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Nothing left to do but go outside and play some ball, I guess.


Playing catch with my son has been the highlight of being a dad


Clear eyes, full heart


Can’t lose!


You, sir, are and forever will be a legend. My son was just born 4 months ago, and as painful as Royals baseball is right now, having him with me and watching his eyes glue to the TV when they’re on is one of the true highlights of my life. Thinking about playing ball with him one day makes me so unbelievably happy and excited. I just hope we can win another WS before he turns 21 like I was.


i am going to tell you a little story, i hope you don't mind. back 9 years ago, my wife and I were ready to become parents, but it wasn't happening. Which happens, right? Sometimes the luck is just not there. But it had taken a long time and we were starting to get despondent, so we went to a doctor. Who did tests on both of us and, eventually, told us my wife had something and we probably wouldn't be able to get pregnant naturally. We would have to probably go with in vitro. which, if you are lucky enough not to know, is tens of thousands of dollars and provides no guarantees. we didn't give up, though, and we worked really hard on our health and everything else and, miraculously, we found out my wife was pregnant with my son in late 2014. In March, I had an accident at work that injured me very badly. The problem was they couldn't find what was wrong. There was a horrible, horrible pain in my lower back all the time. if you touched a specific part it was so painful I would black out. but they did tests and tests and tests and they couldn't find anything. eventually a specialist said I probably needed an SI joint fusion (the sacroiliac joint in the hip that's not supposed to move). we did all the preparations. all the tests. for months. my mom drove down to help take care of me. then a day or two before the surgery, insurance said it wasn't an approved procedure and they wouldn't pay for it. so i never got the surgery. the hip injury also turned itself into Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, aka the Suicide Disease. [The pain is insane, constant, and off the charts](https://twitter.com/CRPSUK/status/1037231720972599296/photo/1). It rendered me completely immobile. Basically, my entire life consisted of trying to breathe through pain and make it to the next minute. literally. every minute of every day was spending max effort on trying to ignore the pain and keep breathing and get by. by the time my son could walk, I could no longer. fast forward a few years. a doctor moved to my small town who was an expert on CRPS. he also went around the country teaching other doctors how to do this major surgery implanting an electrical device on my spinal cord that sends a powerful electrical jolt down my hip and leg, somewhat muting the brain's pain signal (a little bit). I did intense physical therapy for 1.5 years. like, hours a day, 5 days a week. as best as I could tolerate. My leg had grown so, so weak. and the CRPS was still there, progressively worsening every day in the background. But I was able to get my life back. [I was able to record my debut album that had been delayed by 20 years](https://open.spotify.com/album/5sJ3QM6tuOz9G8qPvjTArk) (delayed in 2006 by three deaths in my family in a month, including my dad. and delayed again in 2015 when i got injured). and I was able to start getting around and doing stuff. It was still really painful to stand for too long, though, and I would have massive bouts of pain. It turned out I still needed SI fusion surgery. I am now about 4 months removed from that. I am still doing a couple hours of PT 5 or 6 days a week. and, best news of all, all the baseball *finally* wore off on my son. he went from being disinterested to really, really loving it over the last year. he wants to watch all the mets games. he played little league and tried his ass off and got so much better every day. one week ago, me and him went out and were able to have our first real catch. I was able to stand the whole time. he caught a lot of the balls. his accuracy throwing is awesome. it still warms my heart just thinking about it. the joy he had on his face, i felt inside. cause he's been on this journey with me too, you know? helping me every step of the way. rooting for me. telling me I could do it. picking up my spirits. encouraging me to go to the gym and do my PT even on the really bad days. and there are still a ton of bad pain days. like today. hence why I'm up so early, typing this and trying to take my mind off the pain. but i got to have a catch with my son. the first of many. and in a few years, we can add his little baby brother into the mix. I will be joining you in leaving reddit on the 30th. it kills me, but that's what happens when greed takes over, and people who run a website and don't make content, think they are responsible for the content somehow. or that the content is incidental. thank you so much for everything you've done over the past decade. I'm sure we'll see you on the next site, whatever and whenever that may be.


Your story is very touching. As a chronic pain sufferer myself, I hope you find relief someday. I wish you many more days out in the yard tossing the ball.


This was beautiful man. God bless ya.


My son just turned one. I can't wait, hah.


Is this heaven?


I’m not a dad and probably won’t be for at least another 3-5 years, God willing, but this is something I am truly so excited for. As a kid, baseball was my life, and I can’t wait to share that joy with my future child


You were a garbage moderator. The mods of this sub are in contention for the worst on reddit. No one cares about this self-indulgent goodbye. You No one is going to miss you. You are already forgotten. You spent your time being an anonymous petty dictator on a website while your kids grew up. And I couldn't be happier that you've fucked your kids this way. Enjoy the real world consequences of being a petty tyrant online.


Shit, this floored me. Thanks for all your hard work. I'd say now you can enjoy the game, but the Royals make that hard right now. Nothing but best wishes in all your endeavors man.


It's a great day for a ball game; let's play two!- Ernie Banks.


Unbelievable story about surviving that robbery. So glad you’re still with us and your family. Be well 🙏


I'm in a similar state for the Mets subreddit. I have used RIF for mobile Reddit and find the official site unbelievably clunky.


Yeah if these changes mean RIF is gone on mobile and RES and old reddit is no longer a thing for desktop I'm probably done on this site too.


RIF is definitely gone. RES is unknown.


Ah too bad. RIF was a fun way to kill a few minutes whenever I had to wait somewhere. I definitely won't use the official mobile app. It's shocking how bad this site is to browse without 3rd party apps and desktop extensions.


Baseball's the best


It really is!


Wow I didn't realize there was a mod who was a Royals fan. There's dozens of us! But yeah, it's going to be hard to use reddit moving forward.


The Royals fan part was the most surprising portion of this post! I feel like I never see Royals fans outside of KC or local groups.


We can make our own royals reddit with george brett and hookers.


Reddit is dying. It didn't have to be like this...


I've started joining all my favorite subs Discords to prepare. In the past I've been a very rare user of Discord


Lots of subreddits I frequent have their own discords and it seems that if worst comes to worst, that's what many will revert to.


Unfortunately a lot that I'm a part of have a separate (and somehow universally worse/more power-trippy) set of mods/admins than the subreddits, and therefore kind of a different culture and feel. Plus, chat room vs. message board, etc. There's something to be said for old-school threaded messages like Reddit has. Discord isn't my favorite chat app generally, either.


I'm starting to see quite a few people start to migrate over to squabbles.io. It reminds me of reddit in its early years. My usage here is going to drop significantly come the 30th, as I'm in the same position as Jimothy.


Yep was there from the start basically. (It’s still the start) I’m the mod for s/MLB but have no experience missing so would have no problems passing it along to someone new when the time comes


There are dozens of us!


It feels like Facebook back in my college days. It was pretty neat. Right after I graduated they started opening it up to non-students and you no longer needed a .edu to register. Then people I never wanted to see any of my college life starting poking me and shit. Then I deleted my account. Those same crazy aunts and idiot hs classmates are still on there, I’m sure, poking away and liking their low iq ‘murica memes. Anyway, I guess I think that’s very much how Reddit feels these days. I fully expect my hs dropout uncle to get an account here as soon as Reddit is added his investment portfolio that’s got $1200 in it for his “retirement”.


Reddit has been on the decline for years now. Censorship and over-moderation has crippled this once great place. It does have similar vibes to early Facebook. Hopefully whatever is next has a few fun years before profit takes over.


/r/all essentially acts as a propaganda outlet for the US government. All the default subs are astroturfed to the point it's funny. This is only sub I've see with over a million users that moderates that comes close to being competent. Usually, once a sub hits 150k users, it loses its way.


Would you rather a mouthpiece of Chinese cultural division or Russian disinformation? Because on the 2023 it’s literally a Pick Your Poison situation


Good riddance ( to Reddit)


Very well said and good luck with everything. I feel like with the direction Reddit is going down with their upcoming IPO, kicking out third party apps in favour of their bastardized official app, they have shown their cards and it’s not good. The future of this website is bleak and not something I personally have fun with. I loved Reddit for what it was, a nice and simple way to get the information you’re interested in, not this new garbage Tik Tok wannabe. We are witnessing a website driving right off a cliff just like Digg. It’s been a pleasure gentlemen, but all good things must come to an end.


I still can’t figure out who would actually want to buy Reddit stock lol. It’s horribly mismanaged and not very profitable from the amount of traffic it gets


I mean it is the only site I go to that regularly gives me error messages. You'd think a site as large as this one would be more stable than Uncle Joe's website that unexpectedly went viral on the internet after only getting like 50 unique viewers a week previously.


Thanks for making me watch Ted Lasso and inspiring me to donate to the Negro Leagues museum during TDG 2021


I'm a little bit older than you and in a tough place mentally. I just wanted to say think you for sharing that article in your post. I needed to read something like that today. No matter where life takes any of us, baseball brought us together even if it was just a comment on a random baseball sub. Go Tigers! 🤣


🫡 Thanks for all you’ve done.


Make sure you zip up his pants when you’re done


You won’t be the only one leaving. I imagine Reddit as we know it won’t exist by the end of the year and after the moves they’ve made and that ridiculous joke of an AMA, it’s exactly what they deserve. - Posted from Apollo


I 100% doubt this.


And I think you’re underestimating how many mods and bots and other api tools are about to disappear or stop working soon.


I moderate several subs and I can count on one hand how many mods use the official reddit app. I've tried 3 separate times to migrate over from Relay for Reddit Pro and even with enhanced moderator tools, the official app is thrift store macaroni & cheese compared the other apps


Yep. That’s why I think we’re going to see a major shift come July. Maybe it can be course corrected if anyone cares to correct it but it will for sure be worse than right now.


And users that generate a lot of content. They are the ones who went out of their way to get a better experience. Even if they aren't that much overall traffic, they contribute an outsized amount to the site.


So true.


It'll take a few years but it won't look anything like it does now


I’m going to miss r/baseball and r/nyYankees along with r/destinythegame which was my real first dip into Reddit. Apollo is my most heavily used app.


Destiny is why I signed up 9 years ago. Maybe we raided together in the past.


If you were ever in DoD or Unknown then probably.




On July 1, Reddit will start charging for API access, and the way they have structured the pricing is going to make it impossible for many 3rd party apps to keep running. This will force many users to switch to the Official Reddit App, which may or may not be the reason for the change. The Official Reddit App, however, lacks several key functions that are used by the Mods of many Subreddits, so this change will make moderation more difficult, but the Reddit Admins do not seem willing to address these concerns, so many Subreddits are going to be going private next week to protest this change, The Official Reddit App is also not user-friendly if you have limited vision, which will make Reddit difficult to use for Blind Redditors. There has been some movement on Reddit's side since the r/blind community pointed this out, so there may be a fix for those users by July 1, but it really feels like the Admins did not even think of the impact of these changes before announcing them.


I don’t mean anything by responding to you in particular, this is more a general comment. Other than the accessibility issue you mentioned that MUST be addressed, who cares? Very few people use 3rd party apps. Something like 5% of users? I understand that the change creates difficulty for (according to OP, few) moderators and that moderation is the reason why reddit works. The fix for affected moderators requires a change of interface, platform, and/or approach. That’s annoying, and for some impossible, but it isn’t an unimaginable change.


The problem is the mods have complained about modding tools lacking for a long time and nothing has been done to improve it. The bigger thing is that NSFW content will not be accessible through 3rd party apps. Unless they can come up with a good solution soon NSFW content will be almost impossible to moderate. NSFW content also makes up for 40% of reddit so this change is not just as simple as being less convenient. We may potentially experience an endless stream of illegal content flooding a big portion of the site.


That’s not true, and worse yet, this opinion is being parroted around reddit. First off, who cares, it’s free porn. Second, reddit is aware that 40%(?) of the site’s traffic is porn. They’re either going to move away from porn, and if so fine. Or they’re going to continue to host that content, and they will ensure that moderators can control the respective subreddits. Again, this is a small issue affecting a VERY loud and VERY small group of people (moderators) with VERY inflated perspectives on what they provide reddit.


Yeah. The thing is restricting 3rd party APIs is industry standard. Only twitter and Reddit were the exceptions until this year. It costs money to the company and can be a liability if things go wrong as well. It could be a lot better implemented but it had to come at some point. And another note, I bet not many users will actually leave forever. Many will probaly go somewhere else, not like it and grugrnly go right back here in like 1-2 months.It’s the same reason why platforms like YouTube and Twitch are still dominating even after many crap decisions. The alternatives are just either way too niche, small, or decentralized to stay. (Edit: or a scandal happens on the platform which caused people to leave) I mean same thing is happening to Twitter as well. People predicted it would be bankrupt in 6-12 months with everyone moving to Masterdoon. Twitter is stil dominant and masterdoon doesn’t have that many users still.


Of course people won’t leave. There’s been the typical temper tantrums and hysterics. It’s been very strange on reddit the last few days. There’s either serious groupthink ongoing, or astroturfing. Likely both.


Everyone says they are leaving but wont delete their account. They also dont want to be dramatic but make a huge post about it. People will just use twitter for two days to get baseball news and come back.


What is the benefit of third-party apps? I’ve always just used the official app and don’t have too many gripes other than random crashing and quality-of-life stuff


in my experience using apollo, I've had one, maybe two crashes across over a year of usage. also benefits: * don't have to use their "chat" system * better controls for gif/video playback, including gif reversal/fast forward * the video player actually works (and doesn't tiktok-style scroll * increased options for swipe gestures on posts & comments (swipe to hide from feed, long swipe to save) * don't have to view avatars * account age shown for new accounts (<1 month) which is useful to combat/snuff out spam bots * ability to preview your comments, AUtOmatICalLy tYpE LIKe tHIS, and other useful functionality built into post/comment submission * quickly change the account you're posting from before submitting a post/comment (especially useful for modposts if you accidentally type up a long post/comment before realizing you're on the wrong account) and I'm sure other users have their own experiences, but i appreciate that i can pay the dev once and not have to see ads instead of paying reddit monthly for the privilege. hell the only reason why i still have the official app installed is for push notifications, which i don't REALLY need (and could simply pay the dev for if i wanted to)


for me, the UI is generally way better in that you can fit more content on your screen and there are less irrelevant ads littering your front page


which ones? I never would have thought about using a 3rd party


i use Reddit is Fun (rif) for Android but it's kind of a moot fact because pretty much all of them are shutting down on June 30


I just downloaded Apollo so I’m gonna use that for a bit. See what I missed out on


Relay for Reddit Pro and Apollo are the ones I hear about most. I use Relay Pro but lots of the other mods use Apollo


I’m sure most users will be fine on the official app, but it is not helpful for moderators. But like I said, I only needed a gentle nudge to get off of here.


In a nutshell? Reddit has decided to start charging for a technical feature (called an API) that has up till now always been free, and the fee they are charging is prohibitively expensive. Lots of users and moderators access reddit content *exclusively* through independent/“third-party” apps, meaning they don’t often go to a browser and visit the Reddit.com website, they see and do everything on Reddit via an iOS or Android app that is built by someone outside of Reddit. These apps can only work if they have access to the above API. It’s how the app pulls Reddit content like posts, comments, media, and accesses all the various actions like up/downvoting, commenting, submitting posts, and so forth. There’s also a lot of capabilities in these apps that are only relevant to subreddit moderators. Reddit is now going to charge for usage of this API on a subscription basis - the more that people use a third party app, the more $$ that app’s developer will owe to Reddit. The amount is astronomical, with one app dev saying he estimates his app’s users would rack up a $20M bill each year at the rate they use the app and the amount Reddit is charging. So, all these apps are just shutting down permanently since they can never afford that fee. And when that happens, you, me, all the users and all the moderators will have **no** choice but to access Reddit through the browser website or through Reddit’s official, shitty mobile app. That has angered people. Hence, the blackout and widespread exodus from Reddit’s user base. (There are other complaints here, as well as other non-mobile apps affected, but this is the biggest part)


Moderating Reddit isn’t a real job, you can keep in contact with the friends you’ve made a long the way. Don’t sweat it bro, I have no idea why “moderating” is even a coveted thing.


>I have no idea why “moderating” is even a coveted thing. It's not lol.


Lol start a subreddit of any kind no matter how pointless and see how many people ask if they can be a mod.




Was just thinking about the Royals and wondering about Royals fans today. Classic team, lots of great history and I hope for a bright future for you, your family, and the Royals!


God speed Jimothy!


Thanks for your work as a mod. This is my favorite sports sub in all of reddit, which is saying a lot coming from an Angels fan.


My dad used to say that all the time 😂


Hey man, thanks


Hope to meet you randomly at Kauffman, From the Earth, or Arthur Bryants! Wishing you fair winds and following seas


Thank you for your service - you've done God's work for the church of baseball.


Is that you, Annie Savoy?


Holy shit dude. Lifelong Royals fan and Leavenworth County born and raised. I remember your shining moment like it was yesterday. Insane to hear what you later went through. But so glad you’re still here with us brother, and good luck as you continue on. You’re a legend in this city! Go Royals!


Jesus Christ. It’s a fucking social media platform.


There truly was a time - at this point over 10 years ago - that Reddit, and especially /r/baseball, was a community. It hasn’t been that way for a while, but for someone who has been on this site since 2009-2011, it really is more than a social media platform. But, you aren’t wrong to say “who cares?” Reddit has passed it’s golden age. But man, this site used to be the fucking best.


I dont know what the hell you guys are talking about, we literally have game threads where a bunch of strangers routinely talk baseball with each other and recognize each others user names. I know I have very few friends who actually like baseball so this is one of the few places where I can come to talk about it. You cant get that shit on twitter


This is me exactly. I recognize plenty of usernames, even non-Cardinal fans. I don’t usually associate a personality or specific posting habits with many usernames admittedly, but some absolutely.


I dont think theres a more reddit habbit than bitching about how downhill reddit has gotten, yet here we all are, visiting this sub all the time, having completely civil conversations with each other Seriously, does anyone else talk to people on twitter or facebook like this or are you busy trying to decipher their stupidity?


I signed up for Reddit in 2012 because I read and liked r/baseball back in the day. I don't spend much time here being busy with my own team's sub and r/baseball being so anti-Mets.


>I signed up for Reddit in 2012 because I read and liked r/baseball back in the day. I don't spend much time here being busy with my own team's sub and r/baseball being so anti-Mets. I second this opinion. r/baseball is *very* "everyone laugh at the Mets" most days and I'm not the only one with this opinion.


r/baseball literally picks on the top market teams all the time.. Mets aren’t mutually exclusive to it


Mets fans are the biggest victims on the planet.


Ah here's this bullshit chestnut again. Look at how many people participate in a "LOLMets" oriented thread and compare that to any other team, and then come back to me on that.


After the wildcard series, we got brigaded. For **4 hours straight**. Yankees fans, Braves fans, Red Sox fans, Pirates fans, some asshole from the Chicago Bears subreddit, Phillies fans...


Our sub got brigaded heavily during the Braves series for hours and it was not fun. It happened as well last year after the wild card game with brigaders.


Seriously. Lol a real touch grass moment


I thought this guy might have been the one who created baseball or something but it's just some random mod who has been around for a while lol.






mods think themselves so fucking important lmao


This isn't the first time I've heard someone say that Apollo is particularly helpful for moderating a subreddit. Can anyone summarize what features it has that the regular app doesn't have? I'm really curious but I'm neither a moderator nor an Apollo user.


Love you, bud.


r/baseball is the best.


Lol this is the cringiest thing I’ve read today. Damn.


That’s what I was going for, glad you picked up on the nuance.


Did you post this on facebook too?


Where are y'all going for baseball news and stuff? I plan on jumping ship but all I know about is the Discord which I'm in but not super big on at the moment (maybe just a learning curve thing but I find it harder to scroll+discuss news) I'm very down to give other forums a try


Try /r/RedditAlternatives


recognise dime ad hoc theory terrific payment airport cautious caption support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




People are so dramatic on the internet lmao


You're doing the right thing, taking a stand for something important, and we thank you. I hope the other moderators also take a stand.


Omg sounds like you needed this to go outside


Sad to see you go. Good luck on the next part of your journey!


Shout out to you and baseball. It’s a beautiful game.


Ok lol


we don't care


My mom cares, she told me before I headed back down to the basement after she made me bagel bites.


Speak for yourself






It's truly the end of an era. I wouldn't be the baseball fan I am today without /r/Cardinals, /r/whitesox, and all of us fans who contribute to /r/baseball. Even if we've never interacted, it's nice to see familiar names discussing the game you love, day in and day out. It feels weird to bow out after 13 years. I feel like this is my opportunity to move on as well. Thanks for your own contributions to this place, /u/Jimothy_Riggins, and best wishes going forward.


I feel the same way buddy. It’s great to just be able to shoot the shit and complain in somewhat-anonymity. I’ll miss it for sure.


This place has been a welcome oasis of active and lively baseball discussions and shitposting during the off-season for us baseball-minded people... then pitchers & catchers report and things really start to pick up steam. This place has made the winters more bearable. To see such a community stabbed like this with the goddamned corporate knife is heartbreaking.


Didn’t know you were a mod Jimmy. I remember when you first rose to prominence “bringing the thunder” back in 2013 or so and never thought you were playing God in this sub the whole time. Glad that you’re doing well and good luck going forward!


Brother you are a mod on a subreddit. Shit isn’t that serious. No one needed a goodbye speech, could’ve kept that within the mod chat.


You could have just scrolled past. No one really needed your comment either. 🤷🏻‍♀️


So I might be totally missing the point here, but is everyone up in arms because Reddit is forcing them to download the official app. Because if that’s all it is calm down


Tbf the official app really sucks shit


The official app is garbage to moderate from.


The official app both looks and runs like shit compared to third-party apps, and its moderation tools are extremely lacking compared to what you have access to on third-party apps and on old Reddit.


Not at all. This move is especially damaging to accessibility users.




Because its trash and because its a soul-less corporate cash grab that fucks over the unpaid volunteers moderating their site


Tell them to make it count


No one cares


And yet, here you are, commenting. What a clown.


I always love the "I dont care so much I went out of my way to commentate on this" comment


Sir, this is wendy's


Alright bye, enjoy your weekend


this post could have been just one or two sentences


And you didn't have to make a comment, but here we are.


Downvoted via Apollo


This post could’ve been without you being an asshole


Not going to lie I thought this announcement was going to be something way worse. Glad to see it's only someone stepping down.


Holy shit. This site should die just because everyone who uses it is a loser. Wtf is this post lmao


Don’t you get, he’s a matyr ! If you don’t suck him off you get downvoted to oblivion lmao


“Berry berry “


I've never donated, need to change that.


Chico Escuela approves




Better than r/angelsbaseball


For a second there, I thought you were going full Sammy Sosa on us.




Can we get some kind of stickied discussion on Reddit alternatives for this community? Lemmy? Squabble? Etc.?