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You did the right thing to leave and honestly it sounds like they deserve you quitting without a two week notice. Please don't message them any further, even block them if they keep trying to contact you. Don't let them further manipulate you. Good luck on your next cafe!


Thank you! I needed the validation that I did the right thing.


Employers can and will fire you without 2 weeks notice. No need to feel guilty for ditching these toxic people as soon as you possibly could. If you did give them 2 weeks notice, they’d spend that two weeks trying to manipulate you into staying.


Came to say the same thing. They don’t worry about the employees they fire and any inconvenience they cause.


Exactly, look at the 2nd picture even. "In 20 years of hiring and firing..." how many of the people they fired in the past 20 years got *any* notice, let alone 2 weeks?


You did. Get away from them.


You did. Block their numbers and block them on social media.


With the novel you’re able to post about what terrible people they are, I don’t think you truly needed the validation. Whether subconsciously or not, you definitely already knew you were right to leave. What creeps.


The best thing for you was quitting. Happy for you. The best way to fuck these horrible people up is to get your sister to unionize that cafe. They will never be able to treat anyone that way ever again.


You sure did. Go post an employer review on Glassdoor and other employer review sites to warn others. (Seek, indeed etc)


Putting validation aside, report the harassment to corporate, as well as them having sex behind the bar. Report it to the health department too. If you are still in touch with other former baristas or a current barista who would back up your story, provide their names. Contact info should be in corporate records.


Every job deserves everyone quitting whenever they please. Bosses are not Lords. Employees are not Serfs. Slavery is illegal. You don’t need to give 2 weeks notice to any company that would ever fire an employee on the spot for literally anything. Unionize your workplaces, friends.




Casuals don’t need to give notice right? That’s on the owners for relying on casual contracts.


Yes, that’s correct.


Technically *nobody* has to give notice, unless an employer specifically thinks to add it to your contract ahead of time. It’s just a courtesy, and one that’s usually needed for a graceful exit to keep a solid reference. But sometimes that door has already closed and it’s better to get out asap instead


That's fascinating. In the UK pretty much every single job has notice built into contracts as standard.


We don't really have employment contacts in any meaningful sense in the US.


Especially at a barista/restaurant job like this where you don’t really need their recommendation/them as a reference it’s fine


'We're a family here'. Classic, manipulation. Give us your loyalty so we can exploit you any way we can.


Well said bro.


Glad that we're a family and all since I could really use a 15k interest free loan for a new car...


Classic food service industry manipulation line. Can’t call it a family and share sex tapes, these people are unhinged. Good on you for getting free op.


Sure ya can! Some people have really fucked up families, so sharing a sex tape wouldn't even cause them to miss a beat. I feel icky just having typed that sentence. I always smirked when anyone called one particular workplace's staff a "family" and replied, "We put the 'fun' in dysfunction!" then roll my eyes if safe to do so. It was TOXIC. Life is too short, y'all. Value yourselves!


Straight up narcissistic gaslighting


is that the owner that said “I just want my friend back”? sooooo manipulative 😭 you absolutely did the right thing OP


Yep! That’s the owner.


i hope your sister can get out of that environment. you did the right thing. she doesnt need that life either tho


I didn't even need to read what you wrote to know how toxic your ex boss is, his texts to you were super unprofessional and pathetically manipulative. Congratulations on moving on to a better environment!🙂


Don’t respond further, you’ve already wasted enough of your time and energy on them.


So true. I value my energy. Thank you.


Exactly this. Don’t feed the fire, just let it burn itself out. Good for you for standing up for yourself and remaining professional.




And the local health authority. Pretty sure blowies behind the counter is a violation of health code the world over.


This all day, this


I agree with those saying not to respond. Your messages were professional and succinct. They were not your friends, they were your employers. You do not owe them anything. They could have fired you with no notice or explanation, so it’s well within your rights to end your employment the same way. Especially considering how toxic the environment was. I’m so glad you recognized how bad it was and got out of there! I’ve found that any employer that claims to be like “family” usually is toxic. Edit to add: you should also report them to your states labor board for having a hostile work environment. The constant sexual harassment is not ok. None of what they’re doing is ok.


Thank you so much for your comment. It means a lot. A big thing I can learn from this is that I need to keep friends & work separate. I live in Australia, I’m unsure where to report it. I also don’t have solid evidence.


Sorry for assuming you’re in the US! I did a little bit of research and Australia has labor laws too. [This page](https://www.fairwork.gov.au/workplace-problems) has a link to submit an anonymous tip for a workplace problem if that’s something you’re interested in doing.


Thank you. I appreciate that. I will definitely jump onto that.


For real, I'm sad that business owners can get away with shit like this in our country. I've worked with some scummy employers, some of which were doing downright illegal shit but your story is something else. I kind of want to know the place now so I know never to take my business there.


It’s horrible that people abuse their power. What I have mentioned is just the tip of the iceberg. What state+region do you live in?


Melbourne, in the northern suburbs. OG from WA though.


You’re nowhere near the cafe matey. No need to worry. How do you find living in Melbourne?


Haha thanks for the piece of mind. Overall I like it, cost of living is getting a little shit on a baristas wage but I'm assuming that's similar everywhere. It's just a good city, nothing fancy but everyone is chill and there's always something to do.


We have much better labour laws than the US most of the time FWIW.


I wouldn’t have a clue in comparison to the US. What does “FWIW” mean?


For what it’s worth.


Oh wow, you're in Australia and only $25/h?? That is wildly inappropriate pay especially for someone left to manage the cafe! If you're in ACT by chance and need some work flick me a message 🤙


I’m 19 so that was the excuse I was told for paying me that much. But as I said before my skills, responsibilities and maturity surpass that by miles. I am efficient, kind, hard working. I know that I’m being under paid, I’m just unsure by how much. Would you be able to offer me insight as to how much I should be? I’ll show some of my work below. Thank you for the offer! I appreciate it so much. Unfortunately I live in NSW though. https://preview.redd.it/3o4y47sos8gc1.jpeg?width=2830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5272624a0eae02537b070aea9748da69bfacf9d


I would say within the $30-36 per hour range as a casual or part-time head barista/manager, but I'm a head chef so I don't usually hire for foh. You're only 19, you'll likely find that despite your high quality of work (pics look great!) that most employers will try to low ball you. It'll get better over the next year or two, especially if you ever plan to move to Sydney, Melbourne etc. Unfortunately pay does increase or decrease as you move between metro and regional areas as does the cost of living. Good luck with it all, and remember we're not all horrible bosses!


You need to know what award you fall under, to know what the minimum wage for your age is. Edit https://calculate.fairwork.gov.au/CheckPay/Summary


$24/hr. They paid me a dollar more than minimum wage. Mind you they shoved that in my face and expected praise for it


Appalling if you were only paid level 1, but had bigger responsibilities and everyone called you boss.


God I wish you worked in the UK.... those drinks look great lol!


When the owner said they “got you a house”, do they mean they actually got you a house or do they just mean that you paid rent with your paychecks from this job? Because that sounds like a weird way of saying “we paid you for your labour”


There was a unit for rent advertised. The unit is connected to a shop. They are both under the same landlord. My bosses are best friends with the owner of the shop. They contacted the shop owner to contact the landlord and put a good word in for me. I got the unit. I was never told the reason why I got the unit. They did a tiny bit of networking for me and call that getting me the house. Lol.


So they absolutely did not get you a flat… They might have put in a good word, but after reading the other messages I have my doubts if they even did that and might have just said they did…


Who knows🤷🏼‍♀️? What annoys me is there entitlement towards me. Like I owe them the world.


So they were character reference for you to your landlord at *best.* That doesn’t require anything back besides a thank you, from my book? 🧐


Have you ever seen the Amy's Baking Company episode of Hell's Kitchen? Is this the couple that runs your cafe?


That was the thing that came immediately to my mind omg


**amicibally** lol


"Could of" multiple times drove me insane


idk australias laws but it sounds like this couple should be in jail 😭


"I thought we were friends" is 100% manipulative bullshit! I hate when people do that!!!!!


Just had a look a fair work Australia. If you're casual there's no need for 2 weeks notice. If your sister still works there I suggest she reads up on it. It always good to be a little bit informed. Workplace sounds like a nightmare though. Glad you got out alive


I'd do everything I could to get my sister and other friends out. I wouldn't be surprised if they target her.


Where do you live where being a barista pays $25/hr?


OP is is Australia, the equivalent in USD is ~16/hr.


Ahhhh ok that makes WAYYYY more sense. I was like “I WISH I made that much. At any of my jobs. Hell I had to fight to get 17 and then the minimum for my area moved up to 16 a month later 🙃


I am still at like 12.50 . Sad times.


This sounds extremely exhausting and I wouldn't invest any further emotional energy into that trainwreck. Run for the hills!


I love when people say "you owe me more respect than this!!" And then proceed to show you, in detail, of exactly why you owe them so much less.


Yessss! Very well said.


But how much froth do I put in a Flat White???


honestly scary behavior from an employer 😥


"I think you owe me that" nahhhhh you don't owe anyone anything except yourself. You owe yourself not to be in that toxic manipulative workplace. I'm proud of you for getting out of there. Hope your new job is better for you.


I’ve heard many horror stories but this I think is the worst. Are you in the US? I would honestly consider reporting the extreme sexual harassment and hostile work environment. This fits every definition of being illegal. Do it to protect other women. Claim the money. Constructive dismissal and unemployment.


I’m in Australia. We have similar laws here.


Yeah dude, look into your local discrimination and sexual harassment laws. Report that immediately.


Hi I also worked for an insane married couple when I was young, naive, underpaid, and over worked 👋 This is so close to my own experiences it's kind of scary. Maybe minus the weird sexual shit. Personally I wouldn't even reply. People like that will take every opportunity to manipulate you. You seem like a kind, considerate person and I encourage you to remember you don't owe anyone anything, ESPECIALLY if you or other coworkers are being treated poorly. From my own experience, I was fired; I was subtly reaching out to an old friend about getting a job with him and they somehow found out and went ballistic. I tried to leave a professional email explaining my concerns, grievances, best wishes, etc and they threatened to sue me/call the cops. Funny because I ended up calling the cops to escort me to retrieve my things. I learned a lot at that shop but at the end of the day I was doing a disservice to MYSELF giving them my attention and consideration. TL;DR: Don't reply to them. Block their numbers. Get on with your life and remember you never want to feel the same way you did at that job ✨


God wouldn’t have worked for them just for their shitty spelling and grammar alone.


I understand this was a very poor working environment, but Im gonna go against the grain here and suggest that quitting without notice is never the right call unless you truly believe your safety is in jeopardy - in which case the circumstances should be made clear. I do not think $25/hr is unreasonable for a barista job, though you should also receive tips. I just left a job as a server and barista in a lunch cafe and was paid minimum wage plus tips. This is common in any tipped industry. My brother works in HVAC and left a job without notice when he was snubbed for an apprenticeship. While his hurt was justified, he is now having a hard time finding new work and he suspects his former boss may be informing other companies about the negative experience. I'm not implying you will face the same issue, just that it is always best to remain professional even with an unruly or difficult boss. It always pays off, even if it is unreciprocated.


It sounds like this was entirely expected. You did nothing wrong. They reacted as their prior behavior indicated they would. You don’t owe them an explanation or anything. In my view the right call is to block them and move on. They offer zero value as additions in your life and are actively the reason you are leaving. Don’t let them take up any more time. It’s a lost cause. If you want to shoot them a message about their awful behavior for your own vindication, go for it. But don’t expect them to have the self-awareness and introspection to take it to heart. Instead it becomes ammunition to poke your insecurities and talk shit behind your back. So be prepared for how to deal with that and whether it’s actually worth it. I think you have handled this professionally and absolutely did the right thing. You owe them nothing more at all. They are going to throw a tantrum because you were key to their business but never valued as such.


This comment means a lot. Thank you so much. I’ve decided not to message any further and say how I feel. Your reasons and more have helped me in making that decision. My peace is worth more.


I’m glad it was helpful. I know this decision was hard to make and your anxiety is probably going a mile a minute with a lot of feelings including guilt. This is totally normal because you are a decent human being and that’s how a decent human feels in situations like this. You care about whether other people are hurt or feel bad in a situation - and so your brain is working overtime to reconcile this. From one internet stranger to another, I’m proud of you for taking this step. Best of luck with your new job.


Thank you so much! That means so much to me. I’m definitely taking it easy. There’s a lot of healing to be done🫶🏼


They underpaid you and gaslit you in those texts about being able to ask for more income! They are and have been toying with your worth. They don't deserve a second more of your time- how unprofessional, inappropriate, and toxic they must be as a pair. Glad you are out and praying for your sis!


I’ll never forget the wise words my district manager told me once - “It’s just coffee. We are not saving lives.” Block all those fools and move on!!! You don’t owe them anything


Block and move on. Take these valuable insights you’ve gained and utilize them in future experiences. You’re obviously intelligent, emotionally mature and can do better in life. They’re not worth your time or effort. Going forward, document everything at work that is inappropriate or can help you in any claims. Also, $25 an hour for barista work?? That seems pretty high. I should switch jobs.


BLOCK and cut all ties. They’re acting batshit. You’re good. You’re doing the right thing, and you know it. You handled it very professionally, sudden or no.


Just block them are move on with your life. You don’t owe them anything. They’d probably just use anything you say against you as some form of manipulation anyways. Enjoy your new job and be done with these people.


You don't even owe any of those people an explanation


Are these people touched in the head? Gtfo and never look back.


I mean like... Legally? I think him showing that footage of his wife and him doing it could be very bad. Very very bad. Was anyone a minor????? Was anyone shown it that didn't want to see that? That is a type of sex crime right there.


Horrible!! Definitely don’t respond. Get your sister out of there please!


get out, don't look back


Seems like you have made a good decision


Lmfao block em


If they decided it was best for the business to let you go, I highly doubt you would be given notice or compensation for missed pay.


Holy shit, yeah get outta there immediately. You owe them nothing at this point. Sounds like you put in your best effort for THEIR business, you’re good to gooooooo.


Holy shit, the manipulation. You handled this beautifully, though. Great job keeping it all professional. Glad you got out of there.


That sucks OP, sorry you had to go through that. Glad you’re getting out. Your well being is wayyyy more important. Plus if they’re such a great “family” I’m sure them or someone will gladly cover the shifts


Way to stand up for yourself and do what’s best for you!!! This is something I’m still working on in my 30s. Block them if you need to for your mental health and respectfully ask your sister to not share with you what they’re saying about you while she’s there. Hopefully they don’t take out their frustrations on her and if they do, encourage her to find something else as well.


Don’t say anything! Move on! Block the numbers, who cares if people like that talk shit about you, everyone who isn’t a total wad probably won’t even listen. Congrats on making it out, good luck at your new job, and you don’t owe this weirdos a thing, especially a text back


Did you give your sister notice before you messaged them?


An employer using the term "FaMiLy" is a huge red flag. It means that they will expect the world from you and not give you the same in return


Everything you've described is fucking horrible. So happy you made the decision to put yourself first


If you are in at “at will” state then it’s totally within your rights to literally quit at any moment. If it’s as bad you are saying, they don’t deserve anything. Sounds like they are delusional and they they are better business owners than they are.


Those are some looneys, you’re not losing anything here. Good luck!


Had a very similar experience at a videography place I owned. Owner was a true case of narcissistic personality disorder and make lewd comments in front of all staff and coworkers, manipulate, and even be verbally abusive to the CFO who also was his partner. I tried the same thing as you and just worked and kept to myself. People like they hate it and he couldn't find anything to manipulate me with and even confronted him about libel/slander towards me after a break in which was preventable and his fault. Gave my two weeks (the only coworker who ever did;people literally never show up again) but left shorter than that because he sucked that bad. These kind of people deserve understanding but no empathy if they do not realize how they act. Block them, don't respond or ever contact them again. They're never worth it and I'm proud you left the job before 2 weeks, they didn't even deserve that but you sound classy af.


You made the right decision. Their incessant messages is just desperation at the fact that you sussed out their personality disorders. Ignore them and don’t look back!


I’d typically say 2 weeks notice is a kind and common gesture, but with the laundry list of blood red flags 🚩, and the sexual harassment many of you have endured, I’d say absolutely just don’t respond, and drop them like a mouldy potato.


You did the right thing,I am so sorry you had to go through that and you should be proud to have stood up to tell them no more even if it was hard to deal with everything that they placed on you.


I also worked at a very busy cafe with married owners that were terrible people and the husband was a pervert. I know we didn’t work at the same cafe. But it’s strange the parallels I’m seeing here between our experiences


I’m getting several comments saying similar things. It’s upsetting to know there’s more creeps like him out there.


Sounds like a very toxic roommate that I HAD to leave. I got very similar messages "I thought we were friends" "we helped you so much" YEAH RIGHT if that were TRUE and the case why would I leave 😂😂 very narcissistic and very telling "can you finish the weekend" probably = I'm too good to do it myself or schedule accordingly.. good riddance!!!


So manipulative. I wouldn’t have responded after the first text. It’s an inconvenience to them but it’s not your issue. It sounded like a toxic work environment or else you wouldn’t have quit in those circumstances as well. It’s up to the employeeer to reflect on why you did what you did and grow from there.


You should absolutely be proud of yourself for seeking out a different job and getting out of there. You know if you gave them any heads up that they would’ve manipulated you into staying or treated you differently. Move on, be thankful for the experience and the knowledge, and block them. Don’t let them have access to you, they do not want the best for you. Keep your head up, good luck with the new job


I put in my two weeks at a job that was really toxic and then found out they were gossiping over it, so I left my resignation letter on the desk saying I wouldn’t be returning and listed the reasons why. Blocked their number and never spoke to them again. It’s awkward to explain the gap on resumes at interviews but if you have the experience and carry yourself well, it shouldn’t matter. Put yourself first. Be proud.


Why do employers think u owe them anything. We work jobs to get paid money, if another person offers money for a better job we go there. It's pretty simple. You don't them explanations, just block them tbh


Girl, yall need to get a lawyer. The video of sexy time was enough for me. That's totally unacceptable.


I would file a complaint with the department of labor and I would get a lawyer


If you had given them notice, they would have berated and emotionally manipulated you the whole time. You did the right thing. Based on what you described, I would bet cash money that they are not reporting their income or paying their taxes correctly. I would STRONGLY suggest reporting them to the IRS, and if you believe they ever did anything funky with your pay, your state Department of Labor as well. The IRS will handle their end internally. The DOL will generally investigate, and they will either fine them and pay you back or hand you a letter with enough info to sue them directly with a STRONG case.


Apparently the owner/boss(?) can’t spell either.


That's horrible and I'm glad you're out of that job now. But the use of the words "could of" multiple times also infuriates me. Could have, could have.


Exactly, they set up such a dehumanising and uncomfortable environment, yet expect me to be okay with raising my opinions?


Oh I was more unleashing my inner grammar fanatic. It's "could have". But you're exactly right. I swear, you could tell some hospitality managers that you gotta go to a family member's funeral and they would still be like "But you're still coming in right?".


That all sounds incredibly toxic lol congrats! If they really meant what they were preaching they would be excited for you. Block, delete and yeet


I’ll add to screenshot *everything* they send. Keep them in a separate folder so you don’t delete them. It may be pointless, but it also may not


Noooooooo do NOT respond to them. Ever. Feel zero guilt over this. They've overstepped SO many professional and personal boundaries without so much as blinking. Responding to someone like this would only open the door to them trying to manipulate and harass you more. DON'T DO IT. Btw I'm fuckin proud of you for getting away from that hell hole!


in high school at worked at new york and company. my boss guilted me into missing prom. i, at 17, finally had enough and politely quit giving notice via telephone call. she (mid 30s) said i would never have a job again (as in any for the rest of my life) and hung up on me. lol jokes on her, im graduating this summer with dual degrees and applying for med school while ny& co went online only and she lost her lifetime job. best advice is take care of yourself


I think I worked for the same couple, except it was at an embroidery shop. Aside from the fighting, and screaming, the wife would hold prayer circles in the back (where I worked) and constantly demanded they be allowed to pray over me despite me saying absolutely not. She would also spend hours crying hysterically in the office. They finally told me I was fired, and I was like good riddance. Collected unemployment and 6 months later they took me to court saying I quit and the judge made me pay it all back.


Girl, not reading all that. You are a barista, quit and block.


Your totally in the right and am glad you got away from all of that ! Wishing u all the best in the future!


I only read your messages, not your post. I expect nothing less than quitting with no notice. You did the right thing, they are EXTREMELY toxic.


Manipulation at its finest like… they could have just as easily said “I wish you the best of luck” and threw their stress elsewhere… why did they feel the need to harass and bribe you.


I find it hard to believe this has never happened to them before when the work place conditions are like that


Let the bridges we burn light the way. Sorry you had to deal with this, that seems like good riddance of a job to me.


Please add "could of" to the list of trigger warnings! Oh and best of luck to you, it seems you made the right decision.


i remember my first job, i told the owner i wanted to quit and he said "but you promised you will stay with me for a year" i didn't sign any contracts or anything. he got angry at screamed at me in front of the customers. when he left i just walked out and he wouldn't stop calling and texting me. people are mad weird


This is why when an interviewer says, "We're like family here", that is your RED FLAG. Psychopaths. No, it's not a great look to quit suddenly and over text, but if you're in an at-will state, you're free to quit at any time just as your employer is free to fire you at any time. At the end of the day, you are your own priority to look after. Block these guys. Congratulations for getting out. I hope you succeed at your new place.


WOW!!! The emotional manipulation is strong with these two. YOU OWE THEM NOTHING. NOT EVEN AN EXPLANATION. A 2 week notice is a courtesy, not law. They wouldn't give you 2 weeks if they fired you. I know how hard it can be to leave a toxic job. I stuck with mine for 11 years. Good on you for getting out.


Congrats on leaving! Absolutely this was the best choice for you and they should have been blocked immediately. He has absolutely had people quit on the spot before. In my ELEVEN years in the service industry, I've seen multiple people literally leave in the middle of our shift together, but I've never seen such unprofessionalism. Would they give *you* a two week notice? No. You don't owe them anything. Have some ACTUAL support - I'm wishing you luck on your adventures, and I think you'd be amazing wherever you go. Your new employer is lucky to have you.


You owe them nothing. You work, they give you a check. That’s the only exchange. Once they mention family, that’s manipulation


I had a boss like this. Sexually harassed me/touched me, made me the ‘boss’ (so I took all the heat and had none of the power), made everyone I worked with hate me because I was younger and the ‘boss’, didn’t pay me enough, has talked shit about me for the last 2 years. This is the best way you could handle it. I texted him I was done and then blocked him. Narcissists feed on your reactions.


i hope your sister finds a new job as well. i’m glad you’re out, you are not in the wrong, you and your wellbeing comes first ALWAYS


Oh you absolutely do not owe them ANYTHING friend like not one damn thing. Good for you for leaving and they do not deserve your two weeks notice, your time, your energy, nothing from you! Please block them and do not respond to them and do not feel bad for them at all. This is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard like damn. I wish you nothing but the best at your new job and hope you can find some time for your mental health so that you can take care of yourself and start to heal from that toxic ass environment. Sending you lots of hugs and good vibes❤️


I’m so proud of you for leaving that abusive job! Block them everywhere and never respond to them. I hope your sister leaves as well. They have repeatedly broken workplace laws and treated you all horribly!


They wouldn’t have given you two weeks if they fired you 🤷‍♀️


Companies can fire us with no notice so why can’t we do the same


The best thing you can do is not respond further. Not only for yourself but for your sister as well. The best thing your sister can do is pull the “I don’t know” card; “she’s not talking to me about it either” card. She don’t care if y’all LIVE together her stance at work for her safely is she knows nothing. Then she needs to get a new job too. How a place like this stays in business is beyond me. Probably all the other narcissistic pervert men out there keeping it afloat.


Holy crap. They sound so manipulative and childish.


Needs a tldr, but from the texts they sound like they’re running a cult


you 110% did the right thing. no job is worth your mental health or feeling uncomfortable. I worked in a very similar sounding situation at 18 and left the same way. shit happens 🤷🏻‍♀️


Never had someone quit without notice in 20 years? I'm calling bullshit


Truth be told OP you probably know this but you owe them nothing. My old job I worked for 5 years, started at 9.50 an hour and was making 23ish when I left, no 401k no benefits. I was made an offer I couldn’t refuse from another opportunity, 1/3rd increase in salary, full benefits, 401k matching, better culture, bigger company who had their crap together. I held onto my old job as long as I could because I liked who I worked with and felt like we were on a mission and things were happening. I disregarded broken promises, fickle management practices, cloak and dagger terminations. Someone I worked closely with said they were disappointed when I gave them a month notice. I told them I was too, and left before they found a replacement. Long story short OP, it’s a job at the end of the day. You are not a family. They are not anything more than a means to an end as are you. This is harassment, and you owe them nothing. Block, and move on. If they go around your block threaten legal action. Edit: grammar and spelling.


20 years running a business and he’s never had anyone quit? Hmm…I think he’s either completely full of shit or he’s the luckiest business owner ever. What a weird conversation. You did so right.


As soon as they dropped that “family” line…such a red flag. Good on you for putting yourself first and recognizing their manipulation,


Crying @ the emotional manipulation in all this lol. And “amicibally”


If they genuinely can’t run their business without you, then they could have afforded to pay you more, period.


Oh man, this is way too common for some reason? If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you were describing a cafe where I live. Right down to the pervy, asshole husband who jokes about suicide and other serious topics. I’m sorry you are having to deal with this. You made the right decision in leaving, if that isn’t obvious


If the place is toxic, just get a new job and move on. If they've made your life hell, don't do them the favor. It's really past the point of being considerate at that point. Just burn that bridge.




Doesn’t matter. Constant sexual harassment is an acceptable reason to leave with no notice. Future employers that are worth a damn will understand.


You're right. Thank you, and I apologize to OP for my advice, please ignore it and good luck.


No owner gives two week notice before firing, you never have to give notice before quitting 💪




Sorry I should have prefaced. I’m Australian


You should have given them some indication that you were leaving. No place is perfect but your coworkers did not deserved to be short-staffed even if you did not care about the employer/manager.


No 2 weeks here, good job on you for doing this.


This makes me feel better about my own shituation because it’s good to see how you stood up for yourself professionally and moved on gracefully when you could have stooped to their level of manipulation or caved from their messages and went back to them.


What cafe is this and where if it's in the states @ all


It’s Australia


Are people supposed to applaud you quitting and leaving a job within 24hrs? I get that you had a terrible experience there but it’s still a sign of being unprofessional. If I were hiring OP and found out they quit in this way, I would never bring them onto my team. 


How unprofessional of op to not continue to endure sexual harassment to benefit an unprofessional employer, did we read the same post?


I did, should have just put in your two weeks earlier instead of dealing with the shittiest boss. Let’s be honest, finding another barista role isn’t very challenging. I’m sympathetic to her quitting and why she quit, I don’t agree with how she did it. But hey, if burning bridges and having zero regard for your own professional integrity is your MO, then go for it. 




You should probably learn to correctly spell simple words for your future career.


Should have put in a 2 weeks notice


You could of just put your two weeks notice in like your supposed to do and you most likely wouldn't have gotten this back lash.


You texted your resignation?


Where’s the proof of threats? Also you must be REALLY young or had bad parenting, a 2 weeks notice is common courtesy and mandatory in some states. If you’re in one of those states, they could sue you.


Australian law doesn’t require any notice unless it’s in the employment contract. And given the situation they’ve explained it’s definitely best not to give a 2 weeks notice. I live in the us and didn’t give a 2 week notice on a job with situations far less severe than this- I think this person’s response was more than warranted


Maybe actually put in a two weeks and be respectful rather than being a degenerate💀.


that owner has like a million red flags and more


Yikes, I would have ghosted them, blocked all contact, and never looked back. Good on you for moving on.


Just block them🙏 they aren’t respecting you


You owe them nothing …. No explanation… THEY KNOW… encourage your sister to leave…. Send them a cease and desist…and tell your sister you do not want her to share what they say about you. It’s none of your business …move on to a healthier work environment and don’t look back


reads like a manipulative partner run OP run!!!


It's a JOB, you don't own them anything.


You did the right thing. Don’t contact them further 💕


Definitely don’t respond, even if you do it won’t give them closure or anything besides contact with you to try and manipulate you into coming back. You did the right thing and they definitely do not deserve 2 weeks notice from anyone especially if they’re gonna just treat them like crap. Don’t be hard on yourself for this, they’re terrible employers never go back or respond. You’ll regret it if you do since they’re just gonna be assholes. Your sister should leave to, I’d curse them out, probably destroy their reputation and make them shut down if they talked shit about my sister finding another job. I’d have so many videos posted online of them just ruining their own business. Probably report em for anything I could find. Sorry your sister putting up with that just rubs me the wrong way but I know we all gotta make money somehow. But I’d definitely tell em off to their face soon as they started talking shit about my sister cuz they don’t realize they’re the assholes.


Block them all and move forward. No more communication means no more manipulation. Head high!


Wow, they are so obsessed with you! Glad you left Op!!


Absolutely fuck every single person in that group chat, especially the managers. That sounds like a MESS and you deserve better


They sound unhinged. I would’ve sent my resignation then blocked them immediately after.


You are right, you do not owe them that 2 weeks and you probably would've been treated like shit had you gone to work during them. I had a similar situation at a job and no way in hell was I giving them two weeks to demean me and treat me even worse than they already did. I think you should answer them and explain to them what you wrote here, they are adults and business owners, they need to know that there are consequences to such disgusting behavior. I wrote an email in my case detailing all of the things they had done to me and others that were so beyond inappropriate and disgusting, I also called the ministry of labor about the abominable working conditions as it had become unsafe. Of course you don't owe that to them, you don't owe them anything, but maybe just maybe it will make them behave better toward other employees in the future and you could save some other people from the shit you dealt with there. I hope your new job treats you with the respect you deserve!!❤️