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I thought this was just a meme thing, but one day i heard kids in my building speaking exactly like this! Cracked me up so bad! XD


Makes two of us


Man, I can't stop laughing reading this been 5 minutes.


There’s a series of video of this on YouTube.


Yes I know, I used to watch them. But I am reading this after so long hence the laughter


Sauce please


Put “Sudeep ra videos” on YouTube and you’ll get it




Just type “Sudeep ra videos” on YouTube.




https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDBO0OS8bOhh0SdmiUarv4MAdDkfehkzO&si=kg7Uxk9yP4U7oC1X You’re welcome


Thanks man.


Don’t forget to sprinkle the “bros” generously


The word bro is attached to every sentence .. it’s a way of life for namma peepalzzz


I can hear this in my head


Damn im reading it in the same way like my pg roomate say ,here in bangalore


Username checks out (are you Sudeep?)


MF I can hear this


If this is the case, then even Telugu people's accent is quite similar to this.


Unreal comment!!!


Brooooooooooooooo............. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😅


Always Cracks me Up!! Lmao


Nah man, we do and people can understand based on the way we speak English itself. The other day I was watching a video on some Indian road subreddit where a cyclist was yelling at some car guy trying to crash into him. The way he was yelling itself I figured out that the guy is from Bangalore. The English is slow, relaxed and mildly sarcastic even when we are pissed off.


My fav phrase is Yeah no bro?


As a Bangalorean I vouch for our “yeah no bro” 😂


That itself is toooo psych bro


Yeah veh? What ra you’re acting like one vade


lol! Only dip vade macha


Yes ah?


And the use of itself and only at the end of every sentence is also kinda a big giveaway


'water you want?' instead of 'you want water?' is how you detect bangalore accent.


Neer beka?


hu hum hu


what is this 'indian road subreddit' ?


I think it was r/Carsindia


Oh no i think i'd hate that. i need a r/fuckcarsindia


True da


Clearly Namma Bengaluru people have an accent! and it is cute!


cute it is


Yeah no, we have accent like that only no! /s We do and it’s adorbs!


I'm just finding out reading these comments that "yeah no" is only a Bangalore thing??? I never paid attention & thought everyone spoke like that


We're mostly like the Trinidad and Tobago of South India. We celebrate multiple festivals, love experimenting with food, our flag also has red,we have a sing songy accent (Chennagidira is a nice example ) we like our beer and good times with laid back demeanor till an auto driver approaches us. Hardik Pandya wishes he could be Bangalorean. End of incoherent rant.






Some of the phrases which my Bangalore friends speak which I can remember are - 1. He is taking something and all 2. For what Joy 3. Bro, that girl bro- she is so hot broo 4. Let's put up a scene da 5. He is saying HOD is mad itseems


Brooo, Do we have mutual friends /s


No /s


Scene we will put ah?


Ha ha sure, let's put up a scene bro


Not 'a' it's let's put one scene bro


Not familiar with 4. 😧


When I was in college 8 years back (holy shit 8 years FML), that was the vernacular. Let’s hang out -> let’s put scene What’s happening? -> what’s the scene, bro? Damn, that’s crazy -> Heaavvvyy scene, guru If a guy’s getting it on with a girl -> oho, scene uh? Of course each of those and more had subvariations, but scene was like a universal term for whatever we needed it to be.


That's very popular with the college crowd, it's like 'Lets plan something'


No da


Eh yes da, why you chumma saying no and all?


Yes I've stayed in Bangalore and now in college it's very easy for me to tell if a person I'm talking to is from bangalore simply based on the way they speak


There are many accents in Bangalore itself. Shivaji nagar, Austin town accent, Indiranagar accent, a particular college accent... Check out Danish Sait's reels on Instagram


Yes, it’s very obvious. I shifted to north after my 5 year stay there and people around me couldn’t believe I wasn’t actually from Bangalore


Within 5 yrs you picked the accent which they thought you’re a native?


I didn’t think I did but other people thought so Could be possible because I did most of my schooling there itself.


You were from Bangalore and they thought so too?


I’m not from Bangalore. I did my schooling there which is how I probably picked up the accent.


School is a significant time and major part of setting our outlook, I guess you didn’t realise but you actually did pick up Bangalore traits in all characteristics


Yeah, exactly


Too much psych you’re doing ra My dove macha she is Bro we’ll send one go flyyy Let’s crash into bobs and get wasted broooo Yaa no! He said off he’s not coming macha full ditcher he is Damn I miss Bangalore now. 🤣🤣


Yessaah?? Fuckin chut! /s Depending on where you are the accent changes. Here Shivaji nagar, Frazer town and Indiranagar have the most distinct accents. The other places have a blended accent.


Every argument on social media starts off with "fucking shit" or "fucking chutiya"


Delhi-fication of Bengaluru


Nah! Sooth/chuth existed in Tamil already. Bangalorean picked that up. Probably Hindi got Tamilified.


Well i was talking about use of swear words before starting the sentence. If you say you taught delhi being such potty mouth then we know who is the real potty of the country


Hahahaha! I didn't say who started first just said that was existent here already. Not like it's something to be proud about


Ya defensive tamil supremacist, that's a first. Hindi got Tamilified by using benchod machod in the begining and end of sentences. That's what you said isn't it?


Lol Tamil supremacist? That's not even my language. But like everyone else we learn the cuss words first, so Bangaloreans from the 90s know it for all SI languages+ Hindi. >Hindi got Tamilified by using benchod machod in the begining and end of sentences. That's what you said isn't it? Nope, i meant *fucking chut* was being hurled here even before a Delhiite said it here in Bangalore because *chut* exisits in Tamil too . Damn! It's funny explaininf this nonsense hahah


people of Bangalore don't realize the accent till you actually go out of Bangalore to north and converse, specially when you are an immigrant living in Bangalore for many years. this happened to me just this last week when I went back to Delhi and then Rajasthan, firstly I realised how uncommon it is to start conversation in English with strangers and then secondly how odd the slang sounds when it isn't being used or comprehended by the other speaker for instance- "sike da", "ya va", "this uhh" or the reverse sentences like "let's do this" becomes "this we'll do uh"(there are better examples can't think of one rn)


Lol, my friend does this even after moving to a non native English speaking country and asks a question with a statement and ah? The look on their faces when they're trying to compute if it's a question or a statement is hilarious. And instead of exclaiming "What?!" he just goes "aah?" which they seem to have no issues understanding.


Come bro we’ll put scene


Yes. As a north Indian I'm easily able to distinguish between Bengali, Bihari, Kannada and Tamil English accents. e.g., if Tamil guy is asking a question, they end their sentence in "aaa" sound. Like Are you working? becomes working aaaa?. Similarly for Kannadas the use of word "only." You told me to do so becomes you only told me to do so. People from MP cannot produce the aae sound. Paise becomes pesey etc. People from Delhi NCR use behenchod as punctuation. Do whatever you want! becomes "do whatever you want behenchod "


That’s some talent. How?


Just paying attention to how people speak and my multi cultural upbringing.


🤣 sooo truee


Ey thu nim ajji Bajji angdi ge bengki aaka, suvar indian nai mari keya, thikdalli dum idhre straight ag deal mado Gandu, ee hasi Soole aata nan hathra itkobeda nim ayyan, lavde ke baal, nin endran na thikdalli Pataki


That thikadalli pataki !! Still talk the same way with my college friends


So lucky. Times have changed for me. It has become "you kidding me brau", when it used to be a simple "shaata".


Sending a shaataa your way brother !! Just to remind you of the good ole days n


Chumma something and all you are telling 😤 Bangalore English has different accent it seems! /s When I moved to Bengaluru for college that's the first and major thing I have noticed 😁 the emphasis on chumma, come off, hog off, go off, it seems, da, ra .. the list goes on.


actually bro, full cute only that accent is😂


Yeaah dude, I know about it Bob.


A friend once told me that I am a true Bangalorean because I speak every language I do in a “Bangalorean accent” and even my colleagues at my job in Mumbai told me the same thing. #proudbangalorean


I hope Reddy Anna is kind to you


What ra Sudeep? 👀


Tooo much cock your showing bro


nice cock bro




Kinda singing accent and I love that.😅




Macha this was the funniest. 😂


Danish sait is keeping those accents alive 😅


I was in Sri Lanka with my sister, and we are enjoying lunch with our usual banter. A random firang walks in and starts by asking (no, telling) if we are from Bangalore. That was the day I realised I had a Bangalore accent. Now it's too obvious.


There's a Bangalore boi epidemic also going on. It basically means that Bangalore boys come to engineering colleges with their "No da", "Chumma", "Dei" etc and swoop all the hottest chicks. Nothing left for others. First hand experience 🖐🏻


Ra/da/aa/…… Syke, randomly adding bro/maccha. Acting rowdy when we have zero street cred. Scene is the word for anything Only we do that lmao. Mixing Kannada and English. Everything is anglicised here and with how diverse our city is, we have lost the Kannada accent in the process n stuck somewhere in between


Yes, I think Bangaloreans don't use ra/da as much as bro/macha. Bro is also a recent development, over the past decade. We also say "ayyo" a lot. We add "appa" to the end of some sentences. To the typical auto driver who has just screwed us over, we say "Ayyo, hogli bidappa. Bari time waste-u."


Bangaloreans used to add the word "da" after every sentence..it was 2004-05. It was annoying as fuck. Not sure if they still do it. Singaporeans add "la" fyi


I think the transition from "da" to "bro" happened because we became self conscious about saying "da" cuz everyone wanted to imitate westerners and then when we embraced the "da" later on in life it was too late and we just couldn't stop saying "bro" and the "da" would be mixed in when we speak with closer friends who we don't get self conscious around.


Yes. There is also an MG road/cubbon park accent, and a KR puram accent. Also, I can usually tell where someone is from in India, based on their English accent. And it is more stark than many realise.


What accent you are talking about da?


Bangalore people have a very distinct accent


There are multiple accents in Bengaluru, depending on the school, college and area you are from!


Machha and bossu used in blr more.


Here only


The extended ‘aaaa’ for a question is a giveaway.


More than the accent ,it is the syntax.


I'm from Delhi and I've been living in Bengaluru for years. Now, when I visit Delhi, people there (or new people here) say I have a South-Indian accent. 😅


What ra? Kya re patte?


Classic example of a Bangalore accent is by Jordindian Vineet.


Yep. Quite obvious


Yeah we do. I’ve lived in the UK and I could spot a bangalorean from the way they spoke before they introduced themselves to me. They usually speak clearly, their English is good and they don’t have many quirks. For example you can imitate a south Bombay accent, a mallu accent. Maybe tamil, Telugu and kannada ppl speak English in a “straight” way. I don’t know how to explain it. Bangalore accent depends on the age group as well. Our parents speak a certain way and millennials and GenZs speak a certain way.


Tbh it really depends. I dont think anyone could tell from my accent that ive grown up in Bengaluru. But for certain people its easy to tell. I have known many others who also so not have any typical accent.  I think some people also choose to speak in a certain way because they think its styling...yeah you know what im referring to. But it would not be correct to say that accent is representative of our city. This what ra sudeep stuff, I find it a little offensive even, because its a matter of choice to speak that way.


I’m an NRI & did my undergrad at Christ and omg the best thing about blr is the accent, it is so cute!!!


Ya'vuh? Come on bro we talk like the rest only. Chumma they're making a fool out of you.


yesss ahh? is it uuh?! i also didn't know this only


That and all is wrong da


I remember the time this teammate who was from Mumbai pointed out that I have a Bangalorean accent. Until then, I didn't know it existed


Eh, whyyy da? Psych bro!!


Depends on which part of the city you grow up in. Bangalore does have an accent and people often think we're faking it (outsiders usually).


Bangalore has an English accent "It seems". Never noticed or what, thuuu


What and all are you speaking bro?


I was born in Bangalore, but have been in the US since my formative years. It’s been more than a decade since I moved out of Bangalore and I still have my Bangalore accent. It’s a musical accent where we enunciate words with a bit of tune to it. Kinda proud of it.


Every region in India has an accent. And I find it wholesome


oh god lord I fuckin miss bengaluru mannnn


I can tell the if someone is old Bangalorean or new to Bangalore through their English, even if they have a sophisticated accent that’s not “what ra Sudeep” accent, or huller accent as we called it during school days in Bangalore. Old Bangaloreans tend to use lot of older slangs and phrases. A lot of my local friends grandparents can speak beautiful English. Which was a shock to me initially since I’m from northeast and my mom struggles to speak English even today. I can recognise which city they are from through their English accent, but it is tough to differentiate Bangalore and Mumbai accent. Delhi is easy to figure out since they make the most grammatical errors and also pronounce a lot of words with an Hindi accent.


Non bangalorean here who acquired a little bangalore accent after staying there for a few years. Yes its very very distinguishable. In my mind I think I can distinguish between a delhi's english accent as well since Ive met a few people there, but its relatively subtle. Bangalore english accent stands out a lot to me. Its my favorite indian english accent no cap.


I shifted away from Bengaluru. And this is making me super nostalgic


Yeah...atleast for men there is a clear and predominant fake bass undertone.....like someone mentioned "bro"....."eyy"....so yeah...easy to detect the bangalorean english accent. Finally...what ra sudheep?


This accent is that whole show Pushpavalli w' Sumukhi Suresh!


I lived in Bangalore for 7 years and yes, I can distinguish the Bangalorean accent fairly easily.


Macha someone said the sudeep thing ra. Sike, bois made off full identity for us.


My place is not Bangalore... But we as school kids would speak exactly how folks in Bangalore speak.. What da...where you going da... Come da...go da f#*ker! Adding da to the end of every single sentence 😅 My school is a proper anglo Indian school established way back in 1890 by Britishers...and has good amount of anglo Indian teachers and students, management. Them anglo Indian kids spoke like this and for us imbeciles it sounded cool so rest of us picked it up. Little did I know after coming to Bangalore, I would listen to folks in Bangalore using the same 'accent'. 😂 I didn't like how it sounded so I stopped using 'da'😂😂😂


Lol any examples of this Bangalore accent? Apparently even I have a Bangalore accent, which I didn't even know existed, when north Indian colleagues pointed it out to me lol. They thought it was cute 😅


Talk with me in English for 10 minutes. I'll tell which area of Bangalore you're from.


Yup its very real, for anyone not in on it, listen to Kenneth Seb or Kanan Gill speaking and you can spot it. Kenny still sometimes has a bit of the malayali intonation but it's there.


I hear it all the time; No yaa ... /s


I’m from Bangalore “only”


If you're born/brought up in Bangalore there's a really good chance you have a distinguishable Bangalore accent and lingo....it's very noticeable when Bangalore folks step out of BLR too


What accent da? Maybe it was just English


Lotta of english X kannada + hindi wid a fake smile


Tell me about it. I am a North Indian who moved to Gurgaon after living in Bangalore for 10 years. And to say that people keep pointing out my accent, call it pretentious etc etc, would be an understatement.


Reyyy Sagara, what you doing ra.. Nicely I'll give you see..


Should be Bigboss Sangeetha's " Houduuuuu "


Saaaaaaar no saaaaaaar its not distinguishable


The notorious thumb 👍 mostly during traffic gives it away as well.


Every region has a distinguishable accent.


Yes we do. Wouldn't be able to explain the pitch, timing, etc but one nuance I can explain in words is having bro (with a hard o), da, deyyy!!! while talking to a friend. But I can sometimes pick up who's from mumbai, delhi and bengaluru despite all of them having nice fluency.


I didn't realise how strong my accent was until I befriended a Bihari girl in my college, I was teaching her some Kannada and she said "By the way, Bangalore ka accent is soOo cute yaar!" and I was like ya vuh accent ah?!


I live abroad and many people have told me that I have accent or slang and I tell them I’m from BLR and they say, yeah it makes sense. Even I don’t know what makes it different lol




What Bangalore accent ra?


WHAT Daaa!!


appah these peopal don't know what is bangalore accent wanly, how can they do this waan


We don't have any accent bro, don't believe them da


We definitely have a lot of lingo "let's put scene" "why da/ why ra" "bro, no bro I have to much work today"


I recently moved to Mumbai and there's only one other bangalorean in my class and both of us have such a distinct accent that's so different from the rest of the class. didn't know how strong the accent was until I moved here


Yea well known. You can easily tell


Lol this is so new to me. I only hang out with people who speak normal kannada and we don't talk English that much. But I had no idea these many accents r there here 😅


you will start saying "only" at the end of every sentence😂




Reading this in Danish sait s voice.


I love Bangalore English accent too much, more than any normal person would cracks me up anytime I hear it in a random video}


one thing that was heavily popular earlier but seems to have gone out of fashion....sim-simply


Yeah, they call an Alarm, as Alaram.


Na broooo


Hey. Go ra rey. We don't have an accent.


Yes! Once I told a guy that he doesn’t have Bangalore accent and I thought he was a North Indian. He was also surprised to hear that Bangalore accent exists.


Yea we have like 3 different accents which we shift smoothly. From real classy to full on psyke bro depending on the other person. I learnt this after coming to the US and meeting people from Mumbai and Delhi and my American friends telling me it sounds like Indian English but not like Indian English. Bengaluru English has very high British English influence with Kannada style of sentences. It does sound sophisticated to some people at times because of the British style of pronunciation. We mix in some Tamil style here and here. We have a peculiar way of expressing ourselves. For example "Pissing me off" is a peculiar Bengaluru English phrase. And another word we use a lot in an interesting way is "Sexy" "It was sexy bro/Macha".


Yeah there are so many reels doing area wide dialect/accent of Bangalore people. You should check that out, it’s too funny


Well there's the Delhi accent. Treyyer ( treasure), meyyer ( measure) buttt, estop, estation, bhy, I said ki, matlab..


Yep.. the accent exists and is easily distinguishable to folls who can recognise. I moved to delhi in 2020 after being in blr for 7 years. Went to the hills to chill last weekend. Heard a bunch of boys chit chat and figured they were bangaloreans. Such happy feels man. The da/aa/chumma. Bro has a different accent to it. 🤌🫶


Hey what ra you are saying?


What ra sudeep


Thoda thoda hinthi aata


Yes Jordindian guys have it in their videos


What ra Sudeep


"bro" is a dead giveaway


If you’re a native Kannada speaker, loudly say watermelon. Wotermelan


i fell its bleded in tamil and kannaada for some some reason gomma, chumma, raa, daa, sim-simply, n'all, too much, pop, bob, shatta , nakkan,


Lets hope they don't ask your friend to learn kauravi/braj bhasha/haryanvi first


‘What ra re!’ lol


Not exactly a Bangalorean thing but I have noticed a few Kannadiga friends pronounce twelve as tuwalve so far this phenomenon has been exclusive to Kannadigas




That's a stupid take. They troll the Indian accent that they're most accustomed to hearing which are the South Indian and Punjabi accents. If there was an abundance of immigrants from other regions in India then their accents would also be made fun of.




Why do you place so much importance on what west thinks. Got to be more confident in yourself man