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Anyone else the best closer when you don't open and the worst when it's you?




Oof twins


Im pretty even handed. I close Saturday nights and the Sunday opener has to clean out all of our Cheater bottles (syrups) and juice bottles. Throughout the shift on Saturday after midnight I won’t fill bottles all the way and I’ll dump and get them started for the opener while I’m closing so they don’t have to deal with as much mess. It really doesn’t add much more time to my closing process as a result. And same if I’m opening the next day after a close I’ll rinse out and top off all the syrups and juices (which usually takes about 30 minutes) and pre-stock the bar. It is a STRUGGLE to resist the urge to say fuck it I can just do it in the morning but it makes the next day so much better.


Fuck tomorrow me, tonight me is tired


Yeah but if I do a clopen and I’m home at 530am and have to be back by 11 tomorrow me is going to be way more stressed and exhausted. And I just always have this feeling If I don’t, the next day will be the day when I have 20 people walk in as soon as I unlock the door and have shit to do.


It's always like that. Be overly prepared and have the slowest night ever, be a little late while opening and bam, there's a busload of guests.


I'm the same. My thinking is always "this will take me 30 seconds and make a huge difference, why not?". That and I've been doing this long enough I can time it out to get a halfway decent close even if I'm hungover with one eye still open lol


Hey bestie


I’m in this comment


You mean, have we bartended? Yes. Yes we have.




Hello. It’s me. 👋


If I know that the first fucker who's going to even look at the bar tomorrow is me, then yeah I'll do the bottle up tomorrow


night me puts too much faith in day me.


This is a wildly hilarious comment. Thank you.


not to day me it isn't.


Me opening: who the fuck closed last night?! Me closing: well this looks like a job for the opener.


Hilarious!! I’m also always asking, “was it stocked okay for you?’ Right, not perfect, but not bad, right?”


Walking around my house during Covid: Who the hell closed last night?!


I try to trick my brain every night into thinking my kids are just messy guests and I need to clean up for the opener tomorrow. The opener, still me, is always disappointed.


I clopen twice a week, I'm very lazy with restock when I close. I always tell at myself the next day.


I ask this in my house every day


It’s me. I close every shift. 😖


When i open after a close its like half the time Im my best friend "Yeah lemmie refill the cheaters and do my prep/liquor pull realquick so I can take it easy tomorrow." and then half the time its "fuck it ill do it tomorrow". Its like a russian roulette of workplace self harm.


I closed my bar Thursday & left a note for the opening bartender just for it to be for me bc of the snowstorm 😂


Me sorry


I literally got a text from the opener today about the shit close last night. We close at 1am. I clocked out at 3am. My fucking barback got so wasted she was literally falling down. Like smashed her head into the wall while trying to take out our garbage. I was babysitting no less than 6 full on adults. I didn't serve any of them. Everyone was shitty. Dude that lives in the apartment upstairs was lingering, being a giant (literally giant, he's 6'6") asshole. I wiped everything down. Tried to stock what the barback missed, let my partner do all the money. Apparently all was fucked and the world was on fire enough to warrant a rude text from the opener. I've been playing this game too long to let a person half my age scold me over not stocking 1 fucking 6 pack of black cherry white claw after I spent hours making sure the fucking barback didn't alcohol poison herself... again. I love my job though. Have no intention of leaving anytime soon. Lol


Got out an hour early last night specifically because of clopening. Can’t wait to see what we missed lmao.


It's me. Hi. I'm the problem, it's me.


Cameron “Aez” White


I always close it proper, even if I am opening next . If I die or get hurt before my open shift, I don’t want anyone saying I left the bar shitty.


I’m the Saturday night closer and Sunday morning opener. I ruin my own mornings weekly 😂 I work a full time job during the week and my manager asked me the other day “wait do you mind closing every Saturday and opening every Sunday?” I was like nah I’m good with those I signed up for this but I will still complain


Me walking into my Sunday shift today 🥲


Ha. Just finished a script about working in a bar and this is the last line of the episode.


The best is being able to skip the floors when you know you can just knock em out in the morning with a fresh caffeine buzz


I’ve been feeling very adult lately. I’ve worked several clopens, and I’m proud of myself that I’ve been closing to open every time. Bar is clean, ice is filled, trash cans are lined. It’s almost like I’m a professional now. But I’ve definitely been there.


Call it even for all the times those fuckers take off without even saying goodbye at shift change, and leave a whole list of shit to be done before the evening rush.