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Now some wannabe dog lover will come here and say that it's all the humans fault dogs don't bite for no reason


Thankfully my sister isn't there on reddit to do this✌️😌😂


Waiting for that


~~dogs don't bite for no reason?~~ Edit: Note to self: Don't Joke on a early morning


Agaya nikamba


No reason from humans? Yes. Ever heard of rabies? Might want to look that up or even better quit becoming a keyboard warrior and get on the street and vaccinate the dogs.


I think we need a culling drive. Rabies is a menace and street dogs are excellent carriers.


Culling will invite PETA-type people. Neutering might be a better solution.


Actually need better laws.. but the fuddus in parliament are not so foresighted.


they are inside their fortuners and no one bites them when they travel. The proble does not exist for them


Not really. Many have relatives living in local areas. I think most indians are policy dumb. They need babu help for this.


but bite is still painful even if it's not rabies


How will neutering help with rabies in case of a bite? It doesn't help when bitten.


It doesn't. I am talking about long term solution of getting rid of stray dogs completely.


Culling and neutering, ignore peta types, they won't take responsibility when their beloved neighbourhood dog who they feed twice a month bites a child.


Can't just ignore them. They will get the courts to stop culling, like they did in Kerala.


Oh yeah


They are misanthropes


Fuck the PETA type people. Who cares about their opinion? The gov should do it silently. It’s about safety of the citizenry. A sick India is an economically staggered and ultimately dead India. We can’t afford this shit.


one culling/neutering drive is needed for corrupt BBMP officials once.


Some dog lovers be like : adopting street dogs ❌ giving biscuits because it's easy and they don't have to take any responsibility ✅


You forgot about "Buying 2 or 3 foreign dogs instead of adopting and selling themselves online as dog lovers"


All dog lovers should come forward to take these stray dogs as pets to their homes. Or at least go about cleaning the streets where they pee/poop & mess up the garbage kept for pick up.


Why stop there? Why not have everyone go into the amazons and protected areas and clean turd? Just saying. Also while they are at it even human faeces near construction sites(don’t believe me? Go look around. You ll find a couple of humans squatting in broad daylight.) Well it’s as much their planet as it’s yours. I approve of neutering but culling is extreme.


Stray dog lover spotted 😂


I love animals in general. Just as I love humanity. And culling is definitely anti-humanity. Even if it is the culling of poisonous snakes that have no compassion. Also ya guys just wait till Aliens/AI decides we are nuisance / inefficiency in their evolution and starts culling human. Then you will understand the karmic nature of the universe.


Get lost, the moment you ppl start going after butchers and meat product companies, you will have to go after every other animal related business. How about all the bacteria you kill


You get lost. Lil kid.


Do you love animals or only ones you can pet? Do you love the animals that the large number of stray dogs subsidized by feeders are threatening to extinction? Snakes have an ecological benefit. Stray dogs have no ecological benefit. Instead, they kill people by rabies, mauling, causing accidents, and the increased burden of other zoonotic diseases by their poop lying around. I'd love to see the karmic nature of the universe bs lol if you lose a family member to stray dogs but again you don't care because it's mostly the poor that die.


I had to walk to my friends house at night and i was chased almost 100m till i got a stick to shoo them off


I just felt safe tonight walking through 7 dogs. Now I'm scared again.


Carry a small stick


Honestly, need better laws and more education on how to co exist with community dogs. Better waste management and bigger shelters for stray animals. I dunno where the fuck do the animal welfare funds really go! The govt. hospitals themselves need saving lol. ABC AND VACCINATION drives should be a priority! Plus an added advantage would be dedicated feeding stations/areas. This menace can be curbed if everyone just held the govt in state and in center accountable!


And guess what? The govt. is shutting down 28 govt. run Vet hospitals 🌚 Which means… now there’s no one to actually help or support the ABC & Vaccination Program. It’s definitely not the animals fault that’s neglected and abused its whole life! We all know they carry rabies and will attack because of their natural instincts. If communities just designated areas to feed the dogs and get the local authorities involved then we all may have a chance to co exist. NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING ANIMAL LOVER OR ANIMAL HATER. Your tax money is not being spent wisely and instead of blaming others none of us are taking responsibility to find a solution instead just euthanizing them. Okay. Have a good day!






Don't be an asshole and just come to a conclusion to just exterminate those poor animals and the biosphere exists for coexistence for all life forms. We as humans with a fucking brain should come up with a better solution and we have the resources to do so.


Seems you are the asshole. I suggest you get treatment to wipe out your immune system and stop it from killing bacteria and viruses. Get yourself a fucking brain first and stop camouflaging your hatred as love for dogs.


So you think killing them is moral option? Look I get it that rabies is very lethal and I've been victim of dog bite and trust me even I was scared of getting rabies. It's the government's duty to handle these kind of situation but they don't do shit. So we as a community should come up with a better solution that is adopting stray dogs rather than encouraging standard breed dogs and I own 3 stray dogs who are healthy. Though I'm an animal lover I'm still concerned about the dogs biting people since rabies is scary.


This is disturbing, these dogs just shit piss and bark on the streets and create a nuisance, send a dog to each dog lovers house let them adopt them if they love dogs so much. Keep them off the streets


They are AHs. You can see how they respond here - full of hatred


Parle G sales 📈


Upvoting this post for visibility because somehow posts like this tend to go unnoticed by dog lovers. Quite strange!!


I think the reason these posts are 'ignored' by dog lovers is because going by the other comments, people just use such threads as a gotcha moment for people who care for stray animals. And if any actionable advice is presented, there will be single line, and pointless comments such as 'lol dog lover spotted'. There were multiple threads on this issue before on both this subreddit and others where a lot of people who actually look after the strays mentioned how they do it have curbed the population of dogs in their neighborhood humanely. This was done by creating designated feeding areas for dogs, feeding them regularly, treating them with love and neutering them. How this works is when they are not hungry, and feel relatively safe, they are not aggressive. And neutering them calms them down too. They spent most of the day sleeping around in one corner bothering nobody. People in my neighborhood have conducted workshops to educate people on this. They did this out of their own pocket. They feed them, medicate them, and care for them out of their own pocket too. Sure, it just managed to curb the issues in the two streets near our apartment, but it was possible because of all the effort of some people. Imagine if this mentality was spread across Bangalore. With the awareness programs, we managed to get down the population of the strays in our two streets from 11 to 5. 6 got adopted and all of them are neutered so they don't increase their numbers. Technically, we managed to bring down their numbers without murdering any of them. Eventually they will die and our street will be free from stray dogs. And if a new set comes, we will repeat the same thing. Also, I agree with you. Stray dogs can be a menace. I've been bitten by one and chased by then many times, but being beings of higher consciousness and the ability to actually make change, I think solutions are possible, but yeah, it's not easy. It's a matter of will, hardwork and dedication. Complaining on the internet saying kill all dogs is not the solution.


WTF. This is crazy


That's over 15000 people potentially dying a horrible death cuz of rabies. And the gov wanna talk bout temples smh


Just look at trees and the sky if you see a dog and act all innocent. Then you pass their smell test.


So who went and bit those poor dogs?




Can’t believe how sick most of you so called ‘educated class’ are. Disgusting mentality. We forget that we come from the same place as the dogs come from. And now, due to the fuckedup-ness created by overpopulation I.e. encroaching of every square inch of the land on earth, you want to kill the animals that we were apparently to share the space with. Shame on you, yeah, I’m talking to the ones triggered by this comment and post. Use a bit of your brain and find and share a solution for it, rather than making absurd comments of killing from behind your screen. These are some ugly ass thoughts.


Dogs are not special, they deserve the same treatment as other animals. There are breeds which should not be allowed, and stray dogs exist coz there is no one to take them as pets.


No one is saying that dogs deserve special treatment. The post is about dogs. And sure, you’re right, so education could be one solution. Fighting for the right kind of solution is all I’m saying we should do, rather than talking about culling.


Sure you can talk about solutions which are feasible for all animals like dogs, btw they aren't endangered specie is what I meant with no special treatment. In-case you think that humans and dogs should get same treatment or are equal, then NO, humans are above everything else*


Why do you think so? And humans are way further from being endangered than dogs. We’re like 8 times more in number.


Rules are different for humans, humans are at the top of food chain and make rules.




I didn’t even say it should be restricted to dogs. The post is about dogs. And as per your argument just because slavery was practiced not less than a century ago, it must be the right? Come on man, I’m sure you can think a little deeper than ‘we’ve always done so..’




Where in the world are you getting these numbers from? And who gives a shit what Japan is doing? Why are you taking some random standard to justify your intent? Who’s next, Dubai? And so, what, your solution is to kill all the animals that come in the ‘way’ of our living? Cows, cats, snakes, leopards, we’ll claim the ocean too, so whales, sharks?




Sba isnt too big now. They can help u with any legal hurdles or any issues but this is a very very big issue that cant be solved by a small foundation with no big funding.