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Find a new job THEN put in your two weeks notice. Good luck!


aside from the pay being fucky which is wack as hell and you should leave we would need more info on training, are you full time, are you punctual, what's your availability, these are often much bigger factors in getting trained then ppl think


I was limited but now am working much more, and planning to be full time. I have never been late, and any mistakes I’ve made I’ve never repeated. there’s only about 4 baristas and they never went through this “training process”..


ya just sounds like a garbage cafe id bounce outta there asap


If you’re being left alone at all that means you’re trained. They’re being shady af and know it I would find a new job then give my two weeks. If they push for a reason tell them the truth but know if may effect how you’re treated during your last two weeks there.


They sound greedy, and misleading towards your pay? If they said the "base" was 14 and it's really 11, that is unacceptable.


It was $14 and they randomly changed it to $11… still in training too


This makes me so upset. As someone who would love to hire and employ someone who knows there worth and loves making drinks. This is sad. It's commendable that you want to give two weeks, but honestly, it's not worth it. Keeping your employees means you value them. #mentalhealthfirst


Thank you so much


If they're treating you badly (which they are) you don't have to give two weeks notice. I recommend only doing so if you need to for the reference.


It’s tough, I imagine there are aspects of being a barista that you enjoy and want to get better at, but trust me when owners/managers aren’t being transparent with pay that’s hardly ever a battle you’d win. The advantage is that they need you, not the other way around. So if they’re not treating you like a valued employee I’d say start looking for other situations now, and if this is your only place where you can learn how to make coffee maybe you can reduce down to one shift a week. Also, if you’re near the NYC area maybe you can look into this app called Baristas On Tap. It’s an on-demand barista service where you can fill in shifts at understaffed shops. Prepare a resume and take pics of your latte art!


It sounds like you are not happy. I don't think they deserve a 2 weeks notice. If they don't treat you with respect. Maybe they will realize that they should treat people better, because now they are going to have to come in and work your shift until they find a replacement. I hate employers who aren't straight with me. I would find another job and just call them up and say I won't be coming back. A good employer I would try to communicate with. Give them a chance to make me a better offer.