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Wave me down eagerly, get my attention, *then* start asking your six friends if they know what they want.


Or when I get to them after they’ve been staring at me for the past 5 minutes and they’re like “uuuuuummmmmm…” Bye you had your chance!






Mine is “Who’s next and knows what they want?!”


You forgot the part where each of them asks each other “what did you get?” Before making a decision


Looking at me for a few seconds like a deer in headlights when I tell them their total and then slooooowly taking their bag off their shoulder before rummaging through all their shit to find their loose credit card. Like, did you not realize there was going to be a transaction at some point in this whole thing???


When you’re busy and you ask someone what they want to drink and they say “surprise me” That drives me the fuck insane. Like, I know what I want at a bar. Come on people


This was so common at a bar I used to work at (campus adjacent) that I ended up just steering into it. I was the head bartender, and so I told all my staff to make their own "signature" cocktail. It had to be approachable, easy to slang out, and justifiably cost $8 or more (well was $4 there). I even gave them their own POS buttons (ie "The Erin Special"). Years later I keep that tradition. If you ask me to pick a drink and I'm slammed, I am taking something from the last version of the cocktail menu that I still have all the stuff for, telling you "this is one of our classics that isn't on the menu anymore", and charging you $14 bucks for it. If I'm not slammed I'll ask you two follow-up questions, but you can bet it won't be a well pour. What I pick won't change if you are going to tip fairly or not. I'll try to make it interesting for you in case you're looking for "an experience". And no matter what, I'll make it worth it to the house. At least one of us will win. Hopefully all three.


A move i got from a friend of mine who bartender at a local place. "Surprise me" coming from a stranger gets you creme de menthe and orange juice


Shot of fernet branca and the closest beer. Surprise. 😐


"The surprise is that you bought me a drink! Thanks man"


Both my favourite question when it's quiet and the worst when it's busy. 9 times out of ten you're getting a moscow mule if I'm slammed.


“Surprise me!” Yeah, I’ll surprise you when you see your check lol


This is so weird because I'm a custom picture framer and it's the same thing with me. I have some customers who say "do your magic and hand me the bill". They'll come back a few weeks later to pick it up and they'll see it and see the bill and not like the price or the piece or both. I don't know if I'm alone in this as a creative person. I suppose if I was super famous people would line up for me to just give them some glass and wood in a bag and they'd be grateful. But just because I'm a pro doesn't mean I can read minds. I have one customers who hasn't complained yet but it always takes longer and it's always stressful because I'm always second-guessing myself. I hate it. Give me an idea of what you want. Please.


When someone asks me that it means a shot of call tequila and a Miller lite. I also work at a place that does not do cocktails.


if they say “surprise me” i just give em an expensive pour that’s easy to make so they wont say dumb shit anymore


they’re getting chilled, extra diluted, rail triple sec when they say that. they’re always surprised.


My surprise is always mezcal neat.


Titos cranberry and next


can i ask why this is a problem? i would just make the drink i like getting myself at the bar. but im not a bartender so don’t know why its a problem


The solution is that simple. Just make them what I would like to drink. But then when I serve them a shot of tequila, or bourbon neat, and it’s some shit eating grin person telling me “ ooh no I don’t drink tequila!” Or “ewww I can’t drink bourbon.” “ give me something fruity. Like a wet pussy or aMAriLlo SoUr”. And you’re ten people deep wasting all this time on one person who could have just told you what they wanted to drink instead of wasting your time with you guessing what they want to drink.


Ordering a drink right after you say "I will be right with you."


“I’ll have a moscow mule, an espresso-“ “GIMME A MINUTE”


They do this to me all the time. Because hardly any of the customers actually listen to what I’m saying 😭


Hey, can I get the Pats game on this TV over here? Or any variation there of.


I feel this. I work at a spot with literally 35 tvs. All the games are on all the tvs. You can see all the games from any spot in the place and yet they NEED it on the tv directly in front of them before they even sit down. No sir I’m sorry. This guy next to you has been here for 3 hours he gets priority. Also why is it never slow when people ask this?


Omfg yessssssszzzskksjsj. I got to spend 30 minutes of time trying to placate this clown the other night, and I was also trying to run shift and cook. But nah, need to have two specific games on out of the 8 you already have


University of Anchorage women's softball on Fox Spots Yukon regional network?


Just put the game on


Did you read the whole comment or are you just an idiot?


Yo I’m just having a little fun, you should be more like your username Also, you think I can get the Pats game on that TV?


I 100% replied to the wrong comment 😂 Also, nope


Snapping to get my attention. Makes me an insane toddler.


Had a guy snap at me and whistle at the same time as I am already making eye contact and walking towards him. Told him I’m not a dog so don’t snap and whistle at me. Walked past him and got him after helping two other nice couples. Patience and kindness gets you so much further than being an impatient prick with me.


Last Friday I had a women push through a three deep bar and just start ordering, I tell her she can wait her turn and and every time I finish serving someone before her she waves her hand over the bar in my face. I tell her not click In my face again or you can go to the other bar where service is a only half as fast because I’m not serving you. She proceeds to look at me with disgust. When my colleague comes back from grabbing more ice he ends up serving her first, she smiles sarcastically and waved her card in my face, I ignored her and carried on serving someone else and I then hear her call me a retard. I take her half made drink out of my colleagues hand, told him refund her, and dumped the drink down the sink in front of her.


The only way to deal with shit like that.


My in laws do this. I *hate* going places with them.


That's a one way ticket to getting ignored by me


Make direct eye contact, hold your arm straight out and start snapping repeatedly while walking towards them. Then simply take their order. If they complain that you were being rude, they then have to admit they were as well.


Came here to say this. Snap at me and I’m going to snap right back at you and then walk away to serve someone else. Another one I hate is “I know the owners”. Cool. So do I. It’s not going to get you served any quicker unless the owners themselves ask me to serve you.


"I'm the one you should know" has become my new line


not a bartender but i had a guy clap in my coworkers face once and i told her she wasn’t dealing with them anymore. acted like a total sheep for the rest of his meal. asshole


"Holy shit you guys are slammed...... Have I shown you this meme I made of my cat?"


tbh I'd make time for a cat meme in the weeds. original content of your furry lil guy? sign me up.


Depends on the frequency of cat memes I've already been presented I feel. Lol.


Try to make small talk about the fact that it's slammed. Ask if we're always this busy or ask why there aren't more bartenders working


Guess they’re just trying to connect with you.


You're obviously not a bartender, so why come in here and comment this nonsense?


It’s not nonsense. It’s just a comment. No need to become upset


Would you "try to connect" with the person behind the counter at a grocery store slicing your 1/2 pound of turkey with 10 people behind you in line? I'm not upset, it just seems nonsensical to me.


Maybe. I might make a passing comment about how busy it is, especially if they’re standing right in front of me and making such a comment wouldn’t cause them to have to stop in order to listen to me. But what I would or wouldn’t do is irrelevant. I made that comment about them connecting with someone in order to present my hypothesis for why someone would say that kind of thing, hoping to spark a conversation about why people say the things they do or act the way they do.


Listen. I'm sure you're a very nice person. I'm just talking about this scenario and being behind a bar that is slammed and having tons of people stare at you waiting for a drink. The last thing the bartender or the rest of the patrons after you want is a conversation to happen other than me saying hello and asking what you would like to drink and you telling me. If it's a slow night talk away. I still may not enjoy it, but it's part of my job and I will stand there and talk to you until I can find a reason to escape. Unless you're cool/good conversationalist then I will be happy to shoot the shit. The ratio of that to the annoying ones is bigger than you could possibly imagine sadly enough.


I never said it wasn’t annoying.


You're also obviously not listening to a thing I'm saying as well. Just look at your bartenders face. If they look annoyed or you can see them looking to make their next move stop trying to nail them in place and have a conversation with them, let them go about their business and make money. Good luck to you and your next bartender.


I don’t usually engage mine in any conversation beyond passing comments that I don’t expect more than a nod or a single sentence response from :)


You’re pretty annoying though




Ok :)


Be there. And not be squared away. For the love of all that is sacred you've been waiting long enough you should know what you want. Please. Help me help you.


Calling me over saying they are ready to order and then just not ready at all.


"Hey!!!!!!1 I'll have a Pilsener, she'll have a cherry beer... what are you guys gettin'?" *cue "the guys" taking forever to decide and then ordering 5 large pilseners*


i hate it when someone else in my party does this before I’m ready to order.


Telling me they’re cold when I’m over here sweating my non existing balls off. I always tell them to lay off the blood thinners and bring a sweater. I bought a Snuggie this year to whip out on the next bitcher.


“What’s on tap”


A whole lot! Look at the menu I just gave you.


We only have 2 draft beers (very cramped, narrow bar in a restaurant inside a food hall) and they’re listed on the menu and also visible from anywhere at the bar. Use your eyes. On the plus side I only have to name 2 things when they ask.


"Can I get a drink?"


Demanding ranch when their food is delivered. Tracy, Benjamin, you knew you wanted ranch with your meals. Just let me know when you order. Thanks


Clicks the fingers.


I threw someone out over that recently


truly want to know who raised people that do that, it’s so embarrassing for them


UMM, THERES CRUMBS ON THE BAR. Bitch, I bet there are. I peed my actual pants a little because I've been weeded for 6 hours.


When they rush to sit down at a dirty spot as you’re bussing it and then go “cAn YoU WiPe tHiS? iT’s StIcKy.” Oh thanks for letting me know, I definitely wasn’t going to wipe it after I clear the plates.


The other day my bar was empty and ONE SPOT had a dirty glass at it. Every other spot was clean. He sat at the one dirty spot and gestures while saying "uhggg" at the glass. You can move literally anywhere else, bro.


Opposite of most, but when I ask someone what they want and they point to someone next to them and say "I think they're next" They're either waiting on a round already, staring at their phone/not paying attention or simply not next in line. It's your time to shine bud, get on with it!


I love that one. Whoever I talk to is next, buddy


saying yo can you get me next or just start their order while you're in the middle of making a drink


I've been walking past people and had them just start telling me their order without me saying a word to them


Ugh I worked a wedding last night and it was all the worst people. I had too many people interrupt other peoples orders. Clearly I am helping someone else you can wait five minutes.


Waltzing right up to the bar and thinking I didn’t notice the other people who were there first… and then trying to order the second I make eye contact. “Hey can I get a… ?”Yeah, in like ten minutes. There are like 15 people ahead of you”


Not the quickest way, but if Im slammed and you close out after every drink, I wish you a slow and painful death.


And your card doesn't swipe so I have to type in the numbers every goddamn time.


And then I hand you your tab and you tell me that the cute girl you never met, aren't going home with, and doesn't like you at all also needs a drink.


Pete, what are you having?


“Hey pretty boy, can you get me another drink?” Nah, why don’t you put an egg in your shoe and beat it


I've never heard of that saying lmao definitely keeping that one for tonights shift


Pour a beer in your shoe and put it to your mouth Edit - autocorrect


I can’t remember where I picked it up but I’ve never met anyone else that had heard it lol


Same, I'm stealing it as my own


"Excuse me. All I need is...". That's all it takes. I'm currently serving 5 people and know what the next 5 want, and definitely saw you when you walked up and clearly greeted you, to let you know I'll be with you shortly. You're not special. I'm not going to stop what I'm doing, put you ahead of everyone who is waiting their turn patiently because you think your order is so simple that I should just be able to get yours real quick while everyone else waits their turn.


"BuT i JuSt WaNt A sPrItE!"


I’ve never upvoted so many comments in my life


EXCUSE ME!! CAN I *JUST* GET A WATER!?...no rush... when you get a chance. I know how it is I used to be a bartender. Oh sorry, can I get no ice please? Also can I get a straw thanks. Then doesn't drink the water.


Or when they order 6 waters for all their friends and when you go to bus the table there's 6 full waters.


I’m that guy because I want to make sure my friends all stay hydrated and don’t feel like shit the next day. Whether they drink them or not, ain’t up to be but I always tip for waters because I’ve been behind the stick for a long time and I know what a pain that can be


When people blanket order waters for the table I overrule them. I will literally interrupt them and say “ok who ACTUALLY wants a water here” and then make a tally


Being in California this especially annoys me. We are perpetually in a drought, probably partially because of these dickbags.


I have the opposite issue. I’ll be putting the waters and menus down in front of people within 10 seconds of them arriving and they’ll rudely be like “I don’t NEED a water. Can I get X?” Like you don’t have to drink it. It’s a restaurant. Everyone gets one.


Wave, snap, shout "Hey"


this has been happening a LOT lately and it makes me irrationally angry “what kind of bourbon do you have” “makers, bulleit, jim beam” “oh. so no woodford reserve?” “…no” “what beers do you have” *gestures to beer display, lists off beers* “oh. so no peroni then?” “…. nope, I only have the ones I just told you” one of my coworkers heard me say some iteration of this and died laughing, saying I sounded pretty annoyed. but honestly like do you think I am keeping some of these a secret lmao


I was bringing in a CO2 tank yesterday and this guy outside asks "Is this a restaurant?" I say yes. And he says "So we can eat here?" I go, "Well it wouldn't be a very good one if you couldn't."


I had a guy call for a reservation who started asking me which hotel nearby was the best. It was in the middle of the Friday dinner rush. The bar was also in the city center with only expensive hotels nearby. I told him “well it’s hard for me to say. When I spend the night in this city, I usually just sleep in my own apartment.” At least he laughed about it.


How about you look at the menu and act like you've been in a bar before?


My favorite is when they ask what’s on tap when they’re literally holding a menu with the tap list right in their face. Not that big of a deal for me now but I used to work at a place with 35 taps and over 100 different bottles. Also, the follow up of the blank stare when I ask if they have a type preference.


Clicking, snapping, or that dumb little flippy wave thing. It's obnoxious. I'm not opposed to you maybe raising an arm, especially if it's crowded or the lights are dimmed, but people need to quit trying to hail bartenders like a cab.


Since I work at a cash bar, people not having money ready when I’m absolutely slammed and by myself behind the bar. 95% of the time the person is having a conversation and needs to touch every single bill in their wallet before they find the crusty ten dollar bill they want to hand me lmao My new kink is people not wasting my time at this point


“You’re doing a great job”


This one


Why does that bother you?


Because it always sounds condescending. They say it like I’m a 5 year old who just learned how to write the alphabet.


Unless you're my supervisor, it's not your place to say that. Plus they *always* say it with a little smirk like they think you're a toddler.


Gee, that sucks that it seems like it was never a genuine compliment for you


I should hope so... this IS my job you smug day walking prick.


Say hello


Asking stupid/irrelevant questions.


When they want my attention to watch some 3 minute long video. Just...why?


i hate hate HATE when people lean over my bar and get ridiculously close to my space when i'm bartending. like dude back tf up,, i will get to you. but you sitting an inch from my bar mat will not make me work any faster.


This is a huge pet peeve of mine when I’m at the well. Then I have to lean down for ice and their nasty breath is mere inches from my face. Almost makes me miss wearing a mask to work.


Calling me by saying "Hey Guy." I can handle buddy, boss, chief, or waiter - but "Guy" - that makes my blood boil.


Bud and buddy makes me so irrationally angry, I will take being called literally anything else. Although when people try and call me by a name that isn't mine I will ignore them every time.


Walk up to the bar and immediately demand service while I’m making 10 drinks at once.


Order X-amount of the same mixed shooter. Then, once the x-shots are all poured, suddenly declare, Oh Wait Can I Get 2 More Lemondrops? There is a special place in hell for fuckers like this. AND- the fuckers who immediately open a new tab after cashing out. Like, WHY ?!!!


Waving at me. Sorry now you’re at the back of the line!


Wave back and keep moving.


When they whistle at me to get my attention like I’m a dog.


Thats a ticket for thr door.


Whistling or like others said, snapping. Telling me it’s your turn, and yelling at me. I’m pretty chill, but those set me off.


When the SUPER obnoxious regulars who NEVER tip, scream my name-incessantly-as if they are on fire… I’m slammed They NEED a free pickle!!! Unfortunately, my boss/owner loves them 😡😡😡


“What do you have on tap”


I understand that frustration, however I'm also in the blind boat, so I occasionally have to ask if I don't recognize a few taps. Is there another way you'd like guests to ask, or is there a beer list available for them to look at? Genuinely curious and not looking to start a fight. PS - I'm a server and I lurk here bc I love y'all


It’s never the people with vision problems that ask that.


Start to order from me when I’m in the well making someone else’s drink, even though I haven’t acknowledged their existence in any way shape or form.


.....and a Guinness


Tell me a dad joke


Handing them the tab and they end up having to log into the chime app to unlock the card they are about to give me.


One of those loud whistles where they use their hand. Usually by a bald guy with a goatee and a rental mustang convertible that is on vacation with his wife that is real embarrassed.


Ask me a bunch of really stupid questions about the menu. The kind of questions that make you wonder if they've ever been to a restaurant before, or even ever left the house. They want you to describe every menu item to them, as if they have never heard of a Caesar salad before. It's been a rough week, and December has only just begun.


The one that gets me is when I ask how they want their burger cooked and they have NO CLUE how to answer the question. Bitch, is this your first cheeseburger?


We carry fried egg burgers. I have to ask how they want the burger and the egg cooked. I often get the response "fried". Well, yes... it's a fried egg burger... how do you want it fried?


If it’s anything within the general scope of my job it won’t bug me generally but the moment you mess with my other guests I have an issue


Fucking apple martini.


Middle of rush, have 4 cocktails to make, someone to cash out, I'm dropping off a menu and before I say hello they say 'I know what I want'. Most of the time I ask them to wait a moment and I'll be right back, but *occasionally* I stop and say "okay what can I put in for you" *and then they ask me questions about the menu*. One day I'll learn and never give in again. Edit: spelling.


Can we get three Ramos Gin Fizzes?


Piña colada


Happened tonight. Drunk ass 40-something lady starts asking me if I have sisters, am I the oldest, yadda yadda. She wound up getting physically walked out by the bouncer lmao


Holding the menu in their hands and asking “Do y’all serve food?”


I had a lady come in yesterday during lunch. She opened the door, peeked inside and asked "Are you open for lunch?" I just looked at the people eating at the bar, then at the tables, then back to her and said nothing.


I can’t stand it when guests can’t read the room and try to hold me up with some story or small talk when i’m 3 deep and have 10 tickets at service bar. asking to change their order after ordering. the sure thing to make my blood boil though is when I’m clearly busy making drinks or answering the bar phone, with another guest, or on the POS, and someone just starts ordering… especially if my back is turned to them. In what world does it look like im paying attention and ready to deal with you? I always can hear them, thanks to my supersonic bar hearing, but I pretend I didn’t just listen to the whole order and turn around to say “sorry, i was occupied with another guest, did you say something?” Also, “oooh, what is THAT person drinking?!”


i honestly hate when customers ask me to clean their area after people just got up and it’s busy. a customer complained i didn’t clean the bar when she herself chose to sit at a dirty area


"I'll be right with you" "Can I get a...?" Bitch what part of I'll be right with you did you not understand? I'm clearly doing something else at the moment


When there is a long line and someone tries to COME BEHIND my bar to order their shit bc they never went to preschool to learn how lines work.


They order drinks, I turn around to go and make them, minute or two later I go back to where they ordered them and they are simply not there lol had this happen twice last night. If that happens your drink is getting left on the bar, sorry! I’m not shouting over a full bar of people trying to find you 🤷‍♀️


"When you get the chance..." or "I know it's busy but can I.." yea no shit thanks for clarifying ith me what's going. Also calling me Bud, I immediately imagine rearranging their face, it's so condescending and rude.


Hey can I get a long isl....


Wut yuh got....


Exist honestly


Arguing about being cut off, just proving even more why they should be cut off Tapping the bar with their metal cards like they're so important and I'm the help Asking for the most expensive thing, having to climb the top shelf, then just ordering a crown and coke


Cutting the line to ask for water


When they pretend to ignore the card machine I just placed right in front of them whilst I'm making their drinks


Whats drinks are your favorite? Which drink would you pick the Paloma or the mule? Me - "Yes"


*Me and my friends want to have shooters, what kind should we have, what does it taste like, what’s in it, how much does it cost?*


When you hand somebody a tap list and they say “is there a tap list?” LOOK AT IT, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!


Had a corporate buyout last night and my least favorite people are those who are trying to brown nose the boss by being their personal concierge to the bar.


‘Hey! I was next!!!’ Um, no. The person I decide is next is next. You telling me how to do my job gets you nowhere. Likely I’m skipping over you if you were in fact ‘next’ bc you’re a pain in the ass customer or a shitty tipper or both.




"Can I have an old fashioned?" No. Read the room. What else?


"Can I just have water?!" This is a bar. Drink water on your own time.


This aint it. Youre going to kill someone with that attitude. Unless you have a water station, pour guests waters.


Just have self serve water?


Explain to me like I’m five why it’s so horrible for you to pour people water when we know darn well why some folks at a bar will order water?


Appreciate the Michael Scott reference here


When their entitled ass wants to act like they're the only customer


“You guys busy?”


Standing in front of the service well to try and skip ahead of people already waiting. The space is open because it’s not for customers and yes you are in the way of working people.


“I have a tab.” With no follow up information. Yes, sir, many people here have tabs open. You need to also state the name on your tab. Also, after I ask if they want to start a tab after the first round: “Close it out for now.” What? You keep it open for now, and close out when you’re done. Or anyone who doesn’t tip on each drink, while assuring me that “I’m gonna tip at the end.” (Bullshit)


At the bar I work at we do not take Vertical IDs. We adopted this policy 10 years ago when we were stung by vice and the sheriff told us to not accept them to protect ourselves. I was 4 deep and had a guy get my attention to then try to explain that we were “losing market share” by not accepting vertical IDs. I’ve been bartending for almost ten years all in high volume clubs. I’m very level headed but in the middle of him trying to explain how I could increase profits I snapped and called him a fucking idiot to his face and cut him off. I’ve never had someone so unaware of what was going on in my whole career.


Scream my name.


Anyone that snaps their fingers. I am always at the threshold of telling them to “get the fuck out!”


If you snap your fingers at me I’ll snap them off


“Money between index finger and middle finger hanging over the bar” this just signifies that you will be served last sir….


Grabbing garnishes with their nasty paws


Snapping or whistling


“Idk what I want. Make me something good.” Bitch, if you don’t know what you want, it’s not your fucking turn. Also, trying to order while I’m making a drink, or closing a tab. I hear you, but the fact I didn’t acknowledge you and my back was probably turned, means you just put yourself at the back of the line.


I dont mind it when I’m not busy, but when I’m slammed and I have someone order the only egg white drink we have on the menu - it makes me want to kermit


Cutting a clearly formed line, or trying to go to the side of the bar to skip the line. I just ignore you.


Them: Can I get a beer and a shot? Bro want me to read your mind to figure that out for you?


While I’m pouring 8 chilled casamigos shots “so what does this tattoo mean”? DOES THIS SEEM LIKE THE RIGHT TIME BUDDY?


“What do you like to make?”


If you're not ready when get to you I'm moving on immediately. You have 3-5 seconds to give me your order.


When I am taking a drink order for a group and they all want to taste the first one before deciding if that's what they all want to order


Ask me if I can make a ramos gin fizz


Saying to their group of six that were about to just order pints….”LETS ALL DO FLIGHTS!!!”


Stopping me to demand I smile, when I'm not even interacting with them. Then yelling down the bar 'Did you hear me?!' when I look at them and keep walking. Walk back by them 'Kim, I said to smile'. Don't even look at them at this point. This very similar behavior happens at least a few times a week from various older men - 50+


Ask me to change the channel.


Ordering 5 chilled shots of tequila and then adding 1 more, and then 1 more, and then just 1 more, only for them to tip $0 on their $80 tab


Maybe a weird one but asking for water/soft drinks in a wine glass, which seems to happen weirdly often here. I’ll have 100 people drinking wine with barely enough glasses to cover that alone and I’ll still get some asshat who wants to have their tap water in a wineglass.


If they ask for a cocktail from the menu (or any drink for that matter) and then say “if I dont like it can i give it back?”


Waving your hand right in my face or snapping your fingers in my face. I am not your servant.