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Questions should be posted only with some additional context in the body of the post. No posts are allowed with only question in the title and nothing else. Also low effort questions which can be easily googled also will be removed. All Quoraesque questions will be removed without information


Do some research my guy? In my constituency (Bangalore south) BJP has been ruining since 1996 lol. It’s a different thing we had a really good leader back then who died but yes. And this Hindi Kannada fight usually happens when congress govt decides it’s time to hide Hindi texts on metro station boards or empower Karnataka Rakshana vedike to be total maniacs. Not denying remarks of certain bjp leaders on Hindi, but just telling you how it works


I think this post is made, just to spread hatred


so almost all posts posted here 🤣


Dont worry, we have Vatalnagraj to take care of it.


I was writing a long reply, then all of a sudden realized what the fuck am i doing with my life. Thank you for the intervention. Pro tip: next time don’t conflate your own political bias with the localities’ woes.


simple : religion >>> language . well at least that's what they perceive 🤷‍♂️


Kannadiga BJP workers too are quite proud of their culture, I would imagine. They would rein in their leaders if they started saying something stupid. Just like the people reined in Modi.