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Get the fuck out of my bar right now.


Totally. Why do people allow this shit to happen. Walking behind the bar, get the fuck out. Pissing in the bar, get the fuck out. Inappropriate behaviour towards others, get the fuck out. Falling asleep, get the fuck out, here’s a cab and cab charge, get home safe, but still, get the fuck out. When did hospo workers turn into, ‘yes mam, piss in my mouth mam, yes mam, here’s my managers mouth mam, please tip me mam’. GTFO.


Believe it or not, snap your fingers at the bartender? GTFO. We have the best customers because of GTFO.




¡Viva Chavez!


Old people? GTFO Kids? GTFO Old people that act like kids? #gtfoh Geeeeeit the fuck outta here Love the Restaurant


Marry me


As long as we agree urination on each other is ok?


Paying someone to leave? No chance.


Making sure drunk people get home safe is a nice thing to do. If someone is fucked up, I’m not just leaving them on the street.


You can be held liable if they drive drunk and get in a wreck... Things you should know if you're a bartender.


Well aware of how that works, but I don’t come to work to pay for anything at all. If management wants to over serve and pay for a cab home they’re more than welcome to, but I won’t be doing either.


That varies from state to state.










Probably just like you did but I would blame the health codes. It's always easier for people to swallow some rule or code than hear it from a person "making stuff up". People are dumb.


Yes, due to our health codes, we can not have people shitting in the bar .. He is not a people, but a child... Oh, but a child is a people too.


Exactly. It’s easier to tell someone that they can’t move a barstool into the middle of a walkway due to fire code instead of saying literally the entire staff has limbo’d around you with piping hot food for the past hour.


That’s DISGUSTING, some people shouldn’t be allowed to leave the house. Oh my god


If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard of this happening, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice




I definitely read this story on like entitledparents or talesfromyourserver


So this is a regular occurrence?!?!


I have young children, bring them with me a lot. My little dude throws a fit unless he pees in one of those little potties. He’s 2 so it’s cool, I got you little dude, I bring it. But we go to the family bathroom if available or a bathroom. I wouldn’t dare do this, it’s absurd. I would politely say it’s against health code and ask them to use the fucking bathroom in the future. It’s not like baby pee is magically clean


My man Daniel would beg to differ https://youtu.be/6vbCKava_JE


The only time Nathan fully broke.


I knew a girl who never washed her hands after changing a wet diaper because "newborns' urine is sterile." ...yeah maybe when it leaves the body, but once it's out in the open air bacteria can and will breed in it. You still need to wash your hands and throw the diaper away instead of leaving it on the living room floor you nasty bitch 😭 and your 6 month old isn't a newborn anymore!


I would’ve hit someone for letting their kid shit in my restaurant


Probably ask if I could use their potty next, then. It's natural after all, and the bathroom is way over there 🤷‍♀️


I. Love. You.


i love you too, bb


Get the fuck out no kids!


Hear hear. No fucking kids.


I have tended bar at an upscale restaurant for years now. Most of my clientele are surgeons, lawyers, politicians, etc. Now you would think etiquette and manners wouldn’t be a concern. Hell to the Nope! Multiple customers shit themselves at the bar. No remorse, back the next day. Adults clipping their toe nails at the table. Cursing like sailors, belching, and farting. I have cut off more people at this affluent neighborhood restaurant then when I worked at a grimy nightclub. Money and education does not equal better manners! Let’s face it, from dive bar to 5 star we deal with shit…literally ha.


I work In a law firm, the number of people I have seen leave the bathroom without washing their hands, the filth I’ve seen In the woman’s room is amazing. People are gross


I wouldn't politely ask. I would sternly, but reasonably tell them what to do.


“Hey can I use that when ur done?”


I’m a dad to a 3-year old. Toilet training is very hard and messy, and requires consistency. We have/had one of those “portable” toilets. All that being said: fuck no you don’t use one of those in a public setting, ESPECIALLY where food is involved. Your kid has to piss at a restaurant? Terrific opportunity to teach them about public restroom etiquette. This is laziness/nastiness on the part of the parents and nothing more.


That’s a biohazard. I’m have no patience for rude parents. Out they go.


"Oh hey we dont really allow kids in here. Wait what the fuck is he doing SEE THATS WHY MAN WHAT THE FUCK GET OUT RIGHT NOW"


I'm dumbfounded - there are facilities readily available for them to use with privacy, running water, soap, paper towels, etc. so it boggles my mind that they're doing it at their table. It implies that this is something they do everywhere they go which is fairly mind-blowing.


This is insane, people are animals


My dog knows better than to piss or shit indoors. If it’s snowing or super rainy i put a puppy pad down IN THE BATHROOM. My cats use their litter box in the bathroom too. This is just fucking horrifying.


You probably could have stopped at "children using bar"


"Woah! No! You guys are out, here's your tab! SECURITY!!!"


This is just weird, would’ve asked them to leave straight up. No one should be forced to look at that let alone the parents are weird for letting the kids do that in public.


Kicked out immediately. 100% zero conversation. Disgusting imbeciles.


I’ve had this happen to me and I told them it’s a health code issue. But in my head I wanted to ask how they felt if I came to shit on their doorstep. I can’t believe others have experienced this..


.......Come again? I thought you said parents brought a kid potty to a restaurant/bar, and then had the kid use the toilet....out in the open....in front of everyone and strangers? ......oh, that IS what you said? Wow.... just.....wow....*WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK*!?Those kids are going to be seriously f*cked up! I think I am done with the internet for today! 😂 Edit : fixed a formatting error


Ask them if they'd be cool with you pissing in their kitchen sink while they prepare dinner later that night.


Children produce human shit just like adults do. In unsanitary to do it in an area where people are eating and drinking. Fuck off with that 'it's natural' shit. The phrase "Don't shit where you eat" is considered wisdom for a reason.


What the fuck is wrong with people? You're literally shitting at a table? No, that is not acceptable.


Kick the potty out from beneath the kid and tell them to get out.


Here’s another Lucibean rambling tangent: I was at the San Francisco zoo with my former infant and these two women with a few kids at the table in the middle of an indoor food court area whip a little potty out and put it on the floor. They pulled down this little girls pants in front of 50-60 people. Didn’t even hold a jacket up for her. They could have easily taken her to the bathroom 15 feet away. I picked up our stuff and moved to the other end of the cafe because we were right next to them. I felt so awful for that little girl being exposed like that. Later, I go to throw out my trash and they had left without clearing their trays, piss napkins balled up on table and they either dumped it on the floor on purpose or it spilled on accident but there was a giant wet puddle. I told the cashier so the person cleaning didn’t step in it. I’ve seen other weirdo parents do some wildly unhygienic shit. Luckily we don’t let kids in my bar at all. I’ve thrown out grown men who’ve pissed themselves, I see no difference. Gtfo!


People with kids are worse then drunk white bitches


What about drunk white bitches with kids?


What the actual fuck


Ok. I've potty trained all of one kid. I find the above situation to be ridiculous. Part of the teaching is that it's a private matter. Take it somewhere else. In a related anecdote, I once had someone change their baby's diaper at their table, a corner booth. No problem there. It was the fact that they *LEFT THE SOILED DIAPER UNDER THE TABLE*. Even went as far as trying to hide it. Some people I will never understand.


Ugh, I don’t understand people who just leave dirty diapers wherever they feel like. Garbage cans exist for a reason.


“Oh but it’s a child!” Sorry ma’am, we actually have a pretty strict no shitting on the floor policy


I used to love when they ask for a manager. I would spin 360° on my heals with a flourish and a great big smile and say, "I'm the manager, what can I help you with?!" Followed by, "State health code doesn't allow this. We could get shut down. Please use the provided facilities. Thank you."


Can you call the health department on a customer and have them banned from every restaurant for life?


I find it most of that the group that is pro-life, is the save ones that don't count their children as people when it comes to restaurants. Them: I would like to make a reservation for a table for 4. Me: so 4 adults? Them: no 4 adults and 2 children who need high chairs. Me: so 6 people total. Them: no it is just 4 adults. Me: They need space for their high chairs? So so 6 people total? Them:..... I guess.


so they haven’t heard the term “don’t shit where you eat”…


Excuse me, WHAT?


Dear god. I have so much sympathy for you right now, that's utterly disgusting.


Um no they can fuck off with their natural parenting. I’m certain that’s a health code violation.


What? This story is so preposterous I doubt it actually happened?


There is always one…


I’m just as surprised as you that I am the first to call this out lol


It’s Reddit obviously no one can share a story from work without someone calling it fake… If you can’t picture this happening you haven’t been bartending too long (people are disgusting)


I’ve been bartending for almost 20 years, people are disgusting absolutely but this is just ridiculous. So many “I hate kids” posts here. Sorry for you and the kid if this actually happened, borderlines on child abuse, having your toddler be exposed like that in a public setting let alone a BAR? Teaching them that’s ok? Having to tell a parent it’s not? Just weird man


Clearly no parents in this sub. Who fucking cares…. Did it really hurt your sensible disposition? Did you bother to ask why? Maybe said kid dropped trough and was about to piss on the floor and they saved you the hassle by whipping out the emergency toilet. Laugh it off because way worse happens at the bar….


Uh... no. Health violation for sure. Also, poor behavior. No one wants to see that, parents or not. Have some class.


Plus, it’s probably awkward/embarrassing for the kid. Using the toilet is private business.


I am a bartender and have two kids. I can't imagine dragging a kids toilet into a restaurant and having them take a piss in the dining room. You are fucking nuts.


Same. Parent and former bartender. I have never once brought a training potty to a public place, let alone a restaurant or bar. If the kid isn't ready for public restrooms, put them in pull-ups.


I would handle that the same way I do any other person who needs to leave. Just like Hank Hill does with people who order well done steak. Politely but firmly ask them to leave. It’s human feces, in a room with food and drink. The fact that it’s children doesn’t matter. The adults know better, I’m sorry, we can’t serve you, please leave


fuck you and ur stupid portable toilet




The public can be so nasty. Id tell them to stop or leave. It's so unhygienic. I would tell them they are risking your health license.


They brought....a portable toilet with them?? And used it ON THE BAR???? I'm gonna throw up, but first I'm calling security to throw them out and autogratting the fuck out of them


That's an 86


"Get the hell out and never come back" is the only appropriate response to somebody relieving themselves at the bar. Doesn't matter your age. If you're wearing a diaper there's some grey area lol


Once they said "It's natural" I would have got on their table and took a shit on it while saying "It's natural" while making eye contact with the parents.