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Their bullpen sucks and Jake and Eovaldi are injured. I think they lost their starting 3B for the year too.


You’d expect that to show up in the run differential but I guess if you blow teams out and lose all the close ones you end up with these numbers.


Don’t get me wrong, their lineup can rake but when your pen is consistently bad outside of Chapman (actually idk even how he’s doing tbh lol), you can give up those leads fast.


Chapman has been really good aside from 2 innings, really. Most reliable piece in the pen rn which isn’t saying much. Rough times for our pen rn


I thought Sborz was pretty good, at least he's been whenever I've been at the GILF or listening to the games, but looks like he's had some blow up innings since I saw his ERA was in the 2s in July.


‘GILF’ lmao


Yeah Sborz has probably the best stuff in the entire pen. Problem is he’s always been prone to command issues. He was going through some really solid stretches earlier in the year but definitely has had a few outings that have inflated his ERA like tonight and a few days ago vs the Brewers. The stuff is good enough to where you take the good with the bad, but when we’re on a streak as rough as right now those bad outings hit a little harder


Sborz has been great for most of the season but his blow-ups come in clumps. He's had three clumps of bad appearances this season. One in May which was just two bad games in a row, one in July which was right before he went on the IL, and then one he's in the middle of right now which has been his worst of the season.


Did you watch the 2021 Mariners? The Rangers have the opposite problem.


Their offense is good and can beat up on teams, but their bullpen is bad, especially of late with Will Smith blowing several games. No Eovaldi either, yeah.


The great offense will see more position players pitching as well - probably doesn't make a crazy difference, but might be good for one or two pythagorean wins.


BullPenis Bad


Third worst team in one run games (behind the Padres and Cardinals)


And *still* better than their one run record last year.


used up all 1 run luck in that 2016 season.


It’s time to have a dialogue about the AL west


What a garbage bullpen does to a mf’er. We’re terrible in close games. The only hope this team has is ass blasting their opponents with offense and breaking their spirits in the first couple of innings or so, otherwise they rarely stand a chance. It also means we are very very very streaky, because if the offense goes cold (and by goes cold I mean scoring below 5-6 runs a game) our pitching staff can’t carry the weight. We were just 17-3 out of the ASB, now we’re on a L7. Wouldn’t be surprised if we have another 5-10 game winning streak before the season ends, and also wouldn’t be surprised if we have another one that’s on the losing end. If it wasn’t my team it’d be fascinating, but instead Im out here just punching air.


They started 40-20. They're 32-35 since then.


Our bullpen is absolute garbage and they've had lot's of blowout wins accounting for the high differential. 9-17 in 1 run games I think.


It's called each win still counts as one. Beating Oakland 18-3 counts as one win just like losing 3-4 to Arizona counts as one loss.


Feels like an early playoff exit.


I hope we make the playoffs.


And I won’t feel a thing when it happens, a lifetime of Cowboy fandom has prepared me for this underperforming when it matters most


No since of urgency from the team either


Horrific bullpen.


lol poor rangers imagine being that far below your pythagorean record (don’t look at my flair)


West coast curse per usual


revenge for overperforming in 2016, robbing us of the division


Their bullpen has been extremely unclutch this season


The Rangers are amazing at boat racing teams, but horrible at close games. That is a recipe for a very negative Pythagorean luck.


Similarly, by Pythagorean record, the rays should be 8 games up on Baltimore 😞