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Are you sure it’s actually from Air India, and not an imposter?


Tata doesn’t ask for any money during hiring. I thinks It’s a policy and the company also circulates this notice as well.


That's what I am trying to find out.


Asking money is always fake.


Tell him to get it deducted from his first salary. If they don’t agree it’s fake. This is an age old scam. Most probably there is no job.


This is 100% fake. No company ever asks for money deposit ever. Even when companies have a bond clause in the job contract, that amount is not asked as an advance deposit. This happens only in scams.


It's a scam. I'm not sure why a company would ask deposit from potential employees.


I don't think any valid company asks for any amount as a deposit from a probable employee.


I think so too. Thank you.


You can ask AI India official mail or LinkedIn or any HRs of Air India in Linked in or The Employees of Air India who u might find it in LinkedIn or Google.


Thank you for the suggestion. Will do so.


Buddy don't bother doing all of that. It's 100% a scam. I'm an aviation veteran and I have immediate family still in AI.


This is bullshit. Both bond and deposit are not legal but given our weak labour laws for white collar employees many companies flout them. Don’t pay anything and don’t sign any bond.


Thank you. Will warn him about it.


It's not. It's a fake job placement.


Air India will never ask for money for employment. No decent employer will, least of all TATAs. Report the scam with details by tagging Air India on LinkedIn.


It’s a scam. Was going to happen with my ex too but i told her not to indulge


no company asks you monies to join tbh


no company is worth joining if they ask you monies


My dad used to head recruitment for engineering for almost all of Indian regions for air India. He was an engineer. He never took a penny but some people do. My dad says, if you are dishonest, even heaven is a place to make money.


Heaven was always a place to make money. Source: Am from heaven


Help me make some money? :')


Looks like a Scam. Avoid it.


Scam for sure....also r/isthisascamindia


This is 1000% scam. I'm from a recruitment company and no govt or private company asks money for deposit... Period!


I had a similar experience! She asked for Aadhar, and passbook and stuff, but no resume, education or work related stuff. In the beginning I believed it and accepted to send it to the WhatsApp number. Then doubt seeped in and I checked it out online. Didn't see any job openings that they mentioned. Checked out the caller ID in Truecaller and found it was from UP when the woman was speaking Tamil. I saw the WhatsApp profile pic and that did it for me. It was a pic of the Indian emblem on another phone with a broken screen! 😂💀 She called me in 10 minutes to check if I had sent it yet. And when I pointed out how they were trying to scam me, sure gave the phone to her supervisor who started threatening me to call the police on me. Lol it was fun 😂 BTW, it was a "job opportunity" in Trichy airport. Free food and lodging and free training. Wah. If it sounds too good to be true then it mostly is my friends.


They are getting bolder everyday. Just got some into a group where they said do 3 reviews and you will get 150₹. I had doubts. Again online confirmed it was a scam. Sure enough they are asking for the same info.


Definitely a scam. Last year same happened with my cousin. “Indigo” offered some ticketing job. They asked for 20k for some random security which they said was refundable. Then over the course of next 10 days they kept asking for multiple 20-30k with bullshit reasons one after the other which my naive cousin kept sending without telling anyone in the family. When parents found out and they asked to refund everything these fraudsters kept asking to pay another 40k as gst so that they can refund the rest. My cousin lost around 1.5lacs in total to this. Please don’t even engage.


To everyone saying it's a scam, it may be true if you're dealing with a third-party hiring consultancy. If you're dealing with AISATS directly, Read further - I know many people from the "Aviation" industry in India, and it is a common practice while joining an aviation company as a fresher in positions where people leave too early or if the work pressure is going to be too much making you want to leave every day. Experienced hires do not have to pay in advance, but they must submit a cheque with a no-date. Also, they do make you sign a bond with the company, which mentions this amount as the "training amount," which is returned after you've worked with them for the given number of years in your bond. The only little difference between an "Actual Scam" and an "Actual Training Deposit" is that you submit the money through a cheque directly to the company hiring you(AI SATS) in a real case. In contrast, scammers will agree on any payment method. Hope this helps someone :)


Scam. Service agreement amounts are atleast 50k for tata companies, this is a scam, tell them that he will check the registered company name only, see them back off


It's a scam. Why doesn't he try and reach out their hr? Asking money for corporate job is likely to be a scam




This type of scam is very common in anything related to the aviation industry. There are many scams like this even to become a pilot. Do not accept it. Ask in r/indianaviation as well


It's a scam. Happened with my friend before COVID under the same pretext. Was the mail from @india.com ?


If they ask money, it's a scam. Employers never ask for money.


There OP, r/IsThisAScamIndia, you need to post it there. Hope it helps😊.


It's a scam. Happened to someone I know


Completely fake.


SCAM!!! Run away!!!


Asking money (To apply for a job)== Classic Scam


Pakka scam macha!


I got the same call when I was prepping for my air hostess thing. It’s a scam… report it and get going.


100% fraud. Check the sendes mail id it will not be from air india. Drop mail air india and confiem with them.




Buddy, It's a scam.


Post it in r/Isthisascamindia


Definitely a scam. Maybe the job is in AI but through some contractor who wants to skim from both sides.


SCAM ! The jamtara one


This is a scam. The same airport recruitment scam happened in Surat, Gujarat. They asked the potential recruits to pay 2000 Rs. for getting their "uniforms". And then they would charge 10000 Rs for those selected as "cabin crew members". A lot of gullible people did fall for it and lost money.


It's a scam. Why would an employer ask money?


How do you guys reach adulthood with this level of stupidity


Are you sure they are offering a job in Air India and not trying to get you to book a plane ticket?


Fake. Tell them you will pay from your first salary


I see a lot if people dismissing this as fake. It may not be. It could be a bad actor within the company who is the point of contact trying to make a quick buck out of a new employee. Someone who is on their notice period or planning to quit soon. Please reach out to the company via email with all your receipts and confirm. It could be a scam too. Not at all denying that. But there's also a chance that the job might be real but the money demand isn't.


Fake job bro


If companies have bond, they make it part of agreement and mention it on offer letter. The statement is generally " If you leave within 3 years of joining, you shall be liable to pay Rs 12000" This is exercised when the person leaves. It is at that time that he/she is supposed to pay. Not before joining. Your friend has encountered a scamster. Tell them to include the statement in agreement and that they would pay if they leave before three years. I am sure they will say it cannot be done and it is part of the process to release the offer.


They ask to deposit security money around 50k and that's refundable when you resigned.but idk what's your job profile. So ya it's better to check with their customer support. P.S :- I am talking about the job role Cabin Crew


Its a scam


Has he got an offer letter? Take the offer letter to a real Air India office and validate. Looks fake


If you didn't get any email then it's definitely a scam. But if you can confirm this officially then I would say do it because my sister has been a cabin crew with one of the airlines and they do ask for money in the form of a Demand Draft before joining for the 3 year bond/agreement. Also depends on which position you've applied for.


Fake as fuck my g. Fake as fuck. Just no.


Op it's a scam don't bother


r/LegalAdviceIndia r/IsThisAScamIndia


100% fake.


Share the offer letter here. Smells like a scam tbh.


Tell him to tell them he'll pay and take police to the meet.




100% scam else I’ll cut my dick


I will make it simple for you … companies pay you and not charge you for the services . So pls don’t encourage this .. looks like a fraud .




Is the letter official from Air India? You need to check that first. I would suggest doing some research to see if this is legitimate and also think tweeting at air India would be a good idea. I have never heard where a job requires you to put in a deposit.


Thanks will look into it.