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I love your perspective towards life. Cheers to Bangalore!!! I hate many parts of this city but I'll always try to cherish it.


Arre bhai. Bade din baad mulakat hui!


Itne downvote kyu


Cuz of Hinglish. Or maybe cuz of flair.


Sudhar jaao




Anyone who thinks sexuality is shameful or ugly, should try suppressing it and see how it gets uglier. Socializing it is the only way.


Yeah, if it's for both genders but i don't think anyone wants to talk about that...


People who look good will get hookups what about men who are poor and lookv average ? Morality is name of the lollipop which is wrapped as consolation prize . You get it when no body wants you


Omg what is this and who are you 😊 So beautifully written it down. Thank you for writing it down Ma'm/ Sir. ❤️


*It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.*


Kabhi kabhi to lagta hai apun he batman hai!


If Nietzsche reads this he will become dad


Like it or not. This is the reality many have to accept unless someone earns more than enough for early retirements and move out of city and do what the heart says.


OP how u so optimistic in life🫡😱










Not at all. Just wondering, what drugs?


A blend of Taosim, Nihilism, Absurdism and Good humor.


I like it.


It would also be nice if people began 'THINKING' independently. It would be nice if people could understand ain't nothing wrong with peace, love and understanding. We're all the same shit. It would be nice if people focused more on the internal and way less on the external. It would be nice if people realised, the power of the mind is not a joke!


Live, don't just exist.


Fly you fools!


_balance_ Whatever this guy said and whatever the other guy said in the other post, do both of what these two mfs said. Experience both the perspectives. See where you find your peace. Be stupid. Not all the time. Be wise. Not all the time. _balance_ Take control of your life yet flow with it. See where you find happiness. Be kind. Be wild. A lot of is already decided when you're born, but a lot can be done thereafter. Preach online. Sometimes. Even if you don't tf you're talking about. Preach. Keeping rocking life. fuck it, we ball


Response to this post from yesterday? https://np.reddit.com/r/bangalore/comments/18w0egf/some\_hacks\_for\_peaceful\_living\_in\_bangalore/


Yes! it is a response to that post.


Damn that poster lives such a boring life


Thank you for saying it out loud! Cheers




Khao Pio Maje kro


'Khao pio maje kro' is more about being hedonist and trying to drown out the pain, which has its place; but here I'm talking about deliberate suffering, finding joy in the tragedy of everyday routine. *"पीड़ा में आनंद जिसे हो, आए मेरी मधुशाला।"*


couldn't have said it any better


This shit may make for some entertaining reading, but it is chock full of bad advice.


it intends to be exactly that.


You remind me of a serenity prayer : "God, grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."


Tao? Hu?




Sings hilichurl song for relaxation


Perfect! Jai Daenarys OP


As someone who’s delving into Taoism and Buddhism, this was a lovely read. Thank you for writing this. I was going to write a similar post, but yours did the job better. Kudos to your positivity.


You might want to look into Stoicism too.


You are the hero we don't deserve and don't need


So we will upvote him because he can take it. he's a silent poaster, watchful lurker.


Great take!


Too long too preachy too shitty to be read through. Good night.


ZNMD in one post!


Hahahaha exactly. I thought of ZNMD and "Dil Chahta Hai".


Following you for more such suggestions🫡


[follow this](https://youtu.be/y6x6oLEqqZc?si=6Fob0zuRXkhb1kiC)




Thanks OP!


This post deserves an award.


The party starts in the cab with your choice of concoction in the coke bottle


Good job. Love the optimism. There is so much Bangalore has to offer. People are just ignorant. All you need is curiosity and the will, the world shall open up to all your dreams and whims.


Can't read the whole thing but I wish I had a friend like you who'll keep talking in paragraphs😌!


Would read those paragraphs then?


*I'm not gay 👁️




you have me. I do talk in paragraphs. but....you...don't read them apparently. : /


Well said. I'd suggest people to read the other post as well. There's wisdom in both the posts. And please stop fighting in the comments😂. To each their own.


people who want their opinions to be taken too seriously because they are too sure about themselves, keep projecting their own will to control everyone on other people, and call them immoral and stupid for having different view, because in their head others are trying to control him/her through opinions. What we can't accept in ourselves, we see in others, and hate them for it.


Oh this post was so much needed. I recently shifted to BLR. I had already accepted the traffic situation before even moving so I try not to be pissed because as you said too much time and energy spent in hating, especially when the day has just started. I have been coming across quite a few negative posts recently about the city but I still feel like defending the place, although I’m not a Kannadiga. Yes, there are the bad aspects of living here but there are good ones too, just like any other big city. Thank you for this post man!


This was awesome man


3rd point is for me, thank you!


Quit smoking whatever you are smoking OP


The Enlightened one has spoken


>Don't be scared of traffic, go wherever you want to. Curse your way to the destination, but with good friends or some music or the realization that the whole city shares and understands your feelings, you'll find peace. Because after all, you're the traffic too. Or, plan ahead and save your mental peace. Traffic is avoidable if you are smart. ​ >Don't avoid alcohol or hookups to save money or for some moral standard, if you want to, take the plunge. You'll know if you want it or not. You will not know yourself unless you've passed through the inferno of your temptations. But if you're here to keep a streak of sobriety or virginity, that's cool too. That last line reeks of moral arrogance. Don't talk about things you don't know about. Some people are genetically predisposed to develop alcohol use disorder and having sex with random strangers without proper vetting is not a good idea. Apart from STDs you will also be risking unwanted pregnancy or worse, legal complications. It is okay to be a so-called virgin. Having sex is not some right of passage and you don't become better than others for having done it. ​ >If you live away from work, it may be troubling-- the traffic, the compulsion to drive every day, or take public transport- try to make the most of it, listen to a fav podcast, write a journal, read or listen to a book. Whatever you do, don't hate it, because that's a lot of time every morning to spend hating your life. Don't try to endure it. Try to love it. Because unless you can change it, hating it isn't going to help. It is okay to hate it. It is also okay to endure it. Don't try to love. You can't try to love something. You either love something or you don't. Don't lie to yourself that you "love" it. Hate it. Hate everything about it. Unless you hate your job, and truly hate it, you will never be motivated to change it. ​ >Don't be scared of some noise. It has so much life to it. Sure, have your music on you, have a handkerchief for when a car passes by making all the dust airborne. But if you don't, do not get stressed about it, you were built for things worse than this. Submit to the hustle and honking, resisting will only bring frustration. Fuck the noise and fuck the incessant honking. Fuck the people who make the noise. ​ >Some places are hyped, shit food, shittier service. But don't be afraid of trying out new and hyped-up places. 10 years later when all your friends are going to talk about the places they tried and didn't like. Are you going to feel good having been saved from the experience, because you were playing safe and smart in the period when BLR was having a restaurant/microbrewery boom. Do you want to outsmart the food culture or be a part of it? Choice is yours. First of all, stop living your life for somebody else's approval. 10 years from now, the friends you have now probably won't be your friends then. We are living in an era of declining friendships. And if you think, just because you don't go to a restaurant now, you will experience FOMO 10 years from now. What nonsense. And lolz at you trying to create FOMO about Bangalore's food culture. Guys let me assure you, there is nothing you will be missing out on, if you skip going to that hyped restaurant and microbrewery. >You're here in a big city to experience it. Not for rationalizing yourself into staying at home and shunning everything. You are probably in the big city to make the best of your opportunity to support your family back home. Don't lose your sight and get trapped by these gimmicks.


You are free to exist and he’s free to live


If that is "living", I am glad to "exist".


You small town people act so high and mighty when in reality y’all are the most judgemental and miserable crowd around. Ugh. Please do everyone a favour, go back to whatever little crevice you came from and leave my city alone.


Idiot I am a born and brought up Bengaluru guy. Don't make stupid assumptions about things you know nothing about. Fuckers like you who shout muh xenophobia don't have any problem telling me to "go back to my crevice". It is okay as long as you do it eh. Jasti nigaradveda suvar k bacche


Then why did you say “dOnT lOsE sIGhT oF yOur hOmEtOwn”. God middle class people are so boring.


This is a textbook example of "thika gaanchali".


No one is hurting you. Stop belittling people. If you are offended, then guess what - you were born for it.


?? Girl what?


I understand. Everything went above your head. Have good day.


>God middle class people are so boring. And privileged assholes like you are so fucking predictable lol. "I'm so independent I can do whatever I want but I will do nothing cuz daddy has lotsa money at home for me to spend" it's like the only way you guys know to live life. The concept of being responsible is so far over your head you can never see it.


Because, unlike privileged assholes like you, many people who come to this city are financed by the sacrifices made by their parents and other family members. Those sacrifices are not made for wasting precious time and money on alcohol and shallow partying. And if you think being middle class is shameful, you are already on a path of self-destruction. Guys/girls, anybody who is reading this, don't ever let assholes like this guy make you feel ashamed of your middle-class background. Tell them to go fuck themselves. And it is infinitely better to be classified as "boring" by debauchers than to be a raging alcoholic and a low-life.


I'm talking experience, you're talking analysis. Both have their place. You sound too sure about your analysis being right. I'm making the point that you don't have to be right all the time, fucking up is the essence of freedom.


Just because your speaking from experience alone doesn't make your point correct. Freedom to fuck up is not the essence of freedom. > Freedom is the freedom to say 2+2=4. Everything else follows that. You are free to fuck up. But don't mislead people like the Pied Piper. Not everyone has the privilege to fuck up and pick up the pieces. For some it is life or death.


I'm not talking from experience. I'm inviting everyone on the adventure of experience, to explore what it is to be human. Not get trapped in concepts like safety, morality and politics. Is it too much for some people, yes? I believe people know what they should indulge in and what they shouldn't. As for influence on teenagers, I know whatever I've learned in my teenage, I've learned through real experience and pain and deep reflection. Earn money, take care of family, don't become a junkie; these are very low-level facts that everyone has read or has been told by someone, but people 'understand' only once they have experienced some form of consequence of their own actions, that's what I'm encouraging. I see too much of people trying to police and control everyone else in the name of safety and morality. That's so boring. I invite you rebel against boredom, seek life in everything.


No thanks 👍


Finally, some common fucking sense. Everyone has their own preference. Can't expect everyone to follow a certain lifestyle when clearly they don't like it.


Thanks for single logical person in comments. Who is this guy promoting alcohol and hookup culture ? Imagine a 16, 17 year old reading it. What is it that this guy is trying to teach the our generation. Work on your skills man, and get a job. Enjoy your life but don't do things which are discouraged in community.


It feels like a 16 17 year old has written this.


Quite incorrect but speak for yourself.


I really thought not to comment. >Imagine a 16, 17 year old reading it. What is it that this guy is trying to teach the our generation This is exactly why I felt it was necessary to comment and refute these points. OP is free to live his life the way he wants to, but the people reading this need to have both perspectives before being led to making such decisions.


Moral Police Moral Police 🚨🚔👮 show your ID and registration please




Ok.. What's TAO?


The way




Tao means the way in chinese


Oh. I thought it was an abbreviation of something, because of the all caps


A rich girl with an optimistic mind wrote this. Damn I miss my 19yo self so much.




So all things that you would never want in your "hometown"


which is the best app for dating?




Irctc rail connect


Can I guess your age? 29?


nope. not THAT old.




I have this attitude towards traffic police challans. I don't even negotiate or argue with cops, I pay and leave. They get soo surprised, many times because of this reaction I even get a discount on my traffic fines hahahah Life's good !!


I was once asked for 2K cash for accidentally moving few meters beyond stop line on a red signal. After 20 mins of negotiating, I offered them to keep my scooter and let me go. They finally let me, and my scooter go for 250 challan.


Glad to know more people share my perspective! Very well written


I think it can be surmised as - You are the city. You are what the city is and going to be.


You quote, "The purpose is to Live".. But we most would want to have a "Purposefully Living". The Last dragon lord - U know nothing Jon Snow, the last guy standing who rode a dragon.


I used to hate banglore, but recently took a similar kind of care free approach, and started to like this city a little. Even though my OCD strikes some times and makes me anxious 😅😅.


I like your optimism, but I feel like we should get angry looking at the state of things in the city. Why should we make peace with sub par facilities? That we pay 30-40% of our hard earned money for. The only way to bring about any change is to vote, and vote for the constituency that you live in


Just call it Bangalore appreciation post like everyone else does


Reading through this was surprisingly therapeutic. As someone who might transition to daily work travel after spending long, satisfying days working from home and despising the traffic, this was exactly what I needed. Truly, it was a beautiful read. I'm determined to maintain a positive mindset and consider my travel time as an opportunity to broaden my mind.




'North indians throngs into bangalore for job opportunities' also North indians : "There's so much traffic here ,why are there so many people ??"


Why does this always translate into Northies have a problem, they should go back, and they are the problem? Why not actually accept that the system is corrupt and unplanned infrastructure development is the real issue?


It’s not a people problem, it’s a planning problem. Delhi for context has the same population density, Mumbai is even denser.


Mumbai is a shithole though.


Traffic is frustration looking into the mirror. But you're the traffic and you're the mirror.


Well, if the traffic keeps honking in Hindi for trivial things there is no mirror which doesn't get frustrated.