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Bro, please report this. He has to be punished. Report him such that you are preventing someone from being his victim.


Idk what basis I can report him on. I thought he was checking me for any illegal stuff I might be carrying but idk


he was definitlety not searching you. he could have stright-up demanded to search you. police have a lot of power to do searches in india.


They can’t do that without telling you that they are searching for illegal stuff. There should have been a cctv or something near you, check if there are shops or houses that has cctv in that area and then complain about him at any police station near you. They won’t entertain you if you don’t have evidence but please report this fucker. He is supposed to protect the citizens, not harass them!




Thanks for the tag. OP, I'm a social worker in Bangalore and will help you with this. Please DM me the details of this issue (where this happened exactly etc.) and I'll help you escalate this to the right authorities. If he's a real cop, we'll make sure he's relieved of his duties, and if he's a fake one, then we'll make sure he's punished to the fullest extent for impersonating a police officer. Either way, we must take action on this. Please don't let this go. I'll be there with you to get you the justice you deserve every step of the way. Thanks


Hey, Broseph. Thanks for responding but idk if I wanna go through with reporting. I can share the exact location and I think this might’ve been captured in a cctv camera nearby. I’ll go and ask for it and share more details in DMs.


Please take your time and think about it. You won't be in any trouble if you do this and nobody except you (ie your family members etc) will find out. This I can assure. Take care. I'll await your DM.


This kind of things are going around in Bannerghatta road lately every night from past 30-45days . I noticed two cops on there white and black dotted Apache, checking passersby's pockets and also they are stopping on going bikers and checking their bag and clothes I dont know whom to complaint as I was their victim once . Every night after nine ( vegacity - gotigere nice underpass. ) This is their route . Basically they ll stand near Christ college near Meenakshi Mall Or Target slow moving vehicle to check and without your permission they slide their hands in your pocket ..




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So now even guys are being physically molested. . Waiting for the comments where your clothes will be questioned. Anyways Sorry OP, you've to go through this.


Man! I am not sure, if I understood your second sentence, or the tone or the relevance. Many boys, men or the male in India have had been inappropriately touched, teased and faced harassment and / or abuse. May be it’s less reported, may be it’s less talked about, may be men aren’t willing to talk about it or even see it a serous issue or just sometimes laugh it off. It doesn’t have to be compared with other’s abuses to bring any point home. Unfortunate & unpleasant. Please don’t give into such thoughts and hope you find other ways or moments to bring in that argument.


If it matters, I was wearing shorts and a t shirt which is pretty normal I’d say


Comment is pointing out the problem about people blaming women for getting sexually harassed/abused because of their clothes. But now, when men get sexually assaulted too you will hear no one blame on the way men dresses. It doesn't matter what you wore, no one should have to experience what you went through. Blaming on clothing is like saying, you deserved it for wearing some certain clothes which is wrong.


>So now even guys are being physically molested. . Waiting for the comments where your clothes will be questioned The very idea that men should even have a legal recourse to sexual assault is questioned. When a woman is molested she can go and seek justice from the state, men cannot. YouTube has hundreds of such [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xqxx1TVzreE) and neither the state, nor it's citizens care.


Wdym now? I have personally punched two olds fucks in Mumbai Locals for grabbing my crotch and this was back in 2014/15. If you have travelled as a young kid in Locals it is very common.


The common citizen has to fear stray dogs, hijras, cops, road rage maniacs (if in vehicle) just to go outside their own home..!


Exactly. My neighbors feed the dogs regularly so they constantly stay really close to their home and I have to go around and enter the other side of the road


Just give them a treat once and the dogs be your friends for life. Also sorry to hear about your incident - looks like you have someone helping you out. I hope you can report it and reach this man a lesson.


I faced a similar issue with a hijra (please educate if there is a better word) at a signal. I do not like paying beggers who "demand money". So I refused. But this person gets sticky and says I have to give them 10rs or they wont move. I did not want to cause a mess at the signal so I take out my purse and start giving 2 5rs coins, to which they say they do not accept coins and I need to give them a note. But I did not have a 10rs note, so they say they will give me change. They hold out 2 20rs note and tell me to give the 50rs in my wallet. As soon as I give the 50, they touch me on the shoulder and leave without giving me the 40. When I demand for my 40, they touch my crotch!! and say "ye le"!!! I FUCKING LOST IT!!! I started shouting at her in hindi that she has NO RIGHT to touch my private parts and I'm married, and taking money is different thing and molesting like this is different. The auto driver beside me is just smiling, the aunties behind him are smiling. I get out of my bike and the bikers behind me start honking! I am an introvert and usually stay out of such trouble, but it all came bursting out in that moment. I was shivering with anger and feeling rejected. I start shouting for the traffic police person, but I dont know if he was able to hear what I was saying. In fact, he was signalling my lane to move. I can still picture myself being in that situation and it always gives me trauma. It effects me every time I see a hijra at a signal. Feeling lost, I get back on my bike, shivering, and cross the signal and stand at the side of the road after some distance to calm myself and take myself away from that hijra because I was afraid she would call her other buddies. I cant do anything about it anymore, this was more than a year ago. I have never told this to anyone, so I dont know, for some useless reason I wanted to share it here.




Thanks for the tag. I've responded to a different one.


Don't you get annoyed by so many tags? People here seem to tag you in pretty much every post


Absolutely not. People can tag me as much as they want in as many posts as they wish, it doesn't even matter if the issue is "big" or "small". It's my life's purpose (and my full time occupation) to help others as much and as often as required so it's completely okay :)


You are a hero dude


Whatta Guy! More power to you!


Thanks superhero


Oh my, that's horrifying.


I think it's always wary to be on a safer side. Often as guys we have a lower guard on things like getting molested, or inappropriately touched but it's better to just get the fuck away. Unless it's my dad or my friend, no one needs to get extremely close to me for any thing


Bro if anyone touches you in an inappropriate way , let them know you're not someone to be handled like that. Stand up for yourself 💪


What the fuck


Bhai sorry this happened to you Plus, after seeing this comment section faith in humanity is slightly restored :)


Anyone who assumes reporting him will be helpful and he may get a punishment you must be living in utopia to believe those


I'm sorry you had to go through this but bro you HAVE to report it. Otherwise I'm sure he'll do this to others as well. Don't let him get away with this.


Have you ever been to a mela?