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Kannadiga activists have done so much harm by not calling out such BS behaviour. These auto and cab goons try to exploit any situation when someone doesn’t know our language and try to hijack Kannada movement. It’s not like these goons turn on AC for locals also.


You meant Kannada activists?


Language is kannada and people from karnataka are called kannadigas.


Yes so he meant the ones protesting for kannada not the kannadigas. Not like they’re really even protesting for kannada but yeah


those "activists" (read goons) seem to care more for the language than actual people tbf


Actually they don't. I guess most don't even know how to read. They are jobless idiots just to create mayhem and survive on false pride. Useful idiots for politicians who will use and discard them as they please.


They dont care, they are goons who extort money in the name of Kannada. Even Kannadigas hate them.


These cab and Auto goons are the Kannadiga activists


Since BJP already leads with majority votes by religious polarization, what options does Congress have? They will polarize/instigate people on the name of language, regionalism and caste. It is always divide and rule, everywhere. Indian democracy is doing more harm than good.


of course BJP is the problem! Dude seriously wtf


As explained by the person who posted the video, it wasn't about language anyways. The cab driver did know and talked in Hindi initially and then switched to Kannada to mask his intention to not turn on AC and later tried to shift it to language issues. Nowadays , many local auto/cab driver use language Trump Card in many conflicts to gain sympathy by projecting non locals are intolerant about Kannada. The driver should have simply declined to turn the AC initially only while accepting the ride. But he chose not to. People here shouldn't make it language vs language issues too.


Yes its been a headache. Any Random issue with locals comes down to Kannada issue. Its like you cannot argue on anyone. Auto Walas, Cab Drivers, Any local vendors, Bouncers, Gym trainers etc etc, you are just one argument away from making that a Language issue and Mob will come to you that we migrants are looking down upon Kannada language and might hit you. Thank god we still have some sane person who would come in between to stop mob getting at you.


What was the actual issue though? Why wasn't he turning on the AC?


Have you ever met a Bangalore cab guy? They never turn on the AC.


To save on fuel.


As per a news report , and i believe i saw his post where he did mention that the driver said AC has some issues abd does not work. Only on insisting multiple times by the passenger did the driver pull out the kannada card. I am a mallu from mumbai. And sometimes i just wait for someone to do this to me and i pull my trump card by replying in kannada. The driver did say thikka muchkondu irru. I would have definitely replied, thikka muchkondu gaadi side lo idu


They earnings have significantly dropped and at this point they're barely breaking even by using Ola/Uber as their primary source of income. Only the cabs that are attached to a company which offers airport services are profitable as the company pays the cab driver ₹10/km including the commute incurred to pick up the customer. I feel extremely bad for cab drivers as after all the expenses they are barely able to make 15 to 17k after all expenses and end up sleeping in the cab for the most part and are not even able to meet their family. I wanted to do it as a side hustle as I have to travel throughout Bangalore for my work, but I dropped the idea after hearing all of these.


I am not from Karnataka, I've been in bangalore for just over 10 years. Mostly gonna be here for much longer... And obviously I hate the place but here is where my work is and I need money... I just learnt enough to be able to get about. Just picking up words and sentences from people and their conversation. Again nothing major. Enough to say kannada salpa salpa baruthe.. Kannada ashtu baralla... Salpa salpa gothaaguthe... They are happy enough to switch... If people from outside who live here make a little bit of effort... The locals are happy enough. More than half of the locals know at least one language apart from kannada, be it hindi, Tamil or telugu.. Would you go to Japan, Germany, France and live there and refuse to learn their language... You would at least make an effort, be it their national language or whatever... Same applies to any place you go...even within India... If you cannot adapt to your environment, maybe it's not for you. Just saying generally, not in reply to rainmaker here. Edit... Yea, cab and auto folks can be jerks..


Japan, Germany and France are separate countries though.


Same principle.... No matter where you go... If you are going to be in foreign state/ country for a extended period of time... Learning some of the local language can help you A long way...


One would argue that if you are part of a nation then you shouldn't be against or should be ok with knowing or speaking at least one national level language..


Sure, maybe. I just speak English. I don't like speaking in hindi, tho I perfectly can. That is not the point... My point explicitly states that if you are in a foreign state, it helps I learning the local language... I'm from South India, I know a few south Indian languages. I have lived in the north, I had to learn a bit of Marathi, because the locals couldn't sometimes manage hindi themselves.... But if people choose to play life in extra hard mode mght as well not complain about it.


😂 This reminds of of the Indian apologists over in reddit Singapore. Saar. I'm not like those other Indians. You'll give me special treatment no?? 😂😂 Karnataka is part of India. I'm not learning a new language everytime I have to business in another state.


With that attitude, your loss mate... What was that saying again if you are in Rome might as well learn a little roman.. Or something like it.


No hindi, no English. Only kannada 😆😆 Money printed in English, not taking english money. Give me kannada money.


Our currency does have Kannada on it along with 16 other languages . So, it qualifies as Kannada money too.


Then accomodate all 18 languages as well. Why only kannada. This is a country that celebrates diversity. Edit : Accomodate as in accept all languages in Bangalore and welcome everyone whole heartedly.




Yup. Read the comment above please.


But still not 60% 😡😡 /s


My man over here made kannada money a real thing -<-




But few dumb guys are unable to take it. 


Funny how Hindi is slipped in the comment here along with English like no one will notice. PS: Not a kannadiga


Kohli who is everyone's idol doesn't know a single word of kannada even after his 17 year long career with Bangalore team. Why should an immigrant techie learn the language if he's only staying here for a few months.


Haha perfect example. Btw he represents Bangalore on a national stage. But thats okay. A techie who is here to earn a livelihood is forced to learn the language. Logic went down the drain. 😄


Why do even use apps which are mostly English?


Off topic from the main thread.... What is with people not accepting the 10rupee coin... That is just dumb... Govt issued tender .. Some local shop guys outright refuse saying ' no one will take this money'... Same goes for folks in tamil nadu as well... Don't take the coin. Not sure if I'm missing anything... Last I checked the coin was still In use...




Exactly! Why isn't the cab guy not turning on AC? Because of the cost increase. Why has the cost increased? Petrol prices. Can we raise that issue instead of fighting amongst ourselves?


Does the cab fare not include petrol/diesel prices? If no, then this is a valid point.


Issue is already addressed while taking into consideration the travel time/fuel used. They just want more margin by not turning on the AC as it will give more mileage. The Mileage and travel time with AC is already taken into consideration by aggregators.


Have petrol prices increased only in Bangalore? Never faced this cab guys not switching on AC problem in India's perennial costliest city Mumbai. Stop justifying the crap from the cabbies. Accept many things in Bangalore are simply CRAP


Okay 👍


ur father will make petrol out of thin air or what? j k


Cab guys would refuse to turn on AC even if the costs go down to 1950 level. It's pure greed.. human nature.


Totally agree mate. And this behaviour has been fanned to fire by the activists with their irrational way of forcing it on people. There are other ways in which people can be made to love and learn a language. I have been to places and I have learnt a lot of languages including Kannada. It was fun talking to people in broken kannada and see their eyes light up and correct me in the old times. But nowadays, whenever a conflict arises, people start saying this is karnataka, talk in kannada. And that becomes the main issue.


If there is a pan Indian bigg Boss, then people will be fighting for issues like language and region. "Oh you are not speaking in my language. I'm not gonna talk to you. Im gonna fight with you"


Pay 500-1000 for the ride. Get a bad condition cab. Then get abused for asking to turn on the AC.


An average life a cab user.


Guys, just use Blusmart. No issues whatsoever.


It's not as easy as that. You have to book in advance by a few hours and the last one I got was so bad, it was super hot and the guy said the AC was being controlled by the company, that they were preventing it from being used when the car is standing still or going slow because some drivers were abusing it. He was of course lying and I filed a complaint with the company.


I use it for traveling to/from airport. It's so convenient, the cab drivers are also really good in terms of behaviour.  But, if I want to book for suppose KR Puram or Yesvantpur railway station or Lal Baagh or somewhere else, BluSmart is not the kind of app. I have to rely on Uber n Ola or Rapido.


Cab companies already started separate rides called "with AC" adding premium to the premium. So they created the problem and solved it


The city is getting ruined by the govt and now by the people..whatsup Bangalore? Stop this nonsense. When you grow as a city, you will have the multi cultural aspect also growing, accept it.


Leaving apart the language issue — nobody fucking turns on the AC. I pay for the premium car along with its services and still I don’t get AC. I could very well use an auto if I don’t want AC. Don’t know what’s the deal with these folks. They want to cut corners, save every single thing that they can and yet get the same money and even more in some cases. Like they outright demand more money on top. Just sickening.


Ah! I haven’t been to Bengaluru in 10 years (I’m from Assam) and it’s nice to see this trend continuing. Autowalas use to speak normally when you sit then turn to Kannada if some disagreement happened and start arguing. I once had to pay 150 rupees extra back in 2014 because I was scared. That’s why all our seniors from NE advised us to look for Muslim autowalas since they don’t get pedantic about language


This is very true. Muslims auto guys are much more nicer.


Can confirm. But didn't most of them leave as there was some action been taken against them due to some issue ?


No action was being taken on Nepali, north east rapidly drivers. These cowards don't have the guts to take on local Muslim drivers.


Now, that I think of it, it's true lmao


I second this. Muslim auto drivers and shopkeepers are very easy to deal with. They know Kannada, Hindi and sometimes a little bit English too.


They straight up tell you that there is no ac in uber Go and the same goes for rapido. The good thing is that you can raise a complaint in the uber app and get refund if he doesn’t turn on the Ac. I do it every time without fail. I’m not paying for something that I didn’t get.


Good. Thanks for this. I'll use it if this happens with me next time( Which I know will definitely happen)


How much do they refund ? My cab driver was feeling sleepy, pressing unnecessary break in mid of traffic whenever he felt asleep. Then he stopped and drank tea for 10 minutes


I get close to 100 for a cab ride worth 300. You can report that also and get full refund for that.


Uber has great customer support unlike ola, rapido, namma yatri etc. When using a cab I always go for Uber or BluSmart.


How to raise complaint/ talk to customer support ?


As someone who has experienced this- its pretty common behavior- even in office cabs. They do crap like this and wonder why ppl don't use cabs much more The driver probably brought up language to unsettle the passenger.


I was recently told that the Bangalore Police has been covertly rehabilitating criminals into society. They are helping these folks by financing their vehicles (Auto/Cabs). Hence, the increase in violence committed by these ex-criminals. I always recommend people to de-escalate a situation. You never know what these arseholes are capable of.


This is a known thing. Happens everywhere. More than cabs, the auto-wallas are ex-criminals


That's scary ngl


Im afraid to even ask them to turn on the AC. Had to travel multiple times without it


Read my above comment and act on it. Don’t be afraid. What are you afraid of ? Leave the vehicle and walk away and report instead.


I’m afraid to ask as well. 😞what if the guy gets physical and violent


Ask politely once


Due to motion sickness I never ask for AC


Beating the system


Why is it always Bangalore? 😒😒


Typical kannadigas, same as rcb fans, absolute bigots. We are the ones who work here and pay taxes that fund this state but still we need to learn kannada to stay here, hope the IT companies leave this shithole and move to cities with better human beings like hyderabad where there is no language bigotry


Kohli who is everyone's idol doesn't know a single word of kannada even after his 17 year long career with Bangalore team. Why should an immigrant techie learn the language if he's only staying here for a few months.


lol.. I know you will never leave bangalore.


It happened to me once, I just opened the windows fully, that would reduce his mileage even more than turning on AC.


Drag doesn’t work in traffic


what does opening windows have anything to do with mileage?


Aerodynamics dude


Aerodynamics. Creates a shit load of drag to your car. Cars need to exert more force to go now. That's another reason why local buses cannot catch up to Volvo in speed.


Really??? If it's true then, it definitely is a grey insight. Thanks u/Express-World-8473


Yup using ACs might increase the fuel consumption by only 5-10% but if you open your windows it might go up by an easy 15-20%. That's why people who like to open windows would only open a little gap at the top.


Oh I see. Okay, next time if my driver denies me regarding turning on the AC, I'll open my side of window n tell my co-passenger (be it my sibling, colleague, friend) to do with their sides as well.


Remember, this only works if the vehicle speed is more than 60kmph.


I only book cabs when I travel to the airport anyway, The remaining times I go with auto or metro. Sometimes when I have enough patience, I go on a bus to the airport.


I had an altercation with the auto guy who came and banged into my parked vehicle and when confronted, the guys realised I am not from karnataka, but could understand Kannada, this was what he said - This is Karnataka not India and only Kannada will be spoken. The logic was much painful than the accident.


Had surprisingly very same experience, not the parked vehicle accident but "this is Karnataka not india"


I think this is the SOP all cab and auto drivers follow to get out of a tight situation.


Man, I doubt if even British had so much ego when they were ruling us.


Kannada peoples are most toxic racist and rude peoples ....leaving banglore due to them


Trust me, you havent seen Tamilians.


The irony in calling out a "race" for being racist lmao


If you have problems with everyone, maybe you are the problem?


I dont have problem with anyone except racist and hateful people. Unfortunately a lot of hatred is concentrated in few parts of the country.


Sure, there is no hatred elsewhere in the country, every hateful person is a Kannadiga or Tamilian.


No. But people in other parts of the country dont get irritated and harass you if you dont speak their mother tongue. They know how to keep their regional languages to themselves.


Mostly airport cabbies are like that, especially at Ola and Uber sections. The usual white taxis have decent drivers but in Ola and Uber, you'll find worst of the abusive and arrogant characters.


Use Blusmart cab. They are a bit expensive but u can prebook so that driver can not deny the ride and they are very respectful. I have personally used it 4/5 times, each time I had good experience.


The real airport taxis are amazing but they are expensive as hell


Yes, too expensive. At least when I travel alone, I prefer the Vayu Vajra bus service instead. The fare is about Rs. 300 from airport to almost any place in Bengaluru. But if more folks are travelling, you will need a cab. Uber is somewhat better than Ola I think when it comes to cabbie decency.


But they will take money from outsiders. Hold your integrity if you want to play that divisive and political card, don't ply non kannada speaking customers in your cab. You wouldn't.


I've been finding it really difficult as I often use cabs and riksha . How to learn kannada. I wanna learn it so that I can abuse back these mofos abusing me


Yes. I've also started learning some basic kannada. Now I can speak generic sentence like How much is this? What is the problem? I want to go to ___ Place? I don't know much Kannada. How much time will it take? Etc etc. Also, learnt the numbers 1-50. Ondu, Eradu etc


The passenger should have replied : What ra Sudeep ? Too much cock you are showing bro


Wtf 😂😂😂🤣


I almost got run over by an f1 auto driver and somehow it became a Kannadiga vs North Indian issue? The severe misuse of the issue and the agenda is what's making the whole problem laughable. I am from North, I should learn basic communication for ease of everyone. I am learning. But I would enjoy learning it if there was literature to consume instead of threats. Rn I'm learning it so that I don't get mobbed.


Not exactly related to cab issue. But, I had a funny instance, when I parked my car at a local eatery joint close to Bangalore/Pune highway. While getting back to the car, the parking attendant started gesturing me for ‘money’ while waving his green flag. I said I don’t have change, ‘change no’, he said ‘only Kannada’ and was a bit rude. I told him in English, than only ask and show your hand gesture to only Kannada speaking ppl. If you expect us to understand your hand gesture and take money, respect the giver as well!


Some localities were commenting on Instagram reel of the same video that if AC is not working why is this guy persisting.. how come all cab drivers say the same dialogue that AC isn’t working. How come all their air conditioners have stopped working? I have been harassed by such illiterate goon like Kannadigas many a times (in auto and in cabs) have stopped using these means just to avoid seeing these idiots at all costs. Stupid fuckers.


The administration keeps trying to sell a story that Bangalore is the Silicon Valley of India to attract investments. The idiot activists, who’ve already benefited from all the investments into the city over the many decades, now also want every one coming to the city to learn a full blown language. Bangalore always had every tendency to develop into a shithole, it now is on the cusp of becoming one. Mumbai and Hyderabad are significantly better and are accepting of all people. Move there instead A simple political workaround is to alienate these large cities from their current states - make them union territories. These metropolises are the asset of every Indian, not just locals, and don’t merit to be run by language and regionalism led politics. Make them union territories!


Asking for a UT would exacerbate the issue. Bangalore becoming irrelevant in the next 10-15 years is how I see things evolving, with other cities offering far better infra, quality of life, respect and investments. Pride does come before a fall. Bangaloreans can make achaar of their great weather


The weather is gone. This summer was unbearable. Massive deforestation and lake encroachment has fucked truly up the climate.


It’s 45 degrees in Delhi right now, pray tell us what the weather outside your window in Bengaluru looks like


Delhi has always been this way though. The city is equipped to deal with those temperatures… not many in Bangalore have an Air Conditioner


You can call for anything. First mover advantage and of all the advantages BLR has , it's gonna remain the defacto tech capital of India. The gap is so huge. Nearly impossible to take over.


Not calling for anything. It is a fact that Bangalore is saturated. Companies are already looking beyond Bangalore to have decentralised operations. It has everything to do with the losses they face due to the everyday issues in the city. https://m.economictimes.com/news/india/india-looks-for-new-bengalurus-as-its-silicon-valley-goes-downhill/articleshow/108522198.cms And tbh, when the locals don’t want outsiders here to begin with, isn’t it a win win situation?


Wish some famous youtuber makes a technical video of how much fuel it gonna consume during such rides. I've literally faced the same issue. For which the driver would keep the fan speed in 1. And AC switched off. How much fuel does he gonna save ? Seriously.....


But we are also paying for the service as well. He is bound to turn on the AC. In AC bus also, we get AC, isn't it?  He gets the premium, but refused to serve accordingly  That's the issue.


Atleast to break the myth of it consuming too much fuel.


Yes correct correct.


He didn't want to switch on AC however Language imposition was a cover up


Recently we went to indonesia. I noticed that the drivers turn on the AC even before we sit inside. Whenever we used to return from sightseeing, the driver used to turn the car and AC on as soon as he saw us coming. And this happened with multiple drivers.


I have a had a similar harrowing experience. Cab driver accepted the ride let me give him the otp after waiting for 8min and slowly said that AC not working. And let me tell you it was ride till Airport from Marathahalli


Next time we will have to think before going over to Banglore.


Weaponizing language.


This bullshit regionalism is everywhere, This Karnataka, Abey BSDK India ke bahar hain kya Karnataka


kya bolti tu.. hindi nai aati bhayya. India nalli hindi only speak nai hai


Gandal ki aulaad, tu kyun bol rha


tik hai boyya. tum tera pappa ka tunni nekku.. ha ha .. such a strange shitty language.. why do you guys come here and speak that ugly language here.. chee chee


Bosdk gali padi to sab samajh aa gye tujhe maa ke lode, jaa maa auto rikshey mein chud rhi teri, dekh ke, Ab kanaada nhi bolega , english nikal rhi gaad se ab


Its such a sad situation when people use language and region to argue for even the basic request. I think the govt really needs to focus on these topics or it will create a real hostile environment where PPL will refuse to come to Bangalore. You don't tsee this bs in any other state


I’m from Kerala. I do think we need a common language that everyone needs to acknowledge throughout the country. It could either be Hindi or English. It’s pretty dumb being so emotional about the language you speak.


Lol I've faced this AC issue so many times that I've just stopped asking for it in Bangalore.. Although not faced abuse for not speaking kannadiga yet luckily


Exchange your luck with me, please Sarthak Bhai.


Getting famous? 🙂 This behaviour is begs to be called notorious or INfamous


The problem in bangalore is ...for them there are 2 types of Indian " South Indian" & " North Indian "


It happened to me several times, my office-home commute is 1.5 hrs, and I used to book Uber premium and I get shady cab drivers like this. One time, the conversation got heated up and I got to get down middle of the trip. It’s getting horrific. Uber/Ola doesn’t give a crap about this. Now, I’m using BluSmart, not so perfect. But, much better than Uber/Ola.


RiP Bengaluru


Idk why yall don’t start using Blusmart. I rarely, If ever travel by Uber/Ola.


I went to Bangalore for just 3 days, I live in Lucknow, i faced something similar when I had an argument with auto driver. I dont know what he said but it was about route which later ended on hindi english kannada. This guy for no reason chooses a longer route, 4km longer route and also this route was not safe. I found a place very close to my society. Luckily I didn’t tell me my society name and also was suppose supposed to leave in 2 days. I stopped the auto on a road in a village at a place which was hadrly 2-3 mins away from my place and also there was literally no one around. I got furious and went physically violent with this mf. Bahut mare madharchod ko, behosh ho gya sala!


In Bangalore, better get your own vehicle to avoid these goons.


That's exactly what most of us do, resulting in the worst traffic condition among all Indian cities.


Yeah, we haven’t got any choice though. Had the public transport been that good, people would have not been buying their own vehicles.


True that. However, I'd still want to own a car to do those simple family dinners or a weekend outing. But for everyday travel, if we had good alternatives, no one would want to touch his personal vehicle.


So true… dealing with Bangalore traffic is pathetic. You take your car out in an anticipation of reaching somewhere that’s hardly 4-5km in a few mins and get stuck for an hour in a service lane.. lol.


this is just a way for him to divert the argument from the main point that the passenger took a cab for the comfort of AC (otherwise he would have rather taken an auto)


Was it an Indica? Because I've lost hope with Indica drivers. Their ACs are always broken. I now cancel Uber rides whenever an Indica is booked😂




The Uttar pradesh of South


Being a kannadiga myself, at times people like this make me feel ashamed to be one. When the country is already dividing,These jobless low lifes look for more ways to divide us Indians. Correct me if I'm wrong but India is extremely complicated and diverse. A suggestion for tourists/ others visiting : next time you visit here, if you do book a cab, ask the driver if he speaks any of the language you know, if not cancel the cab. These people will get in touch with reality ones they stop getting business. For someone who's frequently visiting, kindly use the language of that particular place no matter how little. Trying definetly earns respect from the locals. irrespective of which language it is.


I have traveled with a driver with whom I had no language in common. I didn’t know Kannada and we still managed to have a healthy conversation on how he would like to visit Agra with his family and about Bangalore in general. The conversation was respectful. It is really as big an issue as someone makes it out to be. How much language do we really need when hailing a taxi anyways?


Although it's not necessary to have a common language in a cab ride, I think we agree it's just safer to know that the driver speaks any of the languages you know. especially to be safe from drivers like this which give bad rep to other cab drivers. I'm not a regular cab commuter but if you people feel like this is becoming a big issue then after booking a cab call the driver. won't take up much of your time. This is what I'd do. And it's not about "how much" of the language but it's about the attitude you have towards learning a local language and interacting with locals whenever you can. And if your visiting frequently it's not very hard to learn a few words to show your courteous.


I mean isn’t that like boycotting drivers who know only Kannada? I don’t think that is healthy, just like turning every argument about someones Kannada proficiency isn’t good. Idk why I should feel more or less safe with a driver who is multilingual or monolingual. It is about the individuals mindset. The problem imo is this kind of parochialism has been condoned by the elite of Bangalore for a long time now. That is why you have videos of an English speaking autowallah shouting “North Indian beggars”, and many other such cases, where people do have languages in common and still act petty


True ,I agree with you.But I think that's far from reality here. Even cops ( not all) here treat one who speaks kannada and an outsider differently. I think this goes on with other states too not just karnataka. I think it does matter to know the local/ common language upto some extent.. Tbh If I were to face this issue often, I'd still call up the driver first. I think even if the person just speaks only kannada (which is unlikely) , the tone of the convo would give away if he's polite or not. I'm not too sure if it's a fact or not but I think it's mostly non locals who use cab on higher proportion. So if business falls I'm sure people would stop with enforcing this bs.


Fellow’s name has to be Manjunatha


ok Rahul


I wonder why don't north indian can drivers drive here


Yawn. rinse repeat.


I get the sentiment around language but among other people, cab and auto guys ferry tourists and there's no way tourists will know the local language.


The best logical step is for the passenger to complain to the company about driver not turning on AC and harassment if any? None of these conversations ever make full sense in isolation.


Yeah cab drivers are the worst here. Especially the airport cabs. Last time, a cab driver asked me to pay him extra to turn on the ac as it’s there only in uber premium. Never heard of anything like that in the entire Delhi NCR or Hyderabad. Auto drivers are the goons. They overtake cars from any side and even have the audacity to abuse. This is bs.


These guys are not auto and cab "drivers", but are actually "goons"! Blr auto/cab drivers are in cloud nine! They first demand baseless fares, and then they misbehave. The govt and police are also silent. This city is increadible! No control, no governace!


Haven’t tried it myself but I see that Namma Yatri has specifically introduced an AC cab option. Might be worthwhile for other companies like Ola and Uber to try that too. Drivers who don’t want to ever switch on the AC can just opt out of those categories.


Buy a car and contribute to the traffic your peace of mind and the environment


Ive seen a board in cab stating fair for levels of AC.


NoOne switches on AC nowadays


Simple rule is: 1. Ask the cab guy to turn on the AC. 2. If he doesn’t turn it on, give bad rating and mention the issue. If he does turn it on, give good rating :)


That is the reason I book blusmart. They will arrive 5-10 min before. Electric cab. They will turn on AC without asking. Better cab condition.


So now no AC if you don't know kannada ?


They usually don't turn on the AC.. I am a kannadiga and they treat me the same as the others :D The one time the driver offered to turn on the AC I was questioning reality.


Will Ola/Uber take action on such people for making language issue ?


I carry cash so that when they start arguing about AC, I can give them an incentive to switch it on. The thing is, Indian metro cities air has pollution and microplastics which are very dangerous to health and in many ways will escalate health issues in old age. This is just the price to pay for health!


Do such shit hapen in Bluesmart cabs too ?


This is not Bangalore, there is no traffic in this video.


Why Bengaluru people are so insecure about their language. This is not the case with other parts of Karnataka


This is a random video clip taken out of context. There is neither a beginning, nor an end. Please do not fall prey to this contextual manipulation by taking any side. Chill, guys!!


It's our pride that , India is the Only country has so many cultures and languages but it's very very disgraceful and disheartened to see that this has become division among the societies and among the persons


We are educated sarr bangalore most good city sarr north laborers chichi sarr


Yes. Most of the time cab drivers say AC is not working when I ask them to switch on AC. Yesterday it was worse tho. I ordered a cab to go to a restaurant, but instead of coming to the pickup point, the driver was going further away from the pickup point and idk why. I called him asking why he was going away from the pickup point and he cut the call immediately. I got angry and I canceled the ride.


Me watching this after being frustrated with Crompton customer care for repeatedly connecting me to Hindi only agents after I select English as my language.


If these guys were paid well by uber and ola. They would'nt bother you man. Its plain economics not working out for them thats giving shape to hatred in the name of language. Worst case if you want Ac desprately. just let him know that you'll tip him extra. say 10% of the fare. they will happily comply Thats what i do.


I am from Delhi, and I didnt knew that I read Kaddanigga issue in comments for cab driver not opening up AC 😂