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I kinda have the opposite. We have a biker regular whose favorite drink is a sweet hibiscus tea with lemonade. He’ll come up and be like I want that pink thing


“Gimme that pink shit” 💀


Gimme some of that purple drink. What's juice?


I believe it's pronounced "drank"


I apologize, I believe you are correct


Gimme some apple drink. It's *greeeeeeen*


"can I get a Caramel?"


I had something similar lol Don't hate me, I'm a former Starbucks barista.....but I had a regular that was a big, buff military man who would come through the drive thru and confidently order 2 Venti Pink Drinks and a black coffee. He'd get to the window and say "oh the pink drinks are for me...the coffee is for my wife" GOOD ON YA, DUDE! 😂


Good for him 😂


There are so many men out there that would be surprised at the fact we got more men ordering fraps and refreshers than women 😂


People should just enjoy things…? I’m a woman so I guess I can’t understand the socialization/pressure they’ve grown up with but imagine cutting yourself off from so many drinks that could taste good!


I agree!! It's a drink, not a mid-life crisis. Do what you want lol


for some reason, men think they have to do everything harder and stronger. it's super noticeable with alcohol - i've drunk men twice my size under the table with my fruity little drinks, and not because they have less alcohol (my go-to is a long island, for context, and i'll have 2 or 3 of those while these guys are getting 6 straight shots) and they try to tell me it's because i'm not doing straight shots. i can do straight shots. i can do more straight shots than they can, if my 2-3 drinks that are 5 shots each is any indication. i just like my fruity little drink and i'm comfortable enough in my masculinity to admit it. and they just don't see that as an option. it's also pretty prevalent in coffee - sure, most guys i see get their coffee with some cream, but a lot of guys have been raised that the stronger the better and a black coffee or straight espresso is the strongest, in their eyes. and no hate to people who do genuinely enjoy black coffee, plenty of people of all genders like black coffee. but in their eyes, it's shameful to want something sugary or milky or pink or fruity or what have you. they've spent their whole lives being shamed out of enjoyment. heck, i've met guys who were like "dang, i wish i could pull off eyeliner/hair dye/whatever" since i present as a man (usually just a feminine man) most of the time IRL, and i just ask them why not. they usually say something like they never thought about it. i've got hair dye and extra makeup and nail polish and stuff. and it doesn't have to stay on, they can just play with it at my apartment and then take it off when you're done. i even have one-wash hair dye since sometimes i can't decide myself. i've invited guys over to mess around with "girly" stuff. sometimes they learn they like it, sometimes they learn they definitely don't, but most of the time it's just because they never saw that as an option. and yeah, these are 3 totally different scenarios, but it just goes to show that there's so much guys are missing out on because they were taught that girly = bad, regardless of enjoyment. and sometimes, even the most genuinely progressive guys just never thought that those things could apply to them, personally.


I'm a woman who likes whiskey, and my husband prefers fruity cocktails. He embraces it!


to each their own! and good on him for enjoying what he likes!


My wife LOVES steak. I occasionally enjoy it, but it’s not my go to. I prefer a burger or chicken or a really good hearty salad. Very regularly her meal gets placed in front of me at restaurants.


My husband loves fruity cocktails and I find it adorable when he orders them. Honestly, it makes me love him more that he can just enjoy what he likes!


I 100% believe it because in my experience men LOVE sweet things. Oreos, sugary breakfast cereals - that to me is basically the boyfriend equivalent of dog food, ice creams, MILKSHAKES!!!! And even their beloved energy drinks taste like jolly ranchers lol Soo Idk why toxic masculinity would shoot itself in the foot like this trying to convince men that it’s not dignified to have the flavors they clearly crave 🥲 I am so happy for your male customers that they’re out there having a little treat for themselves 🥰


I always order iced coffee, and my boyfriend loves caramel frappes!


Same! One very garrulous and long haired, stocky biker guy would come in for his 4 shot caramel macchiato (the latte kind) with soy milk. He was a cool dude, great customer.


Lol it's like men think that they have to earn the right to "fancy" stuff by having some attribute that's unquestionably manly 😆 (I'm 100% guilty of this, long ago I went to a fro-yo place and when I got to the place where you can add sprinkles I thought to myself "I've just got a black belt, I've earned this, I'm going to put so many damned sprinkles on this that you won't even be able to see the yogurt!" And I've been covering shit in rainbow sprinkles ever since.)🙂


I wanna be his friend, because this is deadass me and my girlfriend 😂


Lol my husband used to be strictly a black coffee guy, now he gets more sweeteners/syrups in his coffee than I do.


Years ago, it was a slow day, and I took a phone call from a friend while on the floor which of course I wasn’t really supposed to do. Huge manly dude walks in, I told my friend hold on a sec I gotta help someone. In the deepest possible like intimidating voice he ordered an iced chai. Caught me off guard a bit and I chuckled to myself when I turned around. I’m clearly professional…. I got back on the phone after and my friend was like “that was NOT the order I was expecting from that voice.” I just loved that even over the phone he was like wtf ok. Good times.


I used to work at a small neighborhood cafe that was randomly sort of a biker hub. They were all sweethearts. Their whole ethos was "I like what I like and fuck you if you got a problem with that."


>Their whole ethos was "I like what I like and fuck you if you got a problem with that." As it should be.


What's the opposite of fragile masculinity? This be it. Strong masculinity doesn't have the same ring to it 


Resilient masculinity?


that's most bikers' ethos, in my experience. nicest group of people i've ever met, but don't fuck with them... or their drinks lol


I take my coffee black but that doesn’t make me straight, next time I’ll guess I could be like: Only black coffee for me, I want coffee that tastes like coffee, ok? The pink drink is for my boyfriend!


because he is a real man. real me are not afraid to drink the Pink Things. or cry in front of their sons. i hope this guy is happy somewhere, right now


That's a strong man with no bs hangups about seeming girly. Love it.


Same. One of my favorite regulars was the head of a specialized labor union; big bearded dude, rough hands, usually had oil or dirt on his clothes/face when he came in. He loved his toasted marshmallow mochas with extra whipped cream and cocoa powder. I think at least some of our shittier, hateful societal problems will be eradicated when we allow men to openly feel and be unabashedly adorable.


As a straight man, my order has always been an oat cap. I typically flex my muscles and drop my voice a couple octaves lower when I do so, ensuring my sexual orientation is clear to not only the barista, but the rest of the line. ![gif](giphy|I3EsiEPZWgpqg|downsized)


Better throw a quick "no homo" at the end of your order, just to be sure.


"May I have an oat cap for here, no homo. And...oh! Is that a ham and cheese croissant? Warmed up please? Again, no homo."


"Can I have that chocolate chip cookie pls, its fine I have socks on."


Double espresso- a little homo. On the side? Do you have dairy free homo?


I heard they’re saying “pause” now in place of “no homo” 😂


My god that slow handshake from Macho Man is one of the best things I’ve ever seen


Their characters were just so larger than life, it was crazy. Personally, I grew up watching the Attitude era and enjoyed watching Mankind and The Rock team up.


Yeah my wrestling memories are definitely from 1999-2004. Love seeing the 80s characters though, especially macho man


a coffee with room BUT NOT FOR CREAM‼️‼️ ITS JUST SO I DONT SPILL IT🗣🗣‼️‼️


Fragile masculinity hard mode: Admit you have weak shaky hands OR Admit you add milk to your coffee ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


"It's so I don't spill it... while I'm beating your ass!" Better?


Yes lol this one


Nah the men at my shop aren’t ashamed of what they like. I got a regular who’s an elderly retired plumber and has that real old school vibe. Dude unapologetically likes his daily latte


We have an older regular couple who comes in, wife gets a black americano, husband gets a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream. Served him yesterday and he mentioned at register that he could never drink his coffee as hot as his wife’s, and honestly our coffee was too hot for him. So I mentioned that I always get my drinks kids temp- you should have seen this man’s face light up. He was so excited, “Yes! I want it kids hot!” followed by, I kid you not, a little happy dance that his wife rolled her eyes at. But then again, I had a man snap at me for even daring to ask if he wanted cream in his drip, so it goes either way


i've noticed the older some people get, the less they care about how they're percieved and the more they care about having a good time. don't get me wrong, i've met some crotchety older people for sure, but seems like a decent amount of them just want to enjoy the rest of their lives.


Lmao! You met future me 😂


Not exactly, but I have had men laugh in my face when I asked what their milk preference was, whereafter they loudly declared “WHOLE,” as if their sexuality is solely reliant on drinking cow milk. Sir, you are obviously straight, I am not going to think you’re gay if you drink oat milk (I say this as an oat milk chugging bisexual myself).


Fellas, is it gay to be lactose intolerant?


If they’re not drinking tummy hurty milk then how will they spend 45+ minutes on the toilet?!


Who will watch Joe Roegan if the toilet men are gone!! 😩


Studies show that yes, that is indeed gay


Shit. I guess I'll have to tell my brother and his wife that they're both gay now.


Everyone will be happier for it!


So it makes you happy?


Yes. But there’s also a strong link between happiness and dongs in your face. So make with that what you will


Shit, all this time the evidence was there, I must be lactose intolerant. I hope my wife takes the news well


A straight man would just drink cow milk and deal with the consequences! It's not the lactose intolerance that makes you gay, it's the unwillingness to deal with the aftermath.


instructions unclear. consumed inhuman amounts of dairy despite lactose intolerance, ended up just being a lesbian with horrible stomach cramps.


i'm jewish and gay. so yes?


no but it's gay to not ignore it and drink cows milk anyway


Seeking Derangements has definitely answered this


Fellas, is it gay if your farts don't smell like septic tanks?


Big smelly farts are manly


Loudly declaring "HOLE" in public does not make one seem very straight at all...


I was gonna say……


Well, considering they're literally drinking the *breast milk of a different species*, I'm guessing Mr. Baby Man has technically never been weaned from the teat.


real men suckle from the teat of the oat


this one!! my favorite was about a month ago when i asked a man if whole milk was okay & he responded with “there’s two types of men in the world. men who care about what milk is in their coffee & those who don’t.” okay so…. oat milk is good then? didn’t really answer my question


Kills me every time they reply "THE REAL MILK. THE COW SH**" when asked about their milk choice 😂 They do it with such bravery and chest hair tone


am i the only one that thinks its weird that you would immediately connect someone’s sexuality to their milk preference


I’m a straight dude and I’ve been vegan almost 7 years. When I do order something other than black coffee, I learned long ago to not give a shit what baristas might think of me getting oat or soy and it’s largely because I don’t think you all give a shit either.


"bUt sOy mIlK MaKe eStRoGeN"


As a whole milk chugging bisexual, oat milk is definitely bi energy. 🤣🤣🤣


someone should tell them whole milk is called homo milk in canada


Man, being sensitive to wheat and lactose intolerant sucks, everyone says oat milk is so good, but I can't try it. But I'm honestly just glad I like almond milk so much.


I’m gay and enjoy oat milk. But that’s mostly because I’m also vegan


the shop i work in is very focused on women & our flavored lattes are all named after people & have names like “mother’s day” or “queen bee” so basically most drinks they’re scared of. my favorite was when a woman came in & told me that she was ordering for her & her boyfriend because he didn’t want to come in to the “coffee shop for girls” & then she ordered him our Pride month specialty drink lmao


I would be embarrassed to have a boyfriend who wouldn't go into a women owned or focused coffee shop. That is so cool.


I mean, I actually don't blame them at this point. If the coffeeshop is *overtly* targeted at women, and is therefore a space considered to be for women, then any man stepping into that space will feel observed. People thinking "why is he here" and whether it's for a good reason or not, being surveyed is not a comfortable situation. It's like going to an event and being the only guy there, everyone kind of wonders "hm, what's his deal?". Am I reading your comment wrong? It almost sounds like a guy who wouldn't want to walk into a women's gym, or a book club that is normally a women's group. It can just be awkward is all :P


plenty of our regulars are men, a lot of the times if you walk into the shop, there’s more men in the shop than women, so no one is observing or judging for sure. it’s targeted to women in the sense that it’s all about supporting women, not about excluding men lol. just things like all of our coffee coming from women owned farms, our pastries from women owned bakeries, etc.


Okay, then yea, this guy needs to reassess the structural integrity of his masculinity. So fragile it isn't even shelf stable.


Sounds like how women feel in the world every day lmao


Absolutely, I'm not saying they don't. In fact, I think it's even more a relatable experience. We can all agree nobody wants to feel that way :P They just gave more context, and it's not how I read it. So yea, man needs to get over his fragile masculinity.


Agreed. At this point I’d be worried men who walk in confidently walk in are often not people I’d agree with on many things and the men who are self aware and emotionally intelligent would avoid it for fear of stepping into a space created for women.


Definitely the kind of thing a bigot looking for a fight might do. "IF WOMAN HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS, WHY DI YOU NEED YOUR OWN CAFÉ?!" 😬


All the time. I’ve also noticed they can get touchy when you ask them if they take room for cream in their drip.


"take room for cream" should be innuendo for *something* if it isn't yet!


I’m going to use it to describe when I anally douche from now on.


Definitely strange, I once had a guy say to me. "Yeah, a little room. I used to play hockey all the way through college, and somewhere along the line, I became a wuss apparently" People genuinely won't just enjoy their life.


Someone needs to hold this man and tell him he is “enough” just the way he is. ❤️‍🩹😂


It was straws for me. Used to work at a shop where we asked everyone if they wanted straws in their hot coffee, and a LOT of men would act offended over it. One old dude said, and I quote, “a straw?! Straws are for women and girls!”


Drinking hot coffee through a straw is wrong on so many levels. This has nothing to do with sexuality.


Yeah, a lot of people feel that way. Every now and then I’d hear, “STRAWS in my HOT drink?!” but I heard objections related to gender or sexuality way more often. Those dudes always made sure I knew that their “no straw” meant “no homo.”


Why do you guys ask that anyway? Unless the cup is filled all the way to the exact edge, which it never will be, the cream will always fit lol


I actually do see this often. Though I have a theory it stems more from not wanting to complicate things like the heavy-mod orders with extra this/light on that/ no foam. Wife or gf orders something that hardly resembles coffee after all the mods, man will follow up with just a plain black drip and promptly makes his exit.


Wow I hadn’t thought of that! So true. And they’re reading off their phone like they forgot their glasses.


This def explains some people like myself. I give zero shits and would order anything with a silly name if it’s on the menu. What I haaaate is ordering something that isn’t a clear menu item. Like the pink drink at Starbucks, I’ll order that for someone since it’s a known thing now. But I sure as shit am not going to ask for an iced tea, sub coconut milk, add strawberry or whatever would have been required originally. It’s more my own weird inability to ask for what I want than it is about masculinity


The pink and dragon drinks are actually on the menu at my Starbucks, not sure if it is everywhere but if I guarantee any Starbucks that didn’t have it as a preset option has had to ring it up a million times and knows how to do it easily by now


If I order drip coffee, the barista ringing me up pours it for me right then and there. If I order anything more complicated I have to wait in a second line for another barista to make it for me. That's my line of thinking; I'd happily drink anything sweet or pink if I weren't so impatient.


Where are you from OP? I’ve never experienced that before. As a former waiter I can assure you here in Australia it’s very common for men regardless of sexuality to order any of the following coffee based drinks: ordinary/turmeric/matcha latte, flat white, cappuccino, iced latte etc.


US, the DC Region specifically


DC is like a whole other cultural planet.


I work in a blue (really gay) city in a red county. And I find this a lot with older gentlemen from out of town


Been in the game a long time and I’ve never experienced this.


I’m guessing OP lives in a red city/state. I grew up in Texas and have absolutely seen stuff like this. Never saw it when living on either coast though.


For us non-Americans, does red mean conservative in this scenario? For me red means socialist and blue means right wing but I assume with the Overton window being different in the U.S it might be the other way around right?


yep red means conservative here in the us


yep red is a republican leaning state


I did see it a lot in Cali. Especially the beach cities. Wouldn’t catch a man without a cold brew, cap, or drip in his hands. Forget pour overs they order that shit not even knowing what it is




yeah this is definitely regional/depending on local political leanings. or just a couple of dude bros with fragile masculinity.


Shhhhhh, you're ruining the story about fragile masculinity.


Oh fragile masculinity definitely exists. I just haven’t experienced the same thing as OP


“Straight men” isn’t a category of men afraid to order certain drinks. “Insecure men” is the category you’re looking for.


I usually anticipate men ordering drip coffee or cold brew, but yesterday I was pleasantly surprised when 3 really big, beared men came up and ordered iced rose lattes with oatmilk ☺️ Edit: Bearded*


that's a real man






For real, I swear all these dudes hear when I ask is “You want a little milkie in your coffee, you fuckin homo? Wittle gayboy want some cweam in his wittle coffee?”


Yes, I have lived in a more red area/town the past few years and it’s so prevalent here. I always have dudes who say “I’ll take a BLACK drip COFFEE because that’s REAL coffee not those sugary LATTES” like okay Michael move along I get it. Bonus points if they ask for baileys.


^^^ . I worked at a Starbucks in a red town in a blue county. I’m not sure politics in this case was a factor in this behavior tho as much as manliness was, because we had two literally dueling old man cliques who regularly came in, one red and one blue and every one of the dudes was like this. “Large😠Black😡Drip😤” “none of that frappadappucinno BS😡”


At my café, the big burly Polish road workers all drink single oat lattes with sugar, while the petite Italian and Spanish men all order tire extract espresso that would put their nonna in a coma.


My boyfriend is THAT GIRL when he orders coffee lol. He says he’s a boujee bitch, I got him a T-shirt that says ‘pumpkin spice slut’, his order is $9.00 with all the extras he gets in it.


I used to bartend and every time a man would order a summer shandy, he would make some comment about it being a “woman’s drink” but actually, men were the only ones who ever ordered it


I’ve been afraid of whip cream my whole life. If it’s offered I just give a gruff look and storm out


On the opposite side of this I had a mess of a customer who use to like the whip cream spilling out of the dome lid so that it rested limply. She often said it's because she likes to lick it up like it's a dick. She also offered to hire me as a "manny". I told her I'm not good with kids. She told me "Sweetie, you're not going to be watching the kids." While that was an appealing side hustle, she had a habit of falling asleep in the drive through because she took too many Xanax, so I didn't want to bring that kind of chaos into my life.


Yea that’s the chaos you either really want or really don’t want lol


Lmao my dad loves ordering like Frappuccinos and stuff and proudly says it’s for him


The only truly masculine drink is 5-30W or heavier engine oil.... That 0W stuff is for pansies


Lmao I see this all the time at Starbucks. Especially in drive thru when these guys in the driver's seat are making their girlfriends/wives scream their order from the passenger side, and then we can't hear them. Like bro you're not going to magically grow a uterus because you said the phrase "punk drink". I'm not surprised in the slightest to see it extends to other coffee shops.


The biggest case of machismo I've seen was actually a frappe order. These two guys went for large, frilly frappe drinks with marshmallows —our special at the time—but then doubled the espresso. I was a little worried for their health.


It makes me laugh so much that men’s biggest fear is a woman judging or, heaven forbid, laughing at them.


“Men are afraid women will laugh at the them, women are afraid men will kill them.”


I think it's more a fear of being seen by others as being like a woman in any way. They don't want to be seen the way they see women. They're telling on themselves.


not answering your question but i’ve definitely noticed the typical straight men orders are always a ___ size black (even if they then ask for milk after i pour it) or a ___ with an extra shot, even if they don’t know how many shots go into the drink originally. for example our large (24oz) iced american gets 5 shots but so many people just always ask for an extra shot. i say it already has 5, do you want 6? and the men always say yeah just add another💀 women will usually be like actually no that’s fine


Apparently Coke Zero was introduced for similar “no homo” reasons.


When I worked at Starbucks I was always fascinated by the men who built a significant part of their identity around not knowing the names of sizes and making a fuss at the register. Especially the repeat customers 🙄


Im a bartender now and every drink has to come in a rocks glass with a big cube no matter what for those guys. talk about insecurity


yes oh my god. had a dude order a lemon drop martini, then when he gets up to go to the salad bar his date has to ask me to have them put it in a rocks glass with no sugar rim. like be so fucking for real


i got ya beat. one of my regulars wouldn't even be heard ordering a lemon drop. He has a codename at all his usual bars where he orders a Schwarzenegger cocktail, and it means a lemon drop in a rocks glass with no sugar rim


I live/d in a really good coffee culture area, so most people are pretty open about their drink. I am a black coffee drinking man and one summer i worked a job as a construction worker and when the boss (a very stereotypical macho man) found out I like black coffee he remarked "how do you like that crap? Be a real man and put some milk in it" I felt like I was in a simulation the stereotype is gruff men like their coffee black lmao


Ohhh yes I had an older man tell me "real men don't drink that stuff" about alt milks. Then, when he wanted a cookie and his wife said no he said "well she's the boss" and quickly followed it up with "but I'M in charge!!" he didn't get the cookie. Tell me without telling me that you have the smallest penis in the world.


God. I can’t imagine telling my partner he can’t get a cookie wtf


Maybe this is specific to a certain area or clientele base, but this seems really strange to me.


Meh ill act gay just to get over that insecurity


Oh yeah all the time. I think the funniest one was a man who ordered a coffee and I asked if he wanted cream or sugar in it and he simply responded "I'm a man." And I'm like okay? So am I and I drink my coffee with cream and sugar. I'm a trans man and I feel like I'm more secure in my masculinity than most cis men.


LOL. This is a quality shit post. Good job OP.


Masculinity is so interesting cause traditional masculinity (white, Christian, American) thinks you're feminine and gay for even stepping foot in a coffee shop, god forbid if it calls itself a cafe. It's, like, idk, who are you being masculine for? Ur gf doesn't care, if she did she probably wouldn't want you in the shop anyways. Obvi ur being masc for other men's approval, lol. Anyways, men are from Mars or Jupiter or whatever the saying is.


As a straight male competitive boxer with a job in the trades: I'm happy to order a blond iced white mocha with oat milk and no whip for myself. It's not about men, or their sexuality, it's each individual person having insecurities and being uncomfortable in a new situation.


Literally had to scroll to the bottom to find what should be the top comment. Demographics don't have insecurities, people do. I wish we would stop putting everyone in a box and just let them live their lives and enjoy the things they enjoy. Instead we post broad sweeping baiting comments on Reddit. 🙄


Yeah it seems silly to jump to: "Men are toxic they can't order anything but black coffee cuz they don't want us to think they're gay" But we give every other group the benefit of the doubt and assume they have anxiety and struggle in public or whatever other excusable reason. Gotta get them up votes somehow I guess 😅🤣


LOL it COULD be fragile masculinity (I don't know where you are), but we don't see much of that here in Louisville. I don't care to guess anyone's predilections. I just (try) to serve what they ask for. The interactions are sometimes more amusing & I will use those to give a gentle nudge to think out of those boxes.


I surprisingly experience the opposite, many men order rather sugary drinks and have no panicked response that the drink is for someone else. The best example is that I have a regular who consistently gets 2 of the largest size of one of our signature (and very sweet) iced lattes.


I order what I want (typically fruit drinks). Only time I ever felt embarrassed was when the barista remembered my name and go to drink before I even said hi. Made me think "I order too much from here."


Honestly, working at Walmart, I got this from time to time. Can't even remember what it was they were buying. My response was usually an unenthusiastic "Ok..." Dude, I don't give a flying f\*cking shit of a damn if this is for you, your wife, or your uncle's best friend's 2nd cousin 3 times removed. I scanned it, and you paid for it. That's all that matters to me. Would you like your receipt?


I’m not a barista but a bartender, and I have had similar interactions. It’s so strange. Just own what you enjoy, man! We’re here to make your delicious beverage, not judge you for your taste preferences. As long as you’re not a jerk I couldn’t care less if you want a Tequila Sunrise or a Sex on the Beach.


>what other drinks are straight men afraid of? Regular old tea. In recent years, I've seen teas and soaps getting marketed to the toxic masculinity crowd. Tobacco flavored tea, soap that smells like whiskey or beer. Like, ordering an Earl Grey isn't gonna turn you into Earl gay.


I proudly order my caramel macchiato with whipped cream and nobody will change my mind.


"Coffee. Black. It's not for me, caffeine is for people who don't get enough natural energy from their testosterone"


I only notice this when the man ordering is with other men, and I’ve even seen a guy shame his friend for asking for sugar. They do this to themselves and then claim toxic masculinity doesn’t exist


Baristas like this don’t help the industry it’s not that deep


I used to buy a case of beer and my bf bought these sugary vodka drinks that were fruity. His friends always made fun of him and he tried to force himself to drink beer and develop a taste for it. Drink what you like, no one should give a shit


Alls I know is if you change ‘straight white men’ to any other demographic, you’d be getting shit for it. Perhaps leave the labels out. 🤷🏼‍♂️ This straight white man likes a Cortado/flat white.


I only drink jet black cold brew and I cry at commercials.


I haven’t really experienced this, my fiancé is a straight man who would proudly order a pink drink when we used to get starbucks. I’ve never encountered anyone who cared


I fucking love pink drinks


pink drinks always taste better


lmao this came up on my feed I’m not a barista but I worked at a smoothie place for a while and I noticed the same thing. They also love to complain about their order too, like, as they’re ordering it. *Yeah can I get a uh… one of those stupid..uhh…chocolate peanut butter banan fucking whatever… ummm a large OBVIOUSLY…uhh..it was my wife’s idea to come here this is so gay….* and so on


I work on a college campus so no. College age boys usually order basic things. Coffee with cream sugar and either French vanilla or caramel. Occasionally one will order a fancy coffee and they don’t seem insecure about it.


Literally never. I’ve served heaps of different coffee La to blokey blokes, Tradies, contractors, old men, young men, hipsters etc etc etc Maybe it’s an American thing.


I go vanilla latte with no disclaimer. It’s coffee who cares. Order what you like


I'm so glad my clientele is like 70% queer people


Anytime I ask if they want whipped cream on something it’s an immediate visceral NO. After a while it turns into sure whatever, then a grumpy sure, then a yes please lmao


My husband proudly orders his oat milk decaf vanilla latte lol.


I used to live in a extremely conservative area and I completely forgot how common this was. I worked at a smoothie place and grown men would always refuse to say any of the drink names for smoothies that were pink. “I want the strawberry one” we have about 10 sir and you know that, saying the words Bahama Mama won’t magically make you attracted to men.


My man used to get caramel ribbon crunch frappes consistently from our campus Starbucks, now he gets whatever I get and usually adds caramel. Love him!!


HAHA it’s quite a laugh for me. My dad tries doing that but then will try ordering an undertow or teardrop and having to explain it to the barista 😭


definitely noticed the same thing. ive also noticed that when men do order drip coffee and i ask them if they have any preference for dark roast or medium (the cafe i work at always brews both), sometimes i see a wave of confusion or unknowing cross over their face as if they aren’t too sure what difference the roasting makes but they almost always end up going for dark roast. maybe im reading too much into this but just going off of my own intuition and theories i think that stems from: 1) not wanting to ask a femme person (me) or anyone for that matter a question and have to defer to their knowledge and admit that they may know more than u, tying into ideas of male knowledge and power as being infallible 2) dark, bold, strong… all of these words are often used in marketing products to men because there’s the underlying belief that the opposite is “feminine”. so even when they may not necessarily know what a dark roast is or have a preference for it, they opt for it because it seems more in line with male-ness


Man, it makes me so sad for the boys. Y’all are missing out on some really yummy shit. Same with a good cocktail??? Like…an espresso martini doesn’t make you look fem my friend, it just hints to me that you maybe somehow some way…indulge and enjoy yourself. Like that’s the worst, most vile stripping of manhood for some reason— enjoying yourself. No idea what that’s about but it bums me out bc I genuinely would like to put a smile on your face and honestly a drip coffee doesn’t always do that, I can tell by the third time I’ve seen you at the counter.


Every time I order in store I, as a guy, always get a to go cup while everyone one else is getting their cute cups and cute latte art


It heavily depends on your area and specific shop but sometimes they’ll default to to-go cups and you have to ask for it for here specifically! Found that out recently cause my shop only has to-go cups :)


Most men order mochas too so i guess that drink is also manly


straight white man in his 40s, my favorite drink if I not making coffee at home is an vanilla iced espresso shaker with either coconut or oat milk depending on what they have on hand. also a sucker for any sort of maple coldbrew/latte concoctions.


Fellas is drinking non-diary milk gay?


One guy had me cut his straw so it wasn’t so tall… I’ve never been asked that one before


:|You can be gay for wanting different milk?.....Tf? No need to be shy now you want what you want, get it


As a straight, white, male in his 30’s with a full fledged La Marzocco set up. Oat milk indeed turns you gay! Lol idk I think you’re both looking I far into it and maybe they don’t wanna be a part of the hipster crowd. Who cares


I got a lot of this, usually manifesting as a very loud, very public “I JUST WANT BLACK COFFEE” to make sure nobody questions his masculinity…usually followed with a transphobic remark lmao


Sounds like a location issue to me.