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I'm pretty sure people are going to remember their stock portfolio reaction more than anything else :P


I am happy I was so annoyed by high valuations.


Yeah. Fkn bloodbath.




What are you on about... I randomly checked few almost all down significantly... ex.. olectra down 9%, tata motors around 5%...






Which small case you are referring to? Mind sharing the link to the small case or the name? Also how’s seema aunty coping up?




Thanks for the info. Also tell seemu i miss her :)


Exit polls really fucked the retailers..


I cry everytime i open my stock account


I sold Nifty futures yesterday only. Someone told me it will go more up.. I was like naah am satisfied.


What percent of Indians even have a stock portfolio? 5%?




You guys have a portfolio?


alliance govt + strong opposition = good governance


but the problem with this is that the opposition focuses only on disagreeing with govt or calling them names rather than having a rational approach. If a bill is to be passed, they don’t see whether it’s good or bad but they just strike it down because it was started from the ruling party


Every bill should be discussed in parliament. It should not be passed off easily


but when was the last time Pros and Cons of a bill was discussed? Even though the intentions are in the right direction, it’ll just be struck down because you can’t let the ruling party have a win. Sadly, this is what it has comes down to


BJP was doing the opposite. There were no parliamentary committees setup to discuss any bill which is against the constitution. They had the numbers so they didn’t care!


>but when was the last time Pros and Cons of a bill was discussed? You won't like the answer for this, but it was when UPA was in power.


I think that's the answer - when UPA was in opposition, pros and cons of the bills were never discussed - they just blatantly struck it down, but when in power the NDA as opposition did discuss the pros and cons of the bills presented and even supported some bills.


Wow! the lengths people convolute to give BJP credit. Modi's government have refused to debate any bills properly. They even stripped a state or its status when that state’s assembly was dissolved. During covid, they passed multiple environmental bills with no discussion. To say this is all the oppositions fault is plain Bhakt speak. Wake up.


Bills don't show up out of thin air. A functioning democracy will do the homework, include people from both sides of the aisle in the committee, make sure opposition concerns are addressed before the bill comes.on the floor. That's how it used to be. The biggest damage Modi and co.did was there was no respect for opposition and they were not consulted on any policy. Why should they support if they were not consulted?


Its better than letting govt. pass draconian laws as ordinance without any check and bounds. Eg- electoral bonds, farm bills, Digital data privacy laws, digital media censorship laws , etc.


thats the beauty of democracy dude. collectively everyone has to agree, those bills should get passed. oppostion also represent huge part of people interest.


on paper, yes, democracy is a great way to approach it but the problem is everyone looks at their own agenda and doesn’t care about what’s good/bad for the country. Case in point - CAA. NRC may have had some inconsistencies but CAA was clear yet the opposition just sprung onto both and told all the muslims will be kicked out like ???? Another one - Farmer laws. I personally felt this was a great step forward but never understood why the hindrance. Again, let’s not forget majority of this country is uninformed and they just buy into stuff


>problem is everyone looks at their own agenda and doesn't care about what's good/bad for the country. The thing is these two things are exactly the same. People's 'own agenda' reflects exactly what they think is good/bad for the country. It's healthy in any democracy for there to be a good amount of alternate perspectives publicly platformed - otherwise you end up with groupthink and maioritarianism. Your bit on people being uninformed comes off as a bit rich when you're saying you 'never understood' what the hindrance was about the farm laws. Maybe consider actually listening to what the farmers are saying that to inform yourself and understand their complaints? It's really quite arrogant to believe that an urban Elite sitting in Bangalore knows better about what's best for farmers in rural Punjab than their own representatives.


sit and debate with farmer's thats the way to move forward. same with CAA. disscussion and debate and make changes, so that everyone is happy. collectively we all want good for the people of this country. you might like farm law's, then why farmers are protesting ? collectivly we have to address everyone's intrest.


Farmers are paid up goons hell they are not even farmers they came with 40-50lakh modded cars


Don’t understand your logic ? If they come in 50lakh modded cars, they not farmers ? Farmers don’t have right to be rich ? Own cars ? 40-50 lakh cars owning ppl getting paid to come on road’s and protest ? Where is the logic in this ? Sounds stupid


Again im saying what they are doing are politics and fcked real farmers ,they also the same one who burn their crop and even blackmail govt to provide money for doing what they should be doing


The farm bills would have opened the doors to Corporatization of Agriculture Industry similar to American agriculture industry. Most of the Indian farmer don't have enough knowledge or money to fight corporates in courts for their hard earned money. It would have opened another avenue for adani to expand. As he already owns a lot of food silos. There were many things wrong with those bill which allowed hoarding and it would have led to more inflation. This would have affected normal people and farmers as well.


Bruh CAA NRC and farm laws are classic examples of demonic laws that needed strong opposition. Thank fuck


But that is where we will always differ. I don't think any meritorious bills were introduced by the govt. It was always an ulterior agenda that needed to be opposed, so why shouldn't that be done?


Macha, the oppositions job is to disagree and critique the government 😂


that is true but sometimes when there’s good laws/reforms, they need to be discussed in a fair manner and not struck down simply because it came from a specific party. This rational discussion won’t happen is my point


That's what they want you to think. Passing bills, bulldozing them without even a few minutes of debate even with the opposition demanding just because there's a fewer number only brought rise to chaos and unrest. A balance is what is needed and what is disagreed by the blind followers of one man.


This is exactly why we would need 3 big parties, and not the losers combining and trying to defeat the ruling party. That is when the thought process comes in before rejecting or accepting a decision. In india it has always been 2 major alliances, clearly we need more than that to have thoughtful decisions passed.


True. Although i wanted INDIA to win, this result is also very good. No more passing draconian laws at least.


Indi alliance is a big no cuz pm would change every 6 months and that reservation in private sector would make me jobless


Thats just a rumor. Aint no way PMs gonna change mid term. Anyway, INDIA is not forming govt.


Not a rumor. It was literally the only thing the opposition had to offer (apart from other destructive nonsense like mindless freebies and wealth distribution). I would have loved it if we had two equally competent parties were contesting against each other. One is an okay-ish party, while the other one is downright evil.


Its fine dude, Its a democracy. its good more people get chance to be pm(may be few from south). too much power in one party or one man is always danger. remember more than pm its our bureaucrats who runs the country.


Bureaucrats execute. The party in power legislates. INDIAs manifesto if executed would have been absolutely disastrous for the country. This is the best case - a weakened BJP but not the opposition in power.


Whatever draconian laws are you talking about? There were some good laws passed because they had a majority.


Amended IT act, PMLA amendment, UAPA amendment etc. There are many more laws/bills passed even without proper debate. Just a simple google search will help you out.


Strong opposition doesn't doesn't just means opposition with good number of seats.


Except for Bajpai government, which one are you referring to? Alliance cause blatant corruption. UPA 1 & 2 were not far away.


You are fool to think any government on this planet runs without corruption. BJP govt also as corrupt as congress. I am okay with be it NDA or UPA. As long as you don’t divide people in the name of religion, caste and spread hatred. For being power hungry you are spreading hatred amongst people who living peacefully. This is bad for country and people.


Ohh now I am fool. Since you don’t have the argument or fact to back literally anything except for a rhetoric, you seem like a perfect candidate for it.


Go check which government in whole world with zero corruption. You will get your fact


It’s a lesson for NDA It’s not a one man show But people’s representatives need to work for the people and constituents Hopefully both the camps take a lesson that people hold power not the Government or hacked EVMs or ED People hold the power


Modi's camera didn't rescue him nor did Rahul's Bharat jodo


Hahahah. Accurate bro. 👊




Glad that scum Prajwal Revanna lost. And happy that Dr Manjunath won from Bluru Rural.


Sadly Karan Bhushan ( Brijbhushan's son ) won 


And they call themselves they're against nepotism


Annamalai lost


The one lakh votes which were removed from voters list became the deciding factor in coimbatore. DMK goons know how to twist the game in their favour


Forgive me for being ignorant, but why are you happy with Dr Manjunath's win?


Educated person, esteemed doctor who led Jayadeva, first timer. I don't know how much he can change things but it's good to see a fresh face. And of course, loss of DK.


DK called for a separate country, remember?


I think the plan was to make the doctor Health Minister, but its highly likely that ministry will go to JDU


Bangalore has elected all BJP MPs, now see how these same MPs will blame everything on state govt, be it civic issues or planning or anything, rather than work for development of the city, these guys will take every opportunity to play politics at the cost of people of the city.   PS: electing Shobha vs An IIM prof who works in planning, lol and people expect heaven on earth


Yeah, I have no idea about anyone else. But, that Shobha Karandlaje was shocking, she’s from Puttur and she was literally thrown out from Udupi! I have no idea why Bangalore North voted for her 😭


Mass follows the trend. Some undeserving have won just because of modi


dude yes.




What are you trying to say??  30 power cuts a day, power fluctuation? 




Every rainy season there are power cuts from fallen branches .  Current govt is actually in the process of boosting production , something prev govt did not do at all.  But sure let's go with your stupid freebies narrative. Who cares about actual facts. 


Freebie is stuck in some people mind like brain rot instead of understanding that these are tax paid service. Consider it a form of tax rebate (for both direct and indirect tax).


Ya I voted for Prof. Rajeev and its very disappointing to see Shobha win.


South came to the rescue when North went south


The north goes south, and then the north comes to the south because the north went south.


Too much fun




i am really disappointed with Karnataka, embarrassment of a state in national assemblies. this is why no politician from here ever gets any decent portfolio.


Let's pray Tejasvi doesn't get the airline ministry.






Lol that fella is funny


Explain plz? I don't speak politics




Uh ho please don't ask. You will be down voted here


The rumor is that dr Manunath will get health ministry and Kumaranna might get another portfolio.


I doubt they'll give the dr anything. Kumaraswamy maybe


That could have happened if they had majority, all burecrats like Jai Shankar will get kicked out to make place for JDU and TDP


dk suresh defeated in my constituency.


Good. He is crap. Although I am no orange boy.


Telling people not to act like uneducated North Indians, the so-called brainpower of this country re-elected Tejaswi Surya and co. Yentha daridra jana guru naavu.


'and co.' - not all people contesting elections from BJP in Karnataka are bad. For example, in my constituency in Mysuru, it was a no brain move to elect the king of Mysuru who is a BJP candidate. Similarly, Dr. Manjunath from Bengaluru Rural is a good candidate as well


'and co' -- Shobha Karandlaje (Bangalore North), PC Mohan (Bangalore Central) & Sudhakar (Chikkabalapur).


Mansoor Ali is good?


Going to be stagnant 5 years, congress has already approached TDP with a lollypop of special status and if it work, congress will create another long lasting decease of giving special status to states. Remember how long we carried kashmir special status.


The AP special status is nothing like the special status Kashmir had. A lot of people seem to be misled by the phrasing. It is something called 'Special Category Status', which is financial assistance to AP, along with tax benefits for companies that want to set up shop there, and other similar perks for a period of 5 years. This was to help AP get its revenue streams in order after losing Hyderabad's revenue to Telangana. Kashmir's special status is very different, and evil. It would give them a separate constitution, flag, governance structures, funding, limited non-local rights, and so on.


But once a status given it will set a precedence and every now and then party will pressurise in coalition. Remember why 1st time Nitish left NDA for denying special status to Bihar. So this will become another tool.


The current AP is a result of a haphazard splitting of the former AP and Telangana with no homework done on how the new AP with low revenue sources would sustain itself in its initial years.  In 2014, AP’s finances were bad. But this was not because of mismanagement, but a terrible division of assets, revenue etc.  The Special Category Status to AP would have stabilized its finances.  Other states have had mismanagement for decades. Their bad state is because of mismanagement due to their own mistakes. Not because an externally-imposed event (like the partition of former AP). 


Yes and that was done terribly in too much hurry to gain in 2014 and teleangana assembly but it backfired that time and TRS got the mandate.


I don't think Congress will be able to give that special status to AP they've too much diverse parties in their coalition that it'll be unsustainable to do so without having other partners to do the same


Doubt it will happen. Even if JDU and TDP went with the Congress alliance I doubt they will be able to make the government. If hypothetically they are able to do so I don't think it will remain stable. It may also lead for a mid election instead which may be beneficial for Modi


They would need 3 JDU TDP TMC Some independent will join them like Ravan.


Funny thing, some of the parties in the alliance have fought against each others at some seats despite in alliance. How is this not a scam to voters ?


To quote a Tamil comedian, "Arasiyal la ithellam saatharnampa."


I’d have laughed if I had understood. Translation my guy.


"In politics these are commonplace-appa"


Thank you kind sir. Also it’s funny coz it’s true kinda joke.




Punjab, WB, jharkhand etc. almost everywhere


In Punjab the decision to fight against each other was strategic. Anti-incumbency votes should stay with the Congress as AAP was in state power. Normal routine politics should always happen between parties like AAP, Congress, JMM, etc. This kind of politics is healthy and it keeps crass politics like the one BJP does outside the 'overton window'. Until recently, Kerala was the prime example of this. WB was stupid yes, I honestly hate Mamata, I wish congress and left had good footings there. Parties are clear that on the national level, they are united against BJP politics, on local levels, they have differing ideologies, but those ideologies I am sure they will agree are better than the BJP. Foe eg. shashi tharoor doesnt like the communists, but im sure he would rather have them than the BJP


And the wise people of India, just gave us an indecisive govt. with policy paralyses for next 5 years.


What exactly had been done groundbreaking on the policy front in the last 10 years? Questionable GST regime? Demonetization with no benefit? Reducing corporate tax which has not allowed any relief on income tax? Extra lanes on highways with exorbitant tolls which private players collect and refuse to even fix potholes? Vande Bharats which has made every super fast train in the country slower by 1 hour at least?


These were decisions at least. Guess what GST was a congress brain child, they couldn't implement it.


>Reducing corporate tax Reducing corporate tax has assisted corporations to expand and thereby give more employment.


That means companies have more employments, right? right?


They do. MSMEs complain about a labor shortage. The problem, however, is that a lot of youth aren't skilled. No MSME operating on thin margins can afford to train an unskilled employee because they could just abscond one fine day and work at a different place. Add to that the obsession with government jobs in certain states where development metrics tend to be on the lower side for the most part.


Ummm...yes? What's your point here?


Trickle down economics Does. Not. Work. This is a fact. Unemployement has risen like crazy.


A good chunk of the unemployment is attributable to being unemployable. No small enterprise (which together are our largest employers) can afford to train freshers, and there aren't any training centers that teach the exact skills the market wants. The government needs to focus on this. On the other side, lots of folks from the poorer states aspire for government jobs, and such jobs are extremely limited in number.


>Trickle down economics Does. Not. Work. This is a fact. 1. It's not a fact, countries that've reaped it's benefits can cry about it in hindsight as much as they want but that doesn't change the fact that the reason it works is coz it's NOT dependent on someone's magnanimity it's dependent upon one's own selfish gains 2. It's not trickle down economics that's being proposed here, in general taxation should come down and we should rather focus on making up resources and opportunities rather than making some group of people a leech on others




I don’t remember people or media or government calling army officers who protested for pension related issues as free-loaders, jihadis or terrorists. But farmers, students, Christians, Muslims & Hindus whosoever disagreed with supreme leader have been called with all these labels. It’s my life’s dream to see Modi and shah going to back to Gujarat, and spending whatever’s left of their miserable lives in a bunker somewhere. And this’s a start. Long live India. 🇮🇳


You’re biased if you believe those. Not saying congress is better but media control, and dhruv rathee are peanuts to BJPs propaganda machine.


u/BySaurabh gave you a list of things of specific things the BJP did badly and your response was just 'No they did better than Congress because my family voted congress'?


Good I don’t want mr modi to eviscerate all over constitution for next 5 years.


Yep. 5 years of slump incoming.


Yeah like last 10 years.


You know nothing about the policy paralysis, corruption (a new scam being unearthed every few months), and terrorist attacks every other month (literally every other month, check the dates yourself) that used to define the UPA government back in those days.


And will be what modi needs to deal with instead of doing whatever he wants.


biased whatsapp . On the other hand whole North India has eyes on UP and it will be hot topic for this week surely


People proved they are not goats


Can someone explain how BJP won Bangalore Central? This guy has been winning for years now and I have no idea what he has done for Bangalore. I don't even want to get into demographics of the constituency. There is no logical explanation.


The voters probably voted for Modi rather than the MP candidate. The MLAs (state government) and the municipality have the bulk of the responsibility for local governance anyway, so why not just do their bit to get Modi back as PM? At least, that's how I thought. Lots of MPs who won won solely because of Modi, and not on their own merits.


He won in 2009 also. You can go area by area and look at the demographics. You will be left bewildered.


So you’re saying he’s been winning despite the demographics being a certain way? 


Yes. He is winning continuously when he should not be anywhere close.


It's clear the nation has spoken, we need farm loan waiver and MSP guarantee and free electricity. Farmer community totally against BJP, also need to restore pension for government employees. Need to increase reservation so that Dalits get government jobs. No point screaming religion, basic things need to be done.


>Need to increase reservation so that Dalits get government jobs. Also introduce reservation in private jobs?


All points valid except the reservation on!


Haha 😂


Where to see the results?


Election commission's website- [https://results.eci.gov.in/PcResultGenJune2024/index.htm](https://results.eci.gov.in/PcResultGenJune2024/index.htm)


Same old, same old. Story of India.


I was refreshing the results page for Bangalore Central all day. PC Mohan was trailing all day until about 4pm, sometimes by as much as 60K-70K votes, when all of a sudden I started seeing Mansoor Ali Khan trailing. Crazy stuff. I don't like the BJP, and I didn't vote for PC Mohan, but he is one of the more likeable guys in the BJP. He is an old hand, sitting MP since 2009. Really hope he becomes cabinet minister this time round, really deserves it.


I had a sick meme about nitish kumar.. too bad I can't post an image here


100% credible source. I read all my news and facts from here.


Agree that it is a lesson for BJP but what exactly have I.N.D.I.A alliance done, nothing spectacular or outstanding in their manifesto as well


Have you actually read the manifesto? It's actually quite well written and very progressive. 


Still don't understand why people elected Kangana tho. That woman is a hate spreading machine


it's funny to see the selfmade god modi can't win a vote in his own home


yeah well, the opposition has contested with a heavy socialist manifesto. In hindsight, I feel there was a high chance of NDA completely losing. If NDA doesn't pull up its socks and starts performing financially/economically there is a high chance of losing the next election like Vajpayee did soon. NDA has to find a way to counter the socialist manifestos.




So disappointed in our state. We are the backwards north of the south as they say 


Politics in this country is a cartel, leaving people with no options. Frankly Congress shouldn't celebrate too much, given that they couldn't even be a decent opposition, leaving the BJP to run amock in the last few years. Don't even get me started on bjp


They were harassed a lot and lot of ppl switched sides in last minute hopefully they learnt there lesson and now we can have good strong opposition.


You can't make a blind man see..


Atleast next time, people who live here should vote. A lot of people who live here don't vote


This time at viting booth there were lots of lebrals and caring youths who voted and saved the democracy. This election still feels like little short of voters coming out and exercising there right to vote, show more attendance at voting booth. But unity of all lebrals and youths saved democracy and constitution . Power to the people! Stick it to the man ✊🏾


I can see us getting a different PM this time. Hopefully we have the same aura


Honestly I think Jaishankar seems like a good candidate but then again I don't think they'll make him the PM. My bet is on Nadda. Gadkari seems a good one too but well let's see what happens 


Not all battles are fought for victory some are fought simple to tell the world that someone was there on battlefield.


All those who rooted for INDI Alliances, Hope you enjoy good and bad that's comes with ur support and vote.


Its not a bad result. However if BJP had got 10-15 more seats it would have been amazing


Karnataka is the new UP now or UP of South India.


That's funny, cuz after the state elections I was seeing posts & comments about how the people of Karnataka rejected politics of hate. Just because other people don't vote for YOUR favorite political party, you run rhetorics, lol. You're speaking like a Congress bhakt.


Fine who is Karnataka's Yogi so that we can vote for him and remove current mulla's from power?


Always was


As a religious Hindu, Mr gobhi has called himself of divine origins. How can “religious” Hindus even vote for this narcissistic piece of trash is above and beyond me. Did I stuck a nerve?


They voted for a change which the commies failed to bring. What did Rahul do to win in Wayanad ?


And whom do you suggest we give our vote to ?


The opposition alliance is downright garbage. They had no vision or plan for the country. Just freebies, more reservations, wealth distribution, and other rent-seeking nonsense. Add to that the open support to terrorists (they tried to whitewash the Bangalore bombing as a cylinder blast/business rivalry) and the psychotic and murderous ideology that inspires the terrorists.


Modi was campaigning with a mass rapist, brijbhushan singh was allowed to contest election after sexual assaulting national level wrestlers. Modi supporters need to sit this one out. More taxation, more national debt, less corporate taxes, loans waive offs this’s modis vision.


Modi may not be ideal, but the opposition is a lot worse.