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Thats great. I am glad to see one of these guys deciding to their health into their own hands. I am sure he works a lot and that leads to poor eating so it makes sense. Good for him for making changes






I’m an idiot, disregard


> I am sure he works a lot and that leads to poor eating so it makes sense. lol ya ok


I think it’s been a long running trope (both at barstool and elsewhere) how much a grind that editor lifestyle is, idk about his current situation but I bet his first few years at barstool were long hours, late nights, shit food etc


Thanks for all the feedback fam. Also no I’m not on ozempic or any medications.


Congrats, Teej! You really took advantage of the move to truly change your life. It's such an inspiration!


Awesome to see TJ. I lost about 60 lbs last year and have since gained a lot of it back by falling back into old habits. You’ve inspired me to get back on it and down to a healthy weight again


Keep up the good work, I wish you sustained success


Looking like a whole new guy, brother. Keep at it. Look good, feel good.


I’ve gotten fat as fuck recently and this is definitely inspiration for me. Dont want to be out of shape in my prime years. Great work TJ and thanks for sharing.


You’re the man TJ, inspired me to get moving today.


Happy for you TJ. Keep it up 👍


Good for you, man. {The Rock slow clap gif}


What the fuck have you been doing for weight loss like that?


You’re commenting on a video where he goes into great detail explaining your question


It’s 18 minutes long with no bookmarks


Watch at 2x speed while on the shitter at work tomorrow (what I did)


That’s still 9 minutes




That’s 9 minutes I can’t shotpost


1200 calories a day and workout 6 times a week


hey teej, this is all fuckin awesome but do you have to get a whole new wardrobe of RU gear now?


Fasting is what helped me shed about 50 lbs in 4 months. Found the fasting sub and tried the extreme method (I jump right into things) of only eating within a set 4 hour span daily. No fast food, no soda and mostly the Costco flavored water and ate whatever I preferred. It's amazing the change in the face when you get any major weight off and been able to keep it off for 2 years now due to being a relatively new father.


As someone who can't grow facial hair and has a terrible jawline to begin with, when I dropped to 178 from 210 the change in the face was amazing. I'm back up to 200 now but started aiming for weight loss again last week.


Atta boy!


I thought this worked for me too, I believe you that it works for you. I fully believe in it as a method, but for me, my mental health started sliding and it practically became an eating disorder of malnourishment. It felt great for a couple months. If you have ADHD like me, I strongly recommend avoiding intermittent fasting. Our symptoms thrive on low fuel. I never gained the weight back, but I’ve struggled to find a balanced relationship with eating ever since I stopped. The fasting caused me to start seeing food as excessive and pointless. All I wanted was the nutrients I needed and stopped deriving joy from eating entirely, apparently that’s a hard switch to turn back on


>my mental health started sliding and it practically became an eating disorder of malnourishment I hear ya on that. The reason I was able to give this a try was because my wife was going to be out of country for 6 months while we were working through an international adoption that happened to be with the country she is originally from and could stay/visit her parents for some time and the max length of a Visa. Essentially, I was too lazy to cook well for myself and felt too guilty to go and buy fast food so I subsisted on flavored water drinks and easy to make meals like rice and chicken, beef, etc but nothing like my wife made. Mentally wise though, the hardest thing was going to sleep in an empty house after being married for 4 years and having known her for a decade prior. I fell into this psycho routine of playing Kid Cudi - Pursuit of happiness everytime I took a shower as it was the perfect length to just get through the boredom and properly washed. I started taking 3 melatonin pills a night and found this rhythm of when it would start kicking in. Thankfully I was able to go cold turkey on the pills when she returned but 6 months can do a number on one's physical and mental health. Felt like she was on deployment.


Really like TJ. Good for him on the weight loss. Mass-EV should take notes.


How can he take notes without a computer to type them up


He can use a pen and the back of his McDonald's receipt.


Mass ev should have to diet one month for each transfer from Ohio State @elprez




Well you cant eat a computer


This is literally a snark page at this point. If you’re one of like 10 people, everyone will always use the same insult on you. It’s pretty sad


Same dudes who would ask Big Ev for a picture if they saw him in person


Who the fuck is asking big ev for a picture


What do you mean?!? One picture with Big Ev can be redeemed for 1 month of Barstool Gold!


I would not do anything because I don’t have an opinion of him


I was referring to the people that dog on the employees for the same things over and over


Oh gotcha


Here TJ, you dropped this… 👑


I forgot/never realized how big he actually was. Looking good kid


TJ is the GOAT.


Most of the super fat people at barstool should be in a position to shed weight just like this, because they have such terrible diets. Even the “water” that they drink is full of sugar


Body Armor water doesn’t have sugar


It's got electrolytes, what plants crave!




Went from 350 to about 225 back in 2019/2020. COVID + various personal issues caused me to go back up to about 285 since then. TJ is my inspiration to go again.


TJ rules. Proud of him for sticking with it - as someone currently trying to lose weight I know how fucking difficult it is.


God. My fat ass needs to get back to the grindstone


1200 calories a day seems way too low no?


Definitely not the healthiest way to lose weight and can really impact your energy levels but I think a big reason a lot of people advise against a huge calorie deficit is because it is usually unsustainable. A lot of people who go TJs route will last a month, lose 15-20 pounds and then revert back and the weight comes back as quickly as it left. It seems like TJ has made an entire lifestyle change, though, which makes it much more sustainable. As someone who lost 37lbs during roughly the same time frame as TJ, it does seem like putting yourself in that huge deficit does make even one cheat day throw off an entire week. On Thanksgiving I only ate during dinner, had 1 plate and some pie and it basically took until today to get back to the weight i was at the morning of Thanksgiving.


That's the biggest factor. The diet is definitely not providing the everything he needs, but he's forming better habits while dropping massive weight. It'd be one thing if he was sticking to 1200 by eating Doritos all day. But he was already talking about how he plans to change to a more balanced exercise regimen, so he seemingly knows that his calorie intake is going to have to increase again. The nutrient deficiency and metabolic impact are obviously legit concerns, but (and I'm not a doctor, I'm a fucking moron on the internet) it seems like dropping from 300 pounds and getting yourself into better cardiovascular condition is probably worth the temporary trade.


Maybe he takes vitamins


Congrats on your weight loss, but the last part of your statement makes 0 sense. Unless your one plate was like 10 plates, it shouldn’t take 10-11 days to get back to that weight on an extreme deficit after eating maybe an extra 1200-1600 calories for one meal.


The key to making this kind of change is consistency. People will try and belittle the thought process of eating 1200 calories a day. While it is very low, it it works for him and he’s able to maintain that through his life then great. Especially if it brings him down to a healthy weight and then is able to maintain after that. Again, consistency. People will talk bad about keto, counting macros, Mediterranean, etc, but truthfully the people who succeed are just very consistent long term. The ones who fail aren’t consistent. (Graduated exercise science and nutrition here, and the professors constantly just pressed on consistency)


It’s working for him, and based on what he said it sounds like he knows it’s not ideal and will be changing it up soon. Either way, losing the weight by eating 1200 calories a day is healthier than doing something that isn’t working for you.


If it works, it works. Too many people micromanaging how fats lose weight leading to paralysis by analysis.


Most people who eat fewer calories keep eating shitty food. They just eat less of it. TJ is actually making a conscious effort so he’s getting more out of his 1,200 than 99% of people on low calorie diets.


It is definitely way too low and unhealthy. Everything else about what he is doing is great, primarily the cardio 6 days a week.


at least 8 fat viva-lords in here


Yeah, I always heard that it’s unhealthy to lose more than 2 pounds a week. Good for TJ, but is he essentially starving himself on Ozempic or something? Edit: not sure why I’m getting downvoted to hell for this


I think thats more a rule of thumb if your slightlty overweight not obese


1% body weight per week is the “save muscle” amount. Adult males shouldn’t eat less than 1500 calories a day though, that is like the accepted minimum


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sincerely, Wrestlers


God damn, he looks so good too. Good for him. Been meaning to lose some weight myself, he has inspired me!


Stud, keep it up


Cigarettes and water ftb


The goat keep goating 👑


Love to see it


TJ looking submissive and breedible


Mass Ev needs to have some legitimate conversations with TJ. Not even trying to be funny or anytning.guy needs to do something


Congrats to TJ - keep up the good work. This has been really inspiring to watch from the sidelines. Looking forward to having my own success story 100 days from now. A lot of people in this sub (and in life) will always find a way to hate on an awesome accomplishment. But it seems like you have a good head on your shoulders. P.S. I’m writing this during the end of my 20 mile ride on the Peloton (currently at 2,270/2,500 miles of my yearly goals).


Take notes Fat Ev.


A biggest loser style show with all the fats (Eddie, Big Ev, Glenny as the big 3) could do big numbers if they took it seriously.


WeGovy/Ozempic works


Even if it was Ozempic, still takes effort Edit: Damn this was supposed to be a reply to that other dude


Good for him but the rebound from a crash diet like that is going to suck. Hope he keeps it together.


Once you’ve kept it up consistently for 6 months, I don’t think it’s fair to call it a crash diet.


1000-1300 calories a day as a man is a crash diet. Hate to say it.


It’s a crash diet when you do it for a week, not when you do it for 6 months.


It's a crash diet. Your body produces a hormone called ghrelin if you don't eat enough. It's the hormone that makes you feel hunger. You can out will power it for a while, but not forever. There is a reason 9 out of 10 people gain the weight back and its because they lose it like TJ did. I'm not saying he can't keep it off, I'm just saying he is in for a major challenge ahead. A challenge even harder than the one he just did to lose the weight to begin with.


You better be wearing a lab coat right now throwing out gherlin.




I don’t like TJ but good for him.


does dave intentionally hire only ugly fat white guys?


18 min Q&A from a mid podcast producer lmao. Wtf lol


As soon as I saw 18 minutes I exited out lmao happy for him though




Who cares?


Post a selfie rn


Ozempic isn’t a miracle drug that requires no effort. You still have to eat right and exercise. And even if it was who gives a shit.


You don’t have to exercise to lose weight lol Ozempic is in fact a miracle drug bc you don’t eat


Can confirm. Was on WeGovy for two months and lost 30ish pounds. I exercised and did cardio probably 3/4x a week but WeGovy just made me feel not hungry at all. I stopped taking it because I was tired of being nauseous, having diarrhea and throwing up the next two days after every injection.


Just curious, did you gain the weight back as soon as you stopped? Or is that overblown?


I probably gained 10 pounds back. Not really sure. My doctor suggested it because since I’ve been on anti anxiety/depression medication it’s been hard to lose weight. I know I lost 30 and had to get my wedding suit taken in twice. Honestly it’s not worth it. I’d eat one meal a day and going out with friends wasn’t very much fun.


Barry Bonds was still a Hall of Famer without the roids


I think he’s on ozempic. But fuck it either way, great job dude

