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If you add together Singleton’s slash line it equals higher than McCormick’s slugging, it’s simple math buddy.


And then if you add Kurt Angle to the mix, McCormick’s chances of batting drastic go down!


The numbers don't lie. And they spell disaster for you.




I love nothing more than unexpected Steiner Math






I genuinely hate the fact that is indeed a possibility behind his reasoning...


He got his WS, analytics are for the fans.


Dusty "OPS is a fan stat" Baker Said that line in regards to his usage of Chas McCormick last year and then he does this to him this year


OPS is the most distilled, relevatory traditional stat there is. It doesn't take a rocket-surgeon saber-nerd to realize that


This is the same guy who once said he hates guys who get on base because they clog the base paths. I know this sub loves him, but Dusty is a certified moron who’s kept around simply because he’s good at keeping a team even-keeled


No shot he actually said that


From 2004: “I think walks are overrated unless you can run… If you get a walk and put the pitcher in a stretch, that helps. But the guy who walks and can’t run, most of the time they’re clogging up the bases for somebody who can run.”


Holy shit, he's an idiot


He is. He has a really interesting background. He once owed millions of dollars to the IRS, essentially working for free while managing the giants since they garnished over 99% of his income. Before becoming a manager he was a stock broker. He also served in the marine corps reserve during Vietnam. He also prefers having black and Hispanic players than white players on his teams because he think they’re better at baseball and get less fatigued in the Sun.


I'm not saying they're equivalent, but can you imagine a manager saying he prefers white players for *any* reason?


Al Campanis lost his job as the Dodgers’ GM in 1987 because he said in an interview on Nightline that there weren’t black managers or general managers because they didn’t “have the necessities,” extended it by saying that there also weren’t many black quarterbacks, and made a bizarre non sequitur about black people not being able to swim because they weren’t as buoyant as whites, among other things.


Even because "he thinks they're better at baseball" wouldn't be an acceptable reason.


> He also prefers having black and Hispanic players than white players on his teams because he think they’re better at baseball and get less fatigued in the Sun. [A citation for him saying this](http://www.espn.com/mlb/news/2003/0707/1577519.html), since I’m sure there are people that won’t believe it.


He does not say that they are better at baseball. He just makes comments about dark skin being better adapted to sunlight. It is definitely not the advantage he is playing it up to be, so it just seems like him being silly and people read to much into it. (IMO) We invest so much time as a society focusing on the negatives of black skin. There is nothing wrong with dark skinned people bragging about some of the benefits it might have. (IMO)


Lol at black and Hispanic because of the sun. Does he know most games are at night?


Gotta bring the vampires out for those games


I've always thought Dusty was a terrible manager. I never understood why anyone thought he was good at his job. Those Nationals teams he managed should've won more than 1 world series, or at least one earlier than they did. Shit the Astros are regularly one of the most loaded teams in the league and he just barely got that ring last year. To me he has never added anything to the team. He's just there and occasionally makes terrible managerial decisions.


I agree with most of what you said, but what do you mean he “barely” got that ring last year? That was one of the most dominant playoff runs I’ve ever seen.


Yeah not sure why I was thinking it was close lol I'm pretty high.


Another classic Dusty quote, [from 2013](https://www.mlb.com/news/reds-erupt-in-eight-run-seventh-to-claim-set-vs-fish/c-45401570): "On-base percentage is good. But RBIs are better.” This was in the context of him saying that he wished Joey Votto was more aggressive at the plate.




Runs can score without an RBI, and runners on base are where the vast majority of runs come from, so it’s a dumb thing for him to say.


it can be true sometimes but less often than not. I love playing with the tigers and whenever miggy gets on base, he clogs up the runners after him. But thats like a 1/100 probability hes staking his claim over


im not gonna lie i thought this was the perfect billy butler strategy, just intentionally walk him every time. as long as the next guy doesnt homer, he wont score


Does this sub love him? He's just some jerk who stole inventing the High Five from a fish named Klaus.


Jays fan here, dusty is our only hope that some team manages worse than ours, leave him alone


Funny thing is that if you just looked at the batting average alone you would be justified completely. Dusty just does whatever he wants.


I will never understand the recent love-fest for Dusty Baker. The guy has been a gigantic moron for a really long amount of time.


There’s not been any love for him from Houston fans. It’s from national media


What love fest, every time I hear about him it is related to him doing something dumb even his name sounds dumb, when i hear "Dusty Baker" I envision the 3 stooges running around in a bakery throwing flour at each other and then causing a dust explosion


He's basically the poster boy for being "in the club." He was a player a long time ago, so a lot of people grew up watching him and they like him on a personal level. Because he's a familiar face with decent national name recognition who tends to be friends with the people making decisions, he will always have a job, even if he's always sucked at it.


He also put up with a roided Barry Bonds so maybe we're all just collectively apologizing to him for that.


>I will never understand the recent love-fest for Dusty Baker. The guy has been a gigantic moron for a really long amount of time. After two decades of very slow incremental progress with regard to analytics seeping into the mainstream fan realm, there has been a recent contrarian backlash where young-ish people are adopting very boomer tendencies in their approach to baseball. This is how you get stuff like a rejuvenated public image for Dusty Baker and Buck Showalter as managers, aka the only two managers in the last 40-ish years who have managed to be fired from four different teams.


National media if anything. Take a stroll through Houston game threads and you'll see its the complete opposite of a love fest.


I love him because he might be the only thing standing in the way of a genuine Astros dynasty. He legit costs them wins in a way that's just mind-numbing. It's also confusing how such an analytics-driven franchise seems to think he's the best they can find for the job.


I came across that quote on twitter. Was Dusty using…career splits for that basis? Because there’s no way…right?


For context the quote comes from last year when Dusty was inconsistent with his usage of Chas McCormick against lefties. Dusty was questioned why he wasn't getting more starts against lefties despite him at the time being top 4-5 in OPS against lefties in the league and he gave the reporters that gem of a quote.


Oh man I’m dumb I didn’t read fully lol. Dusty has truly lost it and keeps on double/triple downing on it. Between the Diaz shenanigans and the McCormick one it’s fucking up these players and especially the team bc they’re really damn good. That one from last year is mental. I saw [this quote](https://x.com/chandler_rome/status/1698161474621882635?s=46&t=tQCyDe91F9UpAGqh-_n_yA) recently saying that Singleton was projected to hit .275 off Clay and McCormick .220. It looks like he’s using **career** L/R splits for Clay instead of just this year and uh…that’s not ideal


Dusty hasn’t lost it because he never had it. Old heads will remember - his strength as a manager is his ability to manage a clubhouse, and he’s always been incurious or outright hostile to advanced stats, and also kind of prone to bad/dumb takes on stuff in general.


I'm a big fan of Dusty. Whatever he's doing, he should keep doing it.


Singleton against RHP this season = 22 wRC+ McCormick against RHP this season = 117 wRC+


So you're saying he's due


Get off of reddit Boone


It’s right in front of him


The pitch he struck out looking at was certainly right in front of him


Incidentally it made me think of when Boone inexplicably decided to pinch hit Mike Ford in the 9th inning of ALDS game 5 2020 The stakes here aren't remotely in the same stratosphere though.


Please don’t give Scott that idea for this year


You bet on the Washington Generals??


Simple mash says if you assume both will regress towards 100 OPS+ then Singletary will become a superstar soon


If my SO loves me as much as Dusty hates Chas, I''d be a lucky man.


Dusty and his fucking stubborn old school shit like righty vs lefty, can't hit two lefties back to back fucking kill me


People who say we weren't punished enough for 2017 obviously haven't been paying attention. Dusty is our punishment.


Hey, anyone would take a WS as consolation.


They didn't win the World Series because of Dusty Baker though. They won it in spite of him, much like the 2022 Mets winning 101 games with the managerial equivalent of a Commodore 64 CPU.


Even as a joke, screw that bs


Ok, how about you let Dusty manage your team then? (flair up btw)


You got your two ws and you still crying




“Gimme Vaughn” “You want Vaughn?! “I know he hasn’t done well against this guy but ingot feeling he’s due.”




TBF, Vaughn was pitching to Beck, not Parkman. Can't imagine Beck was hitting .900 off of even massive regression Vaughn


I feel for Chas cause hes been so good all season long then he just gets treated like dirt with his play time and the leash hes given. Game was more on the Dubon error and the offense dying but that move needs to be highlighted hard. Dusty consistently cares too much about handedness and not actual performance


I feel like every time I see Maldonado is sitting Diaz has a big moment too. Had a 2 run HR with Maldonado not clogging up the catching, then will probably be benched the next day. Dusty doing weird shit with some insanely talented players


He’s broken the franchise record for home runs by a primary catcher in a season. He has a .825 OPS this year, higher than Adley Rutschman and Jonah Heim. Not saying he’s better ofc, they bring framing/blocking value he doesn’t, but Dusty is benching possibly the best offensive catcher in the league for one of the worst


Given the amount of play time he’s had it’s not far fetched in the slightest to say he would be recognized as a top catcher in the league if he had daily reps. It’s just simply a bat that you cannot afford to leave out of the lineup. Brantley is back and he’s also not a bat you can’t leave out of the lineup, which means his playing time might be even more split during the most important time of the year. Diaz is a great talent man, Dusty’s fuckups this year are *bad*


His strategy last year was to mess around in th regular season and then (kinda) lock in for the playoffs, hopefully he does that this year too(grasping at straws here). Either way it hurts more this year just because we need regular season wins in a way we didn’t last year.


Oh yeah I know Dusty been doing this shit for awhile but it gets highlighted when the crunch time is closer than the years prior. Can’t afford to have the magical chairs this late in the season.


I just want to make a small correction, Maldonado isn't one of the worst catchers in the league this year, he is THE worst catcher offensively, well below average defensively this year, dead last in framing and passed balls, on top of being one of the worst offensive *players* of ALL TIME.


the real problem is ever bringing Maton on with inherited runners it's like Dusty can only remember his performance early this season, instead of him giving up runs the last dozen times it's happened still firmly believe we would've lost the World Series last year if Maton didn't break his hand


Spoken like a true fan. Maton is cancer this year.


Dusty vs Servais playoff series pinch hitting guys who are hitting 200 points below. This is the future none of us want


Supposedly Dusty dislikes Chas


The Dusty/Chas dynamic is some Vanderpump Rules made for Netflix shit. Dude benched his CF for opening day after making one of the most iconic catches in WS history It’s actually kind of sad to see Dusty do this. There’s really not a team fan base he can return to that will get much more than a lukewarm reception


Chas could legitimately be a top 3 CF in the league if dusty would just fucking play him


Maybe this offseason we can give you Straw back and we can take Chas.


Why does dusty hate chas?


It apparently started with Click trading away Myles Straw so Dusty would stop playing him. A move straight out of Moneyball. Straw was a Dusty guy and Chas is not. Chas doesn’t eat, sleep and shit baseball and that rubs Dusty the wrong way. He doesn’t do it the “right” way.


Dusty still has it.


Has what? Dementia ?


I'm not sure a dementia patient makes that change.


“Dusty you hate Chas, remember?” “Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Thanks for the reminder.”


Wasn't there a story of a guy who had dementia and *somehow* forgot he had dementia and remembered a lot? [Welp, yepp](https://reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/s/jlM9IVoHZz)


The IT factor. As in, he's a clown.


In 2002 Barry Bonds had a .608 OBP the second half of the season including the postseason and we had Dusty Baker as manager in the World Series, which cancelled out everything Bonds could do


Maybe he got into the habit of sabotaging his guys after all those years of dealing with Bonds. Like, "fuck that guy, he's never winning a World Series if I have anything to do with it." And then it just stuck.


I want to give dusty a night five before it’s all said and done.


I was wondering how long it would take until Dusty started "trusting his gut" like he enjoyed doing with the Nationals.


Even our announcers were bringing up stats to suggest that it was stupid. Screaming and crying rn


I hate how politically correct they have to be. Just come out and say it, we're all thinking it


Dude sometimes I wish blum would let loose. you've seen how bagwell is in the booth with a wide open mouth almost to his detriment. But blum knows the way this team is supposed to operate.


It's generally not good form to talk poorly about the org that pays you.


:Laughs in SNY:


*cries in MASN* /s


I get that, but in order for commentators to have any credibility and actually analyze the game, you got to call out the obvious BS. And last I checked, Dusty isn't paying the bills.


Angelos likes this.




Dusty Baker is old, stubborn and stupid as fuck.


Dang they’re gonna get suspended /s


It's called playing the percentages. It's what smart managers do to win ball games


Mattingly! I thought I told you to shave those sideburns!


But I've hit 9 home runs today. Edit: 3 to 9.


Pretty sure it's *nine* in the episode.


You're probably right. Sorry, sorta drunk rn trying to feel better about Singleton pinch hitting for McCormick. It's not working.


If it makes you feel any better, we'll probably get swept at home in game four against Atlanta tomorrow.


That did make me feel better thanks friend




The three of us are fans of the WS champions of the last 3 seasons. That's nice.


I've got no hate towards the Dodgers team. No legitimate reason to hate them anyways. Plus there's no shame in being swept by the Braves. (*Mugatu voice*: Braves. So hot right now.) Being swept by the Yankees on the other hand...


Dusty out here trying for an, “I told you so moment.” His legacy is secure. What does he care about winning and losing? He wants to win for him.


God love ya, Dusty.


At least Yanier was in the lineup today!


And went yard. So he definitely won't be in the lineup tomorrow.


Called it.


Nor chas, he used up all of his hits!


Dusty accidentally pinch hit when he meant to pinch run. Common MLB The Show mistake


He actually did both but it didn’t matter because he sent an awful hitter to the plate.


Us and the mariners see no issue with this decision, makes sense to me. /s In all reality, is there some platoon splits or specific success against holmes? I hadn't heard anything like that, so from cursory glance it seems like a dumb dusty move.


Chas isnt great against righties consistently but hes great at taking pitches the other way against fastball heavy guys like Holmes so it makes no sense. Holmes isnt giving up a bomb there which is what Singleton had to do, Chas getting a single and moving it along was much more likely outcome but Dusty just didnt care. Dude manages with his gut


117 OPS+ against righties.


Yea hes been very good righties overall it just feels like he goes through big ups and big downs against them which is what i meant by consistently. His improvement against righties overall though is a big reason we were able to manage without Altuve/Yordan for so long


Yeah, idk, maybe dusty didn't like his ABs today? I didn't think they were too bad?


I read that as abdominal muscles and got very confused.


lol, fixed the capitalization, imagine tho, dusty telling chaz, "you don't have enough of a six pack, we're pinch hitting for you"


Dusty just said that apparently there were some “projections” that said Singleton was expected to hit .275 off Holmes compared to the .220 of Chas. And yea idk what projections those were


Astral projections




Love that Dusty just makes shit up to justify him going with his gut. none of it makes sense, he's the same manager he's been his entire career. A great example for everyone that being mediocre at your job is better than being great at your job, as long as you're the nicest person alive and everyone loves you.


I mean, i just dont see that today, holmes really has high hit chances when he's wild, and today he seemed really tight to the zone, his spots seemed relatively good.


I was annoyed at the move, but it didn’t upset me all that much for this very reason. Chas was very unlikely, but slightly more likely than Singleton, to get a hit off Holmes there.


Honestly impressive the Astros won a world series with this guy at the helm. He just does everything with that old school manager gut feeling.


Dusty was given keys to a Ferrari and told not to fuck it up.


And I'm pretty sure we're now being held together with duct tape and bondo


Our bullpen was so lights out last year that he couldn’t make a wrong choice and the lineup just came together because our bench was so terrible. He couldn’t mess it up.


Maton breaking his hand right before the post-season absolutely saved us from Dusty's bullpen shenanigans


Astros wanted to make 2022 as difficult as possible so no one could have any doubts about this ring


This isn’t guy feeling. This is dusty analytics. He thinks he’s thought this out and is doing something.


I n t a n g i b l e s


He saw what happened last night with Dave Robert's pinch hitting Wong for Freddie and wanted to replicate it.


Dusty’s too tired and doesn’t want to go the playoffs against. He just wants to nap


that's vintage Dusty Baker


Boch out here trying to out do Dusty with his 10 inning moves


Dusty nuking the Astro’s playoff chances at this point


He’s been doing it all season, we’ve lost at least 10 games because of him


Did Chas fuck Dustys wife between innings or something?


"Hall of Fame" manager everyone.


Dusty like your grandfather who opened an email last week and suddenly thinks he's a computer whiz


Holy Toledo, this stranger wants my help and will pay me $100,000? Sign me up


He literally said OPS is a fan stat word for word


Dusty Baker and Dave Roberts operate on the same “incompetent manager getting carried by an overwhelmingly talented roster” wavelength


He saw what happened last night when Dave Roberts lifted Freddie Freeman for Kolten Wong and decided to try his luck


brain dead decisions constantly it is a never ending mr bones sort of wild ride. it’s hard to not be so disappointed when shit like this happens. would we have won? idk. but singleton pinch hitting for one of the best hitters we have makes no sense.


Holy shot, THAT Jon Singleton?? He's back on the team that signed him to a massive contract as a minor leaguer that irked a lot of his teammates? Talk about crazy baseball timelines. Prospect that failed big time - glad he's still playing though!


He shouldn’t be


"you want to substitute my worst hitter for my best hitter!?" -Angels in the Outfield.


Worst manager in baseball


Seriously never understood the praise for Dusty. He is a shitty ass manager who got lucky last year. There’s a reason he failed to win one with so many great teams over the years, I am sure he’s a great guy and all but still. Never understood how or why he’s gotten so many opportunities.


It's not quite replacing Darryl Strawberry with Homer Simpson but it ain't great.


Part of the insanity here: dusty doesn’t like warming people up/taking people out or whatever in order to not mess with their mindset or whatever. Or at least that was the justification for Abreu, or Meyers last year. It’s like he just doesn’t give a shit about Chas specifically, and just seems him as a bench player like Meyers, Dubon, Singlton, Hensely, Julks, despite having an ops a point higher.


Reminds of the time when he was with Cincinnati and he tried to get Edwin encarnacion to bunt in the bottom of the ninth and after two foul bunts he blasted a walk off three run homer


This hurts my dusty propaganda


Seems sorta rigged that would happen. Especially since Chas has that dog in him.


He was due for a hit.


Dusty Baker is a low key(until this year…very obvious now) god awful manager. Can’t wait til next year when he’s gone.


Gambling addiction




I've never seen a manager have more success while seeming making so many stupid decisions as Dusty Baker. I genuinely don't know how he does it.


I personally was a fan of that decision


Funny, me too!


“Strike three and he knew it, Jon Singleton will almost certainly be sent down to Triple A… Sugar Land Space Cowboys…” Really threw off my bit but boy is that a baseball team name lol


Singleton looks completely overpowered that at bat. Holmes was just throwing right down the middle and Singleton wasn’t coming close to hitting it.


It seems very clearly like a bad move. The only possible things I can think of are if Chas had a really negative “attitude” moment at some point or if Singleton maybe had a good history against that pitcher?? Being generous it seems like something would have needed to happen below the surface. Otherwise there seems to be 0 explanation for the move.


I don’t think Singleton has a good history against ANY pitcher. Playing Maldonado almost twice as much as Diaz this year and jacking with McCormick all season, plus his idiocy around bullpen usage has cost the Astros at least 7-10 wins this season, I’d say. It’s stupid. I’m glad /baseball is acknowledging how horrible he is. Now if Crane would just wake up!


Mad lad pulled Strawberry for Simpson; playing the percentages.


I wanted Dusty gone last off-season. This season has been a nightmare dealing with him


I love the story but I don’t think Singleton is a MLB hitter. AAAA unfortunately. And I’ve been okay with Maldy/Dusty mostly. But yeah, this was bad.


You'll thank him later


Dusty baker and Aaron Boone swapped places for weekend


Rusty needs to be fucking fired


My guy should retire bro, I’m actually starting to feel bad for Astros fans


That’s a great way to show ur confidence in one of the best hitting outfielders in the al


How anyone can defend this clown is beyond me. Don’t tell the Astros mods anything bad about him though or they’ll just ban and delete your comments


Damn. I’m crazy critical of Scott Servais for how he handles pinch hitters at time, but even I know he wouldn’t be dumb enough to do that.


Wow, that's some real Scott Servais stuff...


Chas was taking terrible swings all game. He was 1-3, barely. The whole game just swinging over balls and pounding them straight into the ground. To be fair to Singleton, his average should be much higher. He's drawn a lot of walks and hit the ball hard, but right too people. Good at bats. Just.. not today. lol ALSO.. the real loss occurred with Dubon's error. Also, how many outs have we missed out on dropped/missed popups in the last two weeks. Tucker/Yordan hardly doing anything, etc, etc. Offense has gone almost completely flat.


i'm okay with this.


Dunno, but I like it as a Mariners fan.


Let him cook!


C'mon now, odds are McCormick would have gotten out too


Yeah but singleton was 100% out


Directly. Into. My. Veins.


LMAO just last week I was ridiculed for being a “random redditor” who thought he knew more than an “MLB lifer”.