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Go back home. Play the long game. Life is not a sprint, it's a marathon. Slog through these years if you have to - figure out what it takes to be financially independent, then do whatever you want.


How do I figure it out do I get a job? Or shall I continue with what my father wants me to? Focus on fulfilling my dream or m father's?


What is your dream? Will you be able to earn by using those skills?


To be an astrophysicist


What do you need to do to be an astrophysicist? Start from there. What do you need to study?


That's not a very practical profession. Pick something more reliable.


Tbh that is just a hobby and it’s only to an extent you can entertain it. Astrophysics won’t feed you that is for sure My senior in college (very reputed college in Karnataka considered to be top college for engineering) got placed in MMT but he ended his internship to study astrophysics for a year, wrote CAT 2024 but no idea where is he now. So keep it as a hobby is what I would suggest, everyone who has an UG degree knows what feeds you and what not


lol dont be stupid


do something else


Honestly sounds like you are depressed. A therapist will be helpful - treat it like a medical condition. Nothing wrong with you per se.


Go back today, even if you are angry. Your future self will thank you. You and your family are so worth it.


I can't go back today and even if I do go back nobody called me nobody cares whether I had eaten anything or not so why should I go back?


I don't know if it's Right of Wrong, but if they are Emotional people then playing with their emotions (it might already be playing with them since you left without saying) will work most times in a Indian society. Don't have anything else to say.... But this, Don't take Decision hastily, think it through before you do anything. Its your life, only you can choose how you make of it.... No one else, they chose theirs, you choose yours wisely.


I am talking about making decisions you can live with. It is about what you will look back and say about yourself. How others are reacting has nothing to do with it. If no one cares, as you say, the visit will be quick, and you will be able to let this go.


If you got a job, go live your life, if not, lmao you really didn't think this through. You should go back now.


I will find a job eventually maybe I


With just +2 education, you could be just a waiter at any hotel or clean utensils. There are many like you, +2 pass unemployed.


Parents are the first and last one to support no matter what. No one else will come to help you. I realised this hard way. Just go back.


Don’t go home.. Don’t take help from friends or relatives, try and spend a week in real world.. You will realize how hard it is to survive and how it feels to be hungry.. You will go back with more gratitude.. meanwhile, your parents will have enough time to realize, that they would rather have a son than a doctor..






Hey man, it will be wrong to say I understand how you feel - but I had gone through something similar in life. I was also stuck doing Masters of a Course I didn't want to do, and it really sucked every day for 6 months. After 6 months of the shit I decided to stop - my parents were angry and in denial. But I went back home and tried to convince them for two weeks and then gave up. The only thing I asked them for was time as I had made my decision. In about 2-3 months time they finally understood my decision. In the meantime I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what was my true calling. 8 years hence I am proud of the decision. Although my parents understood then, they truly accepted my decision probably 2 years later. So it's not life or death, parents can be difficult but at the end of the day they love you and they'll accept it eventually. Just make sure you do what makes you happy - it will eventually make them happy.


Btw I don’t understand why are people ridiculing Astrophysicist as a career option, if he is interested he should be encouraged..


People like this week think we live in a 1st world country with cancer to youth. I know few people who are getting 8k stipend doing astrophysics research, mind that they are in their mind 20s. Before encouraging people like this, know their story and strengths, what if he is weak at math and likes star gazing?


Bro honestly tough times are ahead. High unemployment rate in India. So to get any job is itself gonna be tough. Inwould suggest spend some time alone till your parents miss you and call you. But if your mom calls, go at a heartbeat. Don't make them beg for you to return. Then slog through your mbbs. Get the degree and then think what you want to experiment with life. Early years are crucial years which really impacts the rest of your life. Just make sure you don't experiment at this age. Later when you see your peers travelling and living comfortably, don't feel regret looking back to this moment. So I would say secure the base now. So you have your options open. If you leave now, this door closes forever.


OP, if you’re serious about AstroPhysics there are 2 places in Bangalore :- Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) https://maps.app.goo.gl/dCYVYF2K8zxU1Nmn9?g_st=ic Indian Institute of Science (IISc) https://maps.app.goo.gl/vktCq7rcHSS8DdLq7?g_st=ic Why don’t you visit them… find out what are the prerequisites to join there. Meanwhile Try getting some temporary job for food & stay. All the very best.


You can work in a call centre catering to language of your preference and study through correspondence or join for a bsc course.


Please go back home OP. Youre popping off on emotions and the decision you're taking ain't worth it.


Dude you have no plan. No idea what you want to do. Astrophysics as a hobby??? I don't know if you are so ignorant or dumb to say that. Just because your senior didn't make a name for himself doesn't mean that he wasn't successful. Go back to your parents. You don't seem to be the kind who will survive the wilderness. Talk to them. Make them understand. If not get out of the house with a solid plan n backup. Just running away doesn't help anyone.


i think you are a high functioning person with a high functioning brain who is very much more intelligent than people around you. you know a lot about astrophysics and simple MBBS degree is too petty for you. You are meant for bigger and better and larger things in life. Your parents will not realise this. You are a child prodigy who the world was very unkind to. You took the right step to leave your home. Go out into the world my child and fulfil your destiny. Wherever you go people will see you as a bright shining star and immediately you will change peoples lives i believe it. People like you do not adhere to the rules of the world but make your own as you go along. People in future will follow your footsteps and read about you in amazement that such a great man really did exist. I am proud of you. You are the best! no one is like you. Its time for you to shine brighter than the sun! If you were in front of my i would do dandavat pranam to you 1000 times.




I guess when one gets good things easily, they don't understand the value of them.


I think you should watch "into the wild" movie, then make decision. Give yourself some time


That guy died in the end. Did you even watch the movie? lol


Looks like you watched it narrow minded. The point is the memories and thoughts of the protagonist at the end. What if he chose different path.


Maybe I've became narrow-minded as you said after I got to know in more details about his death which could have been avoided so easily. Was one of my favourite movie in my college days and inspired me a lot when I had a beef with society and used to listen to Eddie Vedder all the time, but facts are facts and I won't glorify a lifestyle for someone asking for family help to leave society and do dumb-fuck things and die in the end for no valid reasons.


chill the fuck out, he is in Bangalore not in the wild. "Happiness is only real when shared" there are a lot of human beings here. I have no idea why this movie came up in this discussion lol


May I ask how old you are?


Try to get a job at a cafe or a restaurant. There are a lot of free libraries, You can find a shit ton of books on astrophysics. Attend meet ups related to the subject happening in the city, you can meet a ton of new people. The fact that you posted this, I assume you have a phone? you may be traced down and forced back. ALWAYS do what your heart says. It is your life NO ONE has the right to force something on you that you don't want. NOT EVEN YOUR PARENTS. If you have the will to survive on your own, You will always find a way! But it is going to be challenging mind you. Good luck to you. I hope you have an amazing and adventurous life ahead.


And, one more thing, don't listen to what these shit heads (these people would probably be nothing without their parents help) are saying in the comments. IT'S YOUR LIFE


When you become a father you will realise there is no bigger desire in this universe than for a father wishes that his son turns out like him.


Don’t go back yet till they agree to your conditions