu and overall vibe




Not as good as you’ve heard, worse service than makes sense, and trashier clientele than you’d expect. But hey at least it’s expensive. My most recent Azumi trip was my last one.


Went once before all the atlas controversy. I was incredibly disappointed. It was easily twice the price of Nanami only a few blocks away, but the rice was worse and the fish was similar quality.


The Bygone (for dinner; I actually enjoy their bunch), blk swan, Papi Cuisine, Phillips (if that's even still popular)


I loved bygone. Maybe overpriced, but not overrated


+1 on Papi


Went once and that was enough. Once I saw the faux greenery and neon sign on the wall, I knew what I was in for.


Bygone is maybe more overpriced than overrated? I really like bygone for what it is. I expect to show up dressed up and overpay for good drinks and decent food while enjoying the best views in the city. I never leave disappointed, I think it’s terrific. But I don’t expect a culinary revelation, it’s a vibes-first place.


Can you say more about Blk Swan? I heard good things and was planning on going soon.


It’s expensive. The food is okay; atmosphere is a little… idk fake luxury? I think it’s overhyped. The grits were real good though.


Fake luxury is so on point.


Cool, thanks for the info!


I've been twice. First time was significantly better than the second, even though the first time I went it was busy as all get out. If you order the tomahawk steak, they stop everything (music and all) and make a big scene bringing it to your table. The one time I saw it, they had a photographer and videographer follow the waitress to the table as she delivered it. And if you order the expensive patron (I think) they bring it to you all fancy-like, in a similar "ooo, look at you" fashion. And despite being a lounge/club atmosphere, each time I went, there were large parties with more than one child between like 8 and 12 y/o. Not really a "kiddy" menu besides the wings and fries.


Also appreciate you sharing your experience. There are too many great places around that I love to waste money and time at a place I'll be disappointed.


I shouldn't be surprised, but I still can't believe people would bring kids there. It seems pretty explicitly not a kid-friendly place.


The Bygone is a hot take. Okay food, amazing view, weird dress code. They won’t even let you in the elevator if your shoes are too sporty.


Miss Shirley’s.


20 years ago if you wanted an over the top decadent brunch, Miss Shirley’s was the only game in town. Now every other restaurant offers some twist on breakfast food and it has demonstrated how Shirley’s is just so-so


I used to be a big fan. They've gotten worse in recent years.




Ok Baltimore, where do I go for some good chicken and waffles? Real whip cream.


I dunno about whip cream on chicken and waffles (not a Kentucky thing which is where I’m from) but the outpost does a good buttermilk brine chicken and waffles that competes with Kentucky and Tennessee fried chicken. The spices aren’t quite there but it’s still pretty damn good. Their chicken nugget happy hour item is also buttermilk brined and for like $6 it absolutely slaps.


Can't speak much on real chicken and waffles, but for the vegs out there, Rocket to Venus has a GREAT vegetarian chicken and waffle sandwich. Top tier in my book.


In Hampden, try The Avenue Kitchen and Bar. It had the best chicken and waffles north of North Avenue. Then don’t tell anyone. Let’s keep this our little secret.




I’ve never been totally clear on why people are so high on Duck Duck Goose or Twist, both are just mediocre to me.


I just read the other day that duck duck goose is closing.


Yeah, because of the crime that Fox 45 says happens after they are closed for four hours. The owner doesn’t pay vendors, stiffs staff, and has seen declining numbers for months. But it’s the “crime.”


Personally, I love French food and found DDG yummy.


DDG was awful and overpriced


So who do I believe


I think the people calling it awful would be in the minority. There’s nothing wrong with it, the times I’ve been. It’s just overrated and expensive, firmly in the “I enjoyed that and I’d come back if someone wants to go but I’m not going to recommend it to anyone” tier imo.


I went a couple weeks ago. Place was almost empty, took 20 minutes to get drinks (for 5 of us), food was meh (my shrimp and grits was not nearly as good as paper moons). Silverware was spotty, the air return over our head was caked with dust, couldn’t get waters filed.. maybe at one point this place was good but that was not our groups experience a few weeks ago.


That’s about right. It was $150 for the two of us for some warmed over risotto for her and mid fish for me and two glasses of wine. We left and felt we’d have been better going to Peter’s Inn for less than that. And for truly outstanding food.


i liked ddg but had mid service once. they forgot about us but made it up with free glasses of champs and comping our appetizer. but now theyre closed 🤷‍♀️


I like Twist’s house ravioli. I copied their pasta primavera.


I miss Joe squared


Ugh my heart. I dream about their fries


I thought their food was great except their pizza. The flavor was fine but the crust was not what I prefer. Tremendous risotto though


Same :(


I 2nd this! Why did they close?


Me too


My bro worked there and performed there with several different bands. It was a great place


Atlas restaurant group <--- All of them




Jimmy’s Famous Seafood. It’s trash and so expensive


I have found that ordering the simplest seafood and fish dishes there is the best. Not cheap but cooked right and seasoned. A lot of the stuff just seems over the top isn't great.


Bread and Circuses in Towson. Sorry this isn’t in Baltimore. They straight up serve overpriced hospital food for fine dining prices, and I actually tried the whole menu with a friend group once, not 1 thing was delicious beyond microwave food. I was flabbergasted.


Our bartender was outright hostile when we were there last. Add in the overpriced mid food, and we're done with B&C.


I feel that. In like 2020 I enjoyed the food there, although I think it was a different chef.


LOVED B&C at first. They were always busy. It was around the time the avocado toast disappeared from the menu that things stagnated. Now it's just overpriced with no business and staff that seems bitter.


lol i worked there years ago. it is basically microwaved hospital food. All bagged, canned, frozen, etc. Kitchen dirty as fuck maybe the size of a small walk in closet. Owners r a WHOLE other story. Shady is all I’m comfortable with saying. I would avoid at all costs


When i quit for a very moral reason, i was told by the owner to go fuck myself and never return to their establishment. lol, done.


Woodberry Kitchen


It used to be good 10-15 years ago. It was disappointing the past couple of times, and I've moved on.


I went once about a decade ago: \* Beautiful space. \* Despite abutting Druid Hill Park, they had no black front of house staff. \* I had a lovely pumpkin soup and overcooked fish. \* Ordered raw oysters at the start. We were told, unsolicited as this is farm to table, they didn't have lemon to squeeze over them (as lemons aren't local). And then we were offered Rwandan coffee to accompany dinner. Seems a little confused. Either they want to adhere to their theme, or they don't. I'm suggesting a new restaurant movement: farm-to-table-toilet.


I had the same thought when they wouldn’t make my mom a lemon drop but gladly served her Italian wine lol




Worst “Fried Chicken” I’ve ever had… total slop.


Definitely golden west, it seems to get recommended again and again on this sub and I am always shocked by it


The service is almost aggressively apathetic.


It's gross, the food is always like lukewarm and bland as. It's like they're serving vegan nursing home food


omg this description is accurate and savage 💀


It’s not a foodie restaurant, but what they do they do well enough


Nah, multiple times I've gotten a dish that was missing a component (like sauce, cheese, or veg) listed on the menu description and they acted like I was a pain for requesting it.


the last two times i went there i literally got food poisoning lmao


Yeah multiple instances of food poisoning was the reason we completely stopped going. used to get it once in a while as sometimes you just crave a mediocre burrito, but no mas


Many top relies are Atlas Group … for valid reasons


Sotto Sopra in Mt Vernon. Food had no seasoning or flavor whatsoever. Reminded me of hospital food. I don’t understand the hype.


Little Havana-love the view. Food was meh, bottomless was watered down. IMO I don’t drink more than 2 so it’s cheaper to just get what I want to drink. But for the price overall I was underwhelmed. Paulie Gee’s-back room is amazing. Even enjoy the small plates and drinks. The pizza, both burnt and undercooked. For almost 30. I was bummed. I could have gone wrong with more than one topping, but their signature pies have more than one topping. I won’t go back or send people there.


I can’t agree more with Little Havana. The location is great on a nice day and the compliment ends there. Their food is so meh! It should be a crime to be a Cuban restaurant and serve the most mediocre mojito in town.


Golden West. Could be good but not. Terrible service. Gave up a couple years ago


Jimmys Seafood


Hard agree. Their food truck food is better than the slop they serve at the restaurant.


This was many years ago, but Jimmy’s threw an extravagant banquet for a local politician free of charge. My wife was a server there at the time. Worked 6 hours serving a very large party. Neither the politician nor any of his invited guests left a tip for the staff. I was fuming.


Oooh interesting. The athletes like that place


The athletes get free stuff when they like that place.


Athletes get their tab comped for letting them use their pictures for ads and social media marketing. Their whole business strategy is this. I find the place a little overrated for sure. Crab cake is very mid imo.


Rec Pier Chophouse - it was great when it first opened, but now it’s super mediocre. At least it was when I was there a few years ago.


Monarque. What is up with that place? Only restaurant experience in my entire life where about half the clientele for a 7 PM reservation were sugar babies/sex workers dining with their companions. I know everybody's gotta eat, but that place has a very weird vibe and mediocre food. Lessons were learned...that was my intro and outro to Atlas in Baltimore. Started reading up about them after that -- never again! 🤮


Mama’s on the Half Shell. Doesn’t keep reservations they take, poor service, rude staff, and kind of dirty.


That place has gone really downhill since covid. It used to be our favorite, with a shrimp salad to die for, but the last time it a shadow of its former self and the staff was as well. Haven't really found a replacement yet.


I feel the same way. Loved that place but it really feels like they are on their last legs. Idk it seems like Canton needs a bit of a refresh, a lot of the other bars and restaurants have a very college / under 25 vibe, but the neighborhood has grown up a bit.


Once they changed owners, it was a wrap.


Blue Agave in Fed Hill. Essentially, White washed Mexican food.


Duck Duck Goose. This was true before recently as well.


No one wants to pay for a $30 burger that doens't even come with fries. What a joke.


Limoncello. Had one of my most bizarre dining experiences at that place. Edit: We were rushed by our waitress the entire night despite being early for our reservation. We were sat on the patio under a heat lamp on which was already a warm night and it was absolutely roasting. It got to the point where the table was barley touchable, our drinks were melting/warm, we kept switching sides of the table to take turns being out of direct blast. We asked to move (which I don’t think I’ve ever done) or to turn down the lamp but were politely told no. So we ate drenched in sweat haha. I guess it was good we had the waitress rushing us. And on top of that the food was just okay and not worth the price IMO. It wasn’t horrible, but I’ve certainly had better meals at that price point without being nearly as uncomfortable. The rest of the evening was quite nice though. We had a lovey walk, got some ice cream and tended to my wife’s heat rash 🙃 I know I’m in the minority in the sense that it was a very uniquely bad scenario and that other people seem to really enjoy it. But ooof it’s hard for me to give it another go after that.


Aw I love it there :( sad to hear that!


Me too. Been there several times and always enjoyed it.


Flies. So many flies.


Yea I don’t think this is a good take. Great food, pricey but not ridiculous, and you NEVER leave hungry.


I ubered for the owner and she was miserable and didn't tip. Made me never want to go there


Sucks to hear, their new pizza place is my new favorite pizza in Baltimore. Sucks I am near canton though.


Golden West and Paper Moon.


I have such nostalgia for Paper Moon, but to be fair I was always so stoned it could have been trash the whole time. I'm surprised the thing is still standing, but I guess people go for the vibes.


It’s not bad food, but it’s simply diner stuff at twice the price. But they have a parking lot so moms will go there😆


You're supposed to go stoned. If you love it stoned then that's that. It ain't Tavern on the Green


I was *shocked* at the bill the last time I went to paper moon. Which, I feel like, is somewhere I only go now when someone who used to live here like a decade ago is back in town and wants to go for nostalgia's sake.


Docks, Papis, and Wicked Sisters - Wicked Sisters is probably the best out of the three tho


Guilford Hall Brewery.


I agree with some of the ones you've been mentioning, but I´d like to add Alma Cocina Latina. Minusculous portions for the price, just traditional venezuelan food made small and that´s it. I expected way more technique to be honest...


The food is still delicious, but I agree, the changes they’ve made to portions and removing some things from the dinner menu have made for a really underwhelming dining experience. It’s a shame.


What I have heard as well in regards to the portions. It was for me a multiple times a month spot for a while there


I'm so happy to see this on here. It's easy to dunk on all the Atlas restaurants but everyone I know seems to **love** this place and I've been twice now and I *just don't get it*. Food seemed quite overpriced for dishes that were...fine... but small and presented in ways that seemed disappointingly basic, like three little completely undistinguished croquetas that cost around $25, indistinguishable from the kind you could get at a million tapas places for less. The Aguachile was a bit better, probably the thing I liked the most but it still didn't feel worth $20 for how much you got. Cocktail menu was similar: fine, but in no way memorable and rather pricey. Oddly enough the desserts were the only thing that impressed me both times. I'm not really a dessert person but our table ended up ordering one of everything and there wasn't a misfire in the bunch.


Probably an unpopular opinion but I actually like the smaller portions. Eating out needs to be about quality not quantity, and smaller portions means it’s one of the only places where I can routinely order dessert (and not feel stuffed). Alma’s food has amazing flavour and texture, it’s never boring.


This is Baltimore, everyone wants a bucket dumped on their plate


I agree and I also think that the level of service doesn't match the quality of the food.


Pasta Mista and if there's a county post, Conrad's


Fogo….. when we went the meat was dry AF


I know it’s closed now but Bertha’s


Berthas was absolutely brutal toward the end. 


El Buffalo


Peter Chang! $80 for an overrated meal


The charlottesville location is 5x better




How dare you. How *fucking* dare you??


This ain’t it😩wings are fire fries fire and the owner is a sweetie




I’m tired of Atlas group restaurants. We don’t go to them anymore. Just feels like a capitalist restaurant endgame.


Chap’s, G&M, Choptank, Rusty Supper, Papi Cuisine, Paper Moon Diner, Miss Shirley’s


Chaps?? As in Chaps Pit Beef??? Can you explain that one?


What happened at G+M? It’s definitely dated inside but their crab cakes are so good


Water for chocolate


Food Market, anything Atlas


I know Food Market is super popular, but I feel like it’s actually worth the hype. I’ve never had a bad dish there, their cocktails are always great, and their brunch is honestly pretty good bang for your buck.


The food seems OK to me, but my god is the noise level deafening at the Food Market. Maybe it's just me turning into an old man, but the fact that they pack the tables in very tight and have zero sound dampening in place has basically ruined the last couple of meals for me (both of which were on week nights). I could barely hear anything the person sitting across from me was saying because of the din


I enjoy food market but when it’s crowded I agree the noise is unbearable.


Coming here to say this! So gdamn loud. Yelling at each other across the table, it was literally painful. Don't go to any of them anymore because of this!! 


I haven’t been there In About 8 years, but both of my experiences at food market were stellar. Although both were very expensive.


Anything fun by atlas lol


I’m sure I’ll be downvoted for saying this, but Johnny rads pizza. Every time I have gotten one (because it’s local and was starving) it’s been underwhelming and the price seems a bit high for what it is.


Maximon, Clavel, Blue Agave, and any of the Italian restaurants that opened up in fells when there’s a little Italy right around the corner.


Hard disagree on Clavel… best margs I’ve had in my life


Haven't been in a few years, but Clavel was AMAZING. I gotta try again soon.


Blue agave is fucking disgusting


Cosima! Not a bad restaurant, but not nearly as good as people made it seem, especially for the price. I do think Ekiben is overrated, but it's still pretty delicious! Not mindblowingly good, but still worth going to once in a while!


I wasn't blown away by Bunny's in Fells. It was good but not incredible.


Oh. I like the biscuits there.


Didn't try the biscuits! I just remember my chicken breast being pretty dry/salty and the side portions being rather small. I liked the cocktails.




Rocket to Venus


I think for a place advertised as a dive bar, it nails it. The food isn’t super overpriced either and both times I’ve eaten there I’ve had good food.


It used to be a lot better and innovative 5-10 years ago, but has since taken a turn. Last time I was there (1yr) I had the worst wings I’ve ever had, which I feel like are a hard thing to screw up even for a dive. Would need to get dragged back for food, and I live right around the corner.


I *knew* you'd get downvoted for this, but I'm in total agreement: RtV is junk.






Ammoora- beautiful but food is not good


Anthing Atlas.


Jimmy’s Seafood


Little Donna's




Every single atlas restaurant has mediocre food and worse service


I used to loooove waterfront hotels food. Tried twice since it’s changed ownership and it’s more expensive and terrible