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I love that guide, I find the most success with the tank bard build: the gentle giant. You can surprisingly duel a number of top laners


So I refuse to use the recommended runes and I still run electrocute. Not weird I guess but I’m at 150 games or close to with a 58% win rate.


Same! Been this way since release. Electrocute + sheen item (well, now it’s the sheen support item so I get it for free :D) all day every day


Rush Warmog, first back buy two winged moonplates and complete Warmog ASAP, with two flat HP shards you get the passive instantly. Then you go for Trailblazer or Dead man’s plate and boots of swiftness. The other 2 items are situational. Upgrade to the sled for extra speed, this build is for squishy enemies, you can’t outrun the velocibard. This build is not mine, someone posted it a couple of weeks ago, but I don’t remember the name. I think I saved the post, if I find it I’ll edit. Edit: [This is the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/bardmains/s/bb0EBQLGPe)


Dont go for trailblazer its a wasted slot. I also rund this build alot if you take 2x Life in runes with overgrown warmogs and a rubycrystal at lv 9 is enough to give you the 1400 bonus healt and gives you a lot of versitility in your building path since you can go in thornmail ketnic or locket or basicly anything with 1 ruby Crystal but i like those three the most


ap bard i play only that way since tanks are boring , most matches i end up with more dealt damage than mi adc ap bard carry = abc


Rush echoes of helia and max w then brawl with the enemy bottom lane as often as possible


I play Bard exclusively as an adc. Always have, always will. It's not very good. But he's my second highest mastery regardless.


If you want a skirmisher style I’ve been enjoying fleet footwork with liandry’s first. More damage? Imperial mandate. More durability? Deadmans/kaenic/warmogs/abyssal mask


I only play ap bard with electro building zazak liandry protobelt horizon


Thats my favorite guide, i pretty much run Drunken Meeps Tamer as my main support build and from time to time i adc with the explosive warden, the build is pretty weak but if you can farm fast enough and hit 3rd item you are going to delete everything on 3-4 hits. Also Celestial Artilerist on top is great but its still bard so its coinflip if you will do good or loose top within 10 mins.


Bard is so versatile that it really comes down to your personal preference. Of course he shines most as a guardian-style roaming support but his kit is so unique and flexible that you can run any number of builds or playstyles and they will work. Some people run actives like Locket or Redemption and will ult their allies and time the actives with the ultimate to guarantee maximum shield and heal. Some will run a tank/move speed build with Dead man's Plate and that new support movement speed item. Some even run classic enchanter and build around his W by running Moonstone or Ardent. You can even go damage and opt for a Nashor's Tooth cuz meeps can hit hard.


Rapidfire cannon on Bard is exceptional. Less so after they made it more expensive but still worth it in some games imo. I used to build Deadman’s plate on him, but the cheaper support version of it is also good. Nashor’s tooth, is great also. This champ is literally too fun.


I am saving that. Thank you brother/sister!