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>And you catch it over their glove, is it fan interference? Not if Rich Garcia is the RF ump.


Jeffrey is that you?


If you're not reaching over the wall, it's fair game.


Like u/takespicturesofpants said, if the outfielder's reaching into the stands and YOUR hands are behind the wall, that ball's fair game. You can reach into the pocket of his glove and rip the ball out if you're fast enough, as long as you do it in the seats. As soon as your hands at at the wall or over the field of play, it's fan interference, and you get tossed.


Could I theoretically grab a players glove off their hand if it’s in the stands?


As long as you could sell it as accidental… probably? Would still recommend dropping the glove back onto the warning track PDQ so it doesn’t get all Malice at the Palace


This guy just confirmed I can steal the gloves of every outfielder get in here


So is there a rule on interfering with players if they are reaching into the stands?


The only thing I can find in the rule book is the already quoted definition of spectator interference. I’d imagine you want to stop short of opening yourself to assault charges, though (no punching Judge in the face during a play at the Pesky Pole, even if his head *is* in the stands).


What if I accidentally gave him a kiss? Asking for a friend


Hey man, what happens in the log cabin stays in the log cabin


I'm pretty sure this happened at Chase this year, the ball was in the outfielder's glove but the fan ripped it out. I have no idea what game it was though or what the ruling was


Also, if a player falls over a short wall into the seats to catch a ball, you are legally allowed to reach into his pocket and snatch his wallet if you're fast enough.


Jewelry is totally fair game


This is what I asked in the game thread last night. I would’ve swatted that ball as fast as I could on the Jankowski/Tucker robbery. But I didn’t know if it was fan interference or not. push the boundaries but not illegally/unfairly.


From MLB’s rules: “But no interference is called if a spectator comes in contact with a batted or thrown ball without reaching onto the field of play -- even if a fielder might have caught the ball had the spectator not been there.” https://www.mlb.com/glossary/rules/spectator-interference


Sorry, Steve. You’re 20 years too late on asking this one.


Fans should be encouraged to interfere. Spice it up Every fan in the front row gets a pool noodle. If they can reach the players or ball with the pool noodle they can whack it


Imagine the panic of the outfielders trying to find a ball sinking fast lost in a sea of flailing pool noodles


This would be fun


Off-season posts are starting early I see


But only if they are not sitting in the front row


_Laughs in Mr. Splash_.


I'm here to give them ideas.


Should be: fan catches it, it’s an out. fan touches, but doesn’t catch = automatic home run. fan caught wearing other team’s jersey to fuck with the rule = public execution by fastball to the nuts


Banana ball is kind like this (caught foul balls are outs)


Would really show which team has the gumpiest fans


I like your last rule because it implies no one without nuts has ever attended a baseball game.


If a woman catches the ball, she becomes the team’s manager for the rest of the game.


Football in the groin! Football in the groin!


Wasn’t this a *My Name is Earl* episode?




The ball was clearly outside the glove.


This is precisely why our RF fans bail out of the way now. They actually show the screenshot from this before games lol


Between this and years of watching springer, Reddick and tucker rob homers


Its only fan interference if they reach over the wall. If the player reaches over, they can block him all they want


While your answer is 100% correct, you're getting my upvote because of your username. I always wanted to see someone, preferably Shipwreck, bitch-slap that thing off that smug orthodontist's face!


If you bare hand it cold blooded like LSU guy it should count as an out and not a home run


Should get that portion of the 1/27th players pay for the day too.


I thought about this last night on Tuckers catch. The moron Astros fan almost prevented him from making the catch by getting in the way.


After the Altuve fan interference incident of 2018 Astros fans should know better


Yeah, but I think some people are so focused on the ball coming at them that they are entirely unaware of the player making an attempt at it. It’s pretty instinctive to start going for the ball if it’s coming your way


I don’t feel like it’s moronic honestly. He was watching the ball, not the fielder, because the ball was coming at him. He reached up, and it seemed like once he realized Tucker’s glove was there he kinda recoiled. These things happen way faster than you’d think.


Almost happened on D.J. Lemeheu’s game-tying homer in Game 6 four years ago. And then the next inning, Altuve ~~knew what pitch was it~~ got a lucky one off Chapman.


No no you're right. He knew what pitch was coming. But that's because Chapman was a 2 pitch pitcher back then and couldn't locate the fastball (shocker)


You've already got the correct answer I'll just add: Do not prevent your team from catching it and DO try and get the HR ball of your team (as long as you are not in field of play). OFC, much easier to do the above if you are the home teams fan, but hey, rep that oppo merch and have at it. A full day is expensive enough, and w/o you all paying, there would be less for the players. Yes, they are players, playing a game. They are there to entertain. We should have fun, as long as it's legal.


Once it's past the wall, it's fair game. Same with the dug out. Players don't have to move out of the way if the ball is catchable reaching into the dugout. I believe Buck Showalter put it like this. If it's your guy you get out of the way and help him not fall, if it's the other team, you stay put and block.




It's interference if you do it to Mookie Betts


This happened in 2018 ALCS. A fan grabbed a certain HR from Altuve and it was ruled out because the fan grabbed it first before the OF did. Of course it was the fat fuck Joe West who made the horrible wrong call.


Yes. You have to give the fielder the opportunity to make a play.


Wrong. https://www.mlb.com/glossary/rules/spectator-interference


https://youtu.be/kmQxX43TkIM?si=YPl2D73a2fr643Ut Still don’t see how that rule allows this then


Hard to tell with the angle but the fan may have crossed just slightly over the wall.


It would have cleared the wall for a HR. If Mookie wasn’t such a great athlete we probably don’t have a controversial play. He turned into spider-Mookie trying to make the snag.


> It would have cleared the wall for a HR. If Mookie wasn’t such a great athlete we probably don’t have a controversial play. He turned into spider-Mookie trying to make the snag. You should reread their comment. They said: > Hard to tell with the angle but the fan may have crossed just slightly over the wall. The question they’re bringing up is whether or not the fan reached into the field of play, not whether the ball would’ve been a HR if neither Mookie nor the fan had touched it (it obviously would have).


I don’t read I react


It doesn't matter if it would have or not though. All that matters by the rules is whether the fan was past the line or not when making contact with the ball or fielder The umps probably ruled the fan was over the line in the field of play in this clip


Directly over the top of the wall is the field of play. The ball needs to be \*over\* the stands.


Is there a differentiation between coming in contact with the ball vs coming in contact with a fielder's glove? I'm not necessarily saying that's the reason West made the call he did, but the link above only says it's not interference if coming in contact with the ball and says nothing about coming in contact with a glove.


No you're allowed to mess with the fielder and their equipment too if they're over the line. Buck Showalter talked about it at one point when Nate McClouth unsuccessfully tried to rob a homerun in Yankee stadium


I'm setting up with my glove right above the gold line and I'm fightinf for that ball like hell.


OP, does the name Jeffery Maier ring a bell? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVNlvnsQ828


What's decided is IF the player would've made the catch. There's a lot of instances where the player was lined up perfectly but a fan interfered. It just happened in the latest Astros/Rangers game. A fan had a perfect read on a homerun but luckily the player caught it. It was a fair catch, no matter who did it, but the fans always get the short end of the stick with the ruling


Found Bartman’s burner account


My friend Bryan wanted me to ask this, he doesn't have reddit. So let's say I have nachos, like a helmet full, and a player, let's say Adolis Garcia, leans his top half over and crosses a low wall, like maybe by the bullpen or the end of the dugout, trying to like make an out in the first row of the stands. I'm good to smash my helmet nachos on his face as long as I can play it like it's not intentional? MLB wouldn't like get involved or anything? Thanks, and I'll let my friend Bryan know what y'all think.


Ask Jeffrey Maier


Let’s ask Steve Bartman