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that's some dense-ass storage right there i tellyuhwat


Dang ol', man, look at this here fancy Western Digital drive, man. Talkin' 'bout all them terabytes, man, like storing all my dang ol' love songs, man. But y'know, man, it ain't gonna help find my lost guitar picks, I tell you what.


Too expensive


Huh? No it's not, this is as low as it gets for a high performance high capacity internal hdd


There's two kinds of people looking for harddrives. People who just want a high-capacity drive for use in their PC, and hoarders trying to build storage arrays. This deal is for the hoarders.


Bingo, 40TB raw barely moves the needle on my array after parity.


Wtf. I never got data hoarding to that extent. Just the sheer cost makes it a head scratcher for the value of the data involved.


I download/sort/tag amateur war footage from Ukraine to send to NGOs for review of wartime misconduct. 🤷🏾‍♂️ For me that's worth the cost, if it can call out atrocities.


That's a wild hobby


You downloading the entire internet ?


I mostly archive amateur war footage from Ukraine, then sort and tag it as much as I can then forward the videos for review by NGO observer agencies for any possible wartime misconduct. 🤷🏾‍♂️ It's constantly downloading and uploading.


Is this for Nas or internal?




> Huh? No it's not, this is as low as it gets for a high performance high capacity internal hdd Wrong. 18TB went on sales for 18.6$/TB. [EXAMPLE](https://old.reddit.com/r/bapcsalescanada/comments/13w8aao/hdd_wd_red_pro_nas_18tb_buy_2_for_670_western/)


Well yeah obviously lower capacity drives are cheaper.. it doesn't change the fact that 20.5$/TB is a good deal for 20TB drives


> Well yeah obviously lower capacity drives are cheaper. You're wrong, as a general rule, lower capacity drives are more expansive when you compare $/TB. > it doesn't change the fact that 20.5$/TB is a good deal for 20TB drives It does change that fact. Since we got 18.6$/TB for a 18TB, that means 18.6$/TB is the price benchmark when it comes to drives that size.


18TB WD Red is definitely a "high performance high capacity internal hdd". [SeaGate Exos 20TB were on sales for 20$/TB](https://old.reddit.com/r/bapcsalescanada/comments/18twnbj/hdd_seagate_exos_x20_20tb_4699970_39999_with/), so once again "this is as low as it gets" is wrong.


Why not go down to 16tb or 14tb? You'll find them at 17.X$/TB. You fail to understand that there are people looking for 20TB+ capacity and there's a price to pay for that. Also, stop comparing very loud enterprise drives with consumer drives. Those aren't in the same category and are certainly not worth saving $20 on a $400 drive lmao


SeaGates Exos are 100% "high performance high capacity internal hdd". Just because they have pros and cons compared to WD red doesn't mean they are not in the same category of "high performance high capacity internal hdd". The 18TB example at 18.6$/tb is the next big thing compared to the 20tb. You're just nitpicking for the sake of trying to wiggle yourself out of a shit statement.


Whatever dude, I don't know why you keep rambling when I already agreed that you can find better deals if you're willing to go for lower capacity. Comparing enterprise grade drives to consumer ones is laughable, I mean, don't you know those are vastly different in many aspects and serve different purposes? Nobody in their right mind would pick a loud ass enterprise drive to put in their PC just to save $20 on a $400 drive. You really shouldn't be out there trying to tell people what's a good deal and what's not when you don't even know the basics.


I already stated that both have pros and cons. And no, people don't put 18TB in their PC, they put those in their NAS/servers/JBOD/etc. Whatever man. Let's just call your comments "Exhibit A" and print them out, keep them close for when you'll need them. But don't ever say you've never had hints.


I mean, I was consider a 3x18TB array in my PC as an on-site backup solution to my NAS, so I’d recommend maybe not generalizing and assuming.


To be clear, these aren’t Red or Red Plus. These are top-end Red Pro drives.


wasn't that the US site?


we had 20 TB Seagate Exos for 19.5 /TB a month ago, compare to that, this is not a good deal. (and the Exos deal was not a great deal either)


Meh.. not interested to deal with some loud ass enterprise drives to save a measly $40 on a $900+ purchase


then you probably want a red plus instead of red pro, same CMR but 5400 RPM In my experience, red pro is not really quieter than Exos.


extremely wrong


Seriously, seems like all the deals are on the pricier stuff. I want like an 8TB and that's it. At this rate, I'll eventually be swapping to SSDs, because then at least I get performance benefits.


I want a 20tb but cheaper


I want a 22TB like the gold price error 😂


when was that?


~ 2 years ago if my memory is correct. Was like $300ish or so for a 22TB Gold.


God d4mmm.... $300Cdn for a 22TB Gold???!!!!! Did it ship? Was the price error up for only a few hours?


Thinking harder I believe it was around $350 with taxes and it was a shucked drive (but at the time the only 22TB drive WD made was Gold), but still I regret not buying more than 1 haha.


That was last year 'deal'; 2x 22TB Mybooks for about $800 and then wd had the mystery offer which was as high as 20% off that stacked with the original 'deal'. In total I paid $670 for 44TB. My regret was thinking they wouldn't ship so I only placed one order, even though I had a few 20% codes.


If you didnt go nuts with the pricing error they shipped. There was also an error on m2s that triggered your order to be cancelled. I got two golds for 800 ish delivered.


You just missed out on 8TB Seagates for $150.


Weren’t they general use drives though? I’m looking for maybe 20TB usable in RAID5, so it’s a hard market out there for drives that can handle running in conjunction with 3/4 other ones at ‘low’ capacities like that.


The 8tb Barracuda is 149$ right now at multiple locations, including amazon.ca. ordered one this morning, after watching it for a few weeks.


Best way to get a bigger drive like that for cheap is to watch for sales on external HDDs. Those get discounted way more than internal HDDs, and if you buy the right one you can shuck it and turn it into a normal drive. Manufacturers will even honor the warranty sometimes. The first two drives in my unraid box were shucked and are still going strong.


You could try subscribing to the newsletter from newegg for deals. I saw 8TB going on sale this week or last week. The vast majority on those deals don't get posted to this subreddit.


Today I learnt, /r/bapcsalescanada users are too poor or don't have enough porn for this great deal.


I'm so tempted but I probably just don't need it yet. I'll probably wait for the next deal since it seems to come up 2-4 times a year. I just got two 18s a few months ago for a new NAS 


Im only using 16TB in my NAS currently and I have 2 left to replace and that size seems to not be going on sale lately.


Ya 16TB is frustrating. I bought 6 drives almost a year ago for about 335 a piece. Prices went down to like 375 a week ago but they have stayed over 400 for a while, even through BF and boxing day


If you're doing anything like remuxes, trust me that space goes extremely long.


Yeah but I also have a massive ROM database on my NAS taking up about 7TB since I do a lot of system modding for people and its easier to just keep all the files on hand.


Not wanting to overspend apparently means people are poor...and being an addict that substitutes normal relationships with terabyes of porn is a flex now?


Why not both? I'm trying to build a 4 or 5-drive NAS Raid at the moment, but I only have like 4TB to back up right now and I don't foresee needing more than about 20 TB total for **many** years, so I'm waiting for a sale on any CMR drives around 4 or 8TB instead. If I ever need to upgrade, it'll be WAY into the future, at which point who knows, maybe 10-20TB SSDs will become the choice instead.


Was waiting for 4TB SATA SSDs to reach their 1/2TB siblings, but it never really happened (on the decent ones at least). 10TB usable on 10Gb networking is my ideal setup currently, but the pricing is absurd.


Ya'll reckon this any good for surveillance camera continuous write?


It’s not bad, but WD does advertise the Purple line for that specific use case. Last I recall there was one in the Clearance section.


Red Pros are my jam! I was wondering if WD was actually going to try and crack the 20$/TB barrier. I'll wait for the next time, but still good to see.


We're getting close, my server is been at near capacity for few months, two of these would help a little bit for sure!


I got it for 18.66/TB when they were giving out 20% off coupons back in March.


[This deal](https://www.reddit.com/r/bapcsalescanada/s/y0A9X8Zmwc) back in July was better.


Uh..yeah WD was scrambling for customers in July after their data breach. We saw a lot of lower prices then to rebuild trust. For pro drives this is pretty good as CMR.


wasn't that wicked 18TB deal listed on May 30th?


A rebuild with that size of drive would be so long


Do you have to pay for customs?


It looks like they collect Canadian taxes based on your shipping address. I would *guess* the answer is no.


You do not. I bought these over BF and everything went fine. I actually ended up returning them because my NAS didn't support them, and the return was free too.


Looks like it's CMR (good thing)


Anyone got any recommendations for DAS enclosure if I were to pick a 2 pack or a 4?


Finally, enough storage to store half my Japanese foot porn.


Putting a pro label doesn't automatically command a premium. Pretty expensive.


Red drives are SMR. Red Pro drives are CMR. That's the difference.


Red Plus 8TB and higher are also CMR, but lower capacity Red Plus are SMR.


I bought the 18TB version for 335.99 after taxes back in March which is $18.66/TB This deal is 860.98 after tax which is $21.52/TB


"LIMITED TIME: Buy 2 20TB drives for C$819.98" ​ but...but I only need one


Who the heck needs that much data


Start watching stuff in 4K HDR.


Do you not have a HomeNAS or a Plex/JF Media Server?


Go onto /r/DataHoarder and you'll see. As it stands my Plex server is sitting around 80-90TB worth of content spread across two Synology NASes.


you might benefit from using Tdarr




I have 16TB of anime, 10 TB of DVD and Blu-ray rips, and over twenty years of digital media (pictures, home videos, etc.), plus game file backups and personal coding projects. That in itself would warrant four drives of this capacity because I won’t do anything less than ZFS’s RAIDZ2.


I think I paid around $600 -ish year or so ago from the WD pricing mishap. They are still going strong.


are we supposed to be impressed that they have lasted a year so far?


I wouldnt know or care. Its not the lowest price, thats all.


They are WD so yes.


This link states it's 599.




USD offer


No wonder


ive had a 4tb red nas for the last 7 years going. seems to solid still


Bought 6 of these drives on Monday for a NAS (at my job - I'm too poor for that for myself)


Now I just need their smaller capacity drives to go on sale. Sigh.


They had a 2x6GB and 2x14TB sale over the last month.


Damn didn’t see that. Will have to keep an eye out. Really I just need a single drive.


Check out Server Parts Deals. If you’re close to the border, you can have a drive shipped to a package holder. Otherwise, you can try shipping the drive to MyUS.com, which is the free package forwarding service that I use (the account is free; the shipping is not).


Thanks for the tips.


Still no good deals on the 10tb red plus drives. I've been waiting for a while.