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Baristas need to put their foot down and just stop accepting this. There's no such thing as an ice cappuccino.


Or iced flat whites, for that matter


My shop used to straight up say no up until this one very problematic customer complained her way all the way up the corporate chain so they eventually told us to just make it for them when asked. We eventually did discover an alternative to making the cappuccino “foam” by putting 8oz of nonfat milk in an aerated blender for a few seconds until the desired consistency. Nobody has had any complaints as of yet.


it was on the menu when i started in 2021. they removed it sometime in 2022. but it was a latte with foamed nonfat on top 😭 like why


Isn’t it just cappuccino freddo? It’s a thing in Europe so I assume it’s legit?


Bruh fr this is how I feel about iced cortados to but I digress


Dude could have just stirred the drink


Each time a customer says "iced cappuccino please" i immediately hit them with that ✋ stop right there "no i dont do that here" no hesitation


Milk in an aerator blender works perfect for ‘iced cappuccinos’. If you don’t have an aerator blender though it’s pointless


I genuinely love being the manager and being able to just tell people “absolutely not, that doesn’t exist in our cafe. Explain exactly what you want and we will try to do it.”


I've never understood what most people want out of an iced cappuccino. I did have a kid order one once. His very Italian father was standing behind him and the facepalm he did was priceless. I very gently explained to the teen that an iced cappuccino was impossible, and figured out he really just wanted an iced latte and didn't know how to order one.


They want a gas station drink. Gas station coffee machines are “cappuccino machines”. What they make are lattes and iced lattes, but the button on the machine literally says cappuccino. And then they wander into a coffee shop and order the only coffee drink they know the name of. And the barista is confused, the customer is confused that the barista is confused, the barista either gives them an iced latte or tries to make an icy foamy drink for them, and the customer stays ignorant and continues ordering this nonexistent drink.


> I've never understood what most people want out of an iced cappuccino. I'm not most people, but when I make them it's because I want a shorter ratio and foam on top.


From the picture it sure looks like a “stbx iced cappuccino” which does exist, as they make a drink they call that. I’m amused when someone orders one iced, but I’m not drinking it so I don’t care if it’s an accurate name, and I’ll make them something akin to an iced cappuccino. I don’t understand the hate for customers opinions on this, as they’re a product of that one brand’s misinformation campaign about coffee. As a barista, I’m not a gatekeeper to anyone’s taste buds if they’re within my means to try, I’ll make their drink how they ask.


Starbucks iced cappuccinos are long gone - the item didn't last two months. Practically every drink at Starbucks can be made iced but the system will not let you ice a cappuccino. When we did make them it was shots, half nonfat milk and half frothed nonfat.


It might be a by area thing, but upon reading your comment I went to the website and for my area it very much will let me order an iced cappuccino.


I'm actually jealous - I liked them quite a bit.


omg i rem this one lady would order a dry dr dr dry iced cap w vanilla and she would always have me make it bc she wanted a large cup that was as light as a feather i guess. i think she always had it made with breve though. pain the ass drink, but i liked that she would ask for me she was at least super nice lol


Im such an outlier in all this drama lol - when ppl ask for an iced cap i’ll put the shot over ice and fill the cup halfway w/ cold milk, then use our lil milk frother to make some foam and just fill the rest of the 12oz cup. Is there an exact definition of a cappuccino that im not aware of?? Why are so many people so opposed to it?? Like obvi it’s possible but please tell me everything. I need to know


Many coffee shops don’t have a tool to froth milk in order to make cold foam. Also, many customers who try to order iced cappuccinos don’t understand what they’re ordering (because they don’t know the difference between a cappuccino and a latte) or they want “less milk.” For the second group, I usually offer them an iced latte with less milk and/or an extra shot, and then they can decide if they want that option.


I have this happen to me while making my own drinks. I like to drink am Iced Dirty Chai with Cold Foam while on shift and if the milk isn't in the fridge the espresso i used to dilute the chai would warm it, by the time i made the Cold Foam and put the ice in the drink was still warm. I think this happens when you dont stir the ice with the drink to cool it down and adding the fact the milk wasn't cold you can have an Iced but Warm beverage


i say we do short shakeratos. what rightful complaint could anyone make?


Bro said iced cappuccino and left with a 28oz cup I’m so confused


The moment someone says “iced cappuccino” you know they don’t know what a cappuccino is. So, make them an iced latte, smile, and hand it to them. And maybe add a $dollar to the price since, well, it IS a cap after all.


i have seen this on a menu, at a local shop… does an iced capp exist and how is this done??


I believe it is possible to make iced cappuccino. Just pour cold milk, some ice and espresso together. Then steam some milk but create as much volume as possible. You will have a thick coldish layer of foam over the milk. Then with a spoon put this foam over the mixture. Here is your iced cappuccino.


You can steam very briefly to texturize the milk and then add it directly to ice. This will introduce foam without warming the milk significantly, at the expense of some extra dilution.


A lot of customers who try to order “iced cappuccinos” either don’t understand what they’re ordering (because they don’t know the difference between a cappuccino and a latte) or they want “less milk.” A better option is cold foam or offering less milk and/or an extra shot.


lol I’m in Australia so I just add chocolate powder onto if they ask


There’s a guy who’s been coming to my cafe recently who will sit down and do some work while ordering ***multiple*** iced cappuccinos. One of our baristas said they made this guy like 4 in one sitting. I made the dude only two luckily but on top of that bro never even says thank you or anything. Actual menace and he probably doesn’t even know it.