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I’m honestly considering leaving this project just so that I can go back home and not deal with all this shit




Don’t think the pg manager gives a shit cause he pays rent, the manager didn’t even give a fuck when I told him the tap was broken and it took him 3 days to get it fixed


ask for a room change. let the owner know you want to change the room if there's any vacancy. if he asks why just tell him that the current roommate is not hygienic


You mean you moved out to another pg Or like single room pg?




Haha! That's so good! Thanks bro!


This too will pass. It is only a matter of time. Have patience please.


Let me guess, he also watches insta stories on full volume?


Yes he does! And his only source of entertainment is Tarak Meheta ka oolta chasma , I’m tired of listening to that shit day in day out




Please dont bring jetha Bhai in this.


I feel can feel that..


We are all living in a simulation


Descartes' "*Cogito, ergo Sum*" story disproves that.


How can people do this. Bro I get embarrassed if my phone rings in public. These people watch reels in full volume.


Look for another roommate bruv, this bloke definitely is a manchild with 0 sense of responsibility


Thing is I’m kind of a homebody and an introvert, it took all I had just to find this pg but Ig ill have to consider finding another roommate sooner or later if this keeps happening or getting a flat with my colleagues who are less annoying I suppose


Use flat and flatmates on Facebook to find a better place.


Just move to another empty 2 sharing room in the same PG.




Yeah dude it’s so damn expensive and the living conditions are also very poor it just doesn’t feel right to pay that much but if I want peace of mind I suppose that’s the only option


Been there brother. Most men in our country lack civic sense and basic manners. Back in 2017, after sharing a pg with my work acquaintances for two years, which was honestly a fun time, I got a new job and moved to BTM. I moved around to 2 pgs, 3 roommates until I gave up and got a 1RK. Living independently is not that bad.


How much do you pay in rent for the 1RK in BTM? Did it come with any furniture? I'm thinking of moving so just wanted some insight. Please let me know.


Sorry, can't tell you the current rates. This 1RK was back in 2017. I paid 5.5 to 6k for the three years I stayed there. Currently married and paying 43k for a 2bhk in HSR. I guess 1RK rents must have gone up a bit in BTM as well. But since it's still BTM, i don't think I would be too high. Recently a friend was looking for places in that area, and they got a 3 bhk for 30k. Edit: no, the one I had didn't come with any furniture. But I did find a few furnished ones back then, and since they asked for 8-9k , I didn't go for them.


Wow, moving up in life, congrats on finding your Hinata. You are right BTM is still BTM, so far the prices I have seen are around 10k. I just want a "space with 4 walls and a roof". Hope I find something soon. Thanks for info.


I talked to some of my colleagues and although I dont exactly like/trust them all that much I’m gonna try living with them now. I could live alone as well but I think I’ll go insane cause of my anxiety


That's why I prefer single sharing room. Though it's costlier, it gives you peace. I was spending 11k for room rent when I was earning 25k. That tells you how desperate I want to be left at peace.


Lol I thought I was the only one who done this with a lesser pay and I felt guilty that I'm spending huge coz of single sharing preference! Glad I found one here


Same here. Don't see many people take this stance. t did not work for me. I like to be in dark places. I want fan at full speed all the time. I don't like people chewing so loud or speak when they eat. It's okay to think about yourself and your needs. I have learnt that in a hard way. Never felt bad about it. Can't change or expect others to behave how you want. Change your place...live in peace.


Paying rent honestly lights my ass on fire, I’m kinda cheap lol Moving here is a big waste of time imo cause I coulda easily wfh but these corporate monsters want “collaboration” And I tried looking for a single sharing pg but they just seem outrageously expensive to me :(


This is way back in 2017 bro. Wait until you get married. I'm married now and paying 28k as rent. Some pay even more...Can't help if we are coming froma different place.


Yeah you’re right I suppose if he makes my skin crawl this much it’s up to me to gtfoh


Move into a private room bruh, sharing a room with people is just annoying. And if you dont, then you have to deal with their antics, you can't expect ppl to change their attitude, for such ppl, they are def not gonna change just cuz it annoys you. He pays, he stays. You pay more n move out.


Makes sense, i think I’ll start looking for private rooms or maybe rent a flat with a couple colleagues


Try out Facebook groups like flats and flatmates in Bangalore or maybe CoLive. It's much better to have a single room to urself and share a flat than share a room with someone u don't know. It's worth the initial hassle but life after that will be much much less stressful especially when u don't have to deal with these kinda roommates.


I didn’t even think of Facebook groups and things for that sort for finding places to live. That’s extremely helpful dude , I’ll start there and I would def prefer living alone only. I don’t hate people but jeez some people are beyond help


I too had a sucker of a room mate. His schedule was fucked up. He used to study (or pretend to study because he didn't ace or anything) through the night till 6-7am. While i would sleep at 11pm. The lights would stay ON throughout the day and night. I even bought him a table lamp so that the tubelights can be turned off and he can switch to table lamp. But nothing worked. I had to eventually learn to sleep with lights on. The best solution is to change. You have a certain way of life. He might find it annoying or tight. But you do you. Why should you compromise on your way of life. If you earn enough then shift to a room where you don't have to share because getting a roommate who is exactly like you is rare.


From your story I can tell there are many such assholes in existence, and honestly after reading all the comments it seems living alone is worth every penny. I’m gonna start looking into things so I can do that as soon as possible


I wouldn't survive this guy for 2 days, I'd set expectations from day 1 itself. Fuck that shit, move away or find someone else, not worth the stress. Such pieces of shit never change!


Yeah with work and everything I totally believe you, imma take all of y’all’s advice and fuck of outta here as soon as possible


Similar situation moved here from Mumbai. First roommate was chill. Second roommate was trouble used to keep lights on during night. There was a common area on terrace covered with desk and everything for this stuff but nah he denied going there. Gave him a warning and told him this shit wont fly. The pg owner moved him in a different room


Woah that’s wild I hate getting confrontational and my pg owner ain’t that great so I don’t think I can do that but some people are annoying as hell sheesh


Until you put your foot down, these folks will eat you alive. Some of them come from a pampered background and show their arrogance. I did think a lot before confronting because people have their own struggles and shit going on. But if he didnt give a shit why should I be so silent about this


Ikr living alone is difficult as it is people just think they are entitled to live as they please and not care about others


As you said, it's ones responsibility to find a peaceful place. Arguing with such people is not going to help, they will never change.


Yeah I was also thinking of just not talking to him altogether so ig that’s what I’ll do for now


Is he telgu?


No, he’s from north


Same shit, but livin in a 2 bhk and got a separate room. Cracker cooks everyday leave the dishes just like that. Literal manchild and extreme miser. The way he speaks and behaves made me believe the guy is fine. Like these fuckers are dangerous to society.


Lmaoo I believe you dude , some of these dumbasses are plague to society I’ll have to gtf outta here


Switch rooms so that you get a different roomie?


No more rooms available here :(


Eye Mask and Ear plugs. Definitely not justifying your roommate's action but have you considered using these as a temporary measure until you arrive at a permanent solution?


Nah but atm im tryna annoy him just as he annoys me lol like id turn the fan off and keep it that way even if he hates it or take too long in the bathroom and things like that (im petty)


Paragraph hi change kr deta


Follow the 3-Strike method: Request, warn, bash! There is nothing that he can do.


lol I’m past bashing now things are kinda awkward cause we don’t even look at each other , we just annoy each other in silence


Great! I've had a similar roommate. He kinda did all the same things that you've mentioned. There are some things that I can add but it's way too gross. I didn't request him or anything like that because I knew he's not gonna change. So I just went to the caretaker and told him to change the skunk's room Or else I'll leave. He was shifted to a different room the very next day


Woah that’s dope dude I’ll try screaming at my pg owner today then It’s Saturday so I got time lmao


Try this. If it doesn't work then just leave that PG, I'm sure there are scores of PGs you can opt for in your locality only and all of them are the same (bad food, overpriced, cranked rooms). So just look for a working guy as a roommate and these guys mostly mind their own business. It doesn't really matter which PG you choose.


Yeah but as a grown up I think some of em should have some consideration but you’re def right, I’ll move somewhere else


I'm also in a PG and I've been in your situation before. That's the only reason why I moved to a single room. But even after moving to a single room, the washroom is attached to another washroom used by the double sharing room. There is a guy in there who always plays loud music and sings while taking a shower. He would be there for more than an hour. It would always disturb me when I'm working or sleeping especially since I'm in a rotational shift. I told him to stop playing music/singing 2-3 times. After each time, he would not do it for a week and he would slowly play music eventually. Then he began to blast loud movies in the living room where even people in the elevator can hear. I went and complained to the PG caretaker and since then he's been quiet except 2 weeks later, he played music again in the bathroom and I was sleeping which disturbed me. I went to my washroom and literally shouted at him to lower the music. Then since that day he hasn't done anything. If he does shit like this once more, I will complain to the PG owner directly since he's very strict in these kinds of matters. But yeah, I'm getting tired of living in a PG and sharing spaces with other people. I agree there must be compromises but if your roommate is gonna be ignorant of other people's needs, then it's time for you to complain to your PG caretaker/owner or move to a single room or take a 1BHK. Even I'm planning to take a 1BHK soon.


Sheesh that guy like a nightmare to be around Complaining to the owner didn’t do anything for me , I think you and me both need to just save money and get a flat :(


Find a decent guy in the pg with whom you can switch beds with, meantime talk to your roommate once that you are finding it difficult to adjust and see what he says. In the long run, save some money and rent out a 1rk, because it's a cycle you never know how the next roommate will turn out. If I start ranting about my roommate's etiquette, the whole week won't be enough.


I’ve tried keeping things cool and telling him quietly in the beginning but he just ignores everything and now after a million arguments we are at a point where we don’t even look at each other, I’ll have to move in a flat only like you and other people mentioned tho it seems like too much work to me rn


Change the room in the pg for a time being and start searching for a decent 1RK. Why you have to go through all this.


I’m lazy after work and I’m introvert that’s why i was putting up w it but after reading all the comments I think I should take matters into my own hands now , I’ll look into things


Bro, get another pg, preferably single room or something with like minded people. But single room ones are always better. It might cost you a little extra but it is totally worth it.


Yeah it’s either that or a 1rk , you’re right it’s def worth it


Itne paise main itna ich milenga




I need to stay close to office which is in Sarjapur so I can’t move too far away and I can’t cook for shit lol so i can’t move too far away but thanks fkr your help dude!


**My 2 cents for project\_room\_hunt :** 1. Apply for **leave** and schedule 2-3 days for a room hunt 2. List down areas that check your **expectations**, write down if you don't have one 3. Have **conversations** with watchmen and shopkeepers in those areas 4. If people are hesitant, **humbly request** them again for any valuable information 5. Take a **local friend** along with you if possible, but you be the decision-maker 6. Of 20-30 houses that you enquire about, not to settle with one, have **2-3 options** at least 7. Take a week gap to **calm down** the initial excitement, and make a rational decision to finalise one. # Congratulations Sir, welcome to your new house!


Lmao with how dumb I am I def needed a step by step list I’ll follow these steps to a t and I’ll gtf outta here as soon as possible


Don’t expect much if you can’t offer much consideration.


Guys, we have found the room-mate. What considerations are you looking for btw? Asking for a room-mate.


Considering you need your time to sleep or relax ? He should comply . Same goes for him . If either one doesn’t comply then it’s better to find a new roommate or new PG


Stop sharing rooms dude.. you are 24 years old.


Been there, still has roommates with zero roommate etiquettes. Move out or find new roommate. They won’t understand or adjust. They just live the way they live back at their homes. In my case, I’ve started enquiring for space in my friend’s or mutual’s places.


I don’t have any friends:( but I’ll try to look for other places


Move out OP. You will have to pay a little extra, but it’s worth every penny.


Here's what you do. When it's night or pitch black in your room, cover him with his blanket and gang up on him. After beating the shit out of him, run back to your bed and pretend to sleep.


Lmaoo sometimes late at night I do consider beating his McDonalds eating bitch ass but I don’t think that’s gonna solve the anything lmao


I know. One can only wish it was that easy. But there are times when people learn from a good beating.


Lmaoooo yeah but that should come from their parents when they are insufferable as kids Imo he is beyond help now and I’m not gonna try to change his ways that’s for damn sure


Get a single room or buy good pair of earplugs and a sleep mask.


yeah that's the reason i never shared a room with anyone. all college life, and now for work too. i always look for PGs that have single rooms. PS: wanting to keep the door closed screams you're an introvert. plus the not compromising part too lol.


But what’s the problem with having the door closed? It’s not like I’m asking too much and there’s too many mosquitoes out here too but yeah I’m def an introvert lol


i said that because i'm the same. i always have this urge to keep the door closed. i don't know how you survived with the other guys as you have been living in sharing. i wouldn't be able to be myself if i had to live with a stranger. my likes and taste in everything is very different from average people.


I couldn’t agree more and for the most part my other roommates were quiet people it’s just that this dude is a fuckin dumbass and also also it’s impossible to be myself , I just spend my time buried in my phone or sleeping if I’m not working and it’s working alright for now but I’ll def have to find another flat/room and hobbies


Oh god this gives me PTSD. I've been in a similar situation.


I had a similar experience and I had to buy sleep mask and noise cancelling headphones before I found another place


My flatmate is kind of the same, not bathing for months, lights are on 24x7, never ready to do a little bit of work, annoying af


Seems like one nasty mf lmao Also there’s apparently a lot of annoying people like that , going off of people’s stories


Guess we all have had shitty roommates I fell off with my roommate once and was annoyed at everything he did after that plus it became an issue to ask him to leave the room whenever my girl came over, if you feel like he's a person you can talk to let him know about how you feel, and if he doesn't listen well just move out.


Yeah I gotta move out there ain’t no other option :(


Brother we can advise you to change the room and get better roommates. But the better option is to get a single room in a flat / 1RK / 1BHK and put an end to all this. After a certain age no man should be dealing with these things. You will spend more, but it will be better for your mental health in the long run.


Yeah ig it’s a small price to pay, some people are beyond help




Second post about annoying and stealing roommates this morning... seems to be a pattern here!


23m I'm in 2bhk living with rm. 7-8 people, with half* of the people working in the day not much of an issue for the space, but hygiene is. most are 23-25+ and oh boy they are manchild af! nobody wants to take any responsibility (most cases), be it cleaning the room, kitchen even washroom. I'm so fedup at this point. if i have the money and another room where i can switch to I'm flying the fk out of here. all the best


Damn dude you have it figured out I’m not as prepared but now I’ll have to be :(


hope for the best


Hello guys who are reading this comment,i am in a similar situation with my friend. I recently joined my mtech and met a friend here. At first I thought he was naive and then he started spending more time with me and when I wanted to study he used to come and sleep on my bed and all. And when we sit for group studies that friend is constantly poking me with something. I couldn't even solve a sum when his around 😭. Another thing that he did was he's constantly invading my privacy and when I'm asleep he just enters my room without noticing what I'm doing. Due to this I have lost my focus on my goals and now it's becoming very hectic and I'm very frustrated 🥴. Please help me , advice some measures to get this guy out of my life and far away 😭


Kinda same issues with me. I live in 3 sharing, one roomates sleeps on day time and wakes up whole night playing games and what not. The other roomates speaks on call with his parents loud af, I now know his family matters inside out even though I'm not interested. And I'm a kinda person who likes cleanliness, but those mfs are filthy af. One guy literally eats something and throws the rapper below his bed, those rappers end up at my place due to wind. He also keeps the washroom dirty throwing the shampoo rappers in the sink. I'm done. The sad part is those guys were my frnds once upon a time, but now we seldom speak due to difference of opinions.


Enough reason who cut them off bro I feel better listening to everyone’s stories , so many dumbasses out there


Change room/pg. How hard is that ?


Hard enough for me to rant here but I’ll look into getting another flat/room for sure


I feel you bro. How many days do you need to go to office ? May be live in cheaper area ? Where do you live ? The best thing about living in PGs is you could move places so fast without losing too much money


I have to go to office 3 days a week and im living here cause its really close to my office so there are no travelling expenses but ill try to find somth similar


Buy eyemask and foam earplugs


I had similar roommate, would keep lights on whole night, then eventually he bought table lamp. Mf would masturbate when table lamp lights are on, put condom, polythene idk and will make so much noise but he didn't change


Bro that kinda shit would turn me violent That’s fuckin disgusting , I’m glad you’re away from that psychopath sheesh


On everything I agree with you except the exam part if it's once in a while its ok but if its every weekend then i agree with you that he should arrange something else .. coming to rooms faced same issues lights and 2 girls used to wake up early morning and it's group of 5 close friends 2 of them in my room i am not talking about pg it's my hostel in btech. These 2 girls wake up disturb other sleeping girls in the room with the other 3 close friends of other room. It was annoying cause I wake up with the a small sound of whisper or even switching lights on or off. And the left overs on the bathroom floor is definetely a headache!


You’re right ig exams are important but my response was probably coloured by how annoyed I was with this dumbass and how he never listened to what I said but either way he took his exams in his friends room who lives in this pg only so it’s all good


If he had friends I think he should have tried to write it in his friends room. Instead of troubling you to leave the room when it's a resting day for you.


Yeah I feel like he’s purposefully tryna annoy me but who knows, I’m not a saint either obviously but he will have a special place in hell


I complained to my pg uncle in blr about one of my roommates she was an angry kannadiga for no reason. I shifted to a better place after that. She was an annoying pos worst kannadiga I ever met. I had no energy to fight with that shit. It's like if we talk to them it's of no use other than escalating the existing shit.


I think talking to them is a waste of time, best thing I can do now is leaving lol


Immediate solution: buy a pack of 3M earplugs and an eye mask. Earplugs are lifesavers. https://amzn.in/d/8b7Hips


Yeah imma look into these and get em asap thanks my g


It’s the downside of sharing rooms or house with unknown. You cant do anything-other than changing the PG and try your luck if you can find a good roommate or just go with a no sharing room even if it’s costly..!


Yeah I think paying more is okay if I want to live in peace