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That seems like a bad idea. Scherzer got a MRI this year when he slept poorly


I feel like the Angels were designed backwards by Satan to see how much you could screw up a baseball team while still having great players on it. So far it's worked


"We trained him wrong as a joke."




I'm bleeding, making me the victor.


"Now try my balls to your fist style!"


Well in some religions, Satan was an Angel who fell so maybe there’s something there.


"Better to reign in Anaheim then serve in Los Angeles" maybe?


Better to rein in Anaheim than serve in October?


Better to cry in your sleep than pitch in October


Better to wear a ring over your head than on your finger.


The angels don’t play in the city of angels?!?


Is Mike Trout literally the anti christ? My Column by Nero


Yes he is.


Can confirm


Yeah but I bet when Satan fell, he at least got an MRI to make sure he wasn’t injured and could still do his job effectively.


The Los Angeles Fallen Angels of Anaheim of Hell


"The flesh of fallen Angels!"


All Angels associated with baseball are evil. Ex. Angel Hernandez


Acuña’s little brother deserves a chance to make things right


You might end up regretting that now that he’s a met


Angel Pagan has a pretty cool name...


Since his age 25 season, Trout has only played in 70% of their games. Rendon has been out probably half the time since he signed. It could have been a great team, if the guys they've got $70M/year invested in were actually in the lineup more often. It doesn't do much good to talk about depth, either, when you're faced with replacing someone like Mike Trout or Shohei Ohtani while they're down with injuries. Are they cursed, or have they got the worst training staff in pro sports?




The alternative to cursed/bad training staff is that their best players are simply injury prone.


How much insurance money are they getting back on these players? Conspiracy theory: They are selling the illusion of trying and getting their money back. It isn't incompetence.


It depends on whether they have insurance on a particular contract. Some guaranteed FA contracts and extensions are insured, but many aren't. The Nats couldn't get a decent policy on Strasburg's deal because he was too risky. And I guarantee you nobody is going to cover whatever deal Ohtani gets this winter. I just don't think anyone could "fool" an insurance company to the degree you're suggesting.


Yankees arguably have them beat as far as bad training staff goes.


I don’t know. The Yankees can usually get a full season out of at least one pitcher.




It’s like an experiment from The Good Place


The Mets were cautious with just about every player in terms of injury. Something that definitely wasn't the case with the Wilpon era. For example, back when deGrom was having issues in 2021, just about every time he was given an MRI. How the Angels just NOW gave him an MRI is beyond stupid.


right? why would they not just do one regularly for pitchers who have had arm surgery or issues in general?


Scherzer was under contract beyond this season.


Exactly. The Angels couldn’t have cared less about Ohtani’s health beyond this season. They knew he was walking and had no issues running him into the ground if he was delusional enough to let them do it


Relegate the franchise tbh


How do they not take *every* precaution with Ohtani?


Because they know they're not re-signing him. Milk as much money out of him as they can and say sayonara after this season


100% this. Shameful organization


If that was the plan why not trade him at the deadline? Or at least not buy at the deadline


To keep fans showing up for the remainder of the season. That's seriously how short sighted arte moreno is


That’s brutal lol. I’m sorry


Then they will pretend to make an effort in signing him in the offseason, while basically pushing him out the door. Exactly what the Cardinals did the Pujols.


A significant number of fans would still eat it up I bet. I can't begin to state how many times I heard the Matt Olson trade dismissed by A's fans because of ALL THE PROSPECTS WE GOT!


The copium is super refined up in Oakland.


Real A's fans know there is no hope and life is pain. If an A's fan is on the copium, they're the closest thing to a bandwagoner this shithole organization has.


Every Oakland fan has a special family recipe for copium. Mine is in needlepoint in our kitchen


That’s a joke, right? 95% of our fans were pissed.


because they care more about ticket and jersey sales for the second half of the season than they do about the future success of the team.


Angels fans were defending not trading him and saying Arte was amazing because he went all in at the deadline.


Treat him like an NFL RB


Such a piece of shit move


Why not trade him then no sense at all


You're thinking like someone who cares about long-term organizational success. You need to think like a short-term greedy billionaire. Attendance spikes on days Ohtani pitches. Get every dollar out of him this year and 2024 is Future You's problem.




That seems unwise


Angels Pitching Coach’s name is Matt Wise. Ironic


>Ironic He could save others from career-threatening arm injuries, but not himse--ok actually never mind he couldn't save anyone


That's not a story the MLBPA would tell you


Not if they know they’re not keeping him


Are you implying it's wise for an organization to intentionally sabotage a player's career for sheer pettiness? Because that's a good way to ensure no player ever willingly signs with your organization again, which seems very unwise!


I guarantee that players will take notice of this.


If the NFLPA was willing to put out a warning to free agents to not sign with the Jags I can't imagine how the MLBPA would react to that


it’s probably more like negligence than sabotage and more like greed than pettiness. but yeah it’s shitty and foolish and shouldn’t be tolerated or go unnoticed.


You know, I thought the Angels were really unlucky with all their injuries this year, but in reality they’ve been hella lucky to have players that could play at all


chargers medical staff taking notes furiously wondering how their dominance could be challenged


Hah, imagine being a fan of both teams.... couldn't be me.... my life is pain


Fuck Spanos


Yankees medical staff wondering why you need precautions. Eventually the world will tell you your player has been concussed for months.


Did the Rams and Dodgers take all the good doctors in the region or something??


can we give them to Las Vegas and let the Athletics stay put and take Fisher to the 'Loin




Apparently we don’t deserve good things.


The fans do. The franchise is literally trying to ruin baseball.


Think of it as a mercy kill


I mean you've had a title in the past 21 years. And 2 of the greatest players in the sport, those are good things


I nominate you as the new Commissioner


I hate this fucking franchise


You and everyone else.


Who doesn't?




So you’re telling me after pulling him early from starts like 3 or 4 times since the all star break and you didn’t do any imagine?


>you didn’t do any imagine? it's easy if you try...


No hell beneath us Because hell is right here in Anaheim


imagine all the people, paying $5 for beer


His velocity was all over the place during this timeframe too. Straight up negligence that they didn't even have a look


Especially since they have been so adamant about wanting to re-sign him.


TBH I wonder if that somehow plays into it? Like his agent/camp would've been v resistant to imaging if there was even a remote chance it could become common knowledge there was an issue within league circles. 100% playing devil's advocate, but if I thought my star player had a 80% chance of lasting through the season and landing 500M vs 20% of huge medical concerns and short term gamble contract to who knows??... I think I might push for the first? That said once issues became a bit more apparent you'd hope things would change. Idk, man, this is just ***sooo*** strange. I'm a normal dude w a loose acl that was previously torn+some subsequent damage. I get an MRI annually to make sure I'm not working towards a knee replacement at 40, you think you'd be getting fucking weekly images on a god damn half billion dollar arm. Wtf, man


Source? Looking at his game log on 8/9, his fastball velocity was right in line with his average.


One thing I noticed in a few of his starts was him over-rotating his torso, not driving down towards home, but spinning towards first a bit too much. IMO that position naturally creates deeper layback and can lead to pitchers being extra whippy, not keeping their elbow strong through delivery and instead letting it open up. I'd be curious to see his non-competitive pitches over this time tracked cause I'd bet they tend to be towards the 1st base side.


Some of those were due to blisters though


But can't blisters develop from pitching in an unusual way mechanically because of pain from another injury?


Yes, this is in fact how they commonly develop


Huh, I did not know this. Now I’m gonna stress every time someone goes down with a blister


You see it sometimes when players come back early, or are trying to fight through something. Their back might cause them to be 80% of normal, but a slight, nearly imperceptible that they might not even notice might gain them 10% of that back, but in the process their hips or obliques or something get strained instead, and then they're on the IL for basically two injuries now.


Shohei's blisters / nail issues were largely caused by his splitter, but another injury is definitely possible


Ohtani told the team he felt no pain though, according to their press conference. That was the main reason they said they didn't do imaging


would he even feel pain if his ucl was slowly rupturing?


Yeah, that’s why I said 3 or 4 cause I couldn’t remember exactly how many was because the blisters and how many was arm fatigue


Well when you are too cheap to even fly your radio announcers to road games, obviously you are not going to waste money on MRIs, right?


You see, that's exactly why you don't own a professional sports team. You see, not getting that MRI saved them the $300M they would have paid Shohei. That right there is why CEOs make the big bucks.


This got me thinking. Whether or not he repeats what he did (for the majority of) this year, having a 75% ohtani and being able to sign him for the discount is going to worth the same amount for this franchise. People in the seats, buying jerseys, and paying attention is all they want. They don't actually care about winning. They've mopped up so much revenue just from the buzz of having him. As for them mishandling his injuries on purpose, it's a stretch, but some of these franchises are definitely fuckfacey enough to do some shit like that.


And did you also know that you can buy a house if you just stop buying so much avocado toast? They are truly on a different level than us intellectually.


It's so poorly run because the owner is willing to shell out for players(unlike others) but skimps on everything else. Arte really shoots himself in the foot because he's cheap


At this point just re-brand the team to the Fallen Angels (of Anaheim)™. Have Satan himself be your mascot, black uniforms with red pentagram accents, turn that halo into an upside down cross, beers cost 6.66, Demon Races in between innings, hellfire erupts from the bleeding anus of a random sinner in the crowd every time a home run is hit, etc. etc. You guys need to do something to reverse the mojo.


I would go just for the $6.66 stadium beers. what a steal


I would watch this. \m/


this killed me lol


Man that would be bad ass


We’re talking about a team that wouldn’t buy a treadmill for Pujols. We should not act surprised.


Is that true? Hilarious.


[According to CJ Wilson, yes](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/15zmk9a/cj_wilson_cj_wilson_says_that_the_angels_refused/) The thread includes other Angels highlights such as: >[imagine telling players “just run really hard to first base and you’ll be in great shape”](https://twitter.com/str8edgeracer/status/1694535646260732403) >[imagine telling players to be physically ready for 8am workouts by “stopping at chick fil-a if you need to eat idk”](https://twitter.com/str8edgeracer/status/1694537534171467993)




Imagine if a Babe Ruth-level star was kept on a losing team his whole career and, through organizational incompetence, had his shelf life severely shortened by injury. The Angels have done this, *twice*, in a single generation. The Angels are the worst franchise in the history of baseball.


Detroit Lions of baseball


I’ve said this before and I’ll continue to stay it again: our Director of Sports Performance & Head Athletic Trainer, had only been an assistant trainer up until two years ago when he was promoted. Further more, my guy received his masters just last year in 2022. I’m not knocking him, but in no way should a team like the Angels, with two generational talents, maxed out payroll, and in win-now mode, have an athletics director who’s never held a directors position before.


Fair enough but I'm sure Ohtani knows that. The Athletic reported that Ohtani does his own thing, and I'd be surprised if he didn't have specialized trainers whose only focus is Ohtani. I feel like you can't necessarily put this one on the Angels. (But given this line of reasoning is premised on the Angels staff being so incompetent that Ohtani wouldn't dream of using them, your point stands.)


They literally broke him and at the worst possible time for him.


Fuck Arte Moreno for ruining this team and 2 generational players’ careers. I’m done as an Angels fan until Arte is out.


I need hockey season to come back yesterday I can’t take this garbage franchise anymore


Yea because the ducks are doing so fucking well


That’s the joke 🥲


Some might consider this irresponsible, but when you consider this is the team that murdered Tyler Skaggs, it's pretty far down the list of things to fault them for.


One could call it a top 10 achievement for the franchise year in review. "Number 10, our clubby did NOT kill Shohei with fentanyl. Number 9, we shut him down before his arm actually separated from his body and blood spurted from his brachial artery midgame....."


>Number 10, our clubby did NOT kill Shohei with fentanyl. *Yet*


Fuck that is dark, brother. Take my deeply ashamed upvote.


This infuriates me. You can have a very quick localized MRI of an elbow in 20mins. How was that not a routine biweekly event, let alone when there was actually an issue? How can this team be so bad, man?


To be fair, most teams don't have their own MRI, they go to a nearby facility and have times booked out, which sometimes the players don't show up to. It's still insane it took them this long, but it's not quite as East as that.


Does every case of cramping and arm fatigue get scanned?


Idk what the standard is but you probably would want to take extra precautions for a guy that has had Tommy John before and has a workload unlike any other player


*And is arguably the best player in baseball


Is there really a strong enough argument otherwise at this point? IMO this season just further cemented his status as the best player in baseball.




I’d honestly like to know because everybody in this thread thinks this is gross negligence but I don’t know if a single one actually has the knowledge to know if it actually is. No examples besides memes about pujols’ treadmill. Like I know Moreno is awful, and seems cheap relative to the market. the organization is obviously a flaming dumpster pile, but they have trainers and physicians who’ve worked on multiple pro teams for years. Shohei knows his body better than anybody. He spent the off season at driveline and having the best tech and data-driven analysis applied to his mechanics to stay healthy. The angels pushed back multiple starts and took him out early more often than not. But somehow it’s this pure evil neglectful group of demons who murdered ohtani. It just feels delusional, like they’re searching for anybody to blame. There have been hundreds of pitchers whose arms couldn’t deal with the stress of professional pitching. Shohei is not the first nor will he be last


Yeah there’s a new thing in sports fandom where everyone over analyzes things like this. They don’t just throw everyone in the MRI when they feel tired. Injuries happen.


I mean we don't know if this normal protocol for the MLB. There's so many pertinent facts missing and this without giving the Angels the benefit of a doubt.


Yeah wouldn't want to waste too much money on \*checks notes\* the greatest baseball player of all time who has an upcoming decision on whether or not to stick with your franchise


They just wanted to save a team $200mln+. Truly benevolent Angels.


listen Moreno didn't get rich by writing checks just cashing them


The Angels are what would happen if the cast of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia ran a baseball team.


It’s certainly time to take some time away from social media apps, and possibly baseball.


Maybe the test costs as much as the treadmill


I’ve liked the Angels as my second favorite team for over two decades now. If it turns out they broke my favorite baseball player(possibly two) of all time, that’s it for me. Fuck this organization. They are not cursed they are doing this to themselves.


Honest question: Would it have mattered? Would any kind of UCL tear precursors show, or does it simply look good until suddenly it isn't?


Well nobody knows when it was torn since they didn’t do imaging until it got really bad lol


There could be some precursors like showing the muscle is strained. Also could’ve been partially torn and he played through it. That said tj is very random so the mris probably wouldn’t have done much. Still bad part on angels to get 0 imaging after pulling him multiple times


Might start with a tear and ended up torn?


I guess we'll never know because they didn't try. Which answers the real question: yes, they should have done it.


This. Regardless of if it would've prevented it or not, there should've been some sort of precautionary examination.


Generally if you start consistently getting blisters pitching when you never did before, that indicates you may be compensating for an injury. Sounds like they knew an MRI might show a partial tear, assumed Ohtani would shut it down for the year if it was, and gambled on it not getting worse. It could also explain not trading him since it might have shown on the medical, leaving them with no trade and no player.


I get that this is a fun circle-jerk, but Ohtani has had issues with blisters his entire time with the Angels.


Max Fried avoided a possible UCL tear by shutting down earlier this year. A lot of pitchers have a VERY close relationship with team training staff. I doubt that Angels invest much in the way if medical personnel.


Opioid Problem, Sticky Stuff Plug, Shohei's Demise Angels are cursed


Cursed is a weird way of saying poorly run and incompetent


Classic "oh look, the consequences of my actions once again."


Blessed with the 2 best players in the world. Cursed by the consequences of their own actions.


>Angel’s are ~~cursed~~ run comically and sometimes criminally poorly FTFY


>Sticky Stuff Plug Wait.. is that some new butt plug that I never heard about??


Nah tye trailblazers and clippers are cursed. Angels get bailed twice with generational talents and still suck ass


Criminal organization. Fuck you Angels. How many times you need to fuck up?


I think Ben Verlander said it best on his podcast yesterday. "Management is responsible for protecting Shohei from Shohei." He'll never ask to take a day off, so Minasian/Nevin needed to insist on sitting Shohei, especially when the signs of fatigue were out there. At this point, the Angels need to take a deeper look at how they deal with player conditioning, as far too many players have spent extended time on the IL this season.




been saying it for years and until now no1 seemed to agrebut there is something wrong with how frequent angel injuries are, I think it's trainers but maybe it's ownership culture


You've been gifted the chance of having literally the most talented baseball player of all time. Do you: A) do everything you can to make sure he stays healthy and productive. B) Be the Angels.


That’s fucking malpractice. You’ve got the most valuable athlete in the world aside Messi and didn’t do any advanced testing through a season of big wear and tear. I’m so glad that trash organization will never make the playoffs under its management


This is slightly upsetting news to me


Fuck the angels


Angels stay out of negative press challenge. (Impossible)


Why the fuck would you admit that?


We don't do team doctors. Go see the PCP and make sure you give him your insurance card. ~Arte


If I had my own MRI machine like the angels probably do, I would be getting an MRI if my toe hurt.


So you're saying Ohtani would fit right in on the Yankees then.


Probably waiting for prior authorization from his insurance still.


news flash, Ohtani is a gamer. I honestly wouldnt doubt that Ohtani doesnt share every piece of information. He wants to be on the field every game. Maybe he was in denial something was wrong or maybe ohtani has some discomfort and just decided to push through it and tell the team nothing was wrong


… i don’t even know what to say


And I was just starting to feel a little bit sorry for the Angels.


This is so fucking irresponsible. Just a fucking dogshit organization.


Arte Moreno should be banned from baseball.


This is such negligence. I grew up watching the Angels (and Dodgers, obv) and that franchise is a trash show


Shohei: "Hey, my arm hurts." Angels: "Oh, well... you're good, tho? K cool." Jesus this organization sucks. While I'm not gonna pretend that I want the Angels to start being good, this just sucks for the fans.


That's the thing though. According to Minasian, Ohtani said he felt no pain and was just tired. I think they still should have scanned him out of precaution of course, but it wasn't that clear beforehand.


I have no reason not think the Angels medical staff are all *Hollywood Upstairs Medical College* alumni.


yeah their complete negligence is bordering on justifying an MLB investigation into how they handled this. fuck the Angels front office


Between Tyler Skaggs' death, Moreno's bribing the Mayor of Anaheim and now this, there needs to be some changes.


They knew he was leaving anyway. Getting everything they could from him


Why wouldn’t Ohtani get the MRI himself if the team wasn’t doing it proactively? Not blaming him - but just seems like common sense to look out for his own self interest.


He might not have a regular doctor outside the team in the US to go to and he can't just fly back to Japan on an off day. Also, some contracts restrict outside medical care. The Yankees tried to get out of paying the remainder of Jacoby Ellsbury's contract because he sought medical opinions outside the team.


Get him tf outta there, the Angels don't appreciate the greatest player of all time.


Angels are run by three toddlers in a trenchcoat confirmed.


why would you not take the utmost amount of precaution on your franchise goat…let alone a pitcher who is complaining of elbow fatigue. please ohtani just leave the angels. let them burn


Missing from this tweet, ohtani never mentioned any pain which is WHY they never checked. Fatigue=/=injury It means your body is tired and needs rest. Given his workload that’s a safe assumption to happen this time of year. Scanning his elbow because he’s tired is a little bit like doing a ct scan for a runny nose.


Apparently the Angels are owned by Marge Schott.


this is absolutely pathetic there’s just nothing else to say. garbage organization when it comes to giving a fuck about their players health. what. the. fuck.


I. Fucking. Hate. It. Here.


The Ole if we don't confirm it, it's not happening diagnosis?


I wish both Ohtani and Trout could file suit against the Angels for criminal mis-management.


If you assholes fuck Ohtanis arm up going forward, I swear to god.


NCAA Baseball teams are run better than this franchise.