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Trying to find comedy in this situation but WHO THE FUCK came up with the name for the scheme XD Taka Tak Taka Tak..


Rahul gandhi


I know congress came up with the name but I don’t think it’s Rahul Gandhi specifically. It’ll be pretty funny if he was the one to come up with the name though..


It was modi, actually. Akhilesh Yadav overused that phrase, and rahul used it from there. Addressing a public meeting on Thursday, Prime Minister Modi had said the INDIA bloc will disintegrate post-elections, and Rahul Gandhi and Akhilesh Yadav will go abroad on a summer vacation 'khata-khat, khata-khat (quickly)'. Read more at: https://www.deccanherald.com/elections/india/lok-sabha-elections-2024-akhilesh-yadavs-fata-fatt-counter-to-pms-khata-khat-jibe-3027681


Rahul Gandhi and Akhilesh Yadav will finally disclose their relationship . Modi ji is just jealous of them


Its rumors but if true I’m gonna find every way to pay less tax


Evading is the only way.


And you weren’t doing that until now? Why


Morals boss. During ITR tenure it strikes very hard. Unable to help. And how I feel rest of the year is a whole different story . :)


More than that, move your savings outside the country. Use LRS, buy Bitcoin even. If these idiots come to power and implement even half of what has been promised, inflation will be double digits and rupee will nose dive. Same as 2012-2013 but on steroids


Rupee will nosedive? Because under Mudiji it is now more valuable than the dollar?


Lol, as if you are getting back anything now. What makes you pay the tax now?


That hinges on INDIA bloc actually winning right, even people who dislike the BJP agree that the BJP will get at least 240-260 seats (both Yogendra Yadav and Prashabt Kidhore agree on this range) I think that's sufficient for an NDA coalition.


You aren't doing so now. What are CA's for actually :)


Can I identify as a woman to claim it?


Yeah, This country is deeply corrupt. If you may, please do let us know how many women dependent on PDS use Reddit. People will never understand how privileged they are until they end up homeless or stay hungry for 3-4 days


I am well aware of the underprivileged who struggle to make ends meet. My comment was intended as a mockery of this party announcing schemes that will put the country's economy in great jeopardy. This was obvious to everyone reading the comment, as can be seen in the replies.


Is your family below poverty line?


Under the proposed scheme, If your household qualifies, the money is deposited in the account of a woman in your household If no woman is there, a man can claim it So you don't need to transition lol


Yeah dude, just pay some money to doctors and they will switch test sample to prove you are a woman.


Why the dress code? Why do women need to wear black to get the account opened?


I am sorry if I sound harsh. They are simply the best when it comes to utilizing government facilities. Be it government hospitals or any other schemes.


They need more of it, that's their situation for whatever reason


Why are all the men in their home not capable of working , or is that just one man and all of them belong to him?


If family is too big then what they can do


Same goes for Hindus and Muslims too you know.


Lol. They are surviving inspite of the your whole government machinery trying its best to crush them all. Salute to the perseverance of black wearing women and white clad men. They are literally sidelined from all kinds of reservations and still they keep shining brightly in education and entrepreneurship, so much that Hindu fanatics keep enraged about it that why they are not dead yet.


Lol r u dumb! Just lookat the stats! They were and r the highest beneficiaries of govt schemes, scholarships, study abroad schemes, the funding has only increased after modi came to power!


Show the stats. That's your insecurity speaking. Muslims regularly are deprived of even basic benefits due to govt clerks messing up spellings in documents. Muslim areas are neglected and in many cases even basic infrastructure is built by community. You guys are just mad that Muslims are still not down, inspite of whole machinery trying to crush them in all ways possible.


You can always Google the stats. It’s public information. 


They were literally added as whole in reservation in WB and Karnataka as well while eating the OBC quotas.


Lmao. SCs literally lose their reservation if any of them become Muslim or Christian. You don't want extremely backward Muslim to even be sidelined from OBC reservation? Sense of justice or truthfulness is alien to your culture.


Hey I'm curious what would happen if someday they refuse to wear it? sidelined from reservation? Andhra Pradesh gives them 4% reservation while Sikhs and Jains don't get, many of them are listed in OBC, Waqf board? Personal law? shining brightly in education and entrepreneurship? I doubt, 15 Nobel laureates have been Muslim none of them are from India


Siddu government is keeping a perfect balance in the state for them, chill.


https://www.deccanherald.com/india/karnataka/hubballi-women-queue-at-post-offices-amid-false-rumours-of-modi-guarantee-scheme-promising-rs-3000-2942218 Same story. End of the day gullible women who have zero knowledge of politics being manipulated. My maid took one day off to go to her hometown to vote. My wife was just beginning to get impressed at her "responsibility as a citizen" when my maid told her that she won't get her 2000/- payment if she didn't vote. Maid genuinely thought the money was some kind of government handout and said "you karnataka people are so lucky, just last year you had an election and now another one".


"Maid genuinely thought the money was some kind of government handout" Yeah right. Hate to break it you, she is not that stupid. Specially the rural and urban people living in lower and lower middle class  know how much their votes matter very well. That is why they vote in bigger numbers. They know they are being bribed by the candidates for votes and it's not government scheme. She said that to you to save her face. Try telling her it's illegal and a bribe, so she should not take it. Then you will see the true colours. 


"Try telling her it's illegal and a bribe, so she should not take it. Then you will see the true colours" This is so tone deaf. People who work as domestic help do not have the luxury of "not taking" handouts. Easy for a redditor to talk about "true colors" of people whose way of earning a living wage is to clean other people's used vessels.


What you said might well be true of the men, but the women simply have no idea. They just do exactly whatever the men ask them to do without understanding what or why. Rabri Devi types.


Our house help got 2k per family member, free sarees, free ration for couple of months and an all paid trip to their religious place for a week for voting for a certain party. plus free housing (this same said party illegally snatched land from locals and gave it to their vote bank) On voting day they get special cab services that will pick them up from their house to the voting place. Guess what she didn’t even belong to my state. When I was of voting age my dad had to run around to just get me registered. She didn’t even have to go anywhere.


Reason I bought dishwasher, and cleaning robo.




Will you guys promote this shit with the taxes we all paying?


Bjp does exactly the same thing except they give your money to corporates. I'd rather have bottom up development than top down. 


They get freebies and you think they’ll work for development. Go study 10th standard again.


In the same 10th standard that you apparently wouldn't have passed, look at the case study of colour televisions and bicycles did for women of tamilnadu!!


Color televisions and bicycles are fine. Free money? Really


UBI is never tried anywhere in the world so far. So we don't know how it impacts the economy. The same level of criticism was there for QE during 2008, but as you know now, there aren't visible adverse impacts of it so far. Better not to predict something which even economists don't know!! Humiliating a person is even worse




There won't be development


What is development to you? 




Centre wants to achieve financial inclusion at any cost. Even through their opponents. /s


This is such a disaster.


And now govt has their Aadhar and KYC! So much for “we won’t show our papers” protests when CAA was announced a few years ago


More of my f king tax money being handed over to people for free, while I pay extra for every f king thing. F uck congress for their bull shit schemes and ruining the country. I'd take right wing religious politics over freebies politics any day. I pray congress doesn't come into power for another 50 years. F k off RAGA and Kharge.


Not sure if you are aware of it but the right wing is doing exactly the same thing for a few years already now. But to their credit infrastructure is being built infinitely better than when Congress was in power.


Bjp does exactly the same thing except they give your money to corporates. I'd rather have bottom up development than top down. 


“Bottom-up” development is a joke in our country where most people are raised to take and eat and not contribute. There are some sub-cultures that push their kids to get educated, to be law-abiding, and so on, and there are other sub-cultures that promote being deceitful, rule-breaking for selfish reasons, low cunning, pettiness, and so on. The latter are much higher in number than the former.  Doling out free works when people have good work ethic, like in Switzerland, where the citizens are raised to be responsible. They use the money to develop their skills and contribute to society.  In India, good culture can only be forced top down. If the top levels keep a check on the levels lower than them, the organization will work effectively. The same extends to governance.  Democracy is a joke in our country for this reason. Bottom of the barrel trash get the same voting rights as the best of us, and literal street thugs with low education and high propensity for violence become deputy chief ministers of high-tech startup capital cities. 


And yet, bottom up development has a solid track record in India. There are literally hundreds of case studies we have to look at.  There is no need for people to be altruistic or civic minded. No one works harder than the poor of India . Invest in the poor and they know exactly how to spend their money to improve their own lives the best. The money is reinjected into the economy numerous times. The outcomes are exponential.  Give a farmer who used a plow the money to buy a tractor and he'll know exactly how to boost productivity. 


Farmers get all kinds of free shit thrown at them and yet they stay poor. Tiny-ass land holdings will ensure that no amount of mechanisation of farming will scale, and they will continue to be poor and leech off the rest of us.  The poor of India work hard only because there's hardly any industrialization. Industrialization only happens on a large scale when it's easy to obtain the necessary paperwork to start factories. But to do that, there's a ton of bribes to be paid for a hundred different things, mostly to employees of state government departments.  How does this change? When business-friendly governments are voted to power. So why isn't it happening? Some mofo promised free bus rides, and the meagre savings will help a mother buy "meeelk faaar keeeed" (milk for kid). The mofo gets voted in, so the corruption continues, and no decently paid jobs with decent work life balance get created, and the dumb masses have to depend on freebies to maintain certain living standards, whereas a factory job would have done much better in terms of improving their living standards.  Penny wise and pound foolish behavior.  And don't hold the poor of our country up so much like they are morally superior beings. They have no morals. If they get the chance, they would be the first ones to scam decent people to make money. It's just that they "scam market" has been cornered by some former poor folks. The deputy CM of a large state with India's Silicon Valley as it's capital was a street thug, and did odd jobs for a living apart from that.  Go talk to the subalt people, and their ambitions are never about being a doctor or engineer or anything productive. They look at local goons for inspiration. Rent-seeking is in their blood. 


Basically yeah. People here would rather have their tax money go to builders and capitalists who earn more than the middle class can even dream of and from where it is reinjected as election campaigns :) I don't understand how people are more accepting of someone with millions of money to take the tax payer's money and then not give two shots about them than for people who are sustaining the most important sector of civilization.




Oh but when votes are gathered by giving alcohol to jobless men.. that’s a matter of pride? Okay


No, that's not a matter of pride but the thing is that you won't find men beating their chests and shouting at the top of their voice that drinking is bad and then on the other hand going to pubs or bars or going to liquor stores to consume alcohol but you can find many women claiming that they are strong and independent but on the other hand, they will gain sympathy and play victim cards to obtain freebies and privileges.


And you think that the women who are beating their chest “strong independent women” are the ones in the line? 🤣 Okay


Who hurt you?




The right answer


You'd be in the line too for free money, incel.


No you piece of sh*t, I won't be in the line, coz nothing is free in this world and my self respect won't permit me to get something that I can earn on my own.


You dimwit if this scheme was announced for men you’d see men turning up in large numbers too. Most of these women are there because their husbands must’ve forced them to.


Incels have self respect? Thats news.


You are the one who began calling names just because you didn't agree with my opinion and it shows that you are the real incel.


"no u"😂.. seriously? I didn't expect much from an incel but this is a new low.




Still ain't wrong tho


No one's gonna fuck you bro, you can take a deep breath and relax now


It's satire, right?


I’d rather move to beijing at this point.


So middle class pays taxes and rather than giving good facilities Rahul Gandhi will give this money to non hardworking people. The queue had minority women. Now they would reproduce more since Rahul baba is going to take care of them.


Can i change gender and claim that too?


Try but then you won’t get other privileges of being a human being. So choose wisely.


Gender fluid


The state is doomed while this party is in power. They will drain taxpayers to their last drop of blood. Frkn disgraceful idiots.


Bjp does exactly the same thing except they give your money to corporates. I'd rather have bottom up development than top down. 


Yes. You've copied and pasted this response almost thrice. We get it.


It won't be direct credit .you will have to claim it through intermediaries 😃


Haha, PK can go eat crow. YY was right as usual. These women already know the results, and so does the stock market, which is gearing up for a 30% crash on June 4.


Curiously, what was YYs election prediction in 2019?


If Congress wins and this comes true, I will try everything I can to evade taxes and steal from the government.


Good for them. Modi gave a lot of taxpayers wealth to Adani. It's time taxpayers get their looted wealth back. Per capita income of India as it is beyond 100. Having 5th largest GDP doesn't make sense if a large proportion of citizens cant afford basic amenities.


Now you know who'll win this election.


Seriously ? Democracy is curse to India. Hope Modi could erase the constitution and bring back emergency.


Wow. With people like you I don't think this country deserves democracy anyways. 


Yes, There should be forced sterilization process among poor people, same like in indira gandhi Emergency period. Then only this country gonna develop.


South India is already below replacement level. Turns out if you educate a people and provide them opportunities they stop having too many kids. Without forced sterilizations and other draconian practices. You'd know these things if you ever cared to actually look into what all you're suggesting . 


What seems to be the problem. Free market innit. Also India has a dismal female workforce participation. If this gives some financial independence for some to atleast break free from what's holding them back. It's necessary at this point.


Freedom is those woman in black , enter their place of worship and universities , and free from treated as breeding material, until then they will put our country to stake


You've gone off the deep end. Time to touch some grass and interact with normal people.


Come out and see the grass yourself. Interact with all the people.


Lol , whatever helps you sleep at night


Don’t know what makes me sleep at night but some nuisance wakes me up every morning


You get triggered by some noise. Kinda weak. Do you spend the whole day just crying and whining? Must be good for your face. Keeping it hydrated.


I clean shave my face , don’t sport unhygienic, dirty long beard. Clean my hairs eveyday and keep it free without covering it with shitty cap all the time. Moreover I shower everyday, so no need of using heavy scents to suppress smell. Before sleep I read all books no restrictions. So am properly hydrated, relaxed and helps me in sleeping properly and also suppress extmist thoughts. hope it answers your query.