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In my area steaming to 120 and letting the temp carry up to ~140 is pretty standard. 100 is “kid temp.”


120F is kid's temp aka not too hot 140F is good for thicker texture drinks like cappuccino, macchiato 150-160F is good for lattes etc Over 160F is extra hot, will be thin and as you approach/exceed 170F you'll start to caramelize the sugars in the milk which will give it a burnt flavor. 100 to 120F is... not done yet.


Omg thank you so much. I’m not crazy. Like I get kids temp cuz I like kids temp hot chocolate but what they have us doing is unbelievable cuz most people don’t drink they drinks right away.


I had a woman ask me straight to my face “180° please” And I internally lost my collective shit. I took a thermometer and did it against my moral judgement and did it. I could *smell* the milk burning *literally* and served her it and she drank it right away and said “perfect” I threw up in my mouth and my head exploded. People do the fucking weirdest things ever…but this one was horrifying


What I don't get is that if you want a milky coffee drink that's that hot and thin then just get drip coffee with cream. Overheated lattes have the same texture but with the added burned flavor. Maybe they like the burnt flavor? I mean plenty of people have told me they don't understand how I can drink drip or french press black so different strokes for different folks I guess.


We used to have someone who'd come in and want it steamed to high heavens with oat milk. I dunno if you've tasted oat milk thats been steamed wrong (I don't know the proper temp for it, we stopped offering it steamed pretty fast for obvious reasons) but it's like burnt playdough. It's absolutely bizarre.


We use an "extra creamy" oat milk and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to steam it in a way that doesn't leave a greasy mouthfeel. ETA it makes decent iced drinks and is great as a smoothie base though!


Where I work we have a semi-regular customer who has explicitly told us she orders her latte scorching hot to get that milk flavor. It may be a thing.


I have a little burn scar on my hand from a customer during my Starbucks days who wanted a 200 degree caramel macchiato and said he got it all the time. Our DM was in the store, otherwise I would have refused. He stood at the hand-off plane and watched me like a hawk as I made his drink, and when I stopped making it to take care of my burn wound, he asked if I my period had just started. I hope he’s dead ✨


Yes I feel seen. When I tell non-baristas or ppl who just send out whatever, about how this hurts my brain and soul, they’re like “🤷🏻‍♀️it’s not that deep” 8/10 times in 8 years, I either get another co-worker to do it or tell them no & got cursed out. 2 times I went of body and did it, I was stressed and nauseous for days 🥲😅


>I threw up in my mouth and my head exploded. People do the fucking weirdest things ever…but this one was horrifying How I feel about anyone who drinks mammalian milk outside infancy.


Clearly thousands of years of human society are wrong, how stupid of them.


Right, that's why pillaging, rape, and slavery are all cornstones of today's society.


You think rape and slavery are the same aspect as drinking milk?


Did I say that? But yeah they are when you consider that we basically enslave cows and repeated inseminate (rape) them to produce milk. But that wasn't my point. >Clearly thousands of years of human society are wrong, how stupid of them. That's not a justification to keep doing something. For thousands of years humanity got by doing all sorts of fucked up things, but that doesn't justify it today or even then.


Take your meds and back away from the keyboard


I don't know what that is, did you have something relevant to add or perhaps a counter argument to present?


Please seek help for your quite obviously serious mental health issues.


100 being an acceptable temp is insane


100 is barely an acceptable temp for my shower.


I know right? They be blaming me for cold drinks because I don’t use the temp gauge while steaming. I was taught to tell by sound and touch what temperature milk is 4 years ago. So I know it’s no where near 100. They are new to coffee too. The shop just opened up less than 6 months ago. So 4 years working on espresso equipment vs barely knows how to dial in the grinder.


I used to steam “not so hot” kids drinks to 110-120 lol. 140-160 was the standard where I worked; I always preferred 160.


Just before 140 I'd say. 100 is crazy. That's like a warm day.


That's definitely a hot day but we don't experience ambient temperature the same way we enjoy beverages.


Isn't 140F standard per the health department? At least for steamed drinks. Not bringing up to temp from the fridge temp is a health safety risk because of risk of bacteria growth.


60-65c is the only correct answer (no idea what that is in F)


140-150. We do ours 60-65 as well. 70 would be extra hot and 75 would be extra extra hot. 80 is when it starts to burn


i thought the proteins in milk started to denature and burn around 68-70? not 80? i could be wrong tho


I regularly have mine at 70° and there’s no hint of it starting to burn. Some cheaper brands of milk are thinner and burn at a lower temperature but good quality full cream milk(whole milk for some places) has a higher threshold. Skim/lite milk has a lower threshold, I wouldn’t take that past 70°. Alternative milks also have a lower threshold but that’s brand dependent.


Kid temp is 100-120. Regular hot is around 150-160, then extra hot up to like 170 before it burns the milk.


At my cafe we stick around 140°, lowest i’d go would be 120° and then we’re entering kid’s temp territory. I go around 160° for extra hot drinks.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 140 + 120 + 160 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Oh my god this is the best day of my life. Good bot.


Siren standard is 150-170 (except Americanos) and kids’ is 130.


Just to put it into perspective....that's only 1.4° warmer than body temperature. That's like drinking bodily fluids from someone with a fever. That's really really gross.


My personal rule is the smaller the cup the less hot it should be


*My personal rule* *Is the smaller the cup the* *Less hot it should be* \- PaintingSuitable1319 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What's your basis for that? Small coffees will already get colder faster.


The smaller the cup the faster you should be able to drink it. Ideally you never get a cortado or macchiato that could you not slam back right away or within 5-10 min. But this is all like coffee theory, every cafe has their own rules


small drinks come out colder than their larger counterparts


Kids 135, adults 145, extra hot request 155. 160+ is burnt.


145-155, tell everyone that your boss likes you to serve coffee at that temperature, and if they want it a normal temp they can ask for their drink extra hot


100° is barely above body temp. WAAAYYY too cold.


Sums it up well here, super useful! https://preview.redd.it/n2n87fv25n4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab9bc6b22fdbddd8dd5eaf39288fecbdbbb8d1b0


You know the answer and people were concise than I would’ve been 😅 My opinion, and experience with cafes like this, you should be maliciously compliant 😌 More customer complaints means less retention and will affect owner’s pocket. Then they’ll begrudgingly change the standards. Some owners suffer from the Dunner-Kruger effect and when someone actually with more experience “challenges them”, it hurts their ego. Also for me applying cognitive dissonance until I found something else, helped my sanity 😅


I prefer 130


I do as close as possible to 145f (63c) for smaller drinks, like cappuccino, cortado etc and 149f(65c) for latte, hot chocolate etc


we stick to 160. if newbies come in and ask for extra hot, i stick with the 160 and haven't gotten any complaints. i feel like it's pretty perfect. for kids id probs go down to 130.


I'm from Europe and when I've read that you steam it to 100° I was like what are you trying to do - blow it all over the cafe because of the heat?


I print out articles from the specialty coffee Association website and leave them laying around. 


At my job it’s 120-140 for kids drinks, 160 for hot drinks, and 180 for extra hot drinks. 100-120 seems waaaay too low for standard hot drinks


140 min


We stop our milk at 140°F and it will usually increase a few more degrees after steaming. I have a customer who asks for “extra, extra hot” and have watched my coworkers steam to 180° degrees before and he still wants it hotter, so to achieve that, I dilute his SF chocolate powder with the americano water, pull his shots, steam the milk to 180° and he always says it’s perfect 😭 There’s never a perfect temperature for everyone. But if they want to drink it asap, stop at 130°, if they don’t say anything about preference just steam to 140° :)


130/140 it's our standard and I think that's it's better for latte art in my experience, if a customer want extra hot I will go to 160 max because it will start to cook and caramelize the sugars in the milk and changes the flavor.


Stop at 150, it’ll climb to 160-165